Class DMA

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DMA extends Object implements AutoCloseable
Class for configuring Direct Memory Access (DMA) of FPGA inputs.
  • Constructor Details

    • DMA

      public DMA()
      Default constructor.
  • Method Details

    • close

      public void close()
      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
    • setPause

      public void setPause(boolean pause)
      Sets whether DMA is paused.
      pause - True pauses DMA.
    • setTimedTrigger

      public void setTimedTrigger(double periodSeconds)
      Sets DMA to trigger at an interval.
      periodSeconds - Period at which to trigger DMA in seconds.
    • setTimedTriggerCycles

      public void setTimedTriggerCycles(int cycles)
      Sets number of DMA cycles to trigger.
      cycles - Number of cycles.
    • addEncoder

      public void addEncoder(Encoder encoder)
      Adds position data for an encoder to be collected by DMA.

      This can only be called if DMA is not started.

      encoder - Encoder to add to DMA.
    • addEncoderPeriod

      public void addEncoderPeriod(Encoder encoder)
      Adds timer data for an encoder to be collected by DMA.

      This can only be called if DMA is not started.

      encoder - Encoder to add to DMA.
    • addCounter

      public void addCounter(Counter counter)
      Adds position data for an counter to be collected by DMA.

      This can only be called if DMA is not started.

      counter - Counter to add to DMA.
    • addCounterPeriod

      public void addCounterPeriod(Counter counter)
      Adds timer data for an counter to be collected by DMA.

      This can only be called if DMA is not started.

      counter - Counter to add to DMA.
    • addDigitalSource

      public void addDigitalSource(DigitalSource digitalSource)
      Adds a digital source to be collected by DMA.

      This can only be called if DMA is not started.

      digitalSource - DigitalSource to add to DMA.
    • addDutyCycle

      public void addDutyCycle(DutyCycle dutyCycle)
      Adds a duty cycle input to be collected by DMA.

      This can only be called if DMA is not started.

      dutyCycle - DutyCycle to add to DMA.
    • addAnalogInput

      public void addAnalogInput(AnalogInput analogInput)
      Adds an analog input to be collected by DMA.

      This can only be called if DMA is not started.

      analogInput - AnalogInput to add to DMA.
    • addAveragedAnalogInput

      public void addAveragedAnalogInput(AnalogInput analogInput)
      Adds averaged data of an analog input to be collected by DMA.

      This can only be called if DMA is not started.

      analogInput - AnalogInput to add to DMA.
    • addAnalogAccumulator

      public void addAnalogAccumulator(AnalogInput analogInput)
      Adds accumulator data of an analog input to be collected by DMA.

      This can only be called if DMA is not started.

      analogInput - AnalogInput to add to DMA.
    • setExternalTrigger

      public int setExternalTrigger(DigitalSource source, boolean rising, boolean falling)
      Sets an external DMA trigger.
      source - the source to trigger from.
      rising - trigger on rising edge.
      falling - trigger on falling edge.
      the index of the trigger
    • setPwmEdgeTrigger

      public int setPwmEdgeTrigger(PWM pwm, boolean rising, boolean falling)
      Sets a DMA PWM edge trigger.
      pwm - the PWM to trigger from.
      rising - trigger on rising edge.
      falling - trigger on falling edge.
      the index of the trigger
    • setPwmEdgeTrigger

      public int setPwmEdgeTrigger(PWMMotorController pwm, boolean rising, boolean falling)
      Sets a DMA PWMMotorController edge trigger.
      pwm - the PWMMotorController to trigger from.
      rising - trigger on rising edge.
      falling - trigger on falling edge.
      the index of the trigger
    • clearSensors

      public void clearSensors()
      Clear all sensors from the DMA collection list.

      This can only be called if DMA is not started.

    • clearExternalTriggers

      public void clearExternalTriggers()
      Clear all external triggers from the DMA trigger list.

      This can only be called if DMA is not started.

    • start

      public void start(int queueDepth)
      Starts DMA Collection.
      queueDepth - The number of objects to be able to queue.
    • stop

      public void stop()
      Stops DMA Collection.