Class SynchronousInterrupt

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SynchronousInterrupt extends Object implements AutoCloseable
Class for handling synchronous (blocking) interrupts.

By default, interrupts will occur on rising edge.

Asynchronous interrupts are handled by the AsynchronousInterrupt class.

  • Constructor Details

    • SynchronousInterrupt

      Constructs a new synchronous interrupt using a DigitalSource.

      At construction, the interrupt will trigger on the rising edge.

      source - The digital source to use.
  • Method Details

    • close

      public void close()
      Closes the interrupt.

      This does not close the associated digital source.

      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
    • waitForInterrupt

      public SynchronousInterrupt.WaitResult waitForInterrupt(double timeoutSeconds, boolean ignorePrevious)
      Wait for an interrupt.
      timeoutSeconds - The timeout in seconds. 0 or less will return immediately.
      ignorePrevious - True to ignore if a previous interrupt has occurred, and only wait for a new trigger. False will consider if an interrupt has occurred since the last time the interrupt was read.
      Result of which edges were triggered, or if a timeout occurred.
    • waitForInterrupt

      public SynchronousInterrupt.WaitResult waitForInterrupt(double timeoutSeconds)
      Wait for an interrupt, ignoring any previously occurring interrupts.
      timeoutSeconds - The timeout in seconds. 0 or less will return immediately.
      Result of which edges were triggered, or if a timeout occurred.
    • setInterruptEdges

      public void setInterruptEdges(boolean risingEdge, boolean fallingEdge)
      Set which edges to trigger the interrupt on.
      risingEdge - Trigger on rising edge
      fallingEdge - Trigger on falling edge
    • getRisingTimestamp

      public double getRisingTimestamp()
      Get the timestamp of the last rising edge.

      This only works if rising edge was configured using setInterruptEdges.

      the timestamp in seconds relative to getFPGATime
    • getFallingTimestamp

      public double getFallingTimestamp()
      Get the timestamp of the last falling edge.

      This only works if falling edge was configured using setInterruptEdges.

      the timestamp in seconds relative to getFPGATime
    • wakeupWaitingInterrupt

      public void wakeupWaitingInterrupt()
      Force triggering of any waiting interrupt, which will be seen as a timeout.