Class AsynchronousInterrupt

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AsynchronousInterrupt extends Object implements AutoCloseable
Class for handling asynchronous interrupts using a callback thread.

By default, interrupts will occur on rising edge. Callbacks are disabled by default, and enable() must be called before they will occur.

Both rising and falling edges can be indicated in one callback if both a rising and falling edge occurred since the previous callback.

Synchronous (blocking) interrupts are handled by the SynchronousInterrupt class.

  • Constructor Details

    • AsynchronousInterrupt

      Construct a new asynchronous interrupt using a Digital Source.

      At construction, the interrupt will trigger on the rising edge.

      Callbacks will not be triggered until enable() is called.

      The first bool in the callback indicates the rising edge triggered the interrupt, the second bool is falling edge.

      source - The digital source to use.
      callback - The callback to call on an interrupt
  • Method Details

    • close

      public void close()
      Closes the interrupt.

      This does not close the associated digital source.

      This will disable the interrupt if it is enabled.

      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
    • enable

      public void enable()
      Enables interrupt callbacks. Before this, callbacks will not occur. Does nothing if already enabled.
    • disable

      public void disable()
      Disables interrupt callbacks. Does nothing if already disabled.
    • setInterruptEdges

      public void setInterruptEdges(boolean risingEdge, boolean fallingEdge)
      Set which edges to trigger the interrupt on.
      risingEdge - Trigger on rising edge
      fallingEdge - Trigger on falling edge
    • getRisingTimestamp

      public double getRisingTimestamp()
      Get the timestamp of the last rising edge.

      This function does not require the interrupt to be enabled to work.

      This only works if rising edge was configured using setInterruptEdges.

      the timestamp in seconds relative to getFPGATime
    • getFallingTimestamp

      public double getFallingTimestamp()
      Get the timestamp of the last falling edge.

      This function does not require the interrupt to be enabled to work.

      This only works if falling edge was configured using setInterruptEdges.

      the timestamp in seconds relative to getFPGATime