WPILibC++ 2025.3.1
No Matches
- Member basic_json< ObjectType, ArrayType, StringType, BooleanType, NumberIntegerType, NumberUnsignedType, NumberFloatType, AllocatorType, JSONSerializer, BinaryType, CustomBaseClass >::iterator_wrapper (reference ref) noexcept
- This function is deprecated since 3.1.0 and will be removed in version 4.0.0 of the library. Please use items() instead; that is, replace
with j.items()
- Member basic_json< ObjectType, ArrayType, StringType, BooleanType, NumberIntegerType, NumberUnsignedType, NumberFloatType, AllocatorType, JSONSerializer, BinaryType, CustomBaseClass >::iterator_wrapper (const_reference ref) noexcept
- This function is deprecated since 3.1.0 and will be removed in version 4.0.0 of the library. Please use items() instead; that is, replace
with j.items()
- Member basic_json< ObjectType, ArrayType, StringType, BooleanType, NumberIntegerType, NumberUnsignedType, NumberFloatType, AllocatorType, JSONSerializer, BinaryType, CustomBaseClass >::operator<< (basic_json &j, std::istream &i)
- This stream operator is deprecated since 3.0.0 and will be removed in version 4.0.0 of the library. Please use operator>>(std::istream&, basic_json&) instead; that is, replace calls like
j << i;
with i >> j;
- Member basic_json< ObjectType, ArrayType, StringType, BooleanType, NumberIntegerType, NumberUnsignedType, NumberFloatType, AllocatorType, JSONSerializer, BinaryType, CustomBaseClass >::sax_parse (detail::span_input_adapter &&i, SAX *sax, input_format_t format=input_format_t::json, const bool strict=true, const bool ignore_comments=false)
- This function is deprecated since 3.8.0 and will be removed in version 4.0.0 of the library. Please use sax_parse(ptr, ptr + len) instead.
- Class cs::AxisCamera
- Use HttpCamera instead.
- Member frc2::PIDCommand::PIDCommand (frc::PIDController controller, std::function< double()> measurementSource, std::function< double()> setpointSource, std::function< void(double)> useOutput, Requirements requirements={})
- Use a PIDController instead
- Member frc2::PIDCommand::PIDCommand (frc::PIDController controller, std::function< double()> measurementSource, double setpoint, std::function< void(double)> useOutput, Requirements requirements={})
- Use a PIDController instead
- Class frc2::PIDSubsystem
- Use a PIDController instead
- Member frc2::ProfiledPIDCommand< Distance >::ProfiledPIDCommand (frc::ProfiledPIDController< Distance > controller, std::function< Distance_t()> measurementSource, std::function< State()> goalSource, std::function< void(double, State)> useOutput, Requirements requirements={})
- Use a ProfiledPIDController instead
- Member frc2::ProfiledPIDCommand< Distance >::ProfiledPIDCommand (frc::ProfiledPIDController< Distance > controller, std::function< Distance_t()> measurementSource, std::function< Distance_t()> goalSource, std::function< void(double, State)> useOutput, Requirements requirements={})
- Use a ProfiledPIDController instead
- Member frc2::ProfiledPIDCommand< Distance >::ProfiledPIDCommand (frc::ProfiledPIDController< Distance > controller, std::function< Distance_t()> measurementSource, State goal, std::function< void(double, State)> useOutput, Requirements requirements={})
- Use a ProfiledPIDController instead
- Member frc2::ProfiledPIDCommand< Distance >::ProfiledPIDCommand (frc::ProfiledPIDController< Distance > controller, std::function< Distance_t()> measurementSource, Distance_t goal, std::function< void(double, State)> useOutput, Requirements requirements={})
- Use a ProfiledPIDController instead
- Class frc2::ProfiledPIDSubsystem< Distance >
- Use a ProfiledPIDController instead
- Member frc2::ProxyCommand::ProxyCommand (wpi::unique_function< Command *()> supplier)
- This constructor's similarity to
is confusing and opens potential footguns for users who do not fully understand the semantics and implications of proxying, but who simply want runtime construction. Users who do know what they are doing and need a supplier-constructed proxied command should instead defer a proxy command.
- Member frc2::ProxyCommand::ProxyCommand (wpi::unique_function< CommandPtr()> supplier)
- This constructor's similarity to
is confusing and opens potential footguns for users who do not fully understand the semantics and implications of proxying, but who simply want runtime construction. Users who do know what they are doing and need a supplier-constructed proxied command should instead defer a proxy command.
- Member frc2::RamseteCommand::RamseteCommand (frc::Trajectory trajectory, std::function< frc::Pose2d()> pose, frc::RamseteController controller, frc::SimpleMotorFeedforward< units::meters > feedforward, frc::DifferentialDriveKinematics kinematics, std::function< frc::DifferentialDriveWheelSpeeds()> wheelSpeeds, frc::PIDController leftController, frc::PIDController rightController, std::function< void(units::volt_t, units::volt_t)> output, Requirements requirements={})
- Use LTVUnicycleController instead.
- Member frc2::RamseteCommand::RamseteCommand (frc::Trajectory trajectory, std::function< frc::Pose2d()> pose, frc::RamseteController controller, frc::DifferentialDriveKinematics kinematics, std::function< void(units::meters_per_second_t, units::meters_per_second_t)> output, Requirements requirements={})
- Use LTVUnicycleController instead.
- Member frc2::TrapezoidProfileCommand< Distance >::TrapezoidProfileCommand (frc::TrapezoidProfile< Distance > profile, std::function< void(State)> output, std::function< State()> goal, std::function< State()> currentState, Requirements requirements={})
- Use a TrapezoidProfile instead
- Class frc2::TrapezoidProfileSubsystem< Distance >
- Use a TrapezoidProfile instead
- Member frc::CameraServer::AddAxisCamera (std::string_view host)
- Call StartAutomaticCapture with a HttpCamera instead.
- Member frc::CameraServer::AddAxisCamera (const char *host)
- Call StartAutomaticCapture with a HttpCamera instead.
- Member frc::CameraServer::AddAxisCamera (const std::string &host)
- Call StartAutomaticCapture with a HttpCamera instead.
- Member frc::CameraServer::AddAxisCamera (std::span< const std::string > hosts)
- Call StartAutomaticCapture with a HttpCamera instead.
- Member frc::CameraServer::AddAxisCamera (std::initializer_list< T > hosts)
- Call StartAutomaticCapture with a HttpCamera instead.
- Member frc::CameraServer::AddAxisCamera (std::string_view name, std::string_view host)
- Call StartAutomaticCapture with a HttpCamera instead.
- Member frc::CameraServer::AddAxisCamera (std::string_view name, const char *host)
- Call StartAutomaticCapture with a HttpCamera instead.
- Member frc::CameraServer::AddAxisCamera (std::string_view name, const std::string &host)
- Call StartAutomaticCapture with a HttpCamera instead.
- Member frc::CameraServer::AddAxisCamera (std::string_view name, std::span< const std::string > hosts)
- Call StartAutomaticCapture with a HttpCamera instead.
- Member frc::CameraServer::AddAxisCamera (std::string_view name, std::initializer_list< T > hosts)
- Call StartAutomaticCapture with a HttpCamera instead.
- Member frc::ElevatorFeedforward::Calculate (units::unit_t< Velocity > velocity, units::unit_t< Acceleration > acceleration) const
- Use the current/next velocity overload instead.
- Member frc::EllipticalRegionConstraint< Constraint >::EllipticalRegionConstraint (const Translation2d ¢er, units::meter_t xWidth, units::meter_t yWidth, const Rotation2d &rotation, const Constraint &constraint)
- Use constructor taking Ellipse2d instead.
- Member frc::Encoder::GetPeriod () const override
- Use getRate() in favor of this method.
- Member frc::Encoder::SetMaxPeriod (units::second_t maxPeriod) override
- Use SetMinRate() in favor of this method. This takes unscaled periods and SetMinRate() scales using value from SetDistancePerPulse().
- Member frc::HolonomicDriveController::getThetaController ()
- Use GetThetaController() instead.
- Member frc::HolonomicDriveController::getXController ()
- Use GetXController() instead.
- Member frc::HolonomicDriveController::getYController ()
- Use GetYController() instead.
- Member frc::IterativeRobotBase::SetNetworkTablesFlushEnabled (bool enabled)
- Deprecated without replacement.
- Member frc::LoadAprilTagLayoutField (AprilTagField field)
- Use AprilTagFieldLayout::LoadField() instead
- Member frc::PIDController::GetPositionError () const
- Use GetError() instead.
- Member frc::PIDController::GetPositionTolerance () const
- Use GetErrorTolerance() instead.
- Member frc::PIDController::GetVelocityError () const
- Use GetErrorDerivative() instead.
- Member frc::PIDController::GetVelocityTolerance () const
- Use GetErrorDerivativeTolerance() instead.
- Member frc::PoseTo3dVector (const Pose2d &pose)
- Create the vector manually instead. If you were using this as an intermediate step for constructing affine transformations, use Pose2d.ToMatrix() instead.
- Member frc::PoseTo4dVector (const Pose2d &pose)
- Create the vector manually instead. If you were using this as an intermediate step for constructing affine transformations, use Pose2d.ToMatrix() instead.
- Member frc::PoseToVector (const Pose2d &pose)
- Create the vector manually instead. If you were using this as an intermediate step for constructing affine transformations, use Pose2d.ToMatrix() instead.
- Member frc::PS4Controller::GetTouchpad () const
- Use GetTouchpadButton instead. This function is deprecated for removal to make function names consistent to allow the HID classes to be automatically generated.
- Member frc::PS4Controller::GetTouchpadPressed ()
- Use GetTouchpadButtonPressed instead. This function is deprecated for removal to make function names consistent to allow the HID classes to be automatically generated.
- Member frc::PS4Controller::GetTouchpadReleased ()
- Use GetLeftBumperButton instead. This function is deprecated for removal to make function names consistent to allow the HID classes to be automatically generated.
- Member frc::PS5Controller::GetTouchpad () const
- Use GetTouchpadButton instead. This function is deprecated for removal to make function names consistent to allow the HID classes to be automatically generated.
- Member frc::PS5Controller::GetTouchpadPressed ()
- Use GetTouchpadButtonPressed instead. This function is deprecated for removal to make function names consistent to allow the HID classes to be automatically generated.
- Member frc::PS5Controller::GetTouchpadReleased ()
- Use GetLeftBumperButton instead. This function is deprecated for removal to make function names consistent to allow the HID classes to be automatically generated.
- Member frc::RamseteController::RamseteController (units::unit_t< b_unit > b, units::unit_t< zeta_unit > zeta)
- Use LTVUnicycleController instead.
- Member frc::RamseteController::RamseteController ()
- Use LTVUnicycleController instead.
- Member frc::RectangularRegionConstraint< Constraint >::RectangularRegionConstraint (const Translation2d &bottomLeftPoint, const Translation2d &topRightPoint, const Constraint &constraint)
- Use constructor taking Rectangle2d instead.
- Class frc::Resource
- Use the HandleResource classes instead
- Member frc::sim::PS4ControllerSim::SetTouchpad (bool value)
- Use SetTouchpadButton instead. This function is deprecated for removal to make function names consistent to allow the HID classes to be automatically generated.
- Member frc::sim::PS5ControllerSim::SetTouchpad (bool value)
- Use SetTouchpadButton instead. This function is deprecated for removal to make function names consistent to allow the HID classes to be automatically generated.
- Member frc::sim::XboxControllerSim::SetLeftBumper (bool value)
- Use SetLeftBumperButton instead. This function is deprecated for removal to make function names consistent to allow the HID classes to be automatically generated.
- Member frc::sim::XboxControllerSim::SetRightBumper (bool value)
- Use SetRightBumperButton instead. This function is deprecated for removal to make function names consistent to allow the HID classes to be automatically generated.
- Member frc::SimpleMotorFeedforward< Distance >::Calculate (units::unit_t< Velocity > velocity, units::unit_t< Acceleration > acceleration) const
- Use the current/next velocity overload instead.
- Member frc::StadiaController::GetLeftBumper () const
- Use GetLeftBumperButton instead. This function is deprecated for removal to make function names consistent to allow the HID classes to be automatically generated.
- Member frc::StadiaController::GetLeftBumperPressed ()
- Use GetLeftBumperButtonPressed instead. This function is deprecated for removal to make function names consistent to allow the HID classes to be automatically generated.
- Member frc::StadiaController::GetLeftBumperReleased ()
- Use GetLeftBumperButtonReleased instead. This function is deprecated for removal to make function names consistent to allow the HID classes to be automatically generated.
- Member frc::StadiaController::GetRightBumper () const
- Use GetRightBumperButton instead. This function is deprecated for removal to make function names consistent to allow the HID classes to be automatically generated.
- Member frc::StadiaController::GetRightBumperPressed ()
- Use GetRightBumperButtonPressed instead. This function is deprecated for removal to make function names consistent to allow the HID classes to be automatically generated.
- Member frc::StadiaController::GetRightBumperReleased ()
- Use GetRightBumperButtonReleased instead. This function is deprecated for removal to make function names consistent to allow the HID classes to be automatically generated.
- Member frc::XboxController::GetLeftBumper () const
- Use GetLeftBumperButton instead. This function is deprecated for removal to make function names consistent to allow the HID classes to be automatically generated.
- Member frc::XboxController::GetLeftBumperPressed ()
- Use GetLeftBumperButtonPressed instead. This function is deprecated for removal to make function names consistent to allow the HID classes to be automatically generated.
- Member frc::XboxController::GetLeftBumperReleased ()
- Use GetLeftBumperButtonReleased instead. This function is deprecated for removal to make function names consistent to allow the HID classes to be automatically generated.
- Member frc::XboxController::GetRightBumper () const
- Use GetRightBumperButton instead. This function is deprecated for removal to make function names consistent to allow the HID classes to be automatically generated.
- Member frc::XboxController::GetRightBumperPressed ()
- Use GetRightBumperButtonPressed instead. This function is deprecated for removal to make function names consistent to allow the HID classes to be automatically generated.
- Member frc::XboxController::GetRightBumperReleased ()
- Use GetRightBumperButtonReleased instead. This function is deprecated for removal to make function names consistent to allow the HID classes to be automatically generated.
- Member frc::XRPServo::GetPosition () const
- Use GetAngle() instead
- Member frc::XRPServo::SetPosition (double position)
- Use SetAngle() instead
- Member mpack_tag_array (int32_t count)
- Renamed to mpack_tag_make_array().
- Member mpack_tag_bin (int32_t length)
- Renamed to mpack_tag_make_bin().
- Member mpack_tag_bool (bool value)
- Renamed to mpack_tag_make_bool().
- Member mpack_tag_false (void)
- Renamed to mpack_tag_make_false().
- Member mpack_tag_int (int64_t value)
- Renamed to mpack_tag_make_int().
- Member mpack_tag_map (int32_t count)
- Renamed to mpack_tag_make_map().
- Member mpack_tag_nil (void)
- Renamed to mpack_tag_make_nil().
- Member mpack_tag_str (int32_t length)
- Renamed to mpack_tag_make_str().
- Member mpack_tag_true (void)
- Renamed to mpack_tag_make_true().
- Member mpack_tag_uint (uint64_t value)
- Renamed to mpack_tag_make_uint().
- Member wpi::memory::virtual_memory_page_size
- use get_virtual_memory_page_size instead.