Package edu.wpi.first.units.measure
Class MutMomentOfInertia
- All Implemented Interfaces:
,MomentOfInertia, MutMomentOfInertia> Comparable<Measure<MomentOfInertiaUnit>>
public final class MutMomentOfInertia
extends MutableMeasureBase<MomentOfInertiaUnit,MomentOfInertia,MutMomentOfInertia>
implements MomentOfInertia
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class edu.wpi.first.units.mutable.MutableMeasureBase
m_baseUnitMagnitude, m_magnitude, m_unit
Fields inherited from interface edu.wpi.first.units.Measure
Constructor Summary
(double magnitude, double baseUnitMagnitude, MomentOfInertiaUnit unit) -
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class edu.wpi.first.units.mutable.MutableMeasureBase
baseUnitMagnitude, equals, hashCode, magnitude, mut_replace, toString, unit
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface edu.wpi.first.units.Measure
abs, baseUnitMagnitude, compareTo, copySign, div, divide, divideRatio, gt, gte, isEquivalent, isNear, isNear, lt, lte, magnitude, times, timesConversionFactor, timesInverse, timesRatio, toLongString, toShortString
Methods inherited from interface edu.wpi.first.units.measure.MomentOfInertia
baseUnit, div, div, div, div, div, div, div, div, div, div, div, div, div, div, div, div, div, div, div, div, div, div, div, div, div, div, divide, divide, divide, divide, divide, divide, divide, divide, divide, divide, divide, divide, divide, divide, divide, divide, divide, divide, divide, divide, divide, divide, divide, divide, divide, divide, in, minus, mutableCopy, negate, per, plus, times, times, times, times, times, times, times, times, times, times, times, times, times, times, times, times, times, times, times, times, times, times, times, times, times, times, unaryMinus, unit
Methods inherited from interface edu.wpi.first.units.MutableMeasure
mut_acc, mut_acc, mut_divide, mut_divide, mut_minus, mut_minus, mut_plus, mut_plus, mut_replace, mut_setBaseUnitMagnitude, mut_setMagnitude, mut_times, mut_times
Constructor Details
Method Details
Description copied from interface:Measure
Returns an immutable copy of this measure. The copy can be used freely and is guaranteed never to change.- Specified by:
in interfaceMeasure<MomentOfInertiaUnit>
- Specified by:
in interfaceMomentOfInertia
- Specified by:
in interfaceMutableMeasure<MomentOfInertiaUnit,
MomentOfInertia, MutMomentOfInertia> - Returns:
- the copied measure