Class SendableChooser<V>

Type Parameters:
V - The type of the values to be stored
All Implemented Interfaces:
Sendable, AutoCloseable

public class SendableChooser<V> extends Object implements Sendable, AutoCloseable
The SendableChooser class is a useful tool for presenting a selection of options to the SmartDashboard.

For instance, you may wish to be able to select between multiple autonomous modes. You can do this by putting every possible Command you want to run as an autonomous into a SendableChooser and then put it into the SmartDashboard to have a list of options appear on the laptop. Once autonomous starts, simply ask the SendableChooser what the selected value is.

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • close

      public void close()
      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
    • addOption

      public void addOption(String name, V object)
      Adds the given object to the list of options. On the SmartDashboard on the desktop, the object will appear as the given name.
      name - the name of the option
      object - the option
    • setDefaultOption

      public void setDefaultOption(String name, V object)
      Adds the given object to the list of options and marks it as the default. Functionally, this is very close to addOption(String, Object) except that it will use this as the default option if none other is explicitly selected.
      name - the name of the option
      object - the option
    • getSelected

      public V getSelected()
      Returns the selected option. If there is none selected, it will return the default. If there is none selected and no default, then it will return null.
      the option selected
    • onChange

      public void onChange(Consumer<V> listener)
      Bind a listener that's called when the selected value changes. Only one listener can be bound. Calling this function will replace the previous listener.
      listener - The function to call that accepts the new value
    • initSendable

      public void initSendable(SendableBuilder builder)
      Description copied from interface: Sendable
      Initializes this Sendable object.
      Specified by:
      initSendable in interface Sendable
      builder - sendable builder