Class Joystick


public class Joystick extends GenericHID
Handle input from Flight Joysticks connected to the Driver Station.

This class handles standard input that comes from the Driver Station. Each time a value is requested the most recent value is returned. There is a single class instance for each joystick and the mapping of ports to hardware buttons depends on the code in the Driver Station.

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • Joystick

      public Joystick(int port)
      Construct an instance of a joystick.
      port - The port index on the Driver Station that the joystick is plugged into.
  • Method Details

    • setXChannel

      public void setXChannel(int channel)
      Set the channel associated with the X axis.
      channel - The channel to set the axis to.
    • setYChannel

      public void setYChannel(int channel)
      Set the channel associated with the Y axis.
      channel - The channel to set the axis to.
    • setZChannel

      public void setZChannel(int channel)
      Set the channel associated with the Z axis.
      channel - The channel to set the axis to.
    • setThrottleChannel

      public void setThrottleChannel(int channel)
      Set the channel associated with the throttle axis.
      channel - The channel to set the axis to.
    • setTwistChannel

      public void setTwistChannel(int channel)
      Set the channel associated with the twist axis.
      channel - The channel to set the axis to.
    • getXChannel

      public int getXChannel()
      Get the channel currently associated with the X axis.
      The channel for the axis.
    • getYChannel

      public int getYChannel()
      Get the channel currently associated with the Y axis.
      The channel for the axis.
    • getZChannel

      public int getZChannel()
      Get the channel currently associated with the Z axis.
      The channel for the axis.
    • getTwistChannel

      public int getTwistChannel()
      Get the channel currently associated with the twist axis.
      The channel for the axis.
    • getThrottleChannel

      public int getThrottleChannel()
      Get the channel currently associated with the throttle axis.
      The channel for the axis.
    • getX

      public final double getX()
      Get the X value of the joystick. This depends on the mapping of the joystick connected to the current port. On most joysticks, positive is to the right.
      The X value of the joystick.
    • getY

      public final double getY()
      Get the Y value of the joystick. This depends on the mapping of the joystick connected to the current port. On most joysticks, positive is to the back.
      The Y value of the joystick.
    • getZ

      public final double getZ()
      Get the z position of the HID.
      the z position
    • getTwist

      public final double getTwist()
      Get the twist value of the current joystick. This depends on the mapping of the joystick connected to the current port.
      The Twist value of the joystick.
    • getThrottle

      public final double getThrottle()
      Get the throttle value of the current joystick. This depends on the mapping of the joystick connected to the current port.
      The Throttle value of the joystick.
    • getTrigger

      public boolean getTrigger()
      Read the state of the trigger on the joystick.
      The state of the trigger.
    • getTriggerPressed

      public boolean getTriggerPressed()
      Whether the trigger was pressed since the last check.
      Whether the button was pressed since the last check.
    • getTriggerReleased

      public boolean getTriggerReleased()
      Whether the trigger was released since the last check.
      Whether the button was released since the last check.
    • trigger

      Constructs an event instance around the trigger button's digital signal.
      loop - the event loop instance to attach the event to.
      an event instance representing the trigger button's digital signal attached to the given loop.
    • getTop

      public boolean getTop()
      Read the state of the top button on the joystick.
      The state of the top button.
    • getTopPressed

      public boolean getTopPressed()
      Whether the top button was pressed since the last check.
      Whether the button was pressed since the last check.
    • getTopReleased

      public boolean getTopReleased()
      Whether the top button was released since the last check.
      Whether the button was released since the last check.
    • top

      public BooleanEvent top(EventLoop loop)
      Constructs an event instance around the top button's digital signal.
      loop - the event loop instance to attach the event to.
      an event instance representing the top button's digital signal attached to the given loop.
    • getMagnitude

      public double getMagnitude()
      Get the magnitude of the vector formed by the joystick's current position relative to its origin.
      The magnitude of the direction vector
    • getDirectionRadians

      public double getDirectionRadians()
      Get the direction of the vector formed by the joystick and its origin in radians. 0 is forward and clockwise is positive. (Straight right is π/2.)
      The direction of the vector in radians
    • getDirectionDegrees

      public double getDirectionDegrees()
      Get the direction of the vector formed by the joystick and its origin in degrees. 0 is forward and clockwise is positive. (Straight right is 90.)
      The direction of the vector in degrees