Class DARE
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondare
(Matrix<States, States> A, Matrix<States, Inputs> B, Matrix<States, States> Q, Matrix<Inputs, Inputs> R) Computes the unique stabilizing solution X to the discrete-time algebraic Riccati equation.dare
(Matrix<States, States> A, Matrix<States, Inputs> B, Matrix<States, States> Q, Matrix<Inputs, Inputs> R, Matrix<States, Inputs> N) Computes the unique stabilizing solution X to the discrete-time algebraic Riccati equation.dareNoPrecond
(Matrix<States, States> A, Matrix<States, Inputs> B, Matrix<States, States> Q, Matrix<Inputs, Inputs> R) Computes the unique stabilizing solution X to the discrete-time algebraic Riccati equation.dareNoPrecond
(Matrix<States, States> A, Matrix<States, Inputs> B, Matrix<States, States> Q, Matrix<Inputs, Inputs> R, Matrix<States, Inputs> N) Computes the unique stabilizing solution X to the discrete-time algebraic Riccati equation.
Method Details
public static <States extends Num,Inputs extends Num> Matrix<States,States> dareNoPrecond(Matrix<States, States> A, Matrix<States, Inputs> B, Matrix<States, States> Q, Matrix<Inputs, Inputs> R) Computes the unique stabilizing solution X to the discrete-time algebraic Riccati equation.AᵀXA − X − AᵀXB(BᵀXB + R)⁻¹BᵀXA + Q = 0
This internal function skips expensive precondition checks for increased performance. The solver may hang if any of the following occur:
- Q isn't symmetric positive semidefinite
- R isn't symmetric positive definite
- The (A, B) pair isn't stabilizable
- The (A, C) pair where Q = CᵀC isn't detectable
Only use this function if you're sure the preconditions are met.
- Type Parameters:
- Number of states.Inputs
- Number of inputs.- Parameters:
- System matrix.B
- Input matrix.Q
- State cost matrix.R
- Input cost matrix.- Returns:
- Solution of DARE.
public static <States extends Num,Inputs extends Num> Matrix<States,States> dareNoPrecond(Matrix<States, States> A, Matrix<States, Inputs> B, Matrix<States, States> Q, Matrix<Inputs, Inputs> R, Matrix<States, Inputs> N) Computes the unique stabilizing solution X to the discrete-time algebraic Riccati equation.AᵀXA − X − (AᵀXB + N)(BᵀXB + R)⁻¹(BᵀXA + Nᵀ) + Q = 0
This is equivalent to solving the original DARE:
A₂ᵀXA₂ − X − A₂ᵀXB(BᵀXB + R)⁻¹BᵀXA₂ + Q₂ = 0
where A₂ and Q₂ are a change of variables:
A₂ = A − BR⁻¹Nᵀ and Q₂ = Q − NR⁻¹Nᵀ
This overload of the DARE is useful for finding the control law uₖ that minimizes the following cost function subject to xₖ₊₁ = Axₖ + Buₖ.
∞ [xₖ]ᵀ[Q N][xₖ] J = Σ [uₖ] [Nᵀ R][uₖ] ΔT k=0
This is a more general form of the following. The linear-quadratic regulator is the feedback control law uₖ that minimizes the following cost function subject to xₖ₊₁ = Axₖ + Buₖ:
∞ J = Σ (xₖᵀQxₖ + uₖᵀRuₖ) ΔT k=0
This can be refactored as:
∞ [xₖ]ᵀ[Q 0][xₖ] J = Σ [uₖ] [0 R][uₖ] ΔT k=0
This internal function skips expensive precondition checks for increased performance. The solver may hang if any of the following occur:
- Q₂ isn't symmetric positive semidefinite
- R isn't symmetric positive definite
- The (A₂, B) pair isn't stabilizable
- The (A₂, C) pair where Q₂ = CᵀC isn't detectable
Only use this function if you're sure the preconditions are met.
- Type Parameters:
- Number of states.Inputs
- Number of inputs.- Parameters:
- System matrix.B
- Input matrix.Q
- State cost matrix.R
- Input cost matrix.N
- State-input cross-term cost matrix.- Returns:
- Solution of DARE.
public static <States extends Num,Inputs extends Num> Matrix<States,States> dare(Matrix<States, States> A, Matrix<States, Inputs> B, Matrix<States, States> Q, Matrix<Inputs, Inputs> R) Computes the unique stabilizing solution X to the discrete-time algebraic Riccati equation.AᵀXA − X − AᵀXB(BᵀXB + R)⁻¹BᵀXA + Q = 0
- Type Parameters:
- Number of states.Inputs
- Number of inputs.- Parameters:
- System matrix.B
- Input matrix.Q
- State cost matrix.R
- Input cost matrix.- Returns:
- Solution of DARE.
- Throws:
- if Q isn't symmetric positive semidefinite.IllegalArgumentException
- if R isn't symmetric positive definite.IllegalArgumentException
- if the (A, B) pair isn't stabilizable.IllegalArgumentException
- if the (A, C) pair where Q = CᵀC isn't detectable.
public static <States extends Num,Inputs extends Num> Matrix<States,States> dare(Matrix<States, States> A, Matrix<States, Inputs> B, Matrix<States, States> Q, Matrix<Inputs, Inputs> R, Matrix<States, Inputs> N) Computes the unique stabilizing solution X to the discrete-time algebraic Riccati equation.AᵀXA − X − (AᵀXB + N)(BᵀXB + R)⁻¹(BᵀXA + Nᵀ) + Q = 0
This is equivalent to solving the original DARE:
A₂ᵀXA₂ − X − A₂ᵀXB(BᵀXB + R)⁻¹BᵀXA₂ + Q₂ = 0
where A₂ and Q₂ are a change of variables:
A₂ = A − BR⁻¹Nᵀ and Q₂ = Q − NR⁻¹Nᵀ
This overload of the DARE is useful for finding the control law uₖ that minimizes the following cost function subject to xₖ₊₁ = Axₖ + Buₖ.
∞ [xₖ]ᵀ[Q N][xₖ] J = Σ [uₖ] [Nᵀ R][uₖ] ΔT k=0
This is a more general form of the following. The linear-quadratic regulator is the feedback control law uₖ that minimizes the following cost function subject to xₖ₊₁ = Axₖ + Buₖ:
∞ J = Σ (xₖᵀQxₖ + uₖᵀRuₖ) ΔT k=0
This can be refactored as:
∞ [xₖ]ᵀ[Q 0][xₖ] J = Σ [uₖ] [0 R][uₖ] ΔT k=0
- Type Parameters:
- Number of states.Inputs
- Number of inputs.- Parameters:
- System matrix.B
- Input matrix.Q
- State cost matrix.R
- Input cost matrix.N
- State-input cross-term cost matrix.- Returns:
- Solution of DARE.
- Throws:
- if Q₂ isn't symmetric positive semidefinite.IllegalArgumentException
- if R isn't symmetric positive definite.IllegalArgumentException
- if the (A₂, B) pair isn't stabilizable.IllegalArgumentException
- if the (A₂, C) pair where Q₂ = CᵀC isn't detectable.