Class Rotation3d

All Implemented Interfaces:
Interpolatable<Rotation3d>, ProtobufSerializable, StructSerializable, WPISerializable

A rotation in a 3D coordinate frame represented by a quaternion.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final Rotation3d
    A preallocated Rotation3d representing no rotation.
    static final Rotation3dProto
    Rotation3d protobuf for serialization.
    static final Rotation3dStruct
    Rotation3d struct for serialization.
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructs a Rotation3d representing no rotation.
    Rotation3d(double roll, double pitch, double yaw)
    Constructs a Rotation3d from extrinsic roll, pitch, and yaw.
    Constructs a Rotation3d from a quaternion.
    Constructs a 3D rotation from a 2D rotation in the X-Y plane.
    Rotation3d(Matrix<N3,N3> rotationMatrix)
    Constructs a Rotation3d from a rotation matrix.
    Constructs a Rotation3d with the given rotation vector representation.
    Rotation3d(Vector<N3> axis, double angleRadians)
    Constructs a Rotation3d with the given axis-angle representation.
    Rotation3d(Vector<N3> initial, Vector<N3> last)
    Constructs a Rotation3d that rotates the initial vector onto the final vector.
    Rotation3d(Vector<N3> axis, Angle angle)
    Constructs a Rotation3d with the given axis-angle representation.
    Rotation3d(Angle roll, Angle pitch, Angle yaw)
    Constructs a Rotation3d from extrinsic roll, pitch, and yaw.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    div(double scalar)
    Divides the current rotation by a scalar.
    Checks equality between this Rotation3d and another object.
    Returns the angle in radians in the axis-angle representation of this rotation.
    Returns the axis in the axis-angle representation of this rotation.
    Returns the angle in a measure in the axis-angle representation of this rotation.
    Returns the counterclockwise rotation angle around the X axis (roll) in a measure.
    Returns the counterclockwise rotation angle around the Y axis (pitch) in a measure.
    Returns the counterclockwise rotation angle around the Z axis (yaw) in a measure.
    Returns the quaternion representation of the Rotation3d.
    Returns the counterclockwise rotation angle around the X axis (roll) in radians.
    Returns the counterclockwise rotation angle around the Y axis (pitch) in radians.
    Returns the counterclockwise rotation angle around the Z axis (yaw) in radians.
    interpolate(Rotation3d endValue, double t)
    Return the interpolated value.
    Subtracts the new rotation from the current rotation and returns the new rotation.
    Adds two rotations together.
    Adds the new rotation to the current rotation.
    times(double scalar)
    Multiplies the current rotation by a scalar.
    Returns rotation matrix representation of this rotation.
    Returns a Rotation2d representing this Rotation3d projected into the X-Y plane.
    Returns rotation vector representation of this rotation.
    Takes the inverse of the current rotation.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • kZero

      public static final Rotation3d kZero
      A preallocated Rotation3d representing no rotation.

      This exists to avoid allocations for common rotations.

    • proto

      public static final Rotation3dProto proto
      Rotation3d protobuf for serialization.
    • struct

      public static final Rotation3dStruct struct
      Rotation3d struct for serialization.
  • Constructor Details

    • Rotation3d

      public Rotation3d()
      Constructs a Rotation3d representing no rotation.
    • Rotation3d

      Constructs a Rotation3d from a quaternion.
      q - The quaternion.
    • Rotation3d

      public Rotation3d(double roll, double pitch, double yaw)
      Constructs a Rotation3d from extrinsic roll, pitch, and yaw.

      Extrinsic rotations occur in that order around the axes in the fixed global frame rather than the body frame.

      Angles are measured counterclockwise with the rotation axis pointing "out of the page". If you point your right thumb along the positive axis direction, your fingers curl in the direction of positive rotation.

      roll - The counterclockwise rotation angle around the X axis (roll) in radians.
      pitch - The counterclockwise rotation angle around the Y axis (pitch) in radians.
      yaw - The counterclockwise rotation angle around the Z axis (yaw) in radians.
    • Rotation3d

      public Rotation3d(Angle roll, Angle pitch, Angle yaw)
      Constructs a Rotation3d from extrinsic roll, pitch, and yaw.

      Extrinsic rotations occur in that order around the axes in the fixed global frame rather than the body frame.

      Angles are measured counterclockwise with the rotation axis pointing "out of the page". If you point your right thumb along the positive axis direction, your fingers curl in the direction of positive rotation.

      roll - The counterclockwise rotation angle around the X axis (roll).
      pitch - The counterclockwise rotation angle around the Y axis (pitch).
      yaw - The counterclockwise rotation angle around the Z axis (yaw).
    • Rotation3d

      public Rotation3d(Vector<N3> rvec)
      Constructs a Rotation3d with the given rotation vector representation. This representation is equivalent to axis-angle, where the normalized axis is multiplied by the rotation around the axis in radians.
      rvec - The rotation vector.
    • Rotation3d

      public Rotation3d(Vector<N3> axis, double angleRadians)
      Constructs a Rotation3d with the given axis-angle representation. The axis doesn't have to be normalized.
      axis - The rotation axis.
      angleRadians - The rotation around the axis in radians.
    • Rotation3d

      public Rotation3d(Vector<N3> axis, Angle angle)
      Constructs a Rotation3d with the given axis-angle representation. The axis doesn't have to be normalized.
      axis - The rotation axis.
      angle - The rotation around the axis.
    • Rotation3d

      public Rotation3d(Matrix<N3,N3> rotationMatrix)
      Constructs a Rotation3d from a rotation matrix.
      rotationMatrix - The rotation matrix.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the rotation matrix isn't special orthogonal.
    • Rotation3d

      public Rotation3d(Vector<N3> initial, Vector<N3> last)
      Constructs a Rotation3d that rotates the initial vector onto the final vector.

      This is useful for turning a 3D vector (final) into an orientation relative to a coordinate system vector (initial).

      initial - The initial vector.
      last - The final vector.
    • Rotation3d

      public Rotation3d(Rotation2d rotation)
      Constructs a 3D rotation from a 2D rotation in the X-Y plane.
      rotation - The 2D rotation.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • plus

      public Rotation3d plus(Rotation3d other)
      Adds two rotations together.
      other - The rotation to add.
      The sum of the two rotations.
    • minus

      public Rotation3d minus(Rotation3d other)
      Subtracts the new rotation from the current rotation and returns the new rotation.
      other - The rotation to subtract.
      The difference between the two rotations.
    • unaryMinus

      Takes the inverse of the current rotation.
      The inverse of the current rotation.
    • times

      public Rotation3d times(double scalar)
      Multiplies the current rotation by a scalar.
      scalar - The scalar.
      The new scaled Rotation3d.
    • div

      public Rotation3d div(double scalar)
      Divides the current rotation by a scalar.
      scalar - The scalar.
      The new scaled Rotation3d.
    • rotateBy

      public Rotation3d rotateBy(Rotation3d other)
      Adds the new rotation to the current rotation. The other rotation is applied extrinsically, which means that it rotates around the global axes. For example, new Rotation3d(Units.degreesToRadians(90), 0, 0).rotateBy(new Rotation3d(0, Units.degreesToRadians(45), 0)) rotates by 90 degrees around the +X axis and then by 45 degrees around the global +Y axis. (This is equivalent to new Rotation3d(Units.degreesToRadians(90), Units.degreesToRadians(45), 0))
      other - The extrinsic rotation to rotate by.
      The new rotated Rotation3d.
    • getQuaternion

      Returns the quaternion representation of the Rotation3d.
      The quaternion representation of the Rotation3d.
    • getX

      public double getX()
      Returns the counterclockwise rotation angle around the X axis (roll) in radians.
      The counterclockwise rotation angle around the X axis (roll) in radians.
    • getY

      public double getY()
      Returns the counterclockwise rotation angle around the Y axis (pitch) in radians.
      The counterclockwise rotation angle around the Y axis (pitch) in radians.
    • getZ

      public double getZ()
      Returns the counterclockwise rotation angle around the Z axis (yaw) in radians.
      The counterclockwise rotation angle around the Z axis (yaw) in radians.
    • getMeasureX

      public Angle getMeasureX()
      Returns the counterclockwise rotation angle around the X axis (roll) in a measure.
      The counterclockwise rotation angle around the x axis (roll) in a measure.
    • getMeasureY

      public Angle getMeasureY()
      Returns the counterclockwise rotation angle around the Y axis (pitch) in a measure.
      The counterclockwise rotation angle around the y axis (pitch) in a measure.
    • getMeasureZ

      public Angle getMeasureZ()
      Returns the counterclockwise rotation angle around the Z axis (yaw) in a measure.
      The counterclockwise rotation angle around the z axis (yaw) in a measure.
    • getAxis

      public Vector<N3> getAxis()
      Returns the axis in the axis-angle representation of this rotation.
      The axis in the axis-angle representation.
    • getAngle

      public double getAngle()
      Returns the angle in radians in the axis-angle representation of this rotation.
      The angle in radians in the axis-angle representation of this rotation.
    • toMatrix

      public Matrix<N3,N3> toMatrix()
      Returns rotation matrix representation of this rotation.
      Rotation matrix representation of this rotation.
    • toVector

      public Vector<N3> toVector()
      Returns rotation vector representation of this rotation.
      Rotation vector representation of this rotation.
    • getMeasureAngle

      Returns the angle in a measure in the axis-angle representation of this rotation.
      The angle in a measure in the axis-angle representation of this rotation.
    • toRotation2d

      Returns a Rotation2d representing this Rotation3d projected into the X-Y plane.
      A Rotation2d representing this Rotation3d projected into the X-Y plane.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      Checks equality between this Rotation3d and another object.
      equals in class Object
      obj - The other object.
      Whether the two objects are equal or not.
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • interpolate

      public Rotation3d interpolate(Rotation3d endValue, double t)
      Description copied from interface: Interpolatable
      Return the interpolated value. This object is assumed to be the starting position, or lower bound.
      Specified by:
      interpolate in interface Interpolatable<Rotation3d>
      endValue - The upper bound, or end.
      t - How far between the lower and upper bound we are. This should be bounded in [0, 1].
      The interpolated value.