Class ADIS16448_IMU

All Implemented Interfaces:
Sendable, AutoCloseable

public class ADIS16448_IMU extends Object implements AutoCloseable, Sendable
This class is for the ADIS16448 IMU that connects to the RoboRIO MXP port.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • isConnected

      public boolean isConnected()
      Checks the connection status of the IMU.
      True if the IMU is connected, false otherwise.
    • configDecRate

      public int configDecRate(int decimationRate)
      Configures the decimation rate of the IMU.
      decimationRate - The new decimation value.
      0 if success, 1 if no change, 2 if error.
    • configCalTime

      public final int configCalTime(ADIS16448_IMU.CalibrationTime new_cal_time)
      Configures calibration time.
      new_cal_time - New calibration time
      1 if the new calibration time is the same as the current one else 0
    • calibrate

      public void calibrate()
      Calibrate the gyro. It's important to make sure that the robot is not moving while the calibration is in progress, this is typically done when the robot is first turned on while it's sitting at rest before the match starts.
    • setYawAxis

      public int setYawAxis(ADIS16448_IMU.IMUAxis yaw_axis)
      Sets the yaw axis.
      yaw_axis - The new yaw axis to use
      1 if the new yaw axis is the same as the current one else 0.
    • reset

      public void reset()
      Reset the gyro.

      Resets the gyro accumulations to a heading of zero. This can be used if there is significant drift in the gyro and it needs to be recalibrated after running.

    • close

      public void close()
      Delete (free) the spi port used for the IMU.
      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
    • getAngle

      public double getAngle()
      Returns the yaw axis angle in degrees (CCW positive).
      Yaw axis angle in degrees (CCW positive).
    • getRate

      public double getRate()
      Returns the yaw axis angular rate in degrees per second (CCW positive).
      Yaw axis angular rate in degrees per second (CCW positive).
    • getYawAxis

      Returns which axis, kX, kY, or kZ, is set to the yaw axis.
      IMUAxis Yaw Axis
    • getGyroAngleX

      public double getGyroAngleX()
      Returns the accumulated gyro angle in the X axis in degrees.
      The accumulated gyro angle in the X axis in degrees.
    • getGyroAngleY

      public double getGyroAngleY()
      Returns the accumulated gyro angle in the Y axis in degrees.
      The accumulated gyro angle in the Y axis in degrees.
    • getGyroAngleZ

      public double getGyroAngleZ()
      Returns the accumulated gyro angle in the Z axis in degrees.
      The accumulated gyro angle in the Z axis in degrees.
    • getGyroRateX

      public double getGyroRateX()
      Returns the gyro angular rate in the X axis in degrees per second.
      The gyro angular rate in the X axis in degrees per second.
    • getGyroRateY

      public double getGyroRateY()
      Returns the gyro angular rate in the Y axis in degrees per second.
      The gyro angular rate in the Y axis in degrees per second.
    • getGyroRateZ

      public double getGyroRateZ()
      Returns the gyro angular rate in the Z axis in degrees per second.
      The gyro angular rate in the Z axis in degrees per second.
    • getAccelX

      public double getAccelX()
      Returns the acceleration in the X axis in meters per second squared.
      The acceleration in the X axis in meters per second squared.
    • getAccelY

      public double getAccelY()
      Returns the acceleration in the Y axis in meters per second squared.
      The acceleration in the Y axis in meters per second squared.
    • getAccelZ

      public double getAccelZ()
      Returns the acceleration in the Z axis in meters per second squared.
      The acceleration in the Z axis in meters per second squared.
    • getMagneticFieldX

      public double getMagneticFieldX()
      Returns the magnetic field strength in the X axis in Tesla.
      The magnetic field strength in the X axis in Tesla.
    • getMagneticFieldY

      public double getMagneticFieldY()
      Returns the magnetic field strength in the Y axis in Tesla.
      The magnetic field strength in the Y axis in Tesla.
    • getMagneticFieldZ

      public double getMagneticFieldZ()
      Returns the magnetic field strength in the Z axis in Tesla.
      The magnetic field strength in the Z axis in Tesla.
    • getXComplementaryAngle

      public double getXComplementaryAngle()
      Returns the complementary angle around the X axis computed from accelerometer and gyro rate measurements.
      The X-axis complementary angle in degrees.
    • getYComplementaryAngle

      public double getYComplementaryAngle()
      Returns the complementary angle around the Y axis computed from accelerometer and gyro rate measurements.
      The Y-axis complementary angle in degrees.
    • getXFilteredAccelAngle

      public double getXFilteredAccelAngle()
      Returns the X-axis filtered acceleration angle in degrees.
      The X-axis filtered acceleration angle in degrees.
    • getYFilteredAccelAngle

      public double getYFilteredAccelAngle()
      Returns the Y-axis filtered acceleration angle in degrees.
      The Y-axis filtered acceleration angle in degrees.
    • getBarometricPressure

      public double getBarometricPressure()
      Returns the barometric pressure in PSI.
      The barometric pressure in PSI.
    • getTemperature

      public double getTemperature()
      Returns the temperature in degrees Celsius.
      The temperature in degrees Celsius.
    • getPort

      public int getPort()
      Get the SPI port number.
      The SPI port number.
    • initSendable

      public void initSendable(SendableBuilder builder)
      Description copied from interface: Sendable
      Initializes this Sendable object.
      Specified by:
      initSendable in interface Sendable
      builder - sendable builder