Class DifferentialDrivetrainSim


public class DifferentialDrivetrainSim extends Object
This class simulates the state of the drivetrain. In simulationPeriodic, users should first set inputs from motors with setInputs(double, double), call update(double) to update the simulation, and set estimated encoder and gyro positions, as well as estimated odometry pose. Teams can use Field2d to visualize their robot on the Sim GUI's field.

Our state-space system is:

x = [[x, y, theta, vel_l, vel_r, dist_l, dist_r]]ᵀ in the field coordinate system (dist_* are wheel distances.)

u = [[voltage_l, voltage_r]]ᵀ This is typically the control input of the last timestep from a LTVDiffDriveController.

y = x

  • Constructor Details

    • DifferentialDrivetrainSim

      public DifferentialDrivetrainSim(DCMotor driveMotor, double gearing, double jKgMetersSquared, double massKg, double wheelRadiusMeters, double trackWidthMeters, Matrix<N7,N1> measurementStdDevs)
      Creates a simulated differential drivetrain.
      driveMotor - A DCMotor representing the left side of the drivetrain.
      gearing - The gearing ratio between motor and wheel, as output over input. This must be the same ratio as the ratio used to identify or create the drivetrainPlant.
      jKgMetersSquared - The moment of inertia of the drivetrain about its center.
      massKg - The mass of the drivebase.
      wheelRadiusMeters - The radius of the wheels on the drivetrain.
      trackWidthMeters - The robot's track width, or distance between left and right wheels.
      measurementStdDevs - Standard deviations for measurements, in the form [x, y, heading, left velocity, right velocity, left distance, right distance]ᵀ. Can be null if no noise is desired. Gyro standard deviations of 0.0001 radians, velocity standard deviations of 0.05 m/s, and position measurement standard deviations of 0.005 meters are a reasonable starting point.
    • DifferentialDrivetrainSim

      public DifferentialDrivetrainSim(LinearSystem<N2,N2,N2> plant, DCMotor driveMotor, double gearing, double trackWidthMeters, double wheelRadiusMeters, Matrix<N7,N1> measurementStdDevs)
      Creates a simulated differential drivetrain.
      plant - The LinearSystem representing the robot's drivetrain. This system can be created with LinearSystemId.createDrivetrainVelocitySystem(DCMotor, double, double, double, double, double) or LinearSystemId.identifyDrivetrainSystem(double, double, double, double).
      driveMotor - A DCMotor representing the drivetrain.
      gearing - The gearingRatio ratio of the robot, as output over input. This must be the same ratio as the ratio used to identify or create the drivetrainPlant.
      trackWidthMeters - The distance between the two sides of the drivetrain. Can be found with SysId.
      wheelRadiusMeters - The radius of the wheels on the drivetrain, in meters.
      measurementStdDevs - Standard deviations for measurements, in the form [x, y, heading, left velocity, right velocity, left distance, right distance]ᵀ. Can be null if no noise is desired. Gyro standard deviations of 0.0001 radians, velocity standard deviations of 0.05 m/s, and position measurement standard deviations of 0.005 meters are a reasonable starting point.
  • Method Details

    • setInputs

      public void setInputs(double leftVoltageVolts, double rightVoltageVolts)
      Sets the applied voltage to the drivetrain. Note that positive voltage must make that side of the drivetrain travel forward (+X).
      leftVoltageVolts - The left voltage.
      rightVoltageVolts - The right voltage.
    • update

      public void update(double dtSeconds)
      Update the drivetrain states with the current time difference.
      dtSeconds - the time difference
    • getHeading

      Returns the direction the robot is pointing.

      Note that this angle is counterclockwise-positive, while most gyros are clockwise positive.

      The direction the robot is pointing.
    • getPose

      public Pose2d getPose()
      Returns the current pose.
      The current pose.
    • getRightPositionMeters

      public double getRightPositionMeters()
      Get the right encoder position in meters.
      The encoder position.
    • getRightVelocityMetersPerSecond

      Get the right encoder velocity in meters per second.
      The encoder velocity.
    • getLeftPositionMeters

      public double getLeftPositionMeters()
      Get the left encoder position in meters.
      The encoder position.
    • getLeftVelocityMetersPerSecond

      Get the left encoder velocity in meters per second.
      The encoder velocity.
    • getLeftCurrentDrawAmps

      public double getLeftCurrentDrawAmps()
      Get the current draw of the left side of the drivetrain.
      the drivetrain's left side current draw, in amps
    • getRightCurrentDrawAmps

      public double getRightCurrentDrawAmps()
      Get the current draw of the right side of the drivetrain.
      the drivetrain's right side current draw, in amps
    • getCurrentDrawAmps

      public double getCurrentDrawAmps()
      Get the current draw of the drivetrain.
      the current draw, in amps
    • getCurrentGearing

      public double getCurrentGearing()
      Get the drivetrain gearing.
      the gearing ration
    • setCurrentGearing

      public void setCurrentGearing(double newGearRatio)
      Sets the gearing reduction on the drivetrain. This is commonly used for shifting drivetrains.
      newGearRatio - The new gear ratio, as output over input.
    • setState

      public void setState(Matrix<N7,N1> state)
      Sets the system state.
      state - The state.
    • setPose

      public void setPose(Pose2d pose)
      Sets the system pose.
      pose - The pose.
    • getDynamics

      protected Matrix<N7,N1> getDynamics(Matrix<N7,N1> x, Matrix<N2,N1> u)
      The differential drive dynamics function.
      x - The state.
      u - The input.
      The state derivative with respect to time.
    • clampInput

      protected Matrix<N2,N1> clampInput(Matrix<N2,N1> u)
      Clamp the input vector such that no element exceeds the battery voltage. If any does, the relative magnitudes of the input will be maintained.
      u - The input vector.
      The normalized input.
    • createKitbotSim

      Create a sim for the standard FRC kitbot.
      motor - The motors installed in the bot.
      gearing - The gearing reduction used.
      wheelSize - The wheel size.
      measurementStdDevs - Standard deviations for measurements, in the form [x, y, heading, left velocity, right velocity, left distance, right distance]ᵀ. Can be null if no noise is desired. Gyro standard deviations of 0.0001 radians, velocity standard deviations of 0.05 m/s, and position measurement standard deviations of 0.005 meters are a reasonable starting point.
      A sim for the standard FRC kitbot.
    • createKitbotSim

      Create a sim for the standard FRC kitbot.
      motor - The motors installed in the bot.
      gearing - The gearing reduction used.
      wheelSize - The wheel size.
      jKgMetersSquared - The moment of inertia of the drivebase. This can be calculated using SysId.
      measurementStdDevs - Standard deviations for measurements, in the form [x, y, heading, left velocity, right velocity, left distance, right distance]ᵀ. Can be null if no noise is desired. Gyro standard deviations of 0.0001 radians, velocity standard deviations of 0.05 m/s, and position measurement standard deviations of 0.005 meters are a reasonable starting point.
      A sim for the standard FRC kitbot.