Class TrajectoryGenerator


public final class TrajectoryGenerator extends Object
Helper class used to generate trajectories with various constraints.
  • Method Details

    • setErrorHandler

      public static void setErrorHandler(BiConsumer<String,StackTraceElement[]> func)
      Set error reporting function. By default, DriverStation.reportError() is used.
      func - Error reporting function, arguments are error and stackTrace.
    • generateTrajectory

      public static Trajectory generateTrajectory(Spline.ControlVector initial, List<Translation2d> interiorWaypoints, Spline.ControlVector end, TrajectoryConfig config)
      Generates a trajectory from the given control vectors and config. This method uses clamped cubic splines -- a method in which the exterior control vectors and interior waypoints are provided. The headings are automatically determined at the interior points to ensure continuous curvature.
      initial - The initial control vector.
      interiorWaypoints - The interior waypoints.
      end - The ending control vector.
      config - The configuration for the trajectory.
      The generated trajectory.
    • generateTrajectory

      public static Trajectory generateTrajectory(Pose2d start, List<Translation2d> interiorWaypoints, Pose2d end, TrajectoryConfig config)
      Generates a trajectory from the given waypoints and config. This method uses clamped cubic splines -- a method in which the initial pose, final pose, and interior waypoints are provided. The headings are automatically determined at the interior points to ensure continuous curvature.
      start - The starting pose.
      interiorWaypoints - The interior waypoints.
      end - The ending pose.
      config - The configuration for the trajectory.
      The generated trajectory.
    • generateTrajectory

      Generates a trajectory from the given quintic control vectors and config. This method uses quintic hermite splines -- therefore, all points must be represented by control vectors. Continuous curvature is guaranteed in this method.
      controlVectors - List of quintic control vectors.
      config - The configuration for the trajectory.
      The generated trajectory.
    • generateTrajectory

      public static Trajectory generateTrajectory(List<Pose2d> waypoints, TrajectoryConfig config)
      Generates a trajectory from the given waypoints and config. This method uses quintic hermite splines -- therefore, all points must be represented by Pose2d objects. Continuous curvature is guaranteed in this method.
      waypoints - List of waypoints..
      config - The configuration for the trajectory.
      The generated trajectory.
    • splinePointsFromSplines

      Generate spline points from a vector of splines by parameterizing the splines.
      splines - The splines to parameterize.
      The spline points for use in time parameterization of a trajectory.
      SplineParameterizer.MalformedSplineException - When the spline is malformed (e.g. has close adjacent points with approximately opposing headings)