Class SerialPort

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SerialPort extends Object implements AutoCloseable
Driver for the serial ports (USB, MXP, Onboard) on the roboRIO.
  • Constructor Details

    • SerialPort

      public SerialPort(int baudRate, SerialPort.Port port, int dataBits, SerialPort.Parity parity, SerialPort.StopBits stopBits)
      Create an instance of a Serial Port class.
      baudRate - The baud rate to configure the serial port.
      port - The Serial port to use
      dataBits - The number of data bits per transfer. Valid values are between 5 and 8 bits.
      parity - Select the type of parity checking to use.
      stopBits - The number of stop bits to use as defined by the enum StopBits.
    • SerialPort

      public SerialPort(int baudRate, SerialPort.Port port, int dataBits, SerialPort.Parity parity)
      Create an instance of a Serial Port class. Defaults to one stop bit.
      baudRate - The baud rate to configure the serial port.
      port - The serial port to use.
      dataBits - The number of data bits per transfer. Valid values are between 5 and 8 bits.
      parity - Select the type of parity checking to use.
    • SerialPort

      public SerialPort(int baudRate, SerialPort.Port port, int dataBits)
      Create an instance of a Serial Port class. Defaults to no parity and one stop bit.
      baudRate - The baud rate to configure the serial port.
      port - The serial port to use.
      dataBits - The number of data bits per transfer. Valid values are between 5 and 8 bits.
    • SerialPort

      public SerialPort(int baudRate, SerialPort.Port port)
      Create an instance of a Serial Port class. Defaults to 8 databits, no parity, and one stop bit.
      baudRate - The baud rate to configure the serial port.
      port - The serial port to use.
  • Method Details

    • close

      public void close()
      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
    • setFlowControl

      public void setFlowControl(SerialPort.FlowControl flowControl)
      Set the type of flow control to enable on this port.

      By default, flow control is disabled.

      flowControl - the FlowControl m_value to use
    • enableTermination

      public void enableTermination(char terminator)
      Enable termination and specify the termination character.

      Termination is currently only implemented for receive. When the terminator is received, the read() or readString() will return fewer bytes than requested, stopping after the terminator.

      terminator - The character to use for termination.
    • enableTermination

      public void enableTermination()
      Enable termination with the default terminator '\n'

      Termination is currently only implemented for receive. When the terminator is received, the read() or readString() will return fewer bytes than requested, stopping after the terminator.

      The default terminator is '\n'

    • disableTermination

      public final void disableTermination()
      Disable termination behavior.
    • getBytesReceived

      public int getBytesReceived()
      Get the number of bytes currently available to read from the serial port.
      The number of bytes available to read.
    • readString

      public String readString()
      Read a string out of the buffer. Reads the entire contents of the buffer
      The read string
    • readString

      public String readString(int count)
      Read a string out of the buffer. Reads the entire contents of the buffer
      count - the number of characters to read into the string
      The read string
    • read

      public byte[] read(int count)
      Read raw bytes out of the buffer.
      count - The maximum number of bytes to read.
      An array of the read bytes
    • write

      public int write(byte[] buffer, int count)
      Write raw bytes to the serial port.
      buffer - The buffer of bytes to write.
      count - The maximum number of bytes to write.
      The number of bytes actually written into the port.
    • writeString

      public int writeString(String data)
      Write a string to the serial port.
      data - The string to write to the serial port.
      The number of bytes actually written into the port.
    • setTimeout

      public final void setTimeout(double timeout)
      Configure the timeout of the serial m_port.

      This defines the timeout for transactions with the hardware. It will affect reads if less bytes are available than the read buffer size (defaults to 1) and very large writes.

      timeout - The number of seconds to wait for I/O.
    • setReadBufferSize

      public final void setReadBufferSize(int size)
      Specify the size of the input buffer.

      Specify the amount of data that can be stored before data from the device is returned to Read. If you want data that is received to be returned immediately, set this to 1.

      It the buffer is not filled before the read timeout expires, all data that has been received so far will be returned.

      size - The read buffer size.
    • setWriteBufferSize

      public void setWriteBufferSize(int size)
      Specify the size of the output buffer.

      Specify the amount of data that can be stored before being transmitted to the device.

      size - The write buffer size.
    • setWriteBufferMode

      Specify the flushing behavior of the output buffer.

      When set to kFlushOnAccess, data is synchronously written to the serial port after each call to either print() or write().

      When set to kFlushWhenFull, data will only be written to the serial port when the buffer is full or when flush() is called.

      mode - The write buffer mode.
    • flush

      public void flush()
      Force the output buffer to be written to the port.

      This is used when setWriteBufferMode() is set to kFlushWhenFull to force a flush before the buffer is full.

    • reset

      public void reset()
      Reset the serial port driver to a known state.

      Empty the transmit and receive buffers in the device and formatted I/O.