Class SingleJointedArmSim


Represents a simulated single jointed arm mechanism.
  • Constructor Details

    • SingleJointedArmSim

      public SingleJointedArmSim(LinearSystem<N2,N1,N2> plant, DCMotor gearbox, double gearing, double armLengthMeters, double minAngleRads, double maxAngleRads, boolean simulateGravity, double startingAngleRads, double... measurementStdDevs)
      Creates a simulated arm mechanism.
      plant - The linear system that represents the arm. This system can be created with LinearSystemId.createSingleJointedArmSystem(DCMotor, double, double).
      gearbox - The type of and number of motors in the arm gearbox.
      gearing - The gearing of the arm (numbers greater than 1 represent reductions).
      armLengthMeters - The length of the arm.
      minAngleRads - The minimum angle that the arm is capable of.
      maxAngleRads - The maximum angle that the arm is capable of.
      simulateGravity - Whether gravity should be simulated or not.
      startingAngleRads - The initial position of the Arm simulation in radians.
      measurementStdDevs - The standard deviations of the measurements. Can be omitted if no noise is desired. If present must have 1 element for position.
    • SingleJointedArmSim

      public SingleJointedArmSim(DCMotor gearbox, double gearing, double jKgMetersSquared, double armLengthMeters, double minAngleRads, double maxAngleRads, boolean simulateGravity, double startingAngleRads, double... measurementStdDevs)
      Creates a simulated arm mechanism.
      gearbox - The type of and number of motors in the arm gearbox.
      gearing - The gearing of the arm (numbers greater than 1 represent reductions).
      jKgMetersSquared - The moment of inertia of the arm; can be calculated from CAD software.
      armLengthMeters - The length of the arm.
      minAngleRads - The minimum angle that the arm is capable of.
      maxAngleRads - The maximum angle that the arm is capable of.
      simulateGravity - Whether gravity should be simulated or not.
      startingAngleRads - The initial position of the Arm simulation in radians.
      measurementStdDevs - The standard deviations of the measurements. Can be omitted if no noise is desired. If present must have 1 element for position.
  • Method Details

    • setState

      public final void setState(double angleRadians, double velocityRadPerSec)
      Sets the arm's state. The new angle will be limited between the minimum and maximum allowed limits.
      angleRadians - The new angle in radians.
      velocityRadPerSec - The new angular velocity in radians per second.
    • wouldHitLowerLimit

      public boolean wouldHitLowerLimit(double currentAngleRads)
      Returns whether the arm would hit the lower limit.
      currentAngleRads - The current arm height.
      Whether the arm would hit the lower limit.
    • wouldHitUpperLimit

      public boolean wouldHitUpperLimit(double currentAngleRads)
      Returns whether the arm would hit the upper limit.
      currentAngleRads - The current arm height.
      Whether the arm would hit the upper limit.
    • hasHitLowerLimit

      public boolean hasHitLowerLimit()
      Returns whether the arm has hit the lower limit.
      Whether the arm has hit the lower limit.
    • hasHitUpperLimit

      public boolean hasHitUpperLimit()
      Returns whether the arm has hit the upper limit.
      Whether the arm has hit the upper limit.
    • getAngleRads

      public double getAngleRads()
      Returns the current arm angle.
      The current arm angle.
    • getVelocityRadPerSec

      public double getVelocityRadPerSec()
      Returns the current arm velocity.
      The current arm velocity.
    • getCurrentDrawAmps

      public double getCurrentDrawAmps()
      Returns the arm current draw.
      The arm current draw.
    • setInputVoltage

      public void setInputVoltage(double volts)
      Sets the input voltage for the arm.
      volts - The input voltage.
    • estimateMOI

      public static double estimateMOI(double lengthMeters, double massKg)
      Calculates a rough estimate of the moment of inertia of an arm given its length and mass.
      lengthMeters - The length of the arm.
      massKg - The mass of the arm.
      The calculated moment of inertia.
    • updateX

      protected Matrix<N2,N1> updateX(Matrix<N2,N1> currentXhat, Matrix<N1,N1> u, double dtSeconds)
      Updates the state of the arm.
      updateX in class LinearSystemSim<N2,N1,N2>
      currentXhat - The current state estimate.
      u - The system inputs (voltage).
      dtSeconds - The time difference between controller updates.
      The new state.