Class SimpleMotorFeedforward

All Implemented Interfaces:
ProtobufSerializable, StructSerializable, WPISerializable

A helper class that computes feedforward outputs for a simple permanent-magnet DC motor.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    SimpleMotorFeedforward protobuf for serialization.
    SimpleMotorFeedforward struct for serialization.
  • Constructor Summary

    SimpleMotorFeedforward(double ks, double kv)
    Creates a new SimpleMotorFeedforward with the specified gains.
    SimpleMotorFeedforward(double ks, double kv, double ka)
    Creates a new SimpleMotorFeedforward with the specified gains and period.
    SimpleMotorFeedforward(double ks, double kv, double ka, double dtSeconds)
    Creates a new SimpleMotorFeedforward with the specified gains and period.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    calculate(double velocity)
    Calculates the feedforward from the gains and velocity setpoint assuming continuous control (acceleration is assumed to be zero).
    calculate(double velocity, double acceleration)
    Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
    calculateWithVelocities(double currentVelocity, double nextVelocity)
    Calculates the feedforward from the gains and setpoints assuming discrete control.
    Returns the period in seconds.
    Returns the acceleration gain in V/(units/s²).
    Returns the static gain in volts.
    Returns the velocity gain in V/(units/s).
    maxAchievableAcceleration(double maxVoltage, double velocity)
    Calculates the maximum achievable acceleration given a maximum voltage supply and a velocity.
    maxAchievableVelocity(double maxVoltage, double acceleration)
    Calculates the maximum achievable velocity given a maximum voltage supply and an acceleration.
    minAchievableAcceleration(double maxVoltage, double velocity)
    Calculates the minimum achievable acceleration given a maximum voltage supply and a velocity.
    minAchievableVelocity(double maxVoltage, double acceleration)
    Calculates the minimum achievable velocity given a maximum voltage supply and an acceleration.
    setKa(double ka)
    Sets the acceleration gain.
    setKs(double ks)
    Sets the static gain.
    setKv(double kv)
    Sets the velocity gain.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • SimpleMotorFeedforward

      public SimpleMotorFeedforward(double ks, double kv, double ka, double dtSeconds)
      Creates a new SimpleMotorFeedforward with the specified gains and period.

      The units should be radians for angular systems and meters for linear systems.

      ks - The static gain in volts.
      kv - The velocity gain in V/(units/s).
      ka - The acceleration gain in V/(units/s²).
      dtSeconds - The period in seconds.
      IllegalArgumentException - for kv < zero.
      IllegalArgumentException - for ka < zero.
      IllegalArgumentException - for period ≤ zero.
    • SimpleMotorFeedforward

      public SimpleMotorFeedforward(double ks, double kv, double ka)
      Creates a new SimpleMotorFeedforward with the specified gains and period. The period is defaulted to 20 ms.

      The units should be radians for angular systems and meters for linear systems.

      ks - The static gain in volts.
      kv - The velocity gain in V/(units/s).
      ka - The acceleration gain in V/(units/s²).
      IllegalArgumentException - for kv < zero.
      IllegalArgumentException - for ka < zero.
    • SimpleMotorFeedforward

      public SimpleMotorFeedforward(double ks, double kv)
      Creates a new SimpleMotorFeedforward with the specified gains. Acceleration gain is defaulted to zero. The period is defaulted to 20 ms.

      The units should be radians for angular systems and meters for linear systems.

      ks - The static gain in volts.
      kv - The velocity gain in V/(units/s).
      IllegalArgumentException - for kv < zero.
  • Method Details

    • setKs

      public void setKs(double ks)
      Sets the static gain.
      ks - The static gain in volts.
    • setKv

      public void setKv(double kv)
      Sets the velocity gain.
      kv - The velocity gain in V/(units/s).
    • setKa

      public void setKa(double ka)
      Sets the acceleration gain.
      ka - The acceleration gain in V/(units/s²).
    • getKs

      public double getKs()
      Returns the static gain in volts.
      The static gain in volts.
    • getKv

      public double getKv()
      Returns the velocity gain in V/(units/s).

      The units should be radians for angular systems and meters for linear systems.

      The velocity gain in V/(units/s).
    • getKa

      public double getKa()
      Returns the acceleration gain in V/(units/s²).

      The units should be radians for angular systems and meters for linear systems.

      The acceleration gain in V/(units/s²).
    • getDt

      public double getDt()
      Returns the period in seconds.
      The period in seconds.
    • calculate

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true, since="2025") public double calculate(double velocity, double acceleration)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Calculates the feedforward from the gains and setpoints assuming continuous control.
      velocity - The velocity setpoint.
      acceleration - The acceleration setpoint.
      The computed feedforward.
    • calculate

      public double calculate(double velocity)
      Calculates the feedforward from the gains and velocity setpoint assuming continuous control (acceleration is assumed to be zero).
      velocity - The velocity setpoint.
      The computed feedforward.
    • calculateWithVelocities

      public double calculateWithVelocities(double currentVelocity, double nextVelocity)
      Calculates the feedforward from the gains and setpoints assuming discrete control.

      Note this method is inaccurate when the velocity crosses 0.

      currentVelocity - The current velocity setpoint.
      nextVelocity - The next velocity setpoint.
      The computed feedforward.
    • maxAchievableVelocity

      public double maxAchievableVelocity(double maxVoltage, double acceleration)
      Calculates the maximum achievable velocity given a maximum voltage supply and an acceleration. Useful for ensuring that velocity and acceleration constraints for a trapezoidal profile are simultaneously achievable - enter the acceleration constraint, and this will give you a simultaneously-achievable velocity constraint.

      The units should be radians for angular systems and meters for linear systems.

      maxVoltage - The maximum voltage that can be supplied to the motor, in volts.
      acceleration - The acceleration of the motor, in (units/s²).
      The maximum possible velocity in (units/s) at the given acceleration.
    • minAchievableVelocity

      public double minAchievableVelocity(double maxVoltage, double acceleration)
      Calculates the minimum achievable velocity given a maximum voltage supply and an acceleration. Useful for ensuring that velocity and acceleration constraints for a trapezoidal profile are simultaneously achievable - enter the acceleration constraint, and this will give you a simultaneously-achievable velocity constraint.

      The units should be radians for angular systems and meters for linear systems.

      maxVoltage - The maximum voltage that can be supplied to the motor, in volts.
      acceleration - The acceleration of the motor, in (units/s²).
      The maximum possible velocity in (units/s) at the given acceleration.
    • maxAchievableAcceleration

      public double maxAchievableAcceleration(double maxVoltage, double velocity)
      Calculates the maximum achievable acceleration given a maximum voltage supply and a velocity. Useful for ensuring that velocity and acceleration constraints for a trapezoidal profile are simultaneously achievable - enter the velocity constraint, and this will give you a simultaneously-achievable acceleration constraint.

      The units should be radians for angular systems and meters for linear systems.

      maxVoltage - The maximum voltage that can be supplied to the motor, in volts.
      velocity - The velocity of the motor, in (units/s).
      The maximum possible acceleration in (units/s²) at the given velocity.
    • minAchievableAcceleration

      public double minAchievableAcceleration(double maxVoltage, double velocity)
      Calculates the minimum achievable acceleration given a maximum voltage supply and a velocity. Useful for ensuring that velocity and acceleration constraints for a trapezoidal profile are simultaneously achievable - enter the velocity constraint, and this will give you a simultaneously-achievable acceleration constraint.

      The units should be radians for angular systems and meters for linear systems.

      maxVoltage - The maximum voltage that can be supplied to the motor, in volts.
      velocity - The velocity of the motor, in (units/s).
      The maximum possible acceleration in (units/s²) at the given velocity.