Class SendableRegistry


public final class SendableRegistry extends Object
The SendableRegistry class is the public interface for registering sensors and actuators for use on dashboards and LiveWindow.
  • Method Details

    • setLiveWindowBuilderFactory

      public static void setLiveWindowBuilderFactory(Supplier<SendableBuilder> factory)
      Sets the factory for LiveWindow builders.
      factory - factory function
    • add

      public static void add(Sendable sendable, String name)
      Adds an object to the registry.
      sendable - object to add
      name - component name
    • add

      public static void add(Sendable sendable, String moduleType, int channel)
      Adds an object to the registry.
      sendable - object to add
      moduleType - A string that defines the module name in the label for the value
      channel - The channel number the device is plugged into
    • add

      public static void add(Sendable sendable, String moduleType, int moduleNumber, int channel)
      Adds an object to the registry.
      sendable - object to add
      moduleType - A string that defines the module name in the label for the value
      moduleNumber - The number of the particular module type
      channel - The channel number the device is plugged into
    • add

      public static void add(Sendable sendable, String subsystem, String name)
      Adds an object to the registry.
      sendable - object to add
      subsystem - subsystem name
      name - component name
    • addLW

      public static void addLW(Sendable sendable, String name)
      Adds an object to the registry and LiveWindow.
      sendable - object to add
      name - component name
    • addLW

      public static void addLW(Sendable sendable, String moduleType, int channel)
      Adds an object to the registry and LiveWindow.
      sendable - object to add
      moduleType - A string that defines the module name in the label for the value
      channel - The channel number the device is plugged into
    • addLW

      public static void addLW(Sendable sendable, String moduleType, int moduleNumber, int channel)
      Adds an object to the registry and LiveWindow.
      sendable - object to add
      moduleType - A string that defines the module name in the label for the value
      moduleNumber - The number of the particular module type
      channel - The channel number the device is plugged into
    • addLW

      public static void addLW(Sendable sendable, String subsystem, String name)
      Adds an object to the registry and LiveWindow.
      sendable - object to add
      subsystem - subsystem name
      name - component name
    • addChild

      public static void addChild(Sendable parent, Object child)
      Adds a child object to an object. Adds the child object to the registry if it's not already present.
      parent - parent object
      child - child object
    • remove

      public static boolean remove(Sendable sendable)
      Removes an object from the registry.
      sendable - object to remove
      true if the object was removed; false if it was not present
    • contains

      public static boolean contains(Sendable sendable)
      Determines if an object is in the registry.
      sendable - object to check
      True if in registry, false if not.
    • getName

      public static String getName(Sendable sendable)
      Gets the name of an object.
      sendable - object
      Name (empty if object is not in registry)
    • setName

      public static void setName(Sendable sendable, String name)
      Sets the name of an object.
      sendable - object
      name - name
    • setName

      public static void setName(Sendable sendable, String moduleType, int channel)
      Sets the name of an object with a channel number.
      sendable - object
      moduleType - A string that defines the module name in the label for the value
      channel - The channel number the device is plugged into
    • setName

      public static void setName(Sendable sendable, String moduleType, int moduleNumber, int channel)
      Sets the name of an object with a module and channel number.
      sendable - object
      moduleType - A string that defines the module name in the label for the value
      moduleNumber - The number of the particular module type
      channel - The channel number the device is plugged into
    • setName

      public static void setName(Sendable sendable, String subsystem, String name)
      Sets both the subsystem name and device name of an object.
      sendable - object
      subsystem - subsystem name
      name - device name
    • getSubsystem

      public static String getSubsystem(Sendable sendable)
      Gets the subsystem name of an object.
      sendable - object
      Subsystem name (empty if object is not in registry)
    • setSubsystem

      public static void setSubsystem(Sendable sendable, String subsystem)
      Sets the subsystem name of an object.
      sendable - object
      subsystem - subsystem name
    • getDataHandle

      public static int getDataHandle()
      Gets a unique handle for setting/getting data with setData() and getData().
    • setData

      public static AutoCloseable setData(Sendable sendable, int handle, AutoCloseable data)
      Associates arbitrary data with an object in the registry.
      sendable - object
      handle - data handle returned by getDataHandle()
      data - data to set
      Previous data (may be null). If non-null, caller is responsible for calling close().
    • getData

      public static Object getData(Sendable sendable, int handle)
      Gets arbitrary data associated with an object in the registry.
      sendable - object
      handle - data handle returned by getDataHandle()
      data (may be null if none associated)
    • enableLiveWindow

      public static void enableLiveWindow(Sendable sendable)
      Enables LiveWindow for an object.
      sendable - object
    • disableLiveWindow

      public static void disableLiveWindow(Sendable sendable)
      Disables LiveWindow for an object.
      sendable - object
    • publish

      public static void publish(Sendable sendable, SendableBuilder builder)
      Publishes an object in the registry to a builder.
      sendable - object
      builder - sendable builder
    • update

      public static void update(Sendable sendable)
      Updates network table information from an object.
      sendable - object
    • foreachLiveWindow

      public static void foreachLiveWindow(int dataHandle, Consumer<SendableRegistry.CallbackData> callback)
      Iterates over LiveWindow-enabled objects in the registry. It is *not* safe to call other SendableRegistry functions from the callback.
      dataHandle - data handle to get data object passed to callback
      callback - function to call for each object