Package edu.wpi.first.util.cleanup
Interface ReflectionCleanup
- All Superinterfaces:
Implement this interface to have access to a `reflectionCleanup` method that can be called from
your `close` method, that will use reflection to find all `AutoCloseable` instance members and
close them.
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondefault void
(Class<? extends ReflectionCleanup> cls) Default implementation that uses reflection to find all AutoCloseable fields not marked SkipCleanup and call close() on them.Methods inherited from interface java.lang.AutoCloseable
Method Details
Default implementation that uses reflection to find all AutoCloseable fields not marked SkipCleanup and call close() on them. Call this from your `close()` method with the class level you want to close.- Parameters:
- the class level to clean up