Class SplineParameterizer


public final class SplineParameterizer extends Object
Class used to parameterize a spline by its arc length.
  • Method Details

    • parameterize

      public static List<PoseWithCurvature> parameterize(Spline spline)
      Parametrizes the spline. This method breaks up the spline into various arcs until their dx, dy, and dtheta are within specific tolerances.
      spline - The spline to parameterize.
      A list of poses and curvatures that represents various points on the spline.
      SplineParameterizer.MalformedSplineException - When the spline is malformed (e.g. has close adjacent points with approximately opposing headings)
    • parameterize

      public static List<PoseWithCurvature> parameterize(Spline spline, double t0, double t1)
      Parametrizes the spline. This method breaks up the spline into various arcs until their dx, dy, and dtheta are within specific tolerances.
      spline - The spline to parameterize.
      t0 - Starting internal spline parameter. It is recommended to use 0.0.
      t1 - Ending internal spline parameter. It is recommended to use 1.0.
      A list of poses and curvatures that represents various points on the spline.
      SplineParameterizer.MalformedSplineException - When the spline is malformed (e.g. has close adjacent points with approximately opposing headings)