Njson_literals | |
Nalign | |
►Ncs | CameraServer (cscore) namespace |
CAxisCamera | A source that represents an Axis IP camera |
CCvSink | A sink for user code to accept video frames as OpenCV images |
CCvSource | A source for user code to provide OpenCV images as video frames |
CHttpCamera | A source that represents a MJPEG-over-HTTP (IP) camera |
CImageSink | A base class for single image reading sinks |
CImageSource | A base class for single image providing sources |
CMjpegServer | A sink that acts as a MJPEG-over-HTTP network server |
CRawCvSink | A sink for user code to accept raw video frames as OpenCV images |
CRawCvSource | A source for using the raw frame API to provide opencv images |
CRawEvent | Listener event |
CRawSink | A sink for user code to accept video frames as raw bytes |
CRawSource | A source for user code to provide video frames as raw bytes |
CUsbCamera | A source that represents a USB camera |
CUsbCameraInfo | USB camera information |
CVideoCamera | A source that represents a video camera |
CVideoEvent | An event generated by the library and provided to event listeners |
CVideoListener | An event listener |
CVideoMode | Video mode |
CVideoProperty | A source or sink property |
CVideoSink | A sink for video that accepts a sequence of frames |
CVideoSource | A source for video that provides a sequence of frames |
Ncv | |
►Ndetail | Detail namespace with internal helper functions |
►Ncontainer_input_adapter_factory_impl | |
Ccontainer_input_adapter_factory | |
Ccontainer_input_adapter_factory< ContainerType, void_t< decltype(begin(std::declval< ContainerType >()), end(std::declval< ContainerType >()))> > | |
►Ndragonbox | |
Ccache_accessor | |
►Ccache_accessor< double > | |
Ccompute_mul_parity_result | |
Ccompute_mul_result | |
►Ccache_accessor< float > | |
Ccompute_mul_parity_result | |
Ccompute_mul_result | |
Cdecimal_fp | |
Cfloat_info | |
Cfloat_info< double > | |
Cfloat_info< float > | |
Cfloat_info< T, enable_if_t< is_double_double< T >::value > > | |
Cfloat_info< T, enable_if_t< std::numeric_limits< T >::digits==64||std::numeric_limits< T >::digits==113||is_float128< T >::value > > | |
►Ndtoa_impl | Implements the Grisu2 algorithm for binary to decimal floating-point conversion |
Cboundaries | |
Ccached_power | |
Cdiyfp | |
Nimpl | |
Ntuple | |
►Nutility_internal | |
CExtend | |
CExtend< integer_sequence< T, Ints... >, SeqSize, 0 > | |
CExtend< integer_sequence< T, Ints... >, SeqSize, 1 > | |
CGen | |
CGen< T, 0 > | |
Cactual_object_comparator | |
Call | |
Cansi_color_escape | |
Carg_converter | |
Carg_data | |
Carg_data< T, Char, NUM_ARGS, 0 > | |
Carg_formatter | |
►Carg_mapper | |
Cformattable | |
►Carg_ref | |
Cvalue | |
Cbasic_data | |
Cbasic_fp | |
Cbig_decimal_fp | |
Cbigint | |
Cbinary_reader | Deserialization of CBOR, MessagePack, and UBJSON values |
Cbinary_writer | Serialization to CBOR and MessagePack values |
Cbuffer | \rst A contiguous memory buffer with an optional growing ability |
Cbuffer_traits | |
Cchar_converter | |
Cchar_t_impl | |
Cchar_t_impl< S, enable_if_t< is_string< S >::value > > | |
Cchrono_format_checker | |
Cchrono_formatter | |
Ccodecvt_result | |
►Ccolor_type | |
Ccolor_union | |
Ccompile_parse_context | |
Ccompile_string | |
Ccompiled_string | |
Cconditional_helper | |
Cconjunction | |
Cconjunction< B > | |
Cconjunction< B, Bn... > | |
Ccount_fractional_digits | |
Ccount_fractional_digits< Num, Den, N, false > | |
Ccounting_buffer | |
►Ccounting_iterator | |
Cvalue_type | |
Ccustom_formatter | |
Ccustom_value | |
Cdata | |
Cdefault_arg_formatter | |
Cdetector | |
Cdetector< Default, void_t< Op< Args... > >, Op, Args... > | |
Cdigit_grouping | |
Cdynamic_arg_list | |
Cdynamic_format_specs | |
Cdynamic_spec_id_handler | |
Cerror_handler | |
Cexception | General exception of the basic_json class |
Cexternal_constructor | |
Cexternal_constructor< value_t::array > | |
Cexternal_constructor< value_t::binary > | |
Cexternal_constructor< value_t::boolean > | |
Cexternal_constructor< value_t::number_float > | |
Cexternal_constructor< value_t::number_integer > | |
Cexternal_constructor< value_t::number_unsigned > | |
Cexternal_constructor< value_t::object > | |
Cexternal_constructor< value_t::string > | |
Cfallback_digit_grouping | |
Cfile_access | |
Cfile_input_adapter | |
Cfill_t | |
Cfind_escape_result | |
Cfixed_buffer_traits | |
Cfloat_specs | |
Cformat_as_result | |
Cformat_decimal_result | |
Cformat_string_checker | |
Cformat_tuple_element | |
Cformatbuf | |
Cfrom_json_fn | |
Cget_cstring | |
Cget_locale | |
Chas_const_begin_end | |
Chas_const_begin_end< T, void_t< decltype(detail::range_begin(std::declval< const remove_cvref_t< T > & >())), decltype(detail::range_end(std::declval< const remove_cvref_t< T > & >()))> > | |
Chas_flip | |
Chas_flip< T, void_t< decltype(std::declval< T >().flip())> > | |
Chas_format_as | |
Chas_from_json | |
Chas_from_json< BasicJsonType, T, enable_if_t< !is_basic_json< T >::value > > | |
Chas_isfinite | |
Chas_isfinite< T, enable_if_t< sizeof(std::isfinite(T())) !=0 > > | |
Chas_key_compare | |
Chas_member_data_tm_gmtoff | |
Chas_member_data_tm_gmtoff< T, void_t< decltype(T::tm_gmtoff)> > | |
Chas_member_data_tm_zone | |
Chas_member_data_tm_zone< T, void_t< decltype(T::tm_zone)> > | |
Chas_member_fn_begin_end_t | |
Chas_member_fn_begin_end_t< T, void_t< decltype(std::declval< T >().begin()), decltype(std::declval< T >().end())> > | |
Chas_mutable_begin_end | |
Chas_mutable_begin_end< T, void_t< decltype(detail::range_begin(std::declval< T >())), decltype(detail::range_end(std::declval< T >())), int > > | |
Chas_non_default_from_json | |
Chas_non_default_from_json< BasicJsonType, T, enable_if_t< !is_basic_json< T >::value > > | |
Chas_to_json | |
Chas_to_json< BasicJsonType, T, enable_if_t< !is_basic_json< T >::value > > | |
Cidentity_tag | |
Cinput_stream_adapter | |
Cint_checker | |
Cint_checker< true > | |
Cinteger_sequence | |
Cinternal_iterator | Iterator value |
Cinvalid_iterator | Exception indicating errors with iterators |
Cis_back_insert_iterator | |
Cis_back_insert_iterator< std::back_insert_iterator< Container > > | |
Cis_basic_json | |
Cis_basic_json< WPI_BASIC_JSON_TPL > | |
Cis_basic_json_context | |
Cis_bit_reference_like | |
Cis_c_string | |
Cis_comparable | |
Cis_comparable< Compare, A, B, void_t< decltype(std::declval< Compare >()(std::declval< A >(), std::declval< B >())), decltype(std::declval< Compare >()(std::declval< B >(), std::declval< A >()))> > | |
Cis_compatible_array_type | |
Cis_compatible_array_type_impl | |
Cis_compatible_array_type_impl< BasicJsonType, CompatibleArrayType, enable_if_t< is_detected< iterator_t, CompatibleArrayType >::value &&is_iterator_traits< iterator_traits< detected_t< iterator_t, CompatibleArrayType > > >::value &&!std::is_same< CompatibleArrayType, detected_t< range_value_t, CompatibleArrayType > >::value > > | |
Cis_compatible_integer_type | |
Cis_compatible_integer_type_impl | |
Cis_compatible_integer_type_impl< RealIntegerType, CompatibleNumberIntegerType, enable_if_t< std::is_integral< RealIntegerType >::value &&std::is_integral< CompatibleNumberIntegerType >::value &&!std::is_same< bool, CompatibleNumberIntegerType >::value > > | |
Cis_compatible_object_type | |
Cis_compatible_object_type_impl | |
Cis_compatible_object_type_impl< BasicJsonType, CompatibleObjectType, enable_if_t< is_detected< mapped_type_t, CompatibleObjectType >::value &&is_detected< key_type_t, CompatibleObjectType >::value > > | |
Cis_compatible_string_type | |
Cis_compatible_type | |
Cis_compatible_type_impl | |
Cis_compatible_type_impl< BasicJsonType, CompatibleType, enable_if_t< is_complete_type< CompatibleType >::value > > | |
Cis_compile_string | |
Cis_compiled_string | |
Cis_complete_type | |
Cis_complete_type< T, decltype(void(sizeof(T)))> | |
Cis_constructible | |
Cis_constructible< const std::pair< T1, T2 > > | |
Cis_constructible< const std::tuple< Ts... > > | |
Cis_constructible< std::pair< T1, T2 > > | |
Cis_constructible< std::tuple< Ts... > > | |
Cis_constructible_array_type | |
Cis_constructible_array_type_impl | |
Cis_constructible_array_type_impl< BasicJsonType, ConstructibleArrayType, enable_if_t< !std::is_same< ConstructibleArrayType, typename BasicJsonType::value_type >::value &&!is_compatible_string_type< BasicJsonType, ConstructibleArrayType >::value &&is_default_constructible< ConstructibleArrayType >::value &&(std::is_move_assignable< ConstructibleArrayType >::value||std::is_copy_assignable< ConstructibleArrayType >::value)&&is_detected< iterator_t, ConstructibleArrayType >::value &&is_iterator_traits< iterator_traits< detected_t< iterator_t, ConstructibleArrayType > > >::value &&is_detected< range_value_t, ConstructibleArrayType >::value &&!std::is_same< ConstructibleArrayType, detected_t< range_value_t, ConstructibleArrayType > >::value &&is_complete_type< detected_t< range_value_t, ConstructibleArrayType > >::value > > | |
Cis_constructible_array_type_impl< BasicJsonType, ConstructibleArrayType, enable_if_t< std::is_same< ConstructibleArrayType, typename BasicJsonType::value_type >::value > > | |
Cis_constructible_object_type | |
Cis_constructible_object_type_impl | |
Cis_constructible_object_type_impl< BasicJsonType, ConstructibleObjectType, enable_if_t< is_detected< mapped_type_t, ConstructibleObjectType >::value &&is_detected< key_type_t, ConstructibleObjectType >::value > > | |
Cis_constructible_string_type | |
Cis_constructible_tuple | |
Cis_constructible_tuple< T1, std::tuple< Args... > > | |
Cis_container_adaptor_like | |
Cis_default_constructible | |
Cis_default_constructible< const std::pair< T1, T2 > > | |
Cis_default_constructible< const std::tuple< Ts... > > | |
Cis_default_constructible< std::pair< T1, T2 > > | |
Cis_default_constructible< std::tuple< Ts... > > | |
Cis_detected_lazy | |
Cis_formattable_delayed | |
Cis_getable | |
Cis_integral | |
Cis_integral< int128_opt > | |
Cis_integral< uint128_t > | |
Cis_iterator_of_multibyte | |
Cis_iterator_traits | |
Cis_iterator_traits< iterator_traits< T > > | |
Cis_json_iterator_of | |
Cis_json_iterator_of< BasicJsonType, typename BasicJsonType::const_iterator > | |
Cis_json_iterator_of< BasicJsonType, typename BasicJsonType::iterator > | |
Cis_json_ref | |
Cis_json_ref< json_ref< T > > | |
Cis_map | |
Cis_named_arg | |
Cis_named_arg< named_arg< Char, T > > | |
►Cis_ordered_map | |
Ctwo | |
Cis_output_iterator | |
Cis_output_iterator< It, T, void_t< typename std::iterator_traits< It >::iterator_category, decltype(*std::declval< It >()=std::declval< T >())> > | |
Cis_range | |
Cis_range_ | |
Cis_range_< T, void > | |
Cis_reference_wrapper | |
Cis_reference_wrapper< std::reference_wrapper< T > > | |
Cis_sax | |
Cis_sax_static_asserts | |
Cis_set | |
Cis_specialization_of | |
Cis_specialization_of< Primary, Primary< Args... > > | |
Cis_statically_named_arg | |
Cis_std_string_like | |
Cis_std_string_like< fmt::basic_string_view< Char > > | |
Cis_string | |
Cis_transparent | |
Cis_tuple_formattable_ | |
Cis_tuple_formattable_< T, C, true > | |
Cis_tuple_like_ | |
Cis_zero_int | |
Citer_impl | Template for a bidirectional iterator for the basic_json class This class implements a both iterators (iterator and const_iterator) for the basic_json class |
Citeration_proxy | Proxy class for the items() function |
Citeration_proxy_value | |
Citerator_buffer | |
Citerator_buffer< std::back_insert_iterator< Container >, enable_if_t< is_contiguous< Container >::value, typename Container::value_type > > | |
Citerator_buffer< T *, T > | |
Citerator_buffer< T *, T, fixed_buffer_traits > | |
Citerator_input_adapter | |
Citerator_input_adapter_factory | |
Citerator_input_adapter_factory< IteratorType, enable_if_t< is_iterator_of_multibyte< IteratorType >::value > > | |
Citerator_traits | |
Citerator_traits< T *, enable_if_t< std::is_object< T >::value > > | |
Citerator_traits< T, enable_if_t< !std::is_pointer< T >::value > > | |
Citerator_types | |
Citerator_types< It, void_t< typename It::difference_type, typename It::value_type, typename It::pointer, typename It::reference, typename It::iterator_category > > | |
Cjson_ref | |
Cjson_reverse_iterator | Template for a reverse iterator class |
Cjson_sax_acceptor | |
Cjson_sax_dom_callback_parser | |
Cjson_sax_dom_parser | SAX implementation to create a JSON value from SAX events |
Clexer | Lexical analysis |
Clexer_base | |
Cloc_writer | |
Clocale_ref | |
Cmake_integer_sequence | |
Cmake_integer_sequence< T, 0, Ns... > | |
Cmake_unsigned_or_bool | |
Cmake_unsigned_or_bool< bool > | |
Cmake_unsigned_or_unchanged | |
Cmake_unsigned_or_unchanged< T, true > | |
Cmake_void | |
Cnamed_arg | |
Cnamed_arg_info | |
Cnamed_arg_value | |
Cnegation | |
Cnonesuch | |
Cnull | |
Cnull_chrono_spec_handler | |
Cother_error | Exception indicating other library errors |
Cout_of_range | Exception indicating access out of the defined range |
Coutput_adapter | |
Coutput_adapter_protocol | Abstract output adapter interface |
Coutput_stream_adapter | Output adapter for output streams |
Coutput_string_adapter | Output adapter for basic_string |
Coutput_vector_adapter | Output adapter for byte vectors |
Cparse_empty_specs | |
Cparse_error | Exception indicating a parse error |
Cparser | Syntax analysis |
Cposition_t | Struct to capture the start position of the current token |
Cprecision_checker | |
Cprimitive_iterator_t | |
Cprintf_arg_formatter | |
Cprintf_precision_handler | |
Cprintf_width_handler | |
Cpriority_tag | |
Cpriority_tag< 0 > | |
Crange_default_formatter | |
Crange_default_formatter< K, R, Char, enable_if_t<(K==range_format::sequence||K==range_format::map||K==range_format::set)> > | |
Crange_format_kind_ | |
Crange_mapper | |
Craw_ostream_adapter | |
Cserializer | |
Csingleton | |
Cspan_input_adapter | |
Cstatic_const | |
Cstd_string_view | |
Cstreamed_view | |
Cstring_literal | |
Cstring_value | |
Cstrip_named_arg | |
Cstrip_named_arg< T, true > | |
Cstyled_arg | |
Cthousands_sep_result | |
Ctm_format_checker | |
Ctm_writer | |
Cto_json_fn | |
Cto_utf8 | |
Ctype_constant | |
Ctype_error | Exception indicating executing a member function with a wrong type |
Cuint128_fallback | |
Cunformattable | |
Cunformattable_char | |
Cunformattable_pointer | |
Cutf8_to_utf16 | |
Cvalue | |
Cvalue_in_range_of_impl1 | |
Cvalue_in_range_of_impl1< OfType, T, false > | |
Cvalue_in_range_of_impl1< OfType, T, true > | |
Cvalue_in_range_of_impl2 | |
Cvalue_in_range_of_impl2< OfType, T, false, false > | |
Cvalue_in_range_of_impl2< OfType, T, false, true > | |
Cvalue_in_range_of_impl2< OfType, T, true, false > | |
Cvalue_in_range_of_impl2< OfType, T, true, true > | |
Cvformat_args | |
Cvformat_args< char > | |
Cview | |
Cwide_string_input_adapter | |
Cwide_string_input_helper | |
Cwide_string_input_helper< BaseInputAdapter, 2 > | |
Cwide_string_input_helper< BaseInputAdapter, 4 > | |
Cwidth_checker | |
Cwrite_int_arg | |
Cwrite_int_data | |
Ndetail_exported | An error reported from a formatting function |
►NEigen | |
►Ninternal | |
Cis_exp_known_type | |
Cis_exp_known_type< double > | |
Cis_exp_known_type< float > | |
Cis_exp_known_type< long double > | |
Cmatrix_exp_computeUV | Compute the (17,17)-Padé approximant to the exponential |
Cmatrix_exp_computeUV< MatrixType, double > | |
Cmatrix_exp_computeUV< MatrixType, float > | |
Cmatrix_exp_computeUV< MatrixType, long double > | |
Cmatrix_function_compute | Class for computing matrix functions |
Cmatrix_function_compute< MatrixType, 0 > | |
Cmatrix_function_compute< MatrixType, 1 > | |
Cmatrix_log_max_pade_degree | |
Cmatrix_log_min_pade_degree | |
Cmatrix_sqrt_compute | Helper struct for computing matrix square roots of general matrices |
Cmatrix_sqrt_compute< MatrixType, 0 > | |
Cmatrix_sqrt_compute< MatrixType, 1 > | |
CMatrixExponentialScalingOp | Scaling operator |
CMatrixFunctionAtomic | Helper class for computing matrix functions of atomic matrices |
CMatrixLogarithmAtomic | Helper class for computing matrix logarithm of atomic matrices |
Ctraits< MatrixComplexPowerReturnValue< Derived > > | |
Ctraits< MatrixExponentialReturnValue< Derived > > | |
Ctraits< MatrixFunctionReturnValue< Derived > > | |
Ctraits< MatrixLogarithmReturnValue< Derived > > | |
Ctraits< MatrixPowerParenthesesReturnValue< MatrixPowerType > > | |
Ctraits< MatrixPowerReturnValue< Derived > > | |
Ctraits< MatrixSquareRootReturnValue< Derived > > | |
CMatrixComplexPowerReturnValue | Proxy for the matrix power of some matrix (expression) |
CMatrixExponentialReturnValue | Proxy for the matrix exponential of some matrix (expression) |
CMatrixFunctionReturnValue | Proxy for the matrix function of some matrix (expression) |
CMatrixLogarithmReturnValue | Proxy for the matrix logarithm of some matrix (expression) |
CMatrixPower | Class for computing matrix powers |
CMatrixPowerAtomic | Class for computing matrix powers |
CMatrixPowerParenthesesReturnValue | Proxy for the matrix power of some matrix |
CMatrixPowerReturnValue | Proxy for the matrix power of some matrix (expression) |
CMatrixSquareRootReturnValue | Proxy for the matrix square root of some matrix (expression) |
Nenums | |
►Nfrc | |
►Ndetail | |
CListenerExecutor | An executor for running listener tasks posted by Sendable listeners synchronously from the main application thread |
CRecordingController | |
CShuffleboardInstance | |
Nerr | |
Nfilesystem | WPILib FileSystem namespace |
Nimpl | |
►Ninternal | |
CDriverStationModeThread | For internal use only |
►Nsim | |
CAddressableLEDSim | Class to control a simulated addressable LED |
CADIS16448_IMUSim | Class to control a simulated ADIS16448 IMU |
CADIS16470_IMUSim | Class to control a simulated ADIS16470 IMU |
CADXL345Sim | Class to control a simulated ADXL345 |
CADXL362Sim | Class to control a simulated ADXL362 |
CADXRS450_GyroSim | Class to control a simulated ADXRS450 gyroscope |
CAnalogEncoderSim | Class to control a simulated analog encoder |
CAnalogGyroSim | Class to control a simulated analog gyro |
CAnalogInputSim | Class to control a simulated analog input |
CAnalogOutputSim | Class to control a simulated analog output |
CAnalogTriggerSim | Class to control a simulated analog trigger |
CBatterySim | A utility class to simulate the robot battery |
CBuiltInAccelerometerSim | Class to control a simulated built-in accelerometer |
CCallbackStore | Manages simulation callbacks; each object is associated with a callback |
CCTREPCMSim | Class to control a simulated Pneumatic Control Module (PCM) |
CDCMotorSim | Represents a simulated DC motor mechanism |
►CDifferentialDrivetrainSim | |
CKitbotGearing | Represents a gearing option of the Toughbox mini |
CKitbotMotor | Represents common motor layouts of the kit drivetrain |
CKitbotWheelSize | Represents common wheel sizes of the kit drivetrain |
CState | |
CDigitalPWMSim | Class to control a simulated digital PWM output |
CDIOSim | Class to control a simulated digital input or output |
CDoubleSolenoidSim | |
CDriverStationSim | Class to control a simulated driver station |
CDutyCycleEncoderSim | Class to control a simulated duty cycle encoder |
CDutyCycleSim | Class to control a simulated duty cycle digital input |
CElevatorSim | Represents a simulated elevator mechanism |
CEncoderSim | Class to control a simulated encoder |
CFlywheelSim | Represents a simulated flywheel mechanism |
CGenericHIDSim | Class to control a simulated generic joystick |
CJoystickSim | Class to control a simulated joystick |
CLinearSystemSim | This class helps simulate linear systems |
CPneumaticsBaseSim | |
CPowerDistributionSim | Class to control a simulated Power Distribution Panel (PowerDistribution) |
CPS4ControllerSim | Class to control a simulated PS4 controller |
CPS5ControllerSim | Class to control a simulated PS5 controller |
CPWMSim | Class to control a simulated PWM output |
CRelaySim | Class to control a simulated relay |
CREVPHSim | Class to control a simulated Pneumatic Control Module (PCM) |
CRoboRioSim | A utility class to control a simulated RoboRIO |
CSimDeviceSim | Class to control the simulation side of a SimDevice |
CSingleJointedArmSim | Represents a simulated arm mechanism |
CSolenoidSim | |
CSPIAccelerometerSim | |
CUltrasonicSim | Class to control a simulated Ultrasonic |
CXboxControllerSim | Class to control a simulated Xbox 360 or Xbox One controller |
►Nsysid | |
►CSysIdRoutineLog | Utility for logging data from a SysId test routine |
CMotorLog | Logs data from a single motor during a SysIdRoutine |
Nwarn | |
CAccelerometer | Interface for 3-axis accelerometers |
►CAddressableLED | A class for driving addressable LEDs, such as WS2812Bs and NeoPixels |
CLEDData | |
CADIS16448_IMU | Use DMA SPI to read rate, acceleration, and magnetometer data from the ADIS16448 IMU and return the robots heading relative to a starting position, AHRS, and instant measurements |
CADIS16470_IMU | Use DMA SPI to read rate and acceleration data from the ADIS16470 IMU and return the robot's heading relative to a starting position and instant measurements |
►CADXL345_I2C | ADXL345 Accelerometer on I2C |
CAllAxes | Container type for accelerations from all axes |
►CADXL345_SPI | ADXL345 Accelerometer on SPI |
CAllAxes | Container type for accelerations from all axes |
►CADXL362 | ADXL362 SPI Accelerometer |
CAllAxes | Container type for accelerations from all axes |
CADXRS450_Gyro | Use a rate gyro to return the robots heading relative to a starting position |
CAnalogAccelerometer | Handle operation of an analog accelerometer |
CAnalogEncoder | Class for supporting continuous analog encoders, such as the US Digital MA3 |
CAnalogGyro | Use a rate gyro to return the robots heading relative to a starting position |
CAnalogInput | Analog input class |
CAnalogOutput | MXP analog output class |
CAnalogPotentiometer | Class for reading analog potentiometers |
CAnalogTrigger | |
CAnalogTriggerOutput | Class to represent a specific output from an analog trigger |
CAprilTag | Represents an AprilTag's metadata |
►CAprilTagDetection | A detection of an AprilTag tag |
CPoint | A point |
►CAprilTagDetector | An AprilTag detector engine |
CConfig | Detector configuration |
CQuadThresholdParameters | Quad threshold parameters |
CResults | Array of detection results |
CAprilTagFieldLayout | Class for representing a layout of AprilTags on a field and reading them from a JSON format |
CAprilTagPoseEstimate | A pair of AprilTag pose estimates |
►CAprilTagPoseEstimator | Pose estimators for AprilTag tags |
CConfig | Configuration for the pose estimator |
CArmFeedforward | A helper class that computes feedforward outputs for a simple arm (modeled as a motor acting against the force of gravity on a beam suspended at an angle) |
CAsynchronousInterrupt | Class for handling asynchronous interrupts using a callback thread |
CBangBangController | Implements a bang-bang controller, which outputs either 0 or 1 depending on whether the measurement is less than the setpoint |
CBooleanEvent | This class provides an easy way to link actions to inputs |
CBuiltInAccelerometer | Built-in accelerometer |
CCameraServer | Singleton class for creating and keeping camera servers |
CCameraServerShared | |
CCAN | High level class for interfacing with CAN devices conforming to the standard CAN spec |
CCANData | |
CCANStatus | |
CCentripetalAccelerationConstraint | A constraint on the maximum absolute centripetal acceleration allowed when traversing a trajectory |
CChassisSpeeds | Represents the speed of a robot chassis |
CColor | Represents colors that can be used with Addressable LEDs |
CColor8Bit | Represents colors that can be used with Addressable LEDs |
CComplexWidget | A Shuffleboard widget that handles a Sendable object such as a motor controller or sensor |
CCompressor | Class for operating a compressor connected to a pneumatics module |
CControlAffinePlantInversionFeedforward | Constructs a control-affine plant inversion model-based feedforward from given model dynamics |
CCoordinateAxis | A class representing a coordinate system axis within the NWU coordinate system |
CCoordinateSystem | A helper class that converts Pose3d objects between different standard coordinate frames |
CCounter | Class for counting the number of ticks on a digital input channel |
CCounterBase | Interface for counting the number of ticks on a digital input channel |
CCubicHermiteSpline | Represents a hermite spline of degree 3 |
CDataLogManager | Centralized data log that provides automatic data log file management |
CDCMotor | Holds the constants for a DC motor |
CDebouncer | A simple debounce filter for boolean streams |
►CDifferentialDrive | A class for driving differential drive/skid-steer drive platforms such as the Kit of Parts drive base, "tank drive", or West Coast Drive |
CWheelSpeeds | Wheel speeds for a differential drive |
CDifferentialDriveAccelerationLimiter | Filters the provided voltages to limit a differential drive's linear and angular acceleration |
CDifferentialDriveFeedforward | A helper class which computes the feedforward outputs for a differential drive drivetrain |
CDifferentialDriveKinematics | Helper class that converts a chassis velocity (dx and dtheta components) to left and right wheel velocities for a differential drive |
CDifferentialDriveKinematicsConstraint | A class that enforces constraints on the differential drive kinematics |
CDifferentialDriveOdometry | Class for differential drive odometry |
CDifferentialDrivePoseEstimator | This class wraps Differential Drive Odometry to fuse latency-compensated vision measurements with differential drive encoder measurements |
CDifferentialDriveVoltageConstraint | A class that enforces constraints on differential drive voltage expenditure based on the motor dynamics and the drive kinematics |
CDifferentialDriveWheelPositions | Represents the wheel positions for a differential drive drivetrain |
CDifferentialDriveWheelSpeeds | Represents the wheel speeds for a differential drive drivetrain |
CDifferentialDriveWheelVoltages | Motor voltages for a differential drive |
CDigitalGlitchFilter | Class to enable glitch filtering on a set of digital inputs |
CDigitalInput | Class to read a digital input |
CDigitalOutput | Class to write to digital outputs |
CDigitalSource | DigitalSource Interface |
CDMA | Class for configuring Direct Memory Access (DMA) of FPGA inputs |
CDMASample | DMA sample |
CDMC60 | Digilent DMC 60 Motor Controller |
CDoubleSolenoid | DoubleSolenoid class for running 2 channels of high voltage Digital Output on a pneumatics module |
CDriverStation | Provide access to the network communication data to / from the Driver Station |
CDSControlWord | A wrapper around Driver Station control word |
CDutyCycle | Class to read a duty cycle PWM input |
CDutyCycleEncoder | Class for supporting duty cycle/PWM encoders, such as the US Digital MA3 with PWM Output, the CTRE Mag Encoder, the Rev Hex Encoder, and the AM Mag Encoder |
CElevatorFeedforward | A helper class that computes feedforward outputs for a simple elevator (modeled as a motor acting against the force of gravity) |
CEllipticalRegionConstraint | Enforces a particular constraint only within an elliptical region |
CEncoder | Class to read quad encoders |
CEventLoop | A declarative way to bind a set of actions to a loop and execute them when the loop is polled |
►CExponentialProfile | A Exponential-shaped velocity profile |
CConstraints | Profile constraints |
CProfileTiming | Profile timing |
CState | Profile state |
CExtendedKalmanFilter | A Kalman filter combines predictions from a model and measurements to give an estimate of the true system state |
CExternalDirectionCounter | Counter using external direction |
CField2d | 2D representation of game field for dashboards |
CFieldObject2d | Game field object on a Field2d |
CGenericHID | Handle input from standard HID devices connected to the Driver Station |
CGyro | Interface for yaw rate gyros |
CHolonomicDriveController | This holonomic drive controller can be used to follow trajectories using a holonomic drivetrain (i.e |
CI2C | I2C bus interface class |
CImplicitModelFollower | Contains the controller coefficients and logic for an implicit model follower |
CIterativeRobotBase | IterativeRobotBase implements a specific type of robot program framework, extending the RobotBase class |
CJaguar | Luminary Micro / Vex Robotics Jaguar Motor Controller with PWM control |
CJoystick | Handle input from standard Joysticks connected to the Driver Station |
CKalmanFilter | A Kalman filter combines predictions from a model and measurements to give an estimate of the true system state |
►CKalmanFilterLatencyCompensator | This class incorporates time-delayed measurements into a Kalman filter's state estimate |
CObserverSnapshot | This class contains all the information about our observer at a given time |
CKinematics | Helper class that converts a chassis velocity (dx, dy, and dtheta components) into individual wheel speeds |
CLayoutType | Represents the type of a layout in Shuffleboard |
CLinearFilter | This class implements a linear, digital filter |
CLinearPlantInversionFeedforward | Constructs a plant inversion model-based feedforward from a LinearSystem |
CLinearQuadraticRegulator | Contains the controller coefficients and logic for a linear-quadratic regulator (LQR) |
CLinearSystem | A plant defined using state-space notation |
CLinearSystemId | Linear system ID utility functions |
CLinearSystemLoop | Combines a controller, feedforward, and observer for controlling a mechanism with full state feedback |
CLiveWindow | Public interface for putting sensors and actuators on the LiveWindow |
CLTVDifferentialDriveController | The linear time-varying differential drive controller has a similar form to the LQR, but the model used to compute the controller gain is the nonlinear differential drive model linearized around the drivetrain's current state |
CLTVUnicycleController | The linear time-varying unicycle controller has a similar form to the LQR, but the model used to compute the controller gain is the nonlinear unicycle model linearized around the drivetrain's current state |
CMaxVelocityConstraint | Represents a constraint that enforces a max velocity |
►CMecanumDrive | A class for driving Mecanum drive platforms |
CWheelSpeeds | Wheel speeds for a mecanum drive |
CMecanumDriveKinematics | Helper class that converts a chassis velocity (dx, dy, and dtheta components) into individual wheel speeds |
CMecanumDriveKinematicsConstraint | A class that enforces constraints on the mecanum drive kinematics |
CMecanumDriveOdometry | Class for mecanum drive odometry |
CMecanumDrivePoseEstimator | This class wraps Mecanum Drive Odometry to fuse latency-compensated vision measurements with mecanum drive encoder velocity measurements |
CMecanumDriveWheelPositions | Represents the wheel positions for a mecanum drive drivetrain |
CMecanumDriveWheelSpeeds | Represents the wheel speeds for a mecanum drive drivetrain |
CMechanism2d | Visual 2D representation of arms, elevators, and general mechanisms through a node-based API |
CMechanismLigament2d | Ligament node on a Mechanism2d |
CMechanismObject2d | Common base class for all Mechanism2d node types |
CMechanismRoot2d | Root Mechanism2d node |
CMedianFilter | A class that implements a moving-window median filter |
CMerweScaledSigmaPoints | Generates sigma points and weights according to Van der Merwe's 2004 dissertation[1] for the UnscentedKalmanFilter class |
CMotorController | Interface for motor controlling devices |
CMotorControllerGroup | Allows multiple MotorController objects to be linked together |
CMotorSafety | The Motor Safety feature acts as a watchdog timer for an individual motor |
CNetworkBooleanEvent | A Button that uses a NetworkTable boolean field |
CNidecBrushless | Nidec Brushless Motor |
CNotifier | Notifiers run a user-provided callback function on a separate thread |
COdometry | Class for odometry |
CPIDController | Implements a PID control loop |
►CPneumaticHub | Module class for controlling a REV Robotics Pneumatic Hub |
CFaults | |
CStickyFaults | |
CVersion | |
CPneumaticsBase | Base class for pneumatics devices |
CPneumaticsControlModule | Module class for controlling a Cross The Road Electronics Pneumatics Control Module |
CPose2d | Represents a 2D pose containing translational and rotational elements |
CPose3d | Represents a 3D pose containing translational and rotational elements |
CPoseEstimator | This class wraps odometry to fuse latency-compensated vision measurements with encoder measurements |
►CPowerDistribution | Class for getting voltage, current, temperature, power and energy from the CTRE Power Distribution Panel (PDP) or REV Power Distribution Hub (PDH) |
CFaults | |
CStickyFaults | |
CVersion | |
CPreferences | The preferences class provides a relatively simple way to save important values to the roboRIO to access the next time the roboRIO is booted |
CProfiledPIDController | Implements a PID control loop whose setpoint is constrained by a trapezoid profile |
►CPS4Controller | Handle input from PS4 controllers connected to the Driver Station |
CAxis | Represents an axis on a PS4Controller |
CButton | Represents a digital button on a PS4Controller |
►CPS5Controller | Handle input from PS5 controllers connected to the Driver Station |
CAxis | Represents an axis on a PS5Controller |
CButton | Represents a digital button on a PS5Controller |
CPWM | Class implements the PWM generation in the FPGA |
CPWMMotorController | Common base class for all PWM Motor Controllers |
CPWMSparkFlex | REV Robotics SPARK Flex Motor Controller |
CPWMSparkMax | REV Robotics SPARK MAX Motor Controller |
CPWMTalonFX | Cross the Road Electronics (CTRE) Talon FX Motor Controller with PWM control |
CPWMTalonSRX | Cross the Road Electronics (CTRE) Talon SRX Motor Controller with PWM control |
CPWMVenom | Playing with Fusion Venom Smart Motor with PWM control |
CPWMVictorSPX | Cross the Road Electronics (CTRE) Victor SPX Motor Controller with PWM control |
CQuaternion | Represents a quaternion |
CQuinticHermiteSpline | Represents a hermite spline of degree 5 |
CRamseteController | Ramsete is a nonlinear time-varying feedback controller for unicycle models that drives the model to a desired pose along a two-dimensional trajectory |
CRectangularRegionConstraint | Enforces a particular constraint only within a rectangular region |
CRelay | Class for Spike style relay outputs |
CResource | Convenient way to track allocated resources |
CRobotBase | Implement a Robot Program framework |
CRobotController | |
CRobotDriveBase | Common base class for drive platforms |
CRobotState | Robot state utility functions |
CRotation2d | A rotation in a 2D coordinate frame represented by a point on the unit circle (cosine and sine) |
CRotation3d | A rotation in a 3D coordinate frame represented by a quaternion |
CRuntimeError | Runtime error exception |
CScopedTracer | A class for keeping track of how much time it takes for different parts of code to execute |
CSD540 | Mindsensors SD540 Motor Controller |
CSendableBuilderImpl | Implementation detail for SendableBuilder |
CSendableCameraWrapper | A wrapper to make video sources sendable and usable from Shuffleboard |
CSendableChooser | The SendableChooser class is a useful tool for presenting a selection of options to the SmartDashboard |
CSendableChooserBase | This class is a non-template base class for SendableChooser |
CSensorUtil | Stores most recent status information as well as containing utility functions for checking channels and error processing |
CSerialPort | Driver for the RS-232 serial port on the roboRIO |
CServo | Standard hobby style servo |
CShuffleboard | Mechanism with which data can be added and laid out in the Shuffleboard dashboard application from a robot program |
CShuffleboardComponent | A generic component in Shuffleboard |
CShuffleboardComponentBase | A shim class to allow storing ShuffleboardComponents in arrays |
CShuffleboardContainer | Common interface for objects that can contain shuffleboard components |
CShuffleboardLayout | A layout in a Shuffleboard tab |
CShuffleboardRoot | The root of the data placed in Shuffleboard |
CShuffleboardTab | Represents a tab in the Shuffleboard dashboard |
CShuffleboardValue | |
CShuffleboardWidget | Abstract superclass for widgets |
CSimpleMotorFeedforward | A helper class that computes feedforward voltages for a simple permanent-magnet DC motor |
CSimpleWidget | A Shuffleboard widget that handles a single data point such as a number or string |
CSimulatedAnnealing | An implementation of the Simulated Annealing stochastic nonlinear optimization method |
CSlewRateLimiter | A class that limits the rate of change of an input value |
CSmartDashboard | |
CSolenoid | Solenoid class for running high voltage Digital Output on a pneumatics module |
CSpark | REV Robotics SPARK Motor Controller |
CSPI | SPI bus interface class |
►CSpline | Represents a two-dimensional parametric spline that interpolates between two points |
CControlVector | Represents a control vector for a spline |
CSplineHelper | Helper class that is used to generate cubic and quintic splines from user provided waypoints |
►CSplineParameterizer | Class used to parameterize a spline by its arc length |
CMalformedSplineException | |
►CStadiaController | Handle input from Stadia controllers connected to the Driver Station |
CAxis | Represents an axis on a StadiaController |
CButton | Represents a digital button on a StadiaController |
CSteadyStateKalmanFilter | A Kalman filter combines predictions from a model and measurements to give an estimate of the true system state |
CSuppliedValueWidget | |
CSwerveDriveKinematics | Helper class that converts a chassis velocity (dx, dy, and dtheta components) into individual module states (speed and angle) |
CSwerveDriveKinematicsConstraint | A class that enforces constraints on the swerve drive kinematics |
CSwerveDriveOdometry | Class for swerve drive odometry |
CSwerveDrivePoseEstimator | This class wraps Swerve Drive Odometry to fuse latency-compensated vision measurements with swerve drive encoder distance measurements |
CSwerveDriveWheelPositions | Represents the wheel positions for a swerve drive drivetrain |
CSwerveModulePosition | Represents the position of one swerve module |
CSwerveModuleState | Represents the state of one swerve module |
CSynchronousInterrupt | Class for handling synchronous (blocking) interrupts |
CTachometer | Tachometer for getting rotational speed from a device |
CTalon | Cross the Road Electronics (CTRE) Talon and Talon SR Motor Controller |
CTimedRobot | TimedRobot implements the IterativeRobotBase robot program framework |
CTimeInterpolatableBuffer | The TimeInterpolatableBuffer provides an easy way to estimate past measurements |
CTimer | A timer class |
CTimesliceRobot | TimesliceRobot extends the TimedRobot robot program framework to provide timeslice scheduling of periodic functions |
CTracer | A class for keeping track of how much time it takes for different parts of code to execute |
►CTrajectory | Represents a time-parameterized trajectory |
CState | Represents one point on the trajectory |
CTrajectoryConfig | Represents the configuration for generating a trajectory |
►CTrajectoryConstraint | An interface for defining user-defined velocity and acceleration constraints while generating trajectories |
CMinMax | Represents a minimum and maximum acceleration |
CTrajectoryGenerator | Helper class used to generate trajectories with various constraints |
CTrajectoryParameterizer | Class used to parameterize a trajectory by time |
CTrajectoryUtil | Trajectory utilities |
CTransform2d | Represents a transformation for a Pose2d in the pose's frame |
CTransform3d | Represents a transformation for a Pose3d in the pose's frame |
CTranslation2d | Represents a translation in 2D space |
CTranslation3d | Represents a translation in 3D space |
►CTrapezoidProfile | A trapezoid-shaped velocity profile |
CConstraints | Profile constraints |
CState | Profile state |
CTravelingSalesman | Given a list of poses, this class finds the shortest possible route that visits each pose exactly once and returns to the origin pose |
CTwist2d | A change in distance along a 2D arc since the last pose update |
CTwist3d | A change in distance along a 3D arc since the last pose update |
CUltrasonic | Ultrasonic rangefinder class |
CUnscentedKalmanFilter | A Kalman filter combines predictions from a model and measurements to give an estimate of the true system state |
CUpDownCounter | Up Down Counter |
CVictor | Vex Robotics Victor 888 Motor Controller |
CVictorSP | Vex Robotics Victor SP Motor Controller |
CVisionPipeline | A vision pipeline is responsible for running a group of OpenCV algorithms to extract data from an image |
CVisionRunner | A vision runner is a convenient wrapper object to make it easy to run vision pipelines from robot code |
CVisionRunnerBase | Non-template base class for VisionRunner |
CWatchdog | A class that's a wrapper around a watchdog timer |
CWidgetType | Represents the type of a widget in Shuffleboard |
►CXboxController | Handle input from Xbox 360 or Xbox One controllers connected to the Driver Station |
CAxis | Represents an axis on an XboxController |
CButton | Represents a digital button on an XboxController |
RWheelPositions | |
►Nfrc2 | |
►Ncmd | Namespace for command factories |
Nimpl | |
►Nsysid | |
CConfig | Hardware-independent configuration for a SysId test routine |
CMechanism | |
CSysIdRoutine | A SysId characterization routine for a single mechanism |
CCommand | A state machine representing a complete action to be performed by the robot |
CCommandBase | A Sendable base class for Commands |
CCommandGenericHID | A subclass of GenericHID with Trigger factories for command-based |
CCommandHelper | CRTP implementation to allow polymorphic decorator functions in Command |
CCommandJoystick | A version of Joystick with Trigger factories for command-based |
CCommandPS4Controller | A version of PS4Controller with Trigger factories for command-based |
CCommandPS5Controller | A version of PS5Controller with Trigger factories for command-based |
CCommandPtr | A wrapper around std::unique_ptr<Command> so commands have move-only semantics |
CCommandScheduler | The scheduler responsible for running Commands |
CCommandStadiaController | A version of StadiaController with Trigger factories for command-based |
CCommandXboxController | A version of XboxController with Trigger factories for command-based |
CConditionalCommand | A command composition that runs one of two commands, depending on the value of the given condition when this command is initialized |
CDeferredCommand | Defers Command construction to runtime |
CFunctionalCommand | A command that allows the user to pass in functions for each of the basic command methods through the constructor |
CInstantCommand | A Command that runs instantly; it will initialize, execute once, and end on the same iteration of the scheduler |
CJoystickButton | A class used to bind command scheduling to joystick button presses |
CMecanumControllerCommand | A command that uses two PID controllers (PIDController) and a profiled PID controller (ProfiledPIDController) to follow a trajectory (Trajectory) with a mecanum drive |
CNetworkButton | A Button that uses a NetworkTable boolean field |
CNotifierCommand | A command that starts a notifier to run the given runnable periodically in a separate thread |
CParallelCommandGroup | A command composition that runs a set of commands in parallel, ending when the last command ends |
CParallelDeadlineGroup | A command composition that runs a set of commands in parallel, ending only when a specific command (the "deadline") ends, interrupting all other commands that are still running at that point |
CParallelRaceGroup | A composition that runs a set of commands in parallel, ending when any one of the commands ends and interrupting all the others |
CPIDCommand | A command that controls an output with a PIDController |
CPIDSubsystem | A subsystem that uses a PIDController to control an output |
CPOVButton | A class used to bind command scheduling to joystick POV presses |
CPrintCommand | A command that prints a string when initialized |
CProfiledPIDCommand | A command that controls an output with a ProfiledPIDController |
CProfiledPIDSubsystem | A subsystem that uses a ProfiledPIDController to control an output |
CProxyCommand | Schedules the given command when this command is initialized, and ends when it ends |
CRamseteCommand | A command that uses a RAMSETE controller to follow a trajectory with a differential drive |
CRepeatCommand | A command that runs another command repeatedly, restarting it when it ends, until this command is interrupted |
CRequirements | Represents requirements for a command, which is a set of (pointers to) subsystems |
CRobotModeTriggers | A class containing static Trigger factories for running callbacks when robot mode changes |
CRunCommand | A command that runs a Runnable continuously |
CScheduleCommand | Schedules the given commands when this command is initialized |
CSelectCommand | A command composition that runs one of a selection of commands using a selector and a key to command mapping |
CSequentialCommandGroup | A command composition that runs a list of commands in sequence |
CStartEndCommand | A command that runs a given runnable when it is initialized, and another runnable when it ends |
CSubsystem | A robot subsystem |
CSubsystemBase | A base for subsystems that handles registration in the constructor, and provides a more intuitive method for setting the default command |
CSwerveControllerCommand | A command that uses two PID controllers (PIDController) and a profiled PID controller (ProfiledPIDController) to follow a trajectory (Trajectory) with a swerve drive |
CTrapezoidProfileCommand | A command that runs a TrapezoidProfile |
CTrapezoidProfileSubsystem | A subsystem that generates and runs trapezoidal motion profiles automatically |
CTrigger | This class provides an easy way to link commands to conditions |
CWaitCommand | A command that does nothing but takes a specified amount of time to finish |
CWaitUntilCommand | A command that does nothing but ends after a specified match time or condition |
CWrapperCommand | A class used internally to wrap commands while overriding a specific method; all other methods will call through to the wrapped command |
Nfs | |
►Ngcem | |
Ninternal | |
►Ngoogle | |
Nprotobuf | |
►Nhal | WPILib Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) namespace |
Ndetail | |
►Nimpl | |
CSimCallbackRegistryBase | |
CSimDataValueBase | |
CDigitalHandleResource | The DigitalHandleResource class is a way to track handles |
CDIOSetProxy | Proxy class for directly manipulating the DIO pins |
Cfpga_clock | A std::chrono compatible wrapper around the FPGA Timer |
CHalCallbackListener | |
CHandle | A move-only C++ wrapper around a HAL handle |
CHandleBase | Base for all HAL Handles |
CIndexedClassedHandleResource | The IndexedClassedHandleResource class is a way to track handles |
CIndexedHandleResource | The IndexedHandleResource class is a way to track handles |
CInterruptManager | |
CLimitedClassedHandleResource | The LimitedClassedHandleResource class is a way to track handles |
CLimitedHandleResource | The LimitedHandleResource class is a way to track handles |
CSerialHelper | A class for deterministically getting information about Serial Ports |
CSimBoolean | C++ wrapper around a HAL simulator boolean value handle |
CSimCallbackRegistry | Simulation callback registry |
CSimDataValue | Simulation data value wrapper |
CSimDevice | A move-only C++ wrapper around a HAL simulator device handle |
CSimDouble | C++ wrapper around a HAL simulator double value handle |
CSimEnum | C++ wrapper around a HAL simulator enum value handle |
CSimInt | C++ wrapper around a HAL simulator int value handle |
CSimLong | C++ wrapper around a HAL simulator long value handle |
CSimValue | C++ wrapper around a HAL simulator value handle |
CUnlimitedHandleResource | The UnlimitedHandleResource class is a way to track handles |
NHALUsageReporting | |
►Nliterals | |
Njson_literals | |
Nmpack | |
►Nnt | NetworkTables (ntcore) namespace |
►Nmeta | NetworkTables meta-topic decoding functions |
CClient | Client (as published via $clients ) |
CClientPublisher | Client publisher (as published via $clientpub$<client> or $serverpub ) |
CClientSubscriber | Client subscriber (as published via $clientsub$<client> or $serversub ) |
CSubscriberOptions | Subscriber options |
CTopicPublisher | Topic publisher (as published via $pub$<topic> ) |
CTopicSubscriber | Topic subscriber (as published via $sub$<topic> ) |
CBooleanArrayEntry | NetworkTables BooleanArray entry |
CBooleanArrayPublisher | NetworkTables BooleanArray publisher |
CBooleanArraySubscriber | NetworkTables BooleanArray subscriber |
CBooleanArrayTopic | NetworkTables BooleanArray topic |
CBooleanEntry | NetworkTables Boolean entry |
CBooleanPublisher | NetworkTables Boolean publisher |
CBooleanSubscriber | NetworkTables Boolean subscriber |
CBooleanTopic | NetworkTables Boolean topic |
CConnectionInfo | NetworkTables Connection Information |
CDoubleArrayEntry | NetworkTables DoubleArray entry |
CDoubleArrayPublisher | NetworkTables DoubleArray publisher |
CDoubleArraySubscriber | NetworkTables DoubleArray subscriber |
CDoubleArrayTopic | NetworkTables DoubleArray topic |
CDoubleEntry | NetworkTables Double entry |
CDoublePublisher | NetworkTables Double publisher |
CDoubleSubscriber | NetworkTables Double subscriber |
CDoubleTopic | NetworkTables Double topic |
CEvent | NetworkTables event |
CEventFlags | Event notification flags |
CFloatArrayEntry | NetworkTables FloatArray entry |
CFloatArrayPublisher | NetworkTables FloatArray publisher |
CFloatArraySubscriber | NetworkTables FloatArray subscriber |
CFloatArrayTopic | NetworkTables FloatArray topic |
CFloatEntry | NetworkTables Float entry |
CFloatPublisher | NetworkTables Float publisher |
CFloatSubscriber | NetworkTables Float subscriber |
CFloatTopic | NetworkTables Float topic |
CGenericEntry | NetworkTables generic entry |
CGenericPublisher | NetworkTables generic publisher |
CGenericSubscriber | NetworkTables generic subscriber |
CIntegerArrayEntry | NetworkTables IntegerArray entry |
CIntegerArrayPublisher | NetworkTables IntegerArray publisher |
CIntegerArraySubscriber | NetworkTables IntegerArray subscriber |
CIntegerArrayTopic | NetworkTables IntegerArray topic |
CIntegerEntry | NetworkTables Integer entry |
CIntegerPublisher | NetworkTables Integer publisher |
CIntegerSubscriber | NetworkTables Integer subscriber |
CIntegerTopic | NetworkTables Integer topic |
CLogMessage | NetworkTables log message |
CMultiSubscriber | Subscribe to multiple topics based on one or more topic name prefixes |
CNetworkTable | A network table that knows its subtable path |
CNetworkTableEntry | NetworkTables Entry |
CNetworkTableInstance | NetworkTables Instance |
CNetworkTableListener | Event listener |
CNetworkTableListenerPoller | Event polled listener |
CNTSendable | Interface for NetworkTable Sendable objects |
CNTSendableBuilder | Helper class for building Sendable dashboard representations for NetworkTables |
CProtobufEntry | NetworkTables protobuf-encoded value entry |
CProtobufPublisher | NetworkTables protobuf-encoded value publisher |
CProtobufSubscriber | NetworkTables protobuf-encoded value subscriber |
CProtobufTopic | NetworkTables protobuf-encoded value topic |
CPublisher | NetworkTables publisher |
CPubSubOptions | NetworkTables publish/subscribe options |
CRawEntry | NetworkTables Raw entry |
CRawPublisher | NetworkTables Raw publisher |
CRawSubscriber | NetworkTables Raw subscriber |
CRawTopic | NetworkTables Raw topic |
CStringArrayEntry | NetworkTables StringArray entry |
CStringArrayPublisher | NetworkTables StringArray publisher |
CStringArraySubscriber | NetworkTables StringArray subscriber |
CStringArrayTopic | NetworkTables StringArray topic |
CStringEntry | NetworkTables String entry |
CStringPublisher | NetworkTables String publisher |
CStringSubscriber | NetworkTables String subscriber |
CStringTopic | NetworkTables String topic |
CStructArrayEntry | NetworkTables struct-encoded value array entry |
CStructArrayPublisher | NetworkTables struct-encoded value array publisher |
CStructArraySubscriber | NetworkTables struct-encoded value array subscriber |
CStructArrayTopic | NetworkTables struct-encoded value array topic |
CStructEntry | NetworkTables struct-encoded value entry |
CStructPublisher | NetworkTables struct-encoded value publisher |
CStructSubscriber | NetworkTables struct-encoded value subscriber |
CStructTopic | NetworkTables struct-encoded value topic |
CSubscriber | NetworkTables subscriber |
CTimestamped | Timestamped value |
CTimestampedUnit | Timestamped unit |
CTimeSyncEventData | NetworkTables time sync event data |
CTopic | NetworkTables Topic |
CTopicInfo | NetworkTables Topic Information |
CUnitEntry | NetworkTables unit-typed entry |
CUnitPublisher | NetworkTables unit-typed publisher |
CUnitSubscriber | NetworkTables unit-typed subscriber |
CUnitTopic | NetworkTables unit-typed topic |
CValue | A network table entry value |
CValueEventData | NetworkTables Value Event Data |
Nsafe_duration_cast | |
Nsign | |
►Nstd | |
Chash< wpi::WPI_BASIC_JSON_TPL > | Hash value for JSON objects |
Cis_error_code_enum< wpi::errc > | |
Cless< ::wpi::detail::value_t > | |
Ctuple_element< I, wpi::array< T, N > > | |
Ctuple_element< I, wpi::PointerIntPair< PointerTy, IntBits, IntType, PtrTraits, Info > > | |
Ctuple_element< I, wpi::StringMapEntry< ValueTy > > | |
Ctuple_element< N, ::wpi::detail::iteration_proxy_value< IteratorType > > | |
Ctuple_size< wpi::array< T, N > > | |
Ctuple_size< wpi::PointerIntPair< PointerTy, IntBits, IntType, PtrTraits, Info > > | |
Ctuple_size< wpi::StringMapEntry< ValueTy > > | |
Ctuple_size<::wpi::detail::iteration_proxy_value< IteratorType > > | |
►Nunits | Unit Conversion Library namespace |
Nacceleration | Namespace for unit types and containers representing acceleration values |
Nangle | Namespace for unit types and containers representing angle values |
Nangular_acceleration | Namespace for unit types and containers representing angular acceleration values |
Nangular_jerk | Namespace for unit types and containers representing angular jerk values |
Nangular_velocity | Namespace for unit types and containers representing angular velocity values |
Narea | Namespace for unit types and containers representing area values |
Ncapacitance | Namespace for unit types and containers representing capacitance values |
Ncategory | Namespace representing the implemented base and derived unit types |
Ncharge | Namespace for unit types and containers representing charge values |
Nconcentration | Namespace for unit types and containers representing concentration values |
Nconductance | Namespace for unit types and containers representing conductance values |
Nconstants | |
Ncurrent | Namespace for unit types and containers representing current values |
Ndata | Namespace for unit types and containers representing data values |
Ndata_transfer_rate | Namespace for unit types and containers representing data values |
Ndensity | Namespace for unit types and containers representing density values |
Ndetail | |
Ndimensionless | Namespace for unit types and containers for units that have no dimension (scalar units) |
Nenergy | Namespace for unit types and containers representing energy values |
Nforce | Namespace for unit types and containers representing force values |
Nfrequency | Namespace for unit types and containers representing frequency values |
Nilluminance | Namespace for unit types and containers representing illuminance values |
Nimpedance | Namespace for unit types and containers representing impedance values |
Ninductance | Namespace for unit types and containers representing inductance values |
Nlength | Namespace for unit types and containers representing length values |
Nliterals | |
Nluminous_flux | Namespace for unit types and containers representing luminous_flux values |
Nluminous_intensity | Namespace for unit types and containers representing luminous_intensity values |
Nmagnetic_field_strength | Namespace for unit types and containers representing magnetic_field_strength values |
Nmagnetic_flux | Namespace for unit types and containers representing magnetic_flux values |
Nmass | Namespace for unit types and containers representing mass values |
Nmath | Namespace for unit-enabled versions of the <cmath> library |
Npower | Namespace for unit types and containers representing power values |
Npressure | Namespace for unit types and containers representing pressure values |
Nradiation | Namespace for unit types and containers representing radiation values |
Nsolid_angle | Namespace for unit types and containers representing solid_angle values |
Nsubstance | Namespace for unit types and containers representing substance values |
Ntemperature | Namespace for unit types and containers representing temperature values |
Ntime | Namespace for unit types and containers representing time values |
Ntorque | Namespace for unit types and containers representing torque values |
►Ntraits | Namespace representing type traits which can access the properties of types provided by the units library |
Chas_decibel_scale | Trait which tests whether a type is inherited from a decibel scale |
Chas_linear_scale | Trait which tests whether a type is inherited from a linear scale |
Cis_base_unit | Trait which tests if a class is a base_unit type |
Cis_convertible_unit | Trait which checks whether two units can be converted to each other |
Cis_convertible_unit_t | Trait which tests whether two container types derived from unit_t are convertible to each other |
Cis_dimensionless_unit | |
Cis_nonlinear_scale | Trait which tests that class T meets the requirements for a non-linear scale |
Cis_ratio | Trait that tests whether a type represents a std::ratio |
Cis_same_scale | Trait which tests whether two types has the same non-linear scale |
Cis_unit | Traits which tests if a class is a unit |
Cis_unit_t | Traits which tests if a class is a unit |
Cis_unit_value_t | Trait which tests whether a type is a unit_value_t representing the given unit type |
Cis_unit_value_t_category | Trait which tests whether type T is a unit_value_t with a unit type in the given category |
Nvelocity | Namespace for unit types and containers representing velocity values |
Nvoltage | Namespace for unit types and containers representing voltage values |
Nvolume | Namespace for unit types and containers representing volume values |
Cbase_unit | Class representing SI base unit types |
Cdecibel_scale | Unit_t scale for representing decibel values |
Clinear_scale | Unit_t scale which is linear |
Cunit | Type representing an arbitrary unit |
Cunit_t | Container for values which represent quantities of a given unit |
Cunit_value_add | Adds two unit_value_t types at compile-time |
Cunit_value_divide | Divides two unit_value_t types at compile-time |
Cunit_value_multiply | Multiplies two unit_value_t types at compile-time |
Cunit_value_power | Raises unit_value_to a power at compile-time |
Cunit_value_sqrt | Calculates square root of unit_value_t at compile-time |
Cunit_value_subtract | Subtracts two unit_value_t types at compile-time |
Cunit_value_t | Stores a rational unit value as a compile-time constant |
►Nwpi | |
Nadl_detail | |
►Ndetail | |
►Nswap_adl_tests | |
Cis_adl_swap_noexcept | |
Cis_std_swap_noexcept | |
Cis_std_swap_noexcept< T[N]> | |
Ctag | |
CAllocatorHolder | |
CAllocatorHolder< Alloc & > | |
Cconjunction | |
Cconjunction< B > | |
Cconjunction< B, Bs... > | |
CConstantLog2 | A tiny meta function to compute the log2 of a compile time constant |
CConstantLog2< 1 > | |
Cdefault_constructor_tag | |
CDenseMapPair | |
Cexpected_copy_assign_base | |
Cexpected_copy_assign_base< T, E, false > | |
Cexpected_copy_base | |
Cexpected_copy_base< T, E, false > | |
Cexpected_default_ctor_base | |
Cexpected_default_ctor_base< T, E, false > | |
Cexpected_delete_assign_base | |
Cexpected_delete_assign_base< T, E, false, false > | |
Cexpected_delete_assign_base< T, E, false, true > | |
Cexpected_delete_assign_base< T, E, true, false > | |
Cexpected_delete_ctor_base | |
Cexpected_delete_ctor_base< T, E, false, false > | |
Cexpected_delete_ctor_base< T, E, false, true > | |
Cexpected_delete_ctor_base< T, E, true, false > | |
Cexpected_move_assign_base | |
Cexpected_move_assign_base< T, E, false > | |
Cexpected_move_base | |
Cexpected_move_base< T, E, false > | |
Cexpected_operations_base | |
Cexpected_operations_base< void, E > | |
Cexpected_storage_base | |
Cexpected_storage_base< T, E, false, true > | |
Cexpected_storage_base< T, E, true, false > | |
Cexpected_storage_base< T, E, true, true > | |
Cexpected_storage_base< void, E, false, false > | |
►Cexpected_storage_base< void, E, false, true > | |
Cdummy | |
CFutureThen | |
CFutureThen< To, void > | |
CFutureThen< void, From > | |
CFutureThen< void, void > | |
CHasPointerLikeTypeTraits | |
CHasPointerLikeTypeTraits< T, decltype((sizeof(PointerLikeTypeTraits< T >)+sizeof(T)), void())> | |
Cinvoke_result_impl | |
Cinvoke_result_impl< F, decltype(detail::invoke(std::declval< F >(), std::declval< Us >()...), void()), Us... > | |
Cis_expected_impl | |
Cis_expected_impl< expected< T, E > > | |
Cis_nothrow_swappable | |
Cis_swappable | |
Cis_swappable< T[N], T[N]> | |
CIsPointerLike | |
CIsPointerLike< T * > | |
Cno_init_t | |
CPromiseFactoryBase | |
CPunnedPointer | |
CSafeThreadOwnerBase | Non-template owner base class for common owner code |
CSafeThreadProxy | A proxy for SafeThread |
CSafeThreadProxyBase | Non-template proxy base class for common proxy code |
CTC | |
Ctrivial_helper | |
CTypesAreDistinct | |
CTypesAreDistinct< T > | |
►CUniqueFunctionBase | |
CCallbacksHolder | |
CCallbacksHolder< CallableT, CalledAs, EnableIfTrivial< CallableT > > | |
CCalledAs | |
CIsSizeLessThanThresholdT | |
CWorkerThreadAsync | |
CWorkerThreadAsync< void > | |
CWorkerThreadRequest | |
CWorkerThreadThread | |
►Nhashing | |
►Ndetail | |
Chash_combine_recursive_helper | Helper class to manage the recursive combining of hash_combine arguments |
Chash_state | The intermediate state used during hashing |
Cis_hashable_data | Trait to indicate whether a type's bits can be hashed directly |
Cis_hashable_data< std::pair< T, U > > | |
►Nimpl | |
CDSOData | |
CUidVectorIterator | |
►Njava | Java Native Interface (JNI) utility functions |
►Ndetail | |
CArrayHelper | |
CConvertIntArray | |
Ccopy_cv | |
CJSpanBase | Helper class for working with JNI arrays |
RJArrayType | |
CJCallbackManager | |
CJCallbackThread | Generic callback thread implementation |
CJClass | Finds a class and keeps it as a global reference |
CJClassInit | |
CJException | Finds an exception class and keep it as a global reference |
CJExceptionInit | |
CJGlobal | |
CJLocal | Container class for cleaning up Java local references |
CJSingletonCallbackManager | |
CJStringRef | Java string (jstring) reference |
Nliterals | |
►Nlog | |
Nimpl | |
CBooleanArrayLogEntry | Log array of boolean values |
CBooleanLogEntry | Log boolean values |
CDataLog | A data log |
CDataLogEntry | Log entry base class |
CDataLogIterator | DataLogReader iterator |
CDataLogReader | Data log reader (reads logs written by the DataLog class) |
CDataLogRecord | A record in the data log |
CDoubleArrayLogEntry | Log array of double values |
CDoubleLogEntry | Log double values |
CFloatArrayLogEntry | Log array of float values |
CFloatLogEntry | Log float values |
CIntegerArrayLogEntry | Log array of integer values |
CIntegerLogEntry | Log integer values |
CMetadataRecordData | Data contained in a set metadata control record as created by DataLog::SetMetadata() |
CProtobufLogEntry | Log protobuf serializable objects |
CRawLogEntry | Log arbitrary byte data |
CStartRecordData | Data contained in a start control record as created by DataLog::Start() when writing the log |
CStringArrayLogEntry | Log array of string values |
CStringLogEntry | Log string values |
CStructArrayLogEntry | Log raw struct serializable array of objects |
CStructLogEntry | Log raw struct serializable objects |
►Nmath | |
CMathShared | |
CMathSharedStore | |
►Npointer_union_detail | |
CGetFirstType | Find the first type in a list of types |
CPointerUnionMembers | |
CPointerUnionMembers< Derived, ValTy, I > | |
CPointerUnionMembers< Derived, ValTy, I, Type, Types... > | |
CPointerUnionUIntTraits | Provide PointerLikeTypeTraits for void* that is used by PointerUnion for the template arguments |
►Nsig | |
►Ndetail | |
CNullMutex | |
CSlot | |
CSlot< Func, trait::typelist< Args... > > | |
CSlot< Func, trait::typelist< Connection &, Args... > > | |
CSlot< Pmf, Ptr, trait::typelist< Args... > > | |
CSlot< Pmf, Ptr, trait::typelist< Connection &, Args... > > | |
CSlotBase | |
CSlotPmfTracked | |
CSlotPmfTracked< Pmf, WeakPtr, trait::typelist< Args... > > | |
CSlotState | |
CSlotTracked | |
CSlotTracked< Func, WeakPtr, trait::typelist< Args... > > | |
►Ntrait | |
►Ndetail | |
Cis_callable | |
Cis_callable< F, P, typelist< T... >, void_t< decltype(((*std::declval< P >()).*std::declval< F >())(std::declval< T >()...))> > | |
Cis_callable< F, typelist< T... >, void_t< decltype(std::declval< F >()(std::declval< T >()...))> > | |
Cis_weak_ptr | |
Cis_weak_ptr< T, void_t< decltype(std::declval< T >().expired()), decltype(std::declval< T >().lock()), decltype(std::declval< T >().reset())> > | |
Cis_weak_ptr_compatible | |
Cis_weak_ptr_compatible< T, void_t< decltype(to_weak(std::declval< T >()))> > | |
Cvoider | |
Ctypelist | Represent a list of types |
CConnection | A Connection object allows interaction with an ongoing slot connection |
CConnectionBlocker | ConnectionBlocker is a RAII object that blocks a connection until destruction |
CScopedConnection | ScopedConnection is a RAII version of Connection It disconnects the slot from the signal upon destruction |
CSignalBase | SignalBase is an implementation of the observer pattern, through the use of an emitting object and slots that are connected to the signal and called with supplied arguments when a signal is emitted |
►Nstructparser | |
CLexer | Raw struct schema lexer |
CParsedDeclaration | Raw struct schema declaration |
CParsedSchema | Raw struct schema |
CParser | Raw struct schema parser |
CToken | A lexed raw struct schema token |
►Nsupport | |
►Ndetail | |
►Cpacked_endian_specific_integral | |
Cref | |
CPickAlignment | ::value is either alignment, or alignof(T) if alignment is 0 |
Nendian | |
Nsys | |
►Nuv | |
CAsync | Async handle |
CAsync<> | Async specialization for no data parameters |
CAsyncFunction | |
CAsyncFunction< R(T...)> | Function async handle |
CBuffer | Data buffer |
CCheck | Check handle |
CConnectReq | Connection request |
CError | Error code |
CFsEvent | Filesystem Event handle |
CGetAddrInfoReq | GetAddrInfo request |
CGetNameInfoReq | GetNameInfo request |
CHandle | Handle |
CHandleImpl | Handle |
CIdle | Idle handle |
CLoop | Event loop |
CNetworkStream | Network stream handle |
CNetworkStreamImpl | |
CPipe | Pipe handle |
CPipeConnectReq | Pipe connection request |
CPoll | Poll handle |
CPrepare | Prepare handle |
►CProcess | Process handle |
COption | Structure for Spawn() option temporaries |
CRequest | Request |
CRequestImpl | Request |
CShutdownReq | Shutdown request |
CSignal | Signal handle |
CSimpleBufferPool | A simple pool allocator for Buffers |
CStream | Stream handle |
CStreamImpl | |
CTcp | TCP handle |
CTcpConnectReq | TCP connection request |
CTimer | Timer handle |
CTty | TTY handle |
CUdp | UDP handle |
CUdpSendReq | UDP send request |
CWorkReq | Work request |
CWriteReq | Write request |
Cadd_const_past_pointer | If T is a pointer to X, return a pointer to const X |
Cadd_const_past_pointer< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_pointer_v< T > > > | |
Cadd_lvalue_reference_if_not_pointer | If T is a pointer, just return it. If it is not, return T& |
Cadd_lvalue_reference_if_not_pointer< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_pointer_v< T > > > | |
CAlignedCharArrayUnion | A suitably aligned and sized character array member which can hold elements of any type |
CAllocatorBase | CRTP base class providing obvious overloads for the core Allocate() methods of LLVM-style allocators |
Carray | This class is a wrapper around std::array that does compile time size checking |
Cbad_expected_access | |
Cbuffer_ostream | |
Cbuffer_unique_ostream | |
CCalculateSmallVectorDefaultInlinedElements | Helper class for calculating the default number of inline elements for SmallVector<T> |
CCallbackListenerData | |
CCallbackManager | |
►CCallbackThread | |
CPoller | |
Ccast_convert_val | |
Ccast_convert_val< To, FromTy *, FromTy * > | |
Ccast_convert_val< To, FromTy, FromTy > | |
Ccast_retty | |
Ccast_retty_impl | |
Ccast_retty_impl< To, const From * > | |
Ccast_retty_impl< To, const From *const > | |
Ccast_retty_impl< To, const From > | |
Ccast_retty_impl< To, From * > | |
Ccast_retty_impl< To, std::unique_ptr< From > > | |
Ccast_retty_wrap | |
Ccast_retty_wrap< To, FromTy, FromTy > | |
CCastInfo | This struct provides a method for customizing the way a cast is performed |
CCastInfo< To, const PointerUnion< PTs... > > | |
CCastInfo< To, From, std::enable_if_t<!is_simple_type< From >::value > > | This struct provides an overload for CastInfo where From has simplify_type defined |
CCastInfo< To, PointerUnion< PTs... > > | |
CCastInfo< To, std::optional< From > > | Provide a CastInfo specialized for std::optional<From> |
CCastInfo< To, std::unique_ptr< From > > | Provide a CastInfo specialized for std::unique_ptr |
CCastInfoPointerUnionImpl | We can't (at least, at this moment with C++14) declare CastInfo as a friend of PointerUnion like this: |
CCastIsPossible | This struct provides a way to check if a given cast is possible |
CCastIsPossible< To, From, std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< To, From > > > | Upcasting (from derived to base) and casting from a type to itself should always be possible |
CCastIsPossible< To, std::optional< From > > | |
►Ccircular_buffer | This is a simple circular buffer so we don't need to "bucket brigade" copy old values |
Cconst_iterator | |
Citerator | |
CConcurrentQueue | |
Cconst_pointer_or_const_ref | |
Cconst_pointer_or_const_ref< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_pointer_v< T > > > | |
CConstStrippingForwardingCast | Provides a cast trait that strips const from types to make it easier to implement a const-version of a non-const cast |
Cct_string | Fixed length string (array of character) for compile time use |
►CDebugEpochBase | A base class for data structure classes wishing to make iterators ("handles") pointing into themselves fail-fast |
CHandleBase | A base class for iterator classes ("handles") that wish to poll for iterator invalidating modifications in the underlying data structure |
CDefaultDoCastIfPossible | This cast trait just provides the default implementation of doCastIfPossible to make CastInfo specializations more declarative |
CDenseMap | |
CDenseMapBase | |
CDenseMapInfo | An information struct used to provide DenseMap with the various necessary components for a given value type T |
CDenseMapInfo< char > | |
CDenseMapInfo< hash_code, void > | |
CDenseMapInfo< int > | |
CDenseMapInfo< long > | |
CDenseMapInfo< long long > | |
CDenseMapInfo< PointerIntPair< PointerTy, IntBits, IntType >, void > | |
CDenseMapInfo< PointerUnion< PTs... > > | |
CDenseMapInfo< short > | |
CDenseMapInfo< std::pair< T, U > > | |
CDenseMapInfo< std::tuple< Ts... > > | |
CDenseMapInfo< std::variant< Ts... > > | |
CDenseMapInfo< T * > | |
CDenseMapInfo< unsigned > | |
CDenseMapInfo< unsigned char > | |
CDenseMapInfo< unsigned long > | |
CDenseMapInfo< unsigned long long > | |
CDenseMapInfo< unsigned short > | |
CDenseMapIterator | |
CDsClient | |
CDynamicStruct | Dynamic (run-time) read-only access to a serialized raw struct |
CDynamicStructObject | Dynamic (run-time) mutable access to a serialized raw struct, with internal data storage |
Cempty_array_t | |
CEvent | An atomic signaling event for synchronization |
CEventLoopRunner | Executes an event loop on a separate thread |
CEventVector | |
Cexpected | An expected<T, E> object is an object that contains the storage for another object and manages the lifetime of this contained object T |
Cexplicitly_convertible | |
Cexplicitly_convertible< From, To, std::void_t< decltype(static_cast< To >(std::declval< std::add_rvalue_reference_t< From > >()))> > | |
CFirstIndexOfType | Find the first index where a type appears in a list of types |
CFirstIndexOfType< T, T, Us... > | |
CFirstIndexOfType< T, U, Us... > | |
CForwardToPointerCast | Provides a cast trait that uses a defined pointer to pointer cast as a base for reference-to-reference casts |
Cfunction_ref | An efficient, type-erasing, non-owning reference to a callable |
Cfunction_ref< Ret(Params...)> | |
CFunctionPointerLikeTypeTraits | Provide suitable custom traits struct for function pointers |
Cfuture | A lightweight version of std::future |
Cfuture< void > | Explicit specialization for future<void> |
Chash_code | An opaque object representing a hash code |
CHashBuilderImpl | |
Chttp_parser | |
Chttp_parser_settings | |
Chttp_parser_url | |
CHttpConnection | |
CHttpLocation | |
CHttpMultipartScanner | |
CHttpParser | HTTP protocol parser |
CHttpPath | Class for HTTP path matching |
CHttpPathRef | Proxy reference object for a portion of a HttpPath |
CHttpQueryMap | Map for looking up elements of the query portion of a URI |
CHttpRequest | |
CHttpServerConnection | |
CHttpWebSocketServerConnection | A server-side HTTP connection that also accepts WebSocket upgrades |
Cin_place_t | |
Cinterpolating_map | Implements a table of key-value pairs with linear interpolation between values |
Cis_integral_or_enum | Metafunction that determines whether the given type is either an integral type or an enumeration type, including enum classes |
Cis_simple_type | |
Cisa_impl | |
Cisa_impl< To, From, std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< To, From > > > | |
Cisa_impl_cl | |
Cisa_impl_cl< To, const From * > | |
Cisa_impl_cl< To, const From *const > | |
Cisa_impl_cl< To, const From > | |
Cisa_impl_cl< To, const std::unique_ptr< From > > | |
Cisa_impl_cl< To, From * > | |
Cisa_impl_cl< To, From *const > | |
Cisa_impl_wrap | |
Cisa_impl_wrap< To, FromTy, FromTy > | |
Citerator_adaptor_base | CRTP base class for adapting an iterator to a different type |
►Citerator_facade_base | CRTP base class which implements the entire standard iterator facade in terms of a minimal subset of the interface |
CPointerProxy | A proxy object for computing a pointer via indirecting a copy of a reference |
CReferenceProxy | A proxy object for computing a reference via indirecting a copy of an iterator |
Citerator_range | A range adaptor for a pair of iterators |
CLogger | |
CMallocAllocator | |
CMappedFileRegion | |
CMapVector | This class implements a map that also provides access to all stored values in a deterministic order |
CMemoryBuffer | This interface provides simple read-only access to a block of memory, and provides simple methods for reading files and standard input into a memory buffer |
CMemoryBufferRef | |
Cmonostate | |
CMulticastServiceAnnouncer | |
►CMulticastServiceResolver | |
CServiceData | |
CMutableDynamicStruct | Dynamic (run-time) mutable access to a serialized raw struct |
CNetworkAcceptor | |
CNetworkStream | |
CNullableValueCastFailed | All of these cast traits are meant to be implementations for useful casts that users may want to use that are outside the standard behavior |
CNullDeleter | |
COptionalValueCast | This cast trait provides std::optional<T> casting |
CParallelTcpConnector | Parallel TCP connector |
Cpointee_iterator | An iterator type that allows iterating over the pointees via some other iterator |
Cpointer_iterator | |
CPointerIntPair | PointerIntPair - This class implements a pair of a pointer and small integer |
CPointerIntPairInfo | |
CPointerLikeTypeTraits | A traits type that is used to handle pointer types and things that are just wrappers for pointers as a uniform entity |
CPointerLikeTypeTraits< const T * > | |
CPointerLikeTypeTraits< const T > | |
CPointerLikeTypeTraits< PointerIntPair< PointerTy, IntBits, IntType, PtrTraits > > | |
CPointerLikeTypeTraits< PointerUnion< PTs... > > | |
CPointerLikeTypeTraits< ReturnT(*)(ParamTs...)> | Provide a default specialization for function pointers that assumes 4-byte alignment |
CPointerLikeTypeTraits< T * > | |
CPointerLikeTypeTraits< uintptr_t > | |
CPointerLikeTypeTraits< void * > | |
CPointerUnion | A discriminated union of two or more pointer types, with the discriminator in the low bit of the pointer |
CPortForwarder | Forward ports to another host |
Cpriority_queue | This class is the same as std::priority_queue with two changes: |
Cpromise | A lightweight version of std::promise |
Cpromise< void > | Explicit specialization for promise<void> |
CPromiseFactory | A promise factory for lightweight futures |
CPromiseFactory< void > | Explicit specialization for PromiseFactory<void> |
CProtobuf | Protobuf serialization template |
CProtobufMessage | Owning wrapper (ala std::unique_ptr) for google::protobuf::Message* that does not require the protobuf headers be included |
CProtobufMessageDatabase | Database of protobuf dynamic messages |
Craw_fd_istream | |
Craw_fd_ostream | A raw_ostream that writes to a file descriptor |
Craw_fd_stream | A raw_ostream of a file for reading/writing/seeking |
Craw_istream | |
Craw_mem_istream | |
Craw_null_ostream | A raw_ostream that discards all output |
Craw_os_ostream | Raw_os_ostream - A raw_ostream that writes to an std::ostream |
Craw_ostream | This class implements an extremely fast bulk output stream that can only output to a stream |
Craw_pwrite_stream | An abstract base class for streams implementations that also support a pwrite operation |
Craw_socket_istream | |
Craw_socket_ostream | |
Craw_string_ostream | A raw_ostream that writes to an std::string |
Craw_svector_ostream | A raw_ostream that writes to an SmallVector or SmallString |
Craw_usvector_ostream | A raw_ostream that writes to an SmallVector or SmallString |
Craw_uv_ostream | Raw_ostream style output to a SmallVector of uv::Buffer buffers |
Craw_uvector_ostream | A raw_ostream that writes to a vector |
Craw_vector_ostream | A raw_ostream that writes to a vector |
CRawFrame | |
Crecursive_spinlock1 | A recursive spinlock mutex |
Crecursive_spinlock2 | A recursive spinlock mutex |
Cremove_cvref | |
CRoundUpToPowerOfTwo | RoundUpToPowerOfTwo - This is a helper template that rounds N up to the next power of two (which means N itself if N is already a power of two) |
CRoundUpToPowerOfTwoH | RoundUpToPowerOfTwoH - If N is not a power of two, increase it |
CRoundUpToPowerOfTwoH< N, false > | |
CSafeThread | |
CSafeThreadBase | Base class for SafeThreadOwner threads |
CSafeThreadEvent | |
CSafeThreadOwner | |
CSameType | |
Cscope_exit | |
CScopedFatalErrorHandler | ScopedFatalErrorHandler - This is a simple helper class which just calls install_fatal_error_handler in its constructor and remove_fatal_error_handler in its destructor |
CSemaphore | A semaphore for synchronization |
CSendable | Interface for Sendable objects |
CSendableBuilder | Helper class for building Sendable dashboard representations |
CSendableHelper | A helper class for use with objects that add themselves to SendableRegistry |
►CSendableRegistry | Public interface for registering sensors and actuators for use on dashboards and LiveWindow |
CCallbackData | Data passed to ForeachLiveWindow() callback function |
CSHA1 | |
CSignalObject | RAII wrapper for signaling handles |
Csimplify_type | Define a template that can be specialized by smart pointers to reflect the fact that they are automatically dereferenced, and are not involved with the template selection process... the default implementation is a noop |
Csimplify_type< const From > | |
CSmallDenseMap | |
CSmallMapVector | A MapVector that performs no allocations if smaller than a certain size |
CSmallPtrSet | SmallPtrSet - This class implements a set which is optimized for holding SmallSize or less elements |
CSmallPtrSetImpl | A templated base class for SmallPtrSet which provides the typesafe interface that is common across all small sizes |
CSmallPtrSetImplBase | SmallPtrSetImplBase - This is the common code shared among all the SmallPtrSet<>'s, which is almost everything |
CSmallPtrSetIterator | SmallPtrSetIterator - This implements a const_iterator for SmallPtrSet |
CSmallPtrSetIteratorImpl | SmallPtrSetIteratorImpl - This is the common base class shared between all instances of SmallPtrSetIterator |
CSmallSet | SmallSet - This maintains a set of unique values, optimizing for the case when the set is small (less than N) |
CSmallSet< PointeeType *, N > | If this set is of pointer values, transparently switch over to using SmallPtrSet for performance |
CSmallSetIterator | SmallSetIterator - This class implements a const_iterator for SmallSet by delegating to the underlying SmallVector or Set iterators |
CSmallString | SmallString - A SmallString is just a SmallVector with methods and accessors that make it work better as a string (e.g |
CSmallVector | This is a 'vector' (really, a variable-sized array), optimized for the case when the array is small |
CSmallVectorAlignmentAndSize | Figure out the offset of the first element |
CSmallVectorBase | This is all the stuff common to all SmallVectors |
CSmallVectorImpl | This class consists of common code factored out of the SmallVector class to reduce code duplication based on the SmallVector 'N' template parameter |
CSmallVectorMemoryBuffer | SmallVector-backed MemoryBuffer instance |
CSmallVectorStorage | Storage for the SmallVector elements |
CSmallVectorStorage< T, 0 > | We need the storage to be properly aligned even for small-size of 0 so that the pointer math in SmallVectorTemplateCommon::getFirstEl() is well-defined |
CSmallVectorTemplateBase | SmallVectorTemplateBase<TriviallyCopyable = false> - This is where we put method implementations that are designed to work with non-trivial T's |
CSmallVectorTemplateBase< T, true > | SmallVectorTemplateBase<TriviallyCopyable = true> - This is where we put method implementations that are designed to work with trivially copyable T's |
CSmallVectorTemplateCommon | This is the part of SmallVectorTemplateBase which does not depend on whether the type T is a POD |
Cspinlock | A spinlock mutex |
►Cstatic_circular_buffer | This is a simple circular buffer so we don't need to "bucket brigade" copy old values |
Cconst_iterator | |
Citerator | |
CStringMap | StringMap - This is an unconventional map that is specialized for handling keys that are "strings", which are basically ranges of bytes |
CStringMapConstIterator | |
CStringMapEntry | StringMapEntry - This is used to represent one value that is inserted into a StringMap |
CStringMapEntryBase | StringMapEntryBase - Shared base class of StringMapEntry instances |
CStringMapEntryStorage | StringMapEntryStorage - Holds the value in a StringMapEntry |
CStringMapEntryStorage< std::nullopt_t > | |
CStringMapImpl | StringMapImpl - This is the base class of StringMap that is shared among all of its instantiations |
CStringMapIterator | |
CStringMapIterBase | |
CStringMapKeyIterator | |
CStruct | Struct serialization template |
CStruct< bool > | Raw struct support for boolean values |
CStruct< double > | Raw struct support for double values |
CStruct< float > | Raw struct support for float values |
CStruct< int16_t > | Raw struct support for int16_t values |
CStruct< int32_t > | Raw struct support for int32_t values |
CStruct< int64_t > | Raw struct support for int64_t values |
CStruct< int8_t > | Raw struct support for int8_t values |
CStruct< std::array< T, N >, I... > | Raw struct support for fixed-size arrays of other structs |
CStruct< uint16_t > | Raw struct support for uint16_t values |
CStruct< uint32_t > | Raw struct support for uint32_t values |
CStruct< uint64_t > | Raw struct support for uint64_t values |
CStruct< uint8_t > | Raw struct support for uint8_t values |
CStructArrayBuffer | |
CStructDescriptor | Raw struct dynamic struct descriptor |
CStructDescriptorDatabase | Database of raw struct dynamic descriptors |
CStructFieldDescriptor | Raw struct dynamic field descriptor |
CTCPAcceptor | |
CTCPConnector | |
CTCPStream | |
CTypesAreDistinct | Determine if all types in Ts are distinct |
CTypesAreDistinct<> | |
CUDPClient | |
CUidVector | Vector which provides an integrated freelist for removal and reuse of individual elements |
CUleb128Reader | Unsigned LEB128 streaming reader |
Cunexpect_t | |
Cunexpected | |
Cunique_function | Unique_function is a type-erasing functor similar to std::function |
Cunique_function< R(P...) const > | |
Cunique_function< R(P...)> | |
CUniquePtrCast | This cast trait provides std::unique_ptr casting |
CUrlParser | Parses a URL into its constiuent components |
CValueFromPointerCast | This cast trait provides casting for the specific case of casting to a value-typed object from a pointer-typed object |
CValueIsPresent | ValueIsPresent provides a way to check if a value is, well, present |
CValueIsPresent< std::optional< T > > | |
CValueIsPresent< T, std::enable_if_t< IsNullable< T > > > | |
CVersionTuple | Represents a version number in the form major[.minor[.subminor[.build]]] |
►CWebSocket | RFC 6455 compliant WebSocket client and server implementation |
CClientOptions | Client connection options |
CFrame | Frame |
►CWebSocketServer | Dedicated WebSocket server |
CServerOptions | Server options |
CWebSocketServerHelper | WebSocket HTTP server helper |
CWorkerThread | |
CWorkerThread< R(T...)> | |
CWritableMemoryBuffer | This class is an extension of MemoryBuffer, which allows copy-on-write access to the underlying contents |
CWriteThroughMemoryBuffer | This class is an extension of MemoryBuffer, which allows write access to the underlying contents and committing those changes to the original source |
RProtobufSerializable | Specifies that a type is capable of protobuf serialization and deserialization |
RMutableProtobufSerializable | Specifies that a type is capable of in-place protobuf deserialization |
RStructSerializable | Specifies that a type is capable of raw struct serialization and deserialization |
RMutableStructSerializable | Specifies that a type is capable of in-place raw struct deserialization |
RHasNestedStruct | Specifies that a struct type has nested struct declarations |
RDecayedDerivedFrom | |