All Classes and Interfaces
A generic unit of acceleration.
JNI for accelerometer data.
Accelerometer HAL JNI methods.
Structure for holding the values stored in an accumulator.
A class for driving addressable LEDs, such as WS2812B, WS2815, and NeoPixels.
Order that color data is sent over the wire.
Buffer storage for Addressable LEDs.
A view of another addressable LED buffer.
JNI for addressable LED data.
Addressable LED HAL JNI Methods.
Class to control a simulated addressable LED.
This class is for the ADIS16448 IMU that connects to the RoboRIO MXP port.
ADIS16448 calibration times.
IMU axes.
Class to control a simulated ADIS16448 gyroscope.
This class is for the ADIS16470 IMU that connects to the RoboRIO SPI port.
ADIS16470 calibration times.
IMU axes.
Class to control a simulated ADIS16470 gyroscope.
ADXL345 I2C Accelerometer.
Container type for accelerations from all axes.
Accelerometer axes.
Accelerometer range.
ADXL345 SPI Accelerometer.
Container type for accelerations from all axes.
Accelerometer axes.
Accelerometer range.
Class to control a simulated ADXL345.
ADXL362 SPI Accelerometer.
Container type for accelerations from all axes.
Accelerometer axes.
Accelerometer range.
Class to control a simulated ADXL362.
Use a rate gyro to return the robots heading relative to a starting position.
Class to control a simulated ADXRS450 gyroscope.
Persistent alert to be sent via NetworkTables.
Represents an alert's level of urgency.
Alliance station ID.
Exception indicating that the resource is already allocated.
Handle operation of an analog accelerometer.
Class for supporting continuous analog encoders, such as the US Digital MA3.
Class to control a simulated analog encoder.
Use a rate gyro to return the robots heading relative to a starting position.
JNI for analog gyro data.
Analog Gyro JNI Functions.
Class to control a simulated analog gyro.
JNI for analog input data.
Analog channel class.
Class to control a simulated analog input.
Analog Input / Output / Accumulator / Trigger JNI Functions.
native declaration : AthenaJava\target\native\include\HAL\Analog.h:58
enum values
enum values
JNI for analog output data.
Analog output class.
Class to control a simulated analog output.
Class for reading analog potentiometers.
Class for creating and configuring Analog Triggers.
JNI for analog trigger data.
Class to represent a specific output from an analog trigger.
Exceptions dealing with improper operation of the Analog trigger output.
Defines the state in which the AnalogTrigger triggers.
Class to control a simulated analog trigger.
Angle statistics functions.
Unit of angular dimension.
A unit of angular acceleration, such as
.A unit of angular momentum, modeled as linear momentum of an object rotating some distance away
from the axis of rotation.
A unit of angular velocity like
.Represents an AprilTag's metadata.
A detection of an AprilTag tag.
An AprilTag detector engine.
Detector configuration.
Quad threshold parameters.
Class for representing a layout of AprilTags on a field and reading them from a JSON format.
Common origin positions for the AprilTag coordinate system.
Loadable AprilTag field layouts.
AprilTag JNI.
Sets whether JNI should be loaded in the static block.
A pair of AprilTag pose estimates.
Pose estimators for AprilTag tags.
Configuration for the pose estimator.
A helper class that computes feedforward outputs for a simple arm (modeled as a motor acting
against the force of gravity on a beam suspended at an angle).
ArmFeedforward JNI.
Class for handling asynchronous interrupts using a callback thread.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Use HttpCamera instead.
Exception thrown when encountering a bad schema.
Implements a bang-bang controller, which outputs either 0 or 1 depending on whether the
measurement is less than the setpoint.
The base units of measure.
A utility class to simulate the robot battery.
NetworkTables BooleanArray entry.
Log array of boolean values.
NetworkTables BooleanArray publisher.
NetworkTables BooleanArray subscriber.
NetworkTables BooleanArray topic.
Represents an operation that accepts a single boolean-valued argument and returns no result.
NetworkTables Boolean entry.
This class provides an easy way to link actions to active high logic signals.
Log boolean values.
NetworkTables Boolean publisher.
NetworkTables Boolean subscriber.
NetworkTables Boolean topic.
This exception represents an error in which a lower limit was set as higher than an upper limit.
Interface for simulation buffer callbacks.
Built-in accelerometer.
Accelerometer range.
Class to control a simulated built-in accelerometer.
The types of layouts bundled with Shuffleboard.
The types of the widgets bundled with Shuffleboard.
Manages simulation callbacks; each object is associated with a callback.
Singleton class for creating and keeping camera servers.
CameraServer JNI.
Sets whether JNI should be loaded in the static block.
Logger functional interface.
Telemetry kind.
CameraServer shared functions.
Storage for CameraServerShared instance.
High level class for interfacing with CAN devices conforming to the standard CAN spec.
CAN API HAL JNI Functions.
CAN API Types.
FRC CAN device type.
FRC CAN manufacturer ID.
Represents a received CAN message.
Checks the status of a CAN message and throws an exception of the appropriate type if necessary.
Exception indicating that a CAN driver library entry-point was passed an invalid buffer.
CAN API HAL JNI Functions.
Exception indicating that the Jaguar CAN Driver layer refused to send a restricted message ID to
the CAN bus.
Exception indicating that a can message is not available from Network Communications.
Exception indicating that the CAN driver layer has not been initialized.
Structure for holding the result of a CAN Status request.
Represents a CAN message read from a stream.
Exception indicating that a CAN stream overflowed at some point between reads, therefore some
messages were lost.
A constraint on the maximum absolute centripetal acceleration allowed when traversing a
Represents the speed of a robot chassis.
Exception indicating that the resource is already allocated.
This is a simple circular buffer so we don't need to "bucket brigade" copy old values.
Loads classes by name.
Base class for class-specific generated loggers.
An object containing a Stack of AutoCloseable objects that are closed when this object is closed.
Represents colors.
Represents a color channel in an RGB color.
Represents colors with 8 bits of precision.
A helper class for creating and caching combined unit objects.
Loads dynamic libraries for all platforms.
A state machine representing a complete action to be performed by the robot.
An enum describing the command's behavior when another command with a shared requirement is
A version of
with Trigger
factories for command-based.A version of
with Trigger
factories for command-based.A version of
with Trigger
factories for command-based.Namespace for command factory methods.
The scheduler responsible for running
s.A version of
with Trigger
factories for command-based.A version of
with Trigger
factories for command-based.A Shuffleboard widget that handles a
object such as a motor controller or
sensor.Class for operating a compressor connected to a pneumatics module.
Compressor config type.
Computer vision utility functions.
A command composition that runs one of two commands, depending on the value of the given
condition when this command is initialized.
NetworkTables Connection information.
Constants HAL JNI functions.
Constructs a control-affine plant inversion model-based feedforward from given model dynamics.
Protobuf type
Protobuf type
Protobuf type
Protobuf type
Protobuf type
A wrapper for the HALControlWord bitfield.
A class representing a coordinate system axis within the NWU coordinate system.
A helper class that converts Pose3d objects between different standard coordinate frames.
Class for counting the number of ticks on a digital input channel.
Mode determines how and what the counter counts.
Interface for counting the number of ticks on a digital input channel.
The number of edges for the CounterBase to increment or decrement on.
Counter HAL JNI functions.
An error handler implementation that will throw an exception if logging raised an exception.
JNI for CTRE PCM data.
CTRE Pneumatic Control Module (PCM) Functions.
Class to control a simulated Pneumatic Control Module (PCM).
Represents a hermite spline of degree 3.
Unit of electric current dimension.
Placed on a subclass of
.A sink for user code to accept video frames as OpenCV images.
A source that represents a video camera.
DARE solver utility functions.
A data log for high-speed writing of data values.
A data log background writer that periodically flushes the data log on a background thread.
Log entry base class.
DataLogReader iterator.
DataLog wpiutil JNI Functions.
Centralized data log that provides automatic data log file management.
Data log reader (reads logs written by the DataLog class).
A record in the data log.
Data contained in a set metadata control record as created by DataLog.setMetadata().
Data contained in a start control record as created by DataLog.start() when writing the log.
A data log writer that flushes the data log to a file when flush() is called.
Holds the constants for a DC motor.
Represents a simulated DC motor mechanism.
A simple debounce filter for boolean streams.
Type of debouncing to perform.
Defers Command construction to runtime.
A class for driving differential drive/skid-steer drive platforms such as the Kit of Parts drive
base, "tank drive", or West Coast Drive.
Wheel speeds for a differential drive.
Filters the provided voltages to limit a differential drive's linear and angular acceleration.
A helper class which computes the feedforward outputs for a differential drive drivetrain.
Helper class that converts a chassis velocity (dx and dtheta components) to left and right wheel
velocities for a differential drive.
A class that enforces constraints on the differential drive kinematics.
Class for differential drive odometry.
Class for differential drive odometry.
This class wraps
Differential Drive Odometry
to fuse
latency-compensated vision measurements with differential drive encoder measurements.This class wraps
Differential Drive Odometry
to fuse
latency-compensated vision measurements with differential drive encoder measurements.This class simulates the state of the drivetrain.
Represents a gearing option of the Toughbox mini.
Represents common motor layouts of the kit drivetrain.
Represents common wheel sizes of the kit drivetrain.
A class that enforces constraints on differential drive voltage expenditure based on the motor
dynamics and the drive kinematics.
Represents the wheel positions for a differential drive drivetrain.
Represents the wheel speeds for a differential drive drivetrain.
Motor voltages for a differential drive.
Class to enable glitch filtering on a set of digital inputs.
Digital Glitch Filter JNI functions.
Class to read a digital input.
Class to write digital outputs.
JNI for digital PWM data.
Class to control a simulated digital PWM output.
DigitalSource Interface.
A type of unit that corresponds to raw values and not any physical dimension, such as percentage.
JNI for DIO data.
Digital Input/Output (IO) JNI Functions.
Class to control a simulated digital input or output.
Discretization helper functions.
Unit of linear dimension.
Class for configuring Direct Memory Access (DMA) of FPGA inputs.
DMA HAL JNI functions.
DMA sample.
DMA read status.
Digilent DMC 60 Motor Controller.
NetworkTables DoubleArray entry.
Log array of double values.
NetworkTables DoubleArray publisher.
NetworkTables DoubleArray subscriber.
NetworkTables DoubleArray topic.
This is a simple circular buffer so we don't need to "bucket brigade" copy old values.
NetworkTables Double entry.
Log double values.
NetworkTables Double publisher.
DoubleSolenoid class for running 2 channels of high voltage Digital Output on the pneumatics
Possible values for a DoubleSolenoid.
Class to control a simulated
.NetworkTables Double subscriber.
NetworkTables Double topic.
Provide access to the network communication data to / from the Driver Station.
The robot alliance that the robot is a part of.
The type of robot match that the robot is part of.
JNI for Driver Station data.
Driver Station JNI Functions.
For internal use only.
Class to control a simulated driver station.
A wrapper around Driver Station control word.
Class to read a duty cycle PWM input.
JNI for duty cycle data.
Class for supporting duty cycle/PWM encoders, such as the US Digital MA3 with PWM Output, the
CTRE Mag Encoder, the Rev Hex Encoder, and the AM Mag Encoder.
Class to control a simulated duty cycle encoder.
DutyCycle HAL JNI functions.
Class to control a simulated duty cycle digital input.
Dynamic (run-time) access to a serialized raw struct.
Edge configuration.
Eigen JNI.
A helper class that computes feedforward outputs for a simple elevator (modeled as a motor acting
against the force of gravity).
Represents a simulated elevator mechanism.
Represents a 2d ellipse space containing translational, rotational, and scaling components.
Ellipse2d JNI.
Enforces a particular constraint only within an elliptical region.
Class to read quadrature encoders.
Encoder indexing types.
JNI for encoder data.
Encoder JNI Functions.
Class to control a simulated encoder.
Unit of energy dimension.
NetworkTables entry base implementation.
A backend is a generic interface for Epilogue to log discrete data points.
A configuration object to be used by the generated
class to customize its
behavior.An error handler is used by the Logged framework to catch and process any errors that occur
during the logging process.
Utility class for common WPILib error messages.
An error handler implementation that prints error information to the console.
An atomic signaling event for synchronization.
The importance of an event marker in Shuffleboard.
A declarative way to bind a set of actions to a loop and execute them when the loop is polled.
A thread-safe container for handling events.
A exponential curve-shaped velocity profile.
Profile constraints.
Profile timing.
Profile state.
A Kalman filter combines predictions from a model and measurements to give an estimate of the
true system state.
Counter using external direction.
2D representation of game field for dashboards.
Game field object on a Field2d.
A backend implementation that saves information to a WPILib
file on disk.A class version of `tail -f`, otherwise known as `tail -f` at home.
Class for interacting with the Filesystem, particularly, interacting with FRC-related paths on
the system, such as the launch and deploy directories.
NetworkTables FloatArray entry.
Log array of float values.
NetworkTables FloatArray publisher.
NetworkTables FloatArray subscriber.
NetworkTables FloatArray topic.
Represents an operation that accepts a single float-valued argument and returns no result.
NetworkTables Float entry.
Log float values.
NetworkTables Float publisher.
NetworkTables Float subscriber.
Represents a supplier of float-valued results.
NetworkTables Float topic.
Represents a simulated flywheel mechanism.
A unit of force like
.JNI wrapper for library FRC_NetworkCommunication
Instances from UsageReporting.
Resource type from UsageReporting.
A unit of frequency like
.A command that allows the user to pass in functions for each of the basic command methods through
the constructor.
NetworkTables generic entry.
Handle input from standard HID devices connected to the Driver Station.
USB HID interface type.
Represents a rumble output on the Joystick.
Class to control a simulated generic joystick.
A generic implementation of a mutable measure.
NetworkTables generic publisher.
NetworkTables generic subscriber.
Protobuf type
Protobuf type
Protobuf type
Protobuf type
Protobuf type
Protobuf type
Protobuf type
Protobuf type
Protobuf type
Protobuf type
Protobuf type
Protobuf type
Protobuf type
JNI Wrapper for Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL).
A callback to be run by IterativeRobotBase after the user's simulationPeriodic code.
A callback to be run by IterativeRobotBase prior to the user's simulationPeriodic code.
Exception indicating that an error has occurred with a HAL Handle.
Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) Utilities JNI Functions.
Represents a HAL entry value.
This holonomic drive controller can be used to follow trajectories using a holonomic drivetrain
A source that represents a MJPEG-over-HTTP (IP) camera.
HTTP camera kind.
I2C bus interface class.
I2C connection ports.
JNI for I2C data.
I2C HAL JNI functions.
A class to control a simulated I2C device.
A base class for single image reading sinks.
A base class for single image providing sources.
A measure holds the magnitude and unit of some dimension, such as distance, time, or speed.
Contains the controller coefficients and logic for an implicit model follower.
A Command that runs instantly; it will initialize, execute once, and end on the same iteration of
the scheduler.
NetworkTables IntegerArray entry.
Log array of integer values.
NetworkTables IntegerArray publisher.
NetworkTables IntegerArray subscriber.
NetworkTables IntegerArray topic.
NetworkTables Integer entry.
Log integer values.
NetworkTables Integer publisher.
NetworkTables Integer subscriber.
NetworkTables Integer topic.
This class is intended to be used within a program.
An object should extend interpolatable if you wish to interpolate between a lower and upper
bound, such as a robot position on the field between timesteps.
Interpolating Tree Maps are used to get values at points that are not defined by making a guess
from points that are defined.
Interpolating Tree Maps are used to get values at points that are not defined by making a guess
from points that are defined.
Interpolating Tree Maps are used to get values at points that are not defined by making a guess
from points that are defined.
An interpolation function that returns a value interpolated between an upper and lower bound.
Interrupt HAL JNI functions.
An inverse interpolation function which determines where within an interpolation range an object
IterativeRobotBase implements a specific type of robot program framework, extending the RobotBase
Luminary Micro / Vex Robotics Jaguar Motor Controller.
Base class for all JNI wrappers.
Sets whether JNI should be loaded in the static block.
Handle input from Flight Joysticks connected to the Driver Station.
Represents an analog axis on a joystick.
Represents a digital button on a joystick.
that gets its state from a GenericHID
.Class to control a simulated joystick.
A Kalman filter combines predictions from a model and measurements to give an estimate of the
true system state.
This class incorporates time-delayed measurements into a Kalman filter's state estimate.
Interface for Kalman filters for use with KalmanFilterLatencyCompensator.
Helper class that converts a chassis velocity (dx and dtheta components) into wheel speeds.
Protobuf type
Protobuf type
Protobuf type
Protobuf type
Protobuf type
Protobuf type
Protobuf type
Protobuf type
Protobuf type
Protobuf type
AndyMark Koors40 Motor Controller.
Represents the type of a layout in Shuffleboard.
A backend implementation that only logs data when it changes.
LED JNI Functions.
An LED pattern controls lights on an LED strip to command patterns of color that may change over
Types of gradients.
A functional interface for index mapping functions.
Generic interface for reading data from an LED buffer.
A functional interface that allows for iteration over an LED buffer without manually writing an
indexed for-loop.
Generic interface for writing data to an LED buffer.
Raw struct schema lexer.
A unit of linear acceleration like
.This class implements a linear, digital filter.
A unit of linear momentum like
.Constructs a plant inversion model-based feedforward from a
.Contains the controller coefficients and logic for a linear-quadratic regulator (LQR).
A plant defined using state-space notation.
Linear system ID utility functions.
Combines a controller, feedforward, and observer for controlling a mechanism with full state
This class helps simulate linear systems.
A unit of linear velocity like
.The LiveWindow class is the public interface for putting sensors and actuators on the LiveWindow.
A sendable builder implementation that sends data to a
.Place this annotation on a class to automatically log every field and every public accessor
method (methods with no arguments and return a loggable data type).
Data importance.
Different behaviors for how Epilogue will generate the names of logged data points.
Opt-in or opt-out strategies for logging.
An error handler that disables loggers after too many exceptions are raised.
NetworkTables log message.
A variant on
java.util.HashMap<K, V>
that uses primitive long ints for map keys instead
of autoboxed Long objects like would be used for a Map<Long, V>
.Interface for map iterator function.
The linear time-varying differential drive controller has a similar form to the LQR, but the
model used to compute the controller gain is the nonlinear differential drive model linearized
around the drivetrain's current state.
The linear time-varying unicycle controller has a similar form to the LQR, but the model used to
compute the controller gain is the nonlinear unicycle model linearized around the drivetrain's
current state.
Unit of mass dimension.
A class for constructing arbitrary RxC matrices.
Structure for holding the match info data request.
WPIMath utility functions.
Storage for MathShared object.
WPIMath usage reporting IDs.
Math utility functions.
A shape-safe wrapper over Efficient Java Matrix Library (EJML) matrices.
Represents a constraint that enforces a max velocity.
A measure holds the magnitude and unit of some dimension, such as distance, time, or speed.
A command that uses two PID controllers (
) and a ProfiledPIDController
) to follow a trajectory Trajectory
with a mecanum drive.A consumer to represent an operation on the voltages of a mecanum drive.
A class for driving Mecanum drive platforms.
Wheel speeds for a mecanum drive.
Helper class that converts a chassis velocity (dx, dy, and dtheta components) into individual
wheel speeds.
A class that enforces constraints on the mecanum drive kinematics.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Class for mecanum drive odometry.
Class for mecanum drive odometry.
This class wraps
Mecanum Drive Odometry
to fuse latency-compensated
vision measurements with mecanum drive encoder distance measurements.This class wraps
Mecanum Drive Odometry
to fuse
latency-compensated vision measurements with mecanum drive encoder distance measurements.Represents the wheel positions for a mecanum drive drivetrain.
Represents the wheel speeds for a mecanum drive drivetrain.
Visual 2D representation of arms, elevators, and general mechanisms through a node-based API.
Ligament node on a Mechanism2d.
Common base class for all Mechanism2d node types.
Root Mechanism2d node.
A class that implements a moving-window median filter.
Generates sigma points and weights according to Van der Merwe's 2004 dissertation[1] for the
UnscentedKalmanFilter class.
A sink that acts as a MJPEG-over-HTTP network server.
A unit of moment of inertia, like
.Interface for motor controlling devices.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
or if using CAN motor
controllers, use their method of following.The Motor Safety feature acts as a watchdog timer for an individual motor.
Exception thrown due to a bad MSVC Runtime.
A backend implementation that delegates to other backends.
Class to announce over mDNS that a service is available.
Class to resolve a service over mDNS.
Subscribe to multiple topics based on one or more topic name prefixes.
A combinatory unit type that is equivalent to the product of two other others.
MutableMeasure<U extends Unit,Base extends Measure<U>,MutSelf extends MutableMeasure<U,Base,MutSelf>>
A mutable measurement can be used to keep a single object allocation and reference whose state is
mutated or changed as it is used.
MutableMeasureBase<U extends Unit,Base extends Measure<U>,MutSelf extends MutableMeasure<U,Base,MutSelf>>
A partial implementation of
to handle most of the state and Java object-
related implementations.A class representing the number 0.
A class representing the number 1.
A class representing the number 10.
A class representing the number 11.
A class representing the number 12.
A class representing the number 13.
A class representing the number 14.
A class representing the number 15.
A class representing the number 16.
A class representing the number 17.
A class representing the number 18.
A class representing the number 19.
A class representing the number 2.
A class representing the number 20.
A class representing the number 3.
A class representing the number 4.
A class representing the number 5.
A class representing the number 6.
A class representing the number 7.
A class representing the number 8.
A class representing the number 9.
A natural number expressed as a java class.
A backend that logs to an underlying backend, prepending all logged data with a specific prefix.
This class provides an easy way to link NetworkTables boolean topics to callback actions.
that uses a NetworkTable
boolean field.A network table that knows its subtable path.
A listener that listens to new tables in a
.A listener that listens to events on topics in a
.NetworkTables Entry.
NetworkTables event.
NetworkTable event kind.
NetworkTables Instance.
Client/server mode flag values (as returned by
).Event listener.
Event listener poller.
NetworkTables JNI.
Sets whether JNI should be loaded in the static block.
Network table data types.
A network table entry value.
Nidec Brushless Motor.
NI RIO status.
Notifiers run a user-provided callback function on a separate thread.
A command that starts a notifier to run the given runnable periodically in a separate thread.
JNI for notifier data.
The NotifierJNI class directly wraps the C++ HAL Notifier.
Class to control simulated notifiers.
A field or method annotated as
will be ignored by Epilogue when determining
the data to log.A backend implementation that sends data over network tables.
Interface for NetworkTable Sendable objects.
Helper class for building Sendable dashboard representations for NetworkTables.
Null backend implementation that logs nothing.
A number expressed as a java class.
Numerical integration utilities.
Numerical Jacobian utilities.
Class for odometry.
Class for odometry.
This class represents the onboard IO of the Romi reference robot.
Mode for Romi onboard IO channel.
OpenCV Native Loader.
Sets whether JNI should be loaded in the static block.
Represents a pair of two objects.
A command composition that runs a set of commands in parallel, ending when the last command ends.
A command composition that runs a set of commands in parallel, ending only when a specific
command (the "deadline") ends, interrupting all other commands that are still running at that
A composition that runs a set of commands in parallel, ending when any one of the commands ends
and interrupting all the others.
Raw struct schema declaration.
Raw struct schema.
Exception for parsing errors.
Raw struct schema parser.
Class to control a simulated Power Distribution Panel (PDP).
Generic combinatory unit type that represents the proportion of one unit to another, such as
Meters per Second or Radians per Celsius.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Use a PIDController instead
Implements a PID control loop.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Use a PIDController instead
Image pixel format.
Protobuf type
Module class for controlling a REV Robotics Pneumatic Hub.
Interface for pneumatics devices.
Common base class for pneumatics module simulation classes.
Module class for controlling a Cross The Road Electronics Pneumatics Control Module.
Pneumatics module type.
Forward ports to another host.
Ports HAL JNI functions.
Represents a 2D pose containing translational and rotational elements.
Represents a 3D pose containing translational and rotational elements.
Pose3d JNI.
This class wraps
to fuse latency-compensated vision measurements with encoder
measurements.This class wraps
to fuse latency-compensated vision measurements with encoder
measurements.Represents a pair of a pose and a curvature.
that gets its state from a POV on a GenericHID
.Class for getting voltage, current, temperature, power and energy from the CTRE Power
Distribution Panel (PDP) or REV Power Distribution Hub (PDH) over CAN.
Power distribution module type.
JNI for power distribution data.
Faults for a PowerDistribution device.
Power Distribution JNI Functions.
Sticky faults for a PowerDistribution device.
Power distribution version.
Power HAL JNI Functions.
Unit of power dimension.
The preferences class provides a relatively simple way to save important values to the roboRIO to
access the next time the roboRIO is booted.
A command that prints a string when initialized.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Use a ProfiledPIDController instead
Implements a PID control loop whose setpoint is constrained by a trapezoid profile.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Use a ProfiledPIDController instead
Interface for Protobuf serialization.
Reusable buffer for serialization/deserialization to/from a protobuf.
NetworkTables protobuf-encoded value entry.
Log protobuf-encoded values.
NetworkTables protobuf-encoded value publisher.
Marker interface to indicate a class is serializable using Protobuf serialization.
NetworkTables protobuf-encoded value subscriber.
NetworkTables protobuf-encoded value topic.
Schedules a given command when this command is initialized and ends when it ends, but does not
directly run it.
Handle input from PS4 controllers connected to the Driver Station.
Represents an axis on an PS4Controller.
Represents a digital button on a PS4Controller.
Class to control a simulated PS4 controller.
Handle input from PS5 controllers connected to the Driver Station.
Represents an axis on an PS5Controller.
Represents a digital button on a PS5Controller.
Class to control a simulated PS5 controller.
NetworkTables publisher.
NetworkTables publisher or subscriber.
NetworkTables publish/subscribe option.
NetworkTables publish/subscribe options.
Class implements the PWM generation in the FPGA.
Represents the amount to multiply the minimum servo-pulse pwm period by.
Structure for holding the config data result for PWM.
JNI for PWM data.
PWM JNI Functions.
Common base class for all PWM Motor Controllers.
Class to control a simulated PWM output.
REV Robotics SPARK Flex Motor Controller.
REV Robotics SPARK MAX Motor Controller.
Cross the Road Electronics (CTRE) Talon FX Motor Controller.
Cross the Road Electronics (CTRE) Talon SRX Motor Controller.
Playing with Fusion Venom Motor Controller.
Cross the Road Electronics (CTRE) Victor SPX Motor Controller.
Represents a quaternion.
Represents a hermite spline of degree 5.
A command that uses a RAMSETE controller (
) to follow a trajectory
with a differential drive.Ramsete is a nonlinear time-varying feedback controller for unicycle models that drives the model
to a desired pose along a two-dimensional trajectory.
NetworkTables Raw entry.
Class for storing raw frame data between image read call.
Log raw byte array values.
NetworkTables Raw publisher.
A sink for user code to accept video frames as raw bytes.
A source for user code to provide video frames as raw bytes.
NetworkTables Raw subscriber.
NetworkTables Raw topic.
A read-only set of unique primitive
values.Represents a 2d rectangular space containing translational, rotational, and scaling components.
Enforces a particular constraint only within a rectangular region.
Implement this interface to have access to a `reflectionCleanup` method that can be called from
your `close` method, that will use reflection to find all `AutoCloseable` instance members and
close them.
Class for VEX Robotics Spike style relay outputs.
The Direction(s) that a relay is configured to operate in.
This class represents errors in trying to set relay values contradictory to the direction to
which the relay is set.
The state to drive a Relay to.
JNI for relay data.
Relay Output HAL JNI Functions.
Class to control a simulated relay.
A command that runs another command repeatedly, restarting it when it ends, until this command is
Unit of resistance dimension.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Will be removed with no replacement.
JNI for REV PH data.
Faults for a REV PH.
REV Pneumatic Hub (PH) HAL JNI functions.
Class to control a simulated PneumaticHub (PH).
Sticky faults for a REV PH.
Version and device data received from a REV PH.
JNI for roboRIO data.
A utility class to control a simulated RoboRIO.
Implement a Robot Program framework.
Contains functions for roboRIO functionality.
State for the radio led.
Common base class for drive platforms.
The location of a motor on the robot for the purpose of driving.
A class containing static
factories for running callbacks when the robot mode
changes.Robot state utility functions.
Use a rate gyro to return the robots heading relative to a starting position.
A rotation in a 2D coordinate frame represented by a point on the unit circle (cosine and sine).
A rotation in a 3D coordinate frame represented by a quaternion.
A command that runs a Runnable continuously.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
platform detection is brittle and may be removed in the future.
Loads a native library at runtime.
Runtime type.
Schedules the given commands when this command is initialized.
Mindsensors SD540 Motor Controller.
A command composition that runs one of a selection of commands using a selector and a key to
command mapping.
A semaphore for synchronization.
The base interface for objects that can be sent over the network.
Helper class for building Sendable dashboard representations.
The backend kinds used for the sendable builder.
Implementation detail for SendableBuilder.
A wrapper to make video sources sendable and usable from Shuffleboard.
class is a useful tool for presenting a selection of options to the
.Class that facilitates control of a SendableChooser's selected option in simulation.
The SendableRegistry class is the public interface for registering sensors and actuators for use
on dashboards and LiveWindow.
Data passed to foreachLiveWindow() callback function.
Stores most recent status information as well as containing utility functions for checking
channels and error processing.
A command composition that runs a list of commands in sequence.
Driver for the serial ports (USB, MXP, Onboard) on the roboRIO.
Represents what type of flow control to use for serial communication.
Represents the parity to use for serial communications.
Serial port.
Represents the number of stop bits to use for Serial Communication.
Represents which type of buffer mode to use when writing to a serial port.
Serial Port JNI HAL functions.
Service data for MulticastServiceResolver.
Standard hobby style servo.
SharpIR analog distance sensor class.
Simulation class for Sharp IR sensors.
The Shuffleboard class provides a mechanism with which data can be added and laid out in the
Shuffleboard dashboard application from a robot program.
A generic component in Shuffleboard.
Common interface for objects that can contain shuffleboard components.
A layout in a Shuffleboard tab.
Represents a tab in the Shuffleboard dashboard.
A wrapper around a simulator boolean value handle.
A wrapper around a simulator device handle.
Sim device direction.
JNI for sim device data.
SimDevice JNI Functions.
Class to control the simulation side of a SimDevice.
A wrapper around a simulator double value handle.
A wrapper around a simulator enum value handle.
Simulation hooks.
A wrapper around a simulator int value handle.
A wrapper around a simulator long value handle.
A helper class that computes feedforward outputs for a simple permanent-magnet DC motor.
A Shuffleboard widget that handles a single data point such as a number or string.
An implementation of the Simulated Annealing stochastic nonlinear optimization method.
JNI for simulator.
A wrapper around a simulator value handle.
Represents a simulated single jointed arm mechanism.
Attribute for telling JVM to skip object cleanup.
A class that limits the rate of change of an input value.
class is the bridge between robot programs and the SmartDashboard on
the laptop.Solenoid class for running high voltage Digital Output on a pneumatics module.
Class to control a simulated
.REV Robotics SPARK Motor Controller.
Represents an SPI bus port.
SPI mode.
SPI port.
JNI for SPI accelerometer data.
A class to control a simulated accelerometer over SPI.
JNI for SPI data.
SPI HAL JNI functions.
A class for controlling a simulated SPI device.
Represents a two-dimensional parametric spline that interpolates between two points.
Represents a control vector for a spline.
Protobuf type
Protobuf type
Helper class that is used to generate cubic and quintic splines from user provided waypoints.
Class used to parameterize a spline by its arc length.
Exception for malformed splines.
Handle input from Stadia controllers connected to the Driver Station.
Represents an axis on an StadiaController.
Represents a digital button on a StadiaController.
Class to control a simulated Stadia controller.
A command that runs a given runnable when it is initialized, and another runnable when it ends.
State-space utilities.
StateSpaceUtil JNI.
A Kalman filter combines predictions from a model and measurements to give an estimate of the
true system state.
NetworkTables StringArray entry.
Log array of string values.
NetworkTables StringArray publisher.
NetworkTables StringArray subscriber.
NetworkTables StringArray topic.
NetworkTables String entry.
Log string values.
NetworkTables String publisher.
NetworkTables String subscriber.
NetworkTables String topic.
Interface for raw struct serialization.
NetworkTables struct-encoded array value entry.
Log struct-encoded array values.
NetworkTables struct-encoded array value publisher.
NetworkTables struct-encoded array value subscriber.
NetworkTables struct-encoded array value topic.
Reusable buffer for serialization/deserialization to/from a raw struct.
Raw struct dynamic struct descriptor.
Database of raw struct dynamic descriptors.
NetworkTables struct-encoded value entry.
A utility class for fetching the assigned struct of existing classes.
Raw struct dynamic field descriptor.
Known data types for raw struct dynamic fields (see StructFieldDescriptor).
A utility class for procedurally generating
s from records and enums.A utility for building schema syntax in a procedural manner.
A utility for building enum fields in a procedural manner.
Log struct-encoded values.
NetworkTables struct-encoded value publisher.
Marker interface to indicate a class is serializable using Struct serialization.
NetworkTables struct-encoded value subscriber.
NetworkTables struct-encoded value topic.
NetworkTables subscriber.
A robot subsystem.
A base for subsystems that handles registration in the constructor, and provides a more intuitive
method for setting the default command.
A Shuffleboard widget whose value is provided by user code.
A command that uses two PID controllers (
) and a ProfiledPIDController
) to follow a trajectory Trajectory
with a swerve drive.Helper class that converts a chassis velocity (dx, dy, and dtheta components) into individual
module states (speed and angle).
A class that enforces constraints on the swerve drive kinematics.
Class for swerve drive odometry.
Class for swerve drive odometry.
This class wraps
Swerve Drive Odometry
to fuse latency-compensated
vision measurements with swerve drive encoder distance measurements.This class wraps
Swerve Drive Odometry
to fuse latency-compensated
vision measurements with swerve drive encoder distance measurements.Represents the state of one swerve module.
Represents the state of one swerve module.
Class for handling synchronous (blocking) interrupts.
Event trigger combinations for a synchronous interrupt.
A SysId characterization routine for a single mechanism.
Hardware-independent configuration for a SysId test routine.
Motor direction for a SysId test.
A mechanism to be characterized by a SysId routine.
Utility for logging data from a SysId test routine.
Possible state of a SysId routine.
Protobuf type
A listener that listens to new tables in a
Cross the Road Electronics (CTRE) Talon Motor Controller.
Unit of temperature dimension.
Thread utility functions.
Threads HAL JNI Functions.
TimedRobot implements the IterativeRobotBase robot program framework.
The TimeInterpolatableBuffer provides an easy way to estimate past measurements.
A timer class.
TimesliceRobot extends the TimedRobot robot program framework to provide timeslice scheduling of
periodic functions.
NetworkTables timestamped Boolean.
NetworkTables timestamped BooleanArray.
NetworkTables timestamped Double.
NetworkTables timestamped DoubleArray.
NetworkTables timestamped Float.
NetworkTables timestamped FloatArray.
NetworkTables timestamped Integer.
NetworkTables timestamped IntegerArray.
NetworkTables timestamped object.
NetworkTables timestamped Raw.
NetworkTables timestamped String.
NetworkTables timestamped StringArray.
Options for where the timestamp an
was captured at can be measured relative to.NetworkTables time sync event data.
Unit of time dimension.
A lexed raw struct schema token.
NetworkTables Topic.
NetworkTables topic information.
A unit of torque like
.A class for keeping track of how much time it takes for different parts of code to execute.
Represents a time-parameterized trajectory.
Protobuf type
Protobuf type
Represents a time-parameterized trajectory.
Represents the configuration for generating a trajectory.
An interface for defining user-defined velocity and acceleration constraints while generating
Represents a minimum and maximum acceleration.
Helper class used to generate trajectories with various constraints.
Control vector list type that works around type erasure signatures.
Class used to parameterize a trajectory by time.
Exception for trajectory generation failure.
Trajectory utilities.
Exception for trajectory serialization failure.
TrajectoryUtil JNI.
Represents a transformation for a Pose2d in the pose's frame.
Represents a transformation for a Pose3d in the pose's frame.
Represents a translation in 2D space.
Represents a translation in 3D space.
A trapezoid-shaped velocity profile.
Profile constraints.
Profile state.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Use a TrapezoidProfile instead
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Use a TrapezoidProfile instead
Given a list of poses, this class finds the shortest possible route that visits each pose exactly
once and returns to the origin pose.
This class provides an easy way to link commands to conditions.
A change in distance along a 2D arc since the last pose update.
A change in distance along a 3D arc since the last pose update.
Ultrasonic rangefinder class.
Class to control a simulated
.A function that accepts a single
and returns a double
result.Exception for bad status codes from the chip object.
Unit of measurement that defines a quantity, such as grams, meters, or seconds.
Builder used for easily deriving new units from existing ones.
A functional interface for constructing new units without relying on reflection.
Utility class that converts between commonly used units in FRC.
Contains a set of predefined units.
A Kalman filter combines predictions from a model and measurements to give an estimate of the
true system state.
Up Down Counter.
A source that represents a USB camera.
USB camera information.
NetworkTables value event data.
A class for constructing vectors (Nx1 matrices).
A shape-safe wrapper over Efficient Java Matrix Library (EJML) matrices.
Unit of velocity dimension that is a combination of a distance unit (numerator) and a time unit
Vex Robotics Victor 888 Motor Controller.
Vex Robotics Victor SP Motor Controller.
A source that represents a video camera.
White balance.
Video event.
VideoEvent kind.
An exception raised by the camera server.
An event listener.
Video mode.
A source or sink property.
VideoProperty property types.
A sink for video that accepts a sequence of frames.
Video sink types.
A source for video that provides a sequence of frames.
Connection strategy.
Video source kind.
A vision pipeline is responsible for running a group of OpenCV algorithms to extract data from an
A vision runner is a convenient wrapper object to make it easy to run vision pipelines from robot
Listener interface for a callback that should run after a pipeline has processed its input.
A vision thread is a special thread that runs a vision pipeline.
Unit of electric voltage dimension.
A command that does nothing but takes a specified amount of time to finish.
A command that does nothing but ends after a specified match time or condition.
A class that's a wrapper around a watchdog timer.
A web server using the HTTP protocol.
Represents the type of a widget in Shuffleboard.
Cleaner object for WPILib objects.
Autogenerated file! Do not manually edit this file.
Protobuf type
Protobuf type
Base class for all WPIMath JNI wrappers.
Sets whether JNI should be loaded in the static block.
Sets whether JNI should be loaded in the static block.
Marker interface to indicate a class is serializable using WPI serialization methods.
Sets whether JNI should be loaded in the static block.
A class used internally to wrap commands while overriding a specific method; all other methods
will call through to the wrapped command.
Handle input from Xbox controllers connected to the Driver Station.
Represents an axis on an XboxController.
Represents a digital button on a XboxController.
Class to control a simulated Xbox controller.
Use a rate gyro to return the robots heading relative to a starting position.
This class represents the onboard IO of the XRP Reference Robot.
This class represents the ultrasonic rangefinder on an XRP robot.
This class represents the reflectance sensor pair on an XRP robot.