WPILibC++ 2025.2.1
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NcsCameraServer (cscore) namespace
 NdetailDetail namespace with internal helper functions
 NhalWPILib Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) namespace
 NntNetworkTables (ntcore) namespace
 NstdImplement std::hash so that hash_code can be used in STL containers
 NunitsUnit Conversion Library namespace
 NwpiFoonathan namespace
 Cadl_serializerNamespace for Niels Lohmann
 Capriltag_pose_tThis struct holds the transformation from the camera optical frame to the April tag frame
 Cbasic_cstring_viewA reference to a null-terminated string
 Cbasic_format_argsA view of a collection of formatting arguments
 Cbasic_jsonNamespace for Niels Lohmann
 Cbasic_memory_bufferA dynamically growing memory buffer for trivially copyable/constructible types with the first SIZE elements stored in the object itself
 Cbasic_string_viewAn implementation of std::basic_string_view for pre-C++17
 Cbyte_container_with_subtypeInternal type for a backed binary type
 Cconjunction< P >
 Cconjunction< P1, Pn... >
 CCS_EventListener event
 CCS_UsbCameraInfoUSB camera information
 CCS_VideoModeVideo mode
 Cdynamic_format_arg_storeA dynamic list of formatting arguments with storage
 Cformat_intA fast integer formatter
 Cformatter< BitRef, Char, enable_if_t< detail::is_bit_reference_like< BitRef >::value > >
 Cformatter< bytes >
 Cformatter< Char[N], Char >
 Cformatter< day, Char >
 Cformatter< detail::bigint >
 Cformatter< detail::bitint< N >, Char >
 Cformatter< detail::float128, Char >
 Cformatter< detail::streamed_view< T >, Char >
 Cformatter< detail::styled_arg< T >, Char >
 Cformatter< detail::ubitint< N >, Char >
 Cformatter< group_digits_view< T > >
 Cformatter< join_view< It, Sentinel, Char >, Char >
 Cformatter< local_time< Duration >, Char >
 Cformatter< month, Char >
 Cformatter< nested_view< T, Char >, Char >
 Cformatter< R, Char, enable_if_t< conjunction< bool_constant< range_format_kind< R, Char >::value !=range_format::disabled &&range_format_kind< R, Char >::value !=range_format::map &&range_format_kind< R, Char >::value !=range_format::string &&range_format_kind< R, Char >::value !=range_format::debug_string >, detail::is_formattable_delayed< R, Char > >::value > >
 Cformatter< R, Char, enable_if_t< range_format_kind< R, Char >::value==range_format::map > >
 Cformatter< R, Char, enable_if_t< range_format_kind< R, Char >::value==range_format::string||range_format_kind< R, Char >::value==range_format::debug_string > >
 Cformatter< std::atomic< T >, Char, enable_if_t< is_formattable< T, Char >::value > >
 Cformatter< std::basic_string< Char, Traits, Allocator >, Char >
 Cformatter< std::bitset< N >, Char >
 Cformatter< std::chrono::duration< Rep, Period >, Char >
 Cformatter< std::complex< T >, Char >
 Cformatter< std::error_code >
 Cformatter< std::reference_wrapper< T >, Char, enable_if_t< is_formattable< remove_cvref_t< T >, Char >::value > >
 Cformatter< std::thread::id, Char >
 Cformatter< std::tm, Char >
 Cformatter< sys_time< Duration >, Char >
 Cformatter< T, Char, enable_if_t< conjunction< detail::is_container_adaptor_like< T >, bool_constant< range_format_kind< T, Char >::value==range_format::disabled > >::value > >
 Cformatter< T, Char, enable_if_t< detail::type_constant< T, Char >::value !=detail::type::custom_type > >
 Cformatter< T, Char, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< std::exception, T >::value >::type >
 Cformatter< T, Char, void_t< detail::format_as_result< T > > >
 Cformatter< Tuple, Char, enable_if_t< fmt::is_tuple_like< Tuple >::value &&fmt::is_tuple_formattable< Tuple, Char >::value > >
 Cformatter< tuple_join_view< Char, Tuple >, Char, enable_if_t< is_tuple_like< Tuple >::value > >
 Cformatter< utc_time< Duration >, Char >
 Cformatter< weekday, Char >
 Cformatter< year, Char >
 Cformatter< year_month_day, Char >
 CfstringA compile-time format string
 CHAL_AddressableLEDDataStructure for holding one LED's color data
 CHAL_CANStreamMessageStorage for CAN Stream Messages
 CHAL_DMASampleBuffer for containing all DMA data for a specific sample
 CHAL_PowerDistributionStickyFaultsStorage for REV PDH Sticky Faults
 CHAL_PowerDistributionVersionPower distribution version
 CHAL_REVPHCompressorConfigStorage for compressor config
 CHAL_REVPHFaultsStorage for REV PH Faults
 CHAL_REVPHStickyFaultsStorage for REV PH Sticky Faults
 CHAL_REVPHVersionStorage for REV PH Version
 CHAL_ValueHAL Entry Value
 Cis_char< char >
 Cis_char< char16_t >
 Cis_char< char32_t >
 Cis_char< wchar_t >
 Cis_contiguous< basic_memory_buffer< T, SIZE, Allocator > >
 Cis_contiguous< std::basic_string< Char, Traits, Allocator > >
 Cis_xcharSpecifies if T is an extended character type. Can be specialized by users
 Cis_xchar< char16_t >
 Cis_xchar< char32_t >
 Cis_xchar< wchar_t >
 Cjson_pointerJSON Pointer defines a string syntax for identifying a specific value within a JSON document
 Cjson_saxSAX interface
 Cmatd_chol_tCreates a double matrix with the Cholesky lower triangular matrix of A
 Cmatd_tDefines a matrix structure for holding double-precision values with data in row-major order (i.e
 CNT_ConnectionInfoNetworkTables Connection Information
 CNT_EventNetworkTables event
 CNT_LogMessageNetworkTables log message
 CNT_Meta_ClientClient (as published via $clients)
 CNT_Meta_ClientPublisherClient publisher (as published via $clientpub$<client> or $serverpub)
 CNT_Meta_ClientSubscriberClient subscriber (as published via $clientsub$<client> or $serversub)
 CNT_Meta_SubscriberOptionsSubscriber options
 CNT_Meta_TopicPublisherTopic publisher (as published via $pub$<topic>)
 CNT_Meta_TopicSubscriberTopic subscriber (as published via $sub$<topic>)
 CNT_PubSubOptionsNetworkTables publish/subscribe options
 CNT_TimestampedBooleanTimestamped Boolean
 CNT_TimestampedBooleanArrayTimestamped BooleanArray
 CNT_TimestampedDoubleTimestamped Double
 CNT_TimestampedDoubleArrayTimestamped DoubleArray
 CNT_TimestampedFloatTimestamped Float
 CNT_TimestampedFloatArrayTimestamped FloatArray
 CNT_TimestampedIntegerTimestamped Integer
 CNT_TimestampedIntegerArrayTimestamped IntegerArray
 CNT_TimestampedRawTimestamped Raw
 CNT_TimestampedStringTimestamped String
 CNT_TimestampedStringArrayTimestamped StringArray
 CNT_TimeSyncEventDataNetworkTables time sync event data
 CNT_TopicInfoNetworkTables Topic Information
 CNT_ValueNetworkTables Entry Value
 CNT_ValueEventDataNetworkTables value event data
 Cordered_mapOrdered_map: a minimal map-like container that preserves insertion order for use within wpi::basic_json<ordered_map>
 Cparse_contextParsing context consisting of a format string range being parsed and an argument counter for automatic indexing
 Crange_formatter< T, Char, enable_if_t< conjunction< std::is_same< T, remove_cvref_t< T > >, is_formattable< T, Char > >::value > >
 Ctext_styleA text style consisting of foreground and background colors and emphasis
 Cuv_buf_tIt should be possible to cast uv_buf_t[] to WSABUF[] see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms741542(v=vs.85).aspx
 CWPI_RawFrameRaw Frame
 CWPI_StringA const UTF8 string