template<typename IteratorType > |
iterator_input_adapter_factory< IteratorType >::adapter_type | input_adapter (IteratorType first, IteratorType last) |
template<typename ContainerType > |
container_input_adapter_factory_impl::container_input_adapter_factory< ContainerType >::adapter_type | input_adapter (const ContainerType &container) |
file_input_adapter | input_adapter (std::FILE *file) |
input_stream_adapter | input_adapter (std::istream &stream) |
input_stream_adapter | input_adapter (std::istream &&stream) |
template<typename CharT , typename std::enable_if< std::is_pointer< CharT >::value &&!std::is_array< CharT >::value &&std::is_integral< typename std::remove_pointer< CharT >::type >::value &&sizeof(typename std::remove_pointer< CharT >::type)==1, int >::type = 0> |
contiguous_bytes_input_adapter | input_adapter (CharT b) |
template<typename T , std::size_t N> |
auto | input_adapter (T(&array)[N]) -> decltype(input_adapter(array, array+N)) |
static bool | little_endianness (int num=1) noexcept |
| determine system byte order
template<typename T , typename U , enable_if_t< !std::is_same< T, U >::value, int > = 0> |
T | conditional_static_cast (U value) |
template<typename OfType , typename T > |
constexpr bool | value_in_range_of (T val) |
template<typename BasicJsonType > |
void | from_json (const BasicJsonType &j, typename std::nullptr_t &n) |
template<typename BasicJsonType , typename ArithmeticType , enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic< ArithmeticType >::value &&!std::is_same< ArithmeticType, typename BasicJsonType::boolean_t >::value, int > = 0> |
void | get_arithmetic_value (const BasicJsonType &j, ArithmeticType &val) |
template<typename BasicJsonType > |
void | from_json (const BasicJsonType &j, typename BasicJsonType::boolean_t &b) |
template<typename BasicJsonType > |
void | from_json (const BasicJsonType &j, typename BasicJsonType::string_t &s) |
template<typename BasicJsonType , typename StringType , enable_if_t< std::is_assignable< StringType &, const typename BasicJsonType::string_t >::value &&is_detected_exact< typename BasicJsonType::string_t::value_type, value_type_t, StringType >::value &&!std::is_same< typename BasicJsonType::string_t, StringType >::value &&!is_json_ref< StringType >::value, int > = 0> |
void | from_json (const BasicJsonType &j, StringType &s) |
template<typename BasicJsonType > |
void | from_json (const BasicJsonType &j, typename BasicJsonType::number_float_t &val) |
template<typename BasicJsonType > |
void | from_json (const BasicJsonType &j, typename BasicJsonType::number_unsigned_t &val) |
template<typename BasicJsonType > |
void | from_json (const BasicJsonType &j, typename BasicJsonType::number_integer_t &val) |
template<typename BasicJsonType , typename EnumType , enable_if_t< std::is_enum< EnumType >::value, int > = 0> |
void | from_json (const BasicJsonType &j, EnumType &e) |
template<typename BasicJsonType , typename T , typename Allocator , enable_if_t< is_getable< BasicJsonType, T >::value, int > = 0> |
void | from_json (const BasicJsonType &j, std::forward_list< T, Allocator > &l) |
template<typename BasicJsonType , typename T , enable_if_t< is_getable< BasicJsonType, T >::value, int > = 0> |
void | from_json (const BasicJsonType &j, std::valarray< T > &l) |
template<typename BasicJsonType , typename T , std::size_t N> |
auto | from_json (const BasicJsonType &j, T(&arr)[N]) -> decltype(j.template get< T >(), void()) |
template<typename BasicJsonType > |
void | from_json_array_impl (const BasicJsonType &j, typename BasicJsonType::array_t &arr, priority_tag< 3 >) |
template<typename BasicJsonType , typename T , std::size_t N> |
auto | from_json_array_impl (const BasicJsonType &j, std::array< T, N > &arr, priority_tag< 2 >) -> decltype(j.template get< T >(), void()) |
template<typename BasicJsonType , typename ConstructibleArrayType , enable_if_t< std::is_assignable< ConstructibleArrayType &, ConstructibleArrayType >::value, int > = 0> |
auto | from_json_array_impl (const BasicJsonType &j, ConstructibleArrayType &arr, priority_tag< 1 >) -> decltype(arr.reserve(std::declval< typename ConstructibleArrayType::size_type >()), j.template get< typename ConstructibleArrayType::value_type >(), void()) |
template<typename BasicJsonType , typename ConstructibleArrayType , enable_if_t< std::is_assignable< ConstructibleArrayType &, ConstructibleArrayType >::value, int > = 0> |
void | from_json_array_impl (const BasicJsonType &j, ConstructibleArrayType &arr, priority_tag< 0 >) |
template<typename BasicJsonType , typename ConstructibleArrayType , enable_if_t< is_constructible_array_type< BasicJsonType, ConstructibleArrayType >::value &&!is_constructible_object_type< BasicJsonType, ConstructibleArrayType >::value &&!is_constructible_string_type< BasicJsonType, ConstructibleArrayType >::value &&!std::is_same< ConstructibleArrayType, typename BasicJsonType::binary_t >::value &&!is_basic_json< ConstructibleArrayType >::value, int > = 0> |
auto | from_json (const BasicJsonType &j, ConstructibleArrayType &arr) -> decltype(from_json_array_impl(j, arr, priority_tag< 3 > {}), j.template get< typename ConstructibleArrayType::value_type >(), void()) |
template<typename BasicJsonType , typename T , std::size_t... Idx> |
std::array< T, sizeof...(Idx)> | from_json_inplace_array_impl (BasicJsonType &&j, identity_tag< std::array< T, sizeof...(Idx)> >, index_sequence< Idx... >) |
template<typename BasicJsonType , typename T , std::size_t N> |
auto | from_json (BasicJsonType &&j, identity_tag< std::array< T, N > > tag) -> decltype(from_json_inplace_array_impl(std::forward< BasicJsonType >(j), tag, make_index_sequence< N > {})) |
template<typename BasicJsonType > |
void | from_json (const BasicJsonType &j, typename BasicJsonType::binary_t &bin) |
template<typename BasicJsonType , typename ConstructibleObjectType , enable_if_t< is_constructible_object_type< BasicJsonType, ConstructibleObjectType >::value, int > = 0> |
void | from_json (const BasicJsonType &j, ConstructibleObjectType &obj) |
template<typename BasicJsonType , typename ArithmeticType , enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic< ArithmeticType >::value &&!std::is_same< ArithmeticType, typename BasicJsonType::number_unsigned_t >::value &&!std::is_same< ArithmeticType, typename BasicJsonType::number_integer_t >::value &&!std::is_same< ArithmeticType, typename BasicJsonType::number_float_t >::value &&!std::is_same< ArithmeticType, typename BasicJsonType::boolean_t >::value, int > = 0> |
void | from_json (const BasicJsonType &j, ArithmeticType &val) |
template<typename BasicJsonType , typename... Args, std::size_t... Idx> |
std::tuple< Args... > | from_json_tuple_impl_base (BasicJsonType &&j, index_sequence< Idx... >) |
template<typename BasicJsonType , class A1 , class A2 > |
std::pair< A1, A2 > | from_json_tuple_impl (BasicJsonType &&j, identity_tag< std::pair< A1, A2 > >, priority_tag< 0 >) |
template<typename BasicJsonType , typename A1 , typename A2 > |
void | from_json_tuple_impl (BasicJsonType &&j, std::pair< A1, A2 > &p, priority_tag< 1 >) |
template<typename BasicJsonType , typename... Args> |
std::tuple< Args... > | from_json_tuple_impl (BasicJsonType &&j, identity_tag< std::tuple< Args... > >, priority_tag< 2 >) |
template<typename BasicJsonType , typename... Args> |
void | from_json_tuple_impl (BasicJsonType &&j, std::tuple< Args... > &t, priority_tag< 3 >) |
template<typename BasicJsonType , typename TupleRelated > |
auto | from_json (BasicJsonType &&j, TupleRelated &&t) -> decltype(from_json_tuple_impl(std::forward< BasicJsonType >(j), std::forward< TupleRelated >(t), priority_tag< 3 > {})) |
template<typename BasicJsonType , typename Key , typename Value , typename Compare , typename Allocator , typename = enable_if_t < !std::is_constructible < typename BasicJsonType::string_t, Key >::value >> |
void | from_json (const BasicJsonType &j, std::map< Key, Value, Compare, Allocator > &m) |
template<typename BasicJsonType , typename Key , typename Value , typename Hash , typename KeyEqual , typename Allocator , typename = enable_if_t < !std::is_constructible < typename BasicJsonType::string_t, Key >::value >> |
void | from_json (const BasicJsonType &j, std::unordered_map< Key, Value, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator > &m) |
template<typename FloatType > |
JSON_HEDLEY_RETURNS_NON_NULL char * | to_chars (char *first, const char *last, FloatType value) |
| generates a decimal representation of the floating-point number value in [first, last).
template<bool IS_CONSTEXPR, typename T , typename Ptr = const T*> |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | find (Ptr first, Ptr last, T value, Ptr &out) -> bool |
template<> |
auto | find< false, char > (const char *first, const char *last, char value, const char *&out) -> bool |
template<typename T , typename Context , typename Char > |
void | convert_arg (basic_format_arg< Context > &arg, Char type) |
template<typename Char > |
auto | make_arg_formatter (basic_appender< Char > iter, format_specs &s) -> arg_formatter< Char > |
template<typename Char > |
void | parse_flags (format_specs &specs, const Char *&it, const Char *end) |
template<typename Char , typename GetArg > |
auto | parse_header (const Char *&it, const Char *end, format_specs &specs, GetArg get_arg) -> int |
auto | parse_printf_presentation_type (char c, type t, bool &upper) -> presentation_type |
template<typename Char , typename Context > |
void | vprintf (buffer< Char > &buf, basic_string_view< Char > format, basic_format_args< Context > args) |
FMT_CONSTEXPR void | abort_fuzzing_if (bool condition) |
template<typename To , typename From , FMT_ENABLE_IF(sizeof(To)==sizeof(From)) > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto | bit_cast (const From &from) -> To |
auto | is_big_endian () -> bool |
template<typename T > |
constexpr auto | max_value () -> T |
template<typename T > |
constexpr auto | num_bits () -> int |
template<> |
constexpr auto | num_bits< int128_opt > () -> int |
template<> |
constexpr auto | num_bits< uint128_opt > () -> int |
template<> |
constexpr auto | num_bits< uint128_fallback > () -> int |
template<typename To , typename From , FMT_ENABLE_IF(sizeof(To) > sizeof(From)) > |
auto | bit_cast (const From &from) -> To |
template<typename UInt > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto | countl_zero_fallback (UInt n) -> int |
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto | countl_zero (uint32_t n) -> int |
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto | countl_zero (uint64_t n) -> int |
FMT_INLINE void | assume (bool condition) |
template<typename OutputIt , FMT_ENABLE_IF(is_back_insert_iterator< OutputIt >::value && is_contiguous< typename OutputIt::container >::value) > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto | reserve (OutputIt it, size_t n) -> typename OutputIt::value_type * |
template<typename T > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto | reserve (basic_appender< T > it, size_t n) -> basic_appender< T > |
template<typename Iterator > |
constexpr auto | reserve (Iterator &it, size_t) -> Iterator & |
template<typename T , typename OutputIt > |
constexpr auto | to_pointer (OutputIt, size_t) -> T * |
template<typename T > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto | to_pointer (basic_appender< T > it, size_t n) -> T * |
template<typename OutputIt , FMT_ENABLE_IF(is_back_insert_iterator< OutputIt >::value && is_contiguous< typename OutputIt::container >::value) > |
auto | base_iterator (OutputIt it, typename OutputIt::container_type::value_type *) -> OutputIt |
template<typename Iterator > |
constexpr auto | base_iterator (Iterator, Iterator it) -> Iterator |
template<typename OutputIt , typename Size , typename T > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | fill_n (OutputIt out, Size count, const T &value) -> OutputIt |
template<typename T , typename Size > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto | fill_n (T *out, Size count, char value) -> T * |
template<typename OutChar , typename InputIt , typename OutputIt > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_NOINLINE auto | copy_noinline (InputIt begin, InputIt end, OutputIt out) -> OutputIt |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | utf8_decode (const char *s, uint32_t *c, int *e) -> const char * |
template<typename F > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR void | for_each_codepoint (string_view s, F f) |
template<typename Char > |
auto | compute_width (basic_string_view< Char > s) -> size_t |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | compute_width (string_view s) -> size_t |
template<typename Char > |
auto | code_point_index (basic_string_view< Char > s, size_t n) -> size_t |
auto | code_point_index (string_view s, size_t n) -> size_t |
FMT_API auto | write_console (int fd, string_view text) -> bool |
FMT_API void | print (FILE *, string_view) |
template<typename Char , size_t N> |
FMT_EXPORT constexpr auto | compile_string_to_view (const Char(&s)[N]) -> basic_string_view< Char > |
template<typename Char > |
FMT_EXPORT constexpr auto | compile_string_to_view (basic_string_view< Char > s) -> basic_string_view< Char > |
template<typename T , FMT_ENABLE_IF(is_signed< T >::value) > |
constexpr auto | is_negative (T value) -> bool |
auto | digits2 (size_t value) -> const char * |
template<typename Char > |
constexpr auto | getsign (sign s) -> Char |
template<typename T > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | count_digits_fallback (T n) -> int |
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto | count_digits (uint64_t n) -> int |
template<int BITS, typename UInt > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | count_digits (UInt n) -> int |
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto | count_digits (uint32_t n) -> int |
template<typename Int > |
constexpr auto | digits10 () noexcept -> int |
template<> |
constexpr auto | digits10< int128_opt > () noexcept -> int |
template<> |
constexpr auto | digits10< uint128_t > () noexcept -> int |
template<typename Char > |
FMT_API auto | thousands_sep_impl (locale_ref loc) -> thousands_sep_result< Char > |
template<typename Char > |
auto | thousands_sep (locale_ref loc) -> thousands_sep_result< Char > |
template<> |
auto | thousands_sep (locale_ref loc) -> thousands_sep_result< wchar_t > |
template<typename Char > |
FMT_API auto | decimal_point_impl (locale_ref loc) -> Char |
template<typename Char > |
auto | decimal_point (locale_ref loc) -> Char |
template<> |
auto | decimal_point (locale_ref loc) -> wchar_t |
FMT_BEGIN_EXPORT template FMT_API auto | thousands_sep_impl< char > (locale_ref) -> thousands_sep_result< char > |
template FMT_API auto | thousands_sep_impl< wchar_t > (locale_ref) -> thousands_sep_result< wchar_t > |
template FMT_API auto | decimal_point_impl (locale_ref) -> char |
template<typename Char > |
FMT_END_EXPORT auto | equal2 (const Char *lhs, const char *rhs) -> bool |
auto | equal2 (const char *lhs, const char *rhs) -> bool |
template<typename Char > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 FMT_INLINE void | write2digits (Char *out, size_t value) |
template<typename Char , typename UInt > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto | do_format_decimal (Char *out, UInt value, int size) -> Char * |
template<typename Char , typename UInt > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto | format_decimal (Char *out, UInt value, int num_digits) -> Char * |
template<typename Char , typename UInt , typename OutputIt , FMT_ENABLE_IF(is_back_insert_iterator< OutputIt >::value) > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | format_decimal (OutputIt out, UInt value, int num_digits) -> OutputIt |
template<typename Char , typename UInt > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | do_format_base2e (int base_bits, Char *out, UInt value, int size, bool upper=false) -> Char * |
template<typename Char , typename UInt > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | format_base2e (int base_bits, Char *out, UInt value, int num_digits, bool upper=false) -> Char * |
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt , typename UInt , FMT_ENABLE_IF(is_back_insert_iterator< OutputIt >::value) > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | format_base2e (int base_bits, OutputIt out, UInt value, int num_digits, bool upper=false) -> OutputIt |
auto | umul128 (uint64_t x, uint64_t y) noexcept -> uint128_fallback |
template<typename Float > |
constexpr auto | has_implicit_bit () -> bool |
template<typename Float > |
constexpr auto | num_significand_bits () -> int |
template<typename Float > |
constexpr auto | exponent_mask () -> typename dragonbox::float_info< Float >::carrier_uint |
template<typename Float > |
constexpr auto | exponent_bias () -> int |
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | write_exponent (int exp, OutputIt out) -> OutputIt |
template<int SHIFT = 0, typename F > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | normalize (basic_fp< F > value) -> basic_fp< F > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | multiply (uint64_t lhs, uint64_t rhs) -> uint64_t |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | operator* (fp x, fp y) -> fp |
template<typename T > |
constexpr auto | convert_float (T value) -> convert_float_result< T > |
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt > |
FMT_NOINLINE FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | fill (OutputIt it, size_t n, const basic_specs &specs) -> OutputIt |
template<typename Char , align default_align = align::left, typename OutputIt , typename F > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | write_padded (OutputIt out, const format_specs &specs, size_t size, size_t width, F &&f) -> OutputIt |
template<typename Char , align default_align = align::left, typename OutputIt , typename F > |
constexpr auto | write_padded (OutputIt out, const format_specs &specs, size_t size, F &&f) -> OutputIt |
template<typename Char , align default_align = align::left, typename OutputIt > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | write_bytes (OutputIt out, string_view bytes, const format_specs &specs={}) -> OutputIt |
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt , typename UIntPtr > |
auto | write_ptr (OutputIt out, UIntPtr value, const format_specs *specs) -> OutputIt |
FMT_API auto | is_printable (uint32_t cp) -> bool |
auto | needs_escape (uint32_t cp) -> bool |
template<typename Char > |
auto | find_escape (const Char *begin, const Char *end) -> find_escape_result< Char > |
auto | find_escape (const char *begin, const char *end) -> find_escape_result< char > |
template<size_t width, typename Char , typename OutputIt > |
auto | write_codepoint (OutputIt out, char prefix, uint32_t cp) -> OutputIt |
template<typename OutputIt , typename Char > |
auto | write_escaped_cp (OutputIt out, const find_escape_result< Char > &escape) -> OutputIt |
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt > |
auto | write_escaped_string (OutputIt out, basic_string_view< Char > str) -> OutputIt |
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt > |
auto | write_escaped_char (OutputIt out, Char v) -> OutputIt |
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | write_char (OutputIt out, Char value, const format_specs &specs) -> OutputIt |
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | write (OutputIt out, Char value, const format_specs &specs, locale_ref loc={}) -> OutputIt |
FMT_CONSTEXPR void | prefix_append (unsigned &prefix, unsigned value) |
template<typename OutputIt , typename UInt , typename Char > |
auto | write_int (OutputIt out, UInt value, unsigned prefix, const format_specs &specs, const digit_grouping< Char > &grouping) -> OutputIt |
template<typename OutputIt > |
auto | write_loc (OutputIt, const loc_value &, const format_specs &, locale_ref) -> bool |
template<typename T > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | make_write_int_arg (T value, sign s) -> write_int_arg< uint32_or_64_or_128_t< T > > |
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt , typename T > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto | write_int (OutputIt out, write_int_arg< T > arg, const format_specs &specs) -> OutputIt |
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt , typename T > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_NOINLINE auto | write_int_noinline (OutputIt out, write_int_arg< T > arg, const format_specs &specs) -> OutputIt |
template<typename Char , typename T , FMT_ENABLE_IF(is_integral< T >::value && !std::is_same< T, bool >::value && !std::is_same< T, Char >::value) > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto | write (basic_appender< Char > out, T value, const format_specs &specs, locale_ref loc) -> basic_appender< Char > |
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt , typename T , FMT_ENABLE_IF(is_integral< T >::value && !std::is_same< T, bool >::value && !std::is_same< T, Char >::value && !std::is_same< OutputIt, basic_appender< Char > >::value) > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto | write (OutputIt out, T value, const format_specs &specs, locale_ref loc) -> OutputIt |
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | write (OutputIt out, basic_string_view< Char > s, const format_specs &specs) -> OutputIt |
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | write (OutputIt out, basic_string_view< Char > s, const format_specs &specs, locale_ref) -> OutputIt |
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | write (OutputIt out, const Char *s, const format_specs &specs, locale_ref) -> OutputIt |
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt , typename T , FMT_ENABLE_IF(is_integral< T >::value && !std::is_same< T, bool >::value && !std::is_same< T, Char >::value) > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | write (OutputIt out, T value) -> OutputIt |
template<typename Char > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | parse_align (const Char *begin, const Char *end, format_specs &specs) -> const Char * |
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto | write_nonfinite (OutputIt out, bool isnan, format_specs specs, sign s) -> OutputIt |
constexpr auto | get_significand_size (const big_decimal_fp &f) -> int |
template<typename T > |
auto | get_significand_size (const dragonbox::decimal_fp< T > &f) -> int |
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt > |
constexpr auto | write_significand (OutputIt out, const char *significand, int significand_size) -> OutputIt |
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt , typename UInt > |
auto | write_significand (OutputIt out, UInt significand, int significand_size) -> OutputIt |
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt , typename T , typename Grouping > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto | write_significand (OutputIt out, T significand, int significand_size, int exponent, const Grouping &grouping) -> OutputIt |
template<typename Char , typename UInt , FMT_ENABLE_IF(std::is_integral< UInt >::value) > |
auto | write_significand (Char *out, UInt significand, int significand_size, int integral_size, Char decimal_point) -> Char * |
template<typename OutputIt , typename UInt , typename Char , FMT_ENABLE_IF(!std::is_pointer< remove_cvref_t< OutputIt > >::value) > |
auto | write_significand (OutputIt out, UInt significand, int significand_size, int integral_size, Char decimal_point) -> OutputIt |
template<typename OutputIt , typename Char > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | write_significand (OutputIt out, const char *significand, int significand_size, int integral_size, Char decimal_point) -> OutputIt |
template<typename OutputIt , typename Char , typename T , typename Grouping > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto | write_significand (OutputIt out, T significand, int significand_size, int integral_size, Char decimal_point, const Grouping &grouping) -> OutputIt |
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt , typename DecimalFP , typename Grouping = digit_grouping<Char>> |
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto | do_write_float (OutputIt out, const DecimalFP &f, const format_specs &specs, sign s, locale_ref loc) -> OutputIt |
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt , typename DecimalFP > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto | write_float (OutputIt out, const DecimalFP &f, const format_specs &specs, sign s, locale_ref loc) -> OutputIt |
template<typename T > |
constexpr auto | isnan (T value) -> bool |
template<typename T , FMT_ENABLE_IF(std::is_floating_point< T >::value && has_isfinite< T >::value) > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto | isfinite (T value) -> bool |
template<typename T , FMT_ENABLE_IF(!has_isfinite< T >::value) > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | isfinite (T value) -> bool |
template<typename T , FMT_ENABLE_IF(is_floating_point< T >::value) > |
FMT_INLINE FMT_CONSTEXPR bool | signbit (T value) |
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 void | adjust_precision (int &precision, int exp10) |
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 void | format_dragon (basic_fp< uint128_t > value, unsigned flags, int num_digits, buffer< char > &buf, int &exp10) |
template<typename Float , FMT_ENABLE_IF(!is_double_double< Float >::value) > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 void | format_hexfloat (Float value, format_specs specs, buffer< char > &buf) |
constexpr auto | fractional_part_rounding_thresholds (int index) -> uint32_t |
template<typename Float > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto | format_float (Float value, int precision, const format_specs &specs, bool binary32, buffer< char > &buf) -> int |
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt , typename T > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto | write_float (OutputIt out, T value, format_specs specs, locale_ref loc) -> OutputIt |
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt , typename T , FMT_ENABLE_IF(is_floating_point< T >::value) > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto | write (OutputIt out, T value, format_specs specs, locale_ref loc={}) -> OutputIt |
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt , typename T , FMT_ENABLE_IF(is_fast_float< T >::value) > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto | write (OutputIt out, T value) -> OutputIt |
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt , typename T , FMT_ENABLE_IF(is_floating_point< T >::value && !is_fast_float< T >::value) > |
auto | write (OutputIt out, T value) -> OutputIt |
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt > |
auto | write (OutputIt out, monostate, format_specs={}, locale_ref={}) -> OutputIt |
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | write (OutputIt out, basic_string_view< Char > value) -> OutputIt |
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt , typename T , FMT_ENABLE_IF(has_to_string_view< T >::value) > |
constexpr auto | write (OutputIt out, const T &value) -> OutputIt |
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt , typename T , bool check = std::is_enum<T>::value && !std::is_same<T, Char>::value && mapped_type_constant<T, Char>::value != type::custom_type, FMT_ENABLE_IF(check) > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | write (OutputIt out, T value) -> OutputIt |
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt , typename T , FMT_ENABLE_IF(std::is_same< T, bool >::value) > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | write (OutputIt out, T value, const format_specs &specs={}, locale_ref={}) -> OutputIt |
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | write (OutputIt out, Char value) -> OutputIt |
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto | write (OutputIt out, const Char *value) -> OutputIt |
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt , typename T , FMT_ENABLE_IF(std::is_same< T, void >::value) > |
auto | write (OutputIt out, const T *value, const format_specs &specs={}, locale_ref={}) -> OutputIt |
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt , typename T , FMT_ENABLE_IF(mapped_type_constant< T, Char >::value== type::custom_type && !std::is_fundamental< T >::value) > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | write (OutputIt out, const T &value) -> OutputIt |
template<typename Context , typename ID > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | get_arg (Context &ctx, ID id) -> basic_format_arg< Context > |
template<typename Context > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR int | get_dynamic_spec (arg_id_kind kind, const arg_ref< typename Context::char_type > &ref, Context &ctx) |
template<typename Context > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR void | handle_dynamic_spec (arg_id_kind kind, int &value, const arg_ref< typename Context::char_type > &ref, Context &ctx) |
FMT_API void | do_report_error (format_func func, int error_code, const char *message) noexcept |
FMT_API void | format_error_code (buffer< char > &out, int error_code, string_view message) noexcept |
template<typename Char > |
void | vformat_to (buffer< Char > &buf, basic_string_view< Char > fmt, typename vformat_args< Char >::type args, locale_ref loc={}) |
template<typename T , std::size_t N> |
auto | range_begin (const T(&arr)[N]) -> const T * |
template<typename T , std::size_t N> |
auto | range_end (const T(&arr)[N]) -> const T * |
template<typename T > |
auto | range_begin (T &&rng) -> decltype(static_cast< T && >(rng).begin()) |
template<typename T > |
auto | range_end (T &&rng) -> decltype(static_cast< T && >(rng).end()) |
template<typename Tuple , typename F , size_t... Is> |
FMT_CONSTEXPR void | for_each (index_sequence< Is... >, Tuple &&t, F &&f) |
template<typename Tuple , typename F > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR void | for_each (Tuple &&t, F &&f) |
template<typename Tuple1 , typename Tuple2 , typename F , size_t... Is> |
void | for_each2 (index_sequence< Is... >, Tuple1 &&t1, Tuple2 &&t2, F &&f) |
template<typename Tuple1 , typename Tuple2 , typename F > |
void | for_each2 (Tuple1 &&t1, Tuple2 &&t2, F &&f) |
template<typename Formatter > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | maybe_set_debug_format (Formatter &f, bool set) -> decltype(f.set_debug_format(set)) |
template<typename Formatter > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR void | maybe_set_debug_format (Formatter &,...) |
template<typename string_type > |
void | int_to_string (string_type &target, std::size_t value) |
template<std::size_t N, typename IteratorType , enable_if_t< N==0, int > = 0> |
auto | get (const wpi::detail::iteration_proxy_value< IteratorType > &i) -> decltype(i.key()) |
FMT_FUNC void | assert_fail (const char *file, int line, const char *message) |
void | fwrite_all (const void *ptr, size_t count, FILE *stream) |
template<typename Facet > |
Facet | use_facet (locale) |
template<typename Char > |
FMT_FUNC auto | thousands_sep_impl (locale_ref loc) -> thousands_sep_result< Char > |
template<typename Char > |
FMT_FUNC auto | decimal_point_impl (locale_ref loc) -> Char |
template<typename F > |
auto | operator== (basic_fp< F > x, basic_fp< F > y) -> bool |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | rotr (uint32_t n, uint32_t r) noexcept -> uint32_t |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | rotr (uint64_t n, uint32_t r) noexcept -> uint64_t |
FMT_FUNC void | vformat_to (buffer< char > &buf, string_view fmt, format_args args, locale_ref loc) |
template<typename F > |
auto | flockfile (F *f) -> decltype(_lock_file(f)) |
template<typename F > |
auto | funlockfile (F *f) -> decltype(_unlock_file(f)) |
template<typename F > |
auto | getc_unlocked (F *f) -> decltype(_fgetc_nolock(f)) |
template<typename F , FMT_ENABLE_IF(sizeof(F::_p) !=0 &&!FMT_USE_FALLBACK_FILE) > |
auto | get_file (F *f, int) -> apple_file< F > |
auto | get_file (FILE *f,...) -> fallback_file< FILE > |
FMT_FUNC void | print (std::FILE *f, string_view text) |
auto | is_printable (uint16_t x, const singleton *singletons, size_t singletons_size, const unsigned char *singleton_lowers, const unsigned char *normal, size_t normal_size) -> bool |
template<typename Char > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | make_foreground_color (color_type foreground) noexcept -> ansi_color_escape< Char > |
template<typename Char > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | make_background_color (color_type background) noexcept -> ansi_color_escape< Char > |
template<typename Char > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | make_emphasis (emphasis em) noexcept -> ansi_color_escape< Char > |
template<typename Char > |
void | reset_color (buffer< Char > &buffer) |
template<typename Char > |
void | vformat_to (buffer< Char > &buf, const text_style &ts, basic_string_view< Char > fmt, basic_format_args< buffered_context< Char > > args) |
template<typename BasicJsonType , typename T , enable_if_t< std::is_same< T, typename BasicJsonType::boolean_t >::value, int > = 0> |
void | to_json (BasicJsonType &j, T b) noexcept |
template<typename BasicJsonType , typename BoolRef , enable_if_t<((std::is_same< std::vector< bool >::reference, BoolRef >::value &&!std::is_same< std::vector< bool >::reference, typename BasicJsonType::boolean_t & >::value)||(std::is_same< std::vector< bool >::const_reference, BoolRef >::value &&!std::is_same< detail::uncvref_t< std::vector< bool >::const_reference >, typename BasicJsonType::boolean_t >::value)) &&std::is_convertible< const BoolRef &, typename BasicJsonType::boolean_t >::value, int > = 0> |
void | to_json (BasicJsonType &j, const BoolRef &b) noexcept |
template<typename BasicJsonType , typename CompatibleString , enable_if_t< std::is_constructible< typename BasicJsonType::string_t, CompatibleString >::value, int > = 0> |
void | to_json (BasicJsonType &j, const CompatibleString &s) |
template<typename BasicJsonType > |
void | to_json (BasicJsonType &j, typename BasicJsonType::string_t &&s) |
template<typename BasicJsonType , typename FloatType , enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point< FloatType >::value, int > = 0> |
void | to_json (BasicJsonType &j, FloatType val) noexcept |
template<typename BasicJsonType , typename CompatibleNumberUnsignedType , enable_if_t< is_compatible_integer_type< typename BasicJsonType::number_unsigned_t, CompatibleNumberUnsignedType >::value, int > = 0> |
void | to_json (BasicJsonType &j, CompatibleNumberUnsignedType val) noexcept |
template<typename BasicJsonType , typename CompatibleNumberIntegerType , enable_if_t< is_compatible_integer_type< typename BasicJsonType::number_integer_t, CompatibleNumberIntegerType >::value, int > = 0> |
void | to_json (BasicJsonType &j, CompatibleNumberIntegerType val) noexcept |
template<typename BasicJsonType , typename EnumType , enable_if_t< std::is_enum< EnumType >::value, int > = 0> |
void | to_json (BasicJsonType &j, EnumType e) noexcept |
template<typename BasicJsonType > |
void | to_json (BasicJsonType &j, const std::vector< bool > &e) |
template<typename BasicJsonType , typename CompatibleArrayType , enable_if_t< is_compatible_array_type< BasicJsonType, CompatibleArrayType >::value &&!is_compatible_object_type< BasicJsonType, CompatibleArrayType >::value &&!is_compatible_string_type< BasicJsonType, CompatibleArrayType >::value &&!std::is_same< typename BasicJsonType::binary_t, CompatibleArrayType >::value &&!is_basic_json< CompatibleArrayType >::value, int > = 0> |
void | to_json (BasicJsonType &j, const CompatibleArrayType &arr) |
template<typename BasicJsonType > |
void | to_json (BasicJsonType &j, const typename BasicJsonType::binary_t &bin) |
template<typename BasicJsonType , typename T , enable_if_t< std::is_convertible< T, BasicJsonType >::value, int > = 0> |
void | to_json (BasicJsonType &j, const std::valarray< T > &arr) |
template<typename BasicJsonType > |
void | to_json (BasicJsonType &j, typename BasicJsonType::array_t &&arr) |
template<typename BasicJsonType , typename CompatibleObjectType , enable_if_t< is_compatible_object_type< BasicJsonType, CompatibleObjectType >::value &&!is_basic_json< CompatibleObjectType >::value, int > = 0> |
void | to_json (BasicJsonType &j, const CompatibleObjectType &obj) |
template<typename BasicJsonType > |
void | to_json (BasicJsonType &j, typename BasicJsonType::object_t &&obj) |
template<typename BasicJsonType , typename T , std::size_t N, enable_if_t< !std::is_constructible< typename BasicJsonType::string_t, const T(&)[N]>::value, int > = 0> |
void | to_json (BasicJsonType &j, const T(&arr)[N]) |
template<typename BasicJsonType , typename T1 , typename T2 , enable_if_t< std::is_constructible< BasicJsonType, T1 >::value &&std::is_constructible< BasicJsonType, T2 >::value, int > = 0> |
void | to_json (BasicJsonType &j, const std::pair< T1, T2 > &p) |
template<typename BasicJsonType , typename T , enable_if_t< std::is_same< T, iteration_proxy_value< typename BasicJsonType::iterator > >::value, int > = 0> |
void | to_json (BasicJsonType &j, const T &b) |
template<typename BasicJsonType , typename Tuple , std::size_t... Idx> |
void | to_json_tuple_impl (BasicJsonType &j, const Tuple &t, index_sequence< Idx... >) |
template<typename T , typename... Tail> |
auto | first (const T &value, const Tail &...) -> const T & |
bool | operator< (const value_t lhs, const value_t rhs) noexcept |
| comparison operator for JSON types
template<typename T , typename... Args> |
constexpr std::array< T, sizeof...(Args)> | make_array (Args &&... args) |
template<typename T > |
auto | unwrap (const T &v) -> const T & |
template<typename T > |
auto | unwrap (const std::reference_wrapper< T > &v) -> const T & |
auto localtime_r | FMT_NOMACRO (...) -> null<> |
auto | localtime_s (...) -> null<> |
auto | gmtime_r (...) -> null<> |
auto | gmtime_s (...) -> null<> |
auto | get_classic_locale () -> const std::locale & |
template<typename CodeUnit > |
void | write_codecvt (codecvt_result< CodeUnit > &out, string_view in, const std::locale &loc) |
template<typename OutputIt > |
auto | write_encoded_tm_str (OutputIt out, string_view in, const std::locale &loc) -> OutputIt |
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt , FMT_ENABLE_IF(!std::is_same< Char, char >::value) > |
auto | write_tm_str (OutputIt out, string_view sv, const std::locale &loc) -> OutputIt |
template<typename Char > |
void | do_write (buffer< Char > &buf, const std::tm &time, const std::locale &loc, char format, char modifier) |
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt , FMT_ENABLE_IF(!std::is_same< Char, char >::value) > |
auto | write (OutputIt out, const std::tm &time, const std::locale &loc, char format, char modifier=0) -> OutputIt |
FMT_NORETURN void | throw_duration_error () |
template<typename To , typename FromRep , typename FromPeriod , FMT_ENABLE_IF(std::is_integral< FromRep >::value && std::is_integral< typename To::rep >::value) > |
auto | duration_cast (std::chrono::duration< FromRep, FromPeriod > from) -> To |
template<typename Duration > |
auto | to_time_t (sys_time< Duration > time_point) -> std::time_t |
template<typename T > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | has_current_zone () -> bool |
void | write_digit2_separated (char *buf, unsigned a, unsigned b, unsigned c, char sep) |
template<typename Period > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | get_units () -> const char * |
template<typename OutputIt > |
auto | write_padding (OutputIt out, pad_type pad, int width) -> OutputIt |
template<typename OutputIt > |
auto | write_padding (OutputIt out, pad_type pad) -> OutputIt |
template<typename Char , typename Handler > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | parse_chrono_format (const Char *begin, const Char *end, Handler &&handler) -> const Char * |
auto | tm_wday_full_name (int wday) -> const char * |
auto | tm_wday_short_name (int wday) -> const char * |
auto | tm_mon_full_name (int mon) -> const char * |
auto | tm_mon_short_name (int mon) -> const char * |
void | tzset_once () |
template<typename T , typename Int , FMT_ENABLE_IF(std::is_integral< T >::value) > |
auto | to_nonnegative_int (T value, Int upper) -> Int |
constexpr auto | pow10 (std::uint32_t n) -> long long |
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt , typename Duration > |
void | write_fractional_seconds (OutputIt &out, Duration d, int precision=-1) |
template<typename Duration > |
void | write_floating_seconds (memory_buffer &buf, Duration duration, int num_fractional_digits=-1) |
template<typename T , FMT_ENABLE_IF(std::is_integral< T >::value &&has_isfinite< T >::value) > |
auto | isfinite (T) -> bool |
template<typename T , FMT_ENABLE_IF(std::is_integral< T >::value) > |
auto | mod (T x, int y) -> T |
template<typename Rep , typename Period , FMT_ENABLE_IF(std::is_integral< Rep >::value) > |
auto | get_milliseconds (std::chrono::duration< Rep, Period > d) -> std::chrono::duration< Rep, std::milli > |
template<typename Char , typename Rep , typename OutputIt , FMT_ENABLE_IF(std::is_integral< Rep >::value) > |
auto | format_duration_value (OutputIt out, Rep val, int) -> OutputIt |
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt > |
auto | copy_unit (string_view unit, OutputIt out, Char) -> OutputIt |
template<typename OutputIt > |
auto | copy_unit (string_view unit, OutputIt out, wchar_t) -> OutputIt |
template<typename Char , typename Period , typename OutputIt > |
auto | format_duration_unit (OutputIt out) -> OutputIt |
template<typename... T> |
FMT_CONSTEXPR void | ignore_unused (const T &...) |
constexpr auto | is_constant_evaluated (bool default_value=false) noexcept -> bool |
template<typename T > |
FMT_ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr auto | const_check (T val) -> T |
auto | map (int128_opt) -> monostate |
auto | map (uint128_opt) -> monostate |
template<typename Int > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | to_unsigned (Int value) -> make_unsigned_t< Int > |
template<typename T > |
constexpr const char * | narrow (const T *) |
constexpr FMT_ALWAYS_INLINE const char * | narrow (const char *s) |
template<typename Char > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | compare (const Char *s1, const Char *s2, std::size_t n) -> int |
template<typename OutputIt > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto | get_container (OutputIt it) -> typename OutputIt::container_type & |
template<typename Char , FMT_ENABLE_IF(is_char< Char >::value) > |
constexpr auto | to_string_view (const Char *s) -> basic_string_view< Char > |
template<typename T , FMT_ENABLE_IF(is_std_string_like< T >::value) > |
constexpr auto | to_string_view (const T &s) -> basic_string_view< typename T::value_type > |
template<typename Char > |
constexpr auto | to_string_view (basic_string_view< Char > s) -> basic_string_view< Char > |
| FMT_TYPE_CONSTANT (int, int_type) |
| FMT_TYPE_CONSTANT (unsigned, uint_type) |
| FMT_TYPE_CONSTANT (long long, long_long_type) |
| FMT_TYPE_CONSTANT (unsigned long long, ulong_long_type) |
| FMT_TYPE_CONSTANT (int128_opt, int128_type) |
| FMT_TYPE_CONSTANT (uint128_opt, uint128_type) |
| FMT_TYPE_CONSTANT (bool, bool_type) |
| FMT_TYPE_CONSTANT (Char, char_type) |
| FMT_TYPE_CONSTANT (float, float_type) |
| FMT_TYPE_CONSTANT (double, double_type) |
| FMT_TYPE_CONSTANT (long double, long_double_type) |
| FMT_TYPE_CONSTANT (const Char *, cstring_type) |
| FMT_TYPE_CONSTANT (basic_string_view< Char >, string_type) |
| FMT_TYPE_CONSTANT (const void *, pointer_type) |
constexpr auto | is_integral_type (type t) -> bool |
constexpr auto | is_arithmetic_type (type t) -> bool |
constexpr auto | set (type rhs) -> int |
constexpr auto | in (type t, int set) -> bool |
template<bool B = false> |
constexpr auto | count () -> int |
template<bool B1, bool B2, bool... Tail> |
constexpr auto | count () -> int |
template<typename... Args> |
constexpr auto | count_named_args () -> int |
template<typename... Args> |
constexpr auto | count_static_named_args () -> int |
template<typename Char , typename T , FMT_ENABLE_IF(!is_named_arg< T >::value) > |
void | init_named_arg (named_arg_info< Char > *, int &arg_index, int &, const T &) |
template<typename T , typename Char , FMT_ENABLE_IF(!is_static_named_arg< T >::value) > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR void | init_static_named_arg (named_arg_info< Char > *, int &arg_index, int &) |
template<typename Char , typename T , typename U = remove_const_t<T>> |
auto | has_formatter_impl (T *p, buffered_context< Char > *ctx=nullptr) -> decltype(formatter< U, Char >().format(*p, *ctx), std::true_type()) |
template<typename Char > |
auto | has_formatter_impl (...) -> std::false_type |
template<typename T , typename Char > |
constexpr auto | has_formatter () -> bool |
template<typename Char , FMT_ENABLE_IF(std::is_integral< Char >::value) > |
constexpr auto | to_ascii (Char c) -> char |
template<typename Char > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | code_point_length (const Char *begin) -> int |
template<typename Char > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | parse_nonnegative_int (const Char *&begin, const Char *end, int error_value) noexcept -> int |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | parse_align (char c) -> align |
template<typename Char > |
constexpr auto | is_name_start (Char c) -> bool |
template<typename Char , typename Handler > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | parse_arg_id (const Char *begin, const Char *end, Handler &&handler) -> const Char * |
template<typename Char > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | parse_dynamic_spec (const Char *begin, const Char *end, int &value, arg_ref< Char > &ref, parse_context< Char > &ctx) -> parse_dynamic_spec_result< Char > |
template<typename Char > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | parse_width (const Char *begin, const Char *end, format_specs &specs, arg_ref< Char > &width_ref, parse_context< Char > &ctx) -> const Char * |
template<typename Char > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | parse_precision (const Char *begin, const Char *end, format_specs &specs, arg_ref< Char > &precision_ref, parse_context< Char > &ctx) -> const Char * |
template<typename Char > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | parse_format_specs (const Char *begin, const Char *end, dynamic_format_specs< Char > &specs, parse_context< Char > &ctx, type arg_type) -> const Char * |
template<typename Char , typename Handler > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto | parse_replacement_field (const Char *begin, const Char *end, Handler &&handler) -> const Char * |
template<typename Char , typename Handler > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR void | parse_format_string (basic_string_view< Char > fmt, Handler &&handler) |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | check_char_specs (const format_specs &specs) -> bool |
template<typename T , typename Char > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | invoke_parse (parse_context< Char > &ctx) -> const Char * |
template<typename T , typename InputIt , typename OutputIt , FMT_ENABLE_IF(is_back_insert_iterator< OutputIt >::value && has_back_insert_iterator_container_append< OutputIt, InputIt >::value) > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto | copy (InputIt begin, InputIt end, OutputIt out) -> OutputIt |
template<typename T , typename InputIt , typename OutputIt , FMT_ENABLE_IF(!is_back_insert_iterator< OutputIt >::value) > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | copy (InputIt begin, InputIt end, OutputIt out) -> OutputIt |
template<typename T , typename V , typename OutputIt > |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | copy (basic_string_view< V > s, OutputIt out) -> OutputIt |
template<typename T , typename OutputIt , FMT_ENABLE_IF(!is_buffer_appender< OutputIt >::value) > |
auto | get_buffer (OutputIt out) -> iterator_buffer< OutputIt, T > |
template<typename Buf , typename OutputIt > |
auto | get_iterator (Buf &buf, OutputIt) -> decltype(buf.out()) |
template<typename T , typename OutputIt > |
auto | get_iterator (buffer< T > &, OutputIt out) -> OutputIt |
template<typename > |
constexpr auto | encode_types () -> unsigned long long |
template<typename Context , typename Arg , typename... Args> |
constexpr auto | encode_types () -> unsigned long long |
template<typename Context , typename... T, size_t NUM_ARGS = sizeof...(T)> |
constexpr auto | make_descriptor () -> unsigned long long |
template<typename T = int> |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | is_locking () -> bool |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename... Tail> |
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto | is_locking () -> bool |
void | vprint_mojibake (FILE *, string_view, const format_args &, bool) |
template<typename Char > |
void | write_buffer (std::basic_ostream< Char > &os, buffer< Char > &buf) |
template<typename StringType > |
void | replace_substring (StringType &s, const StringType &f, const StringType &t) |
| replace all occurrences of a substring by another string
template<typename StringType > |
StringType | escape (StringType s) |
| string escaping as described in RFC 6901 (Sect. 4)
template<typename StringType > |
static void | unescape (StringType &s) |
| string unescaping as described in RFC 6901 (Sect. 4)
auto | write_loc (basic_appender< wchar_t > out, loc_value value, const format_specs &specs, locale_ref loc) -> bool |
std::size_t | concat_length () |
template<typename... Args> |
std::size_t | concat_length (const char *cstr, const Args &... rest) |
template<typename StringType , typename... Args> |
std::size_t | concat_length (const StringType &str, const Args &... rest) |
template<typename... Args> |
std::size_t | concat_length (const char, const Args &... rest) |
template<typename OutStringType > |
void | concat_into (OutStringType &) |
template<typename OutStringType , typename Arg , typename... Args, enable_if_t< !detect_string_can_append< OutStringType, Arg >::value &&detect_string_can_append_op< OutStringType, Arg >::value, int > = 0> |
void | concat_into (OutStringType &out, Arg &&arg, Args &&... rest) |
template<typename OutStringType , typename Arg , typename... Args, enable_if_t< !detect_string_can_append< OutStringType, Arg >::value &&!detect_string_can_append_op< OutStringType, Arg >::value &&detect_string_can_append_iter< OutStringType, Arg >::value, int > = 0> |
void | concat_into (OutStringType &out, const Arg &arg, Args &&... rest) |
template<typename OutStringType = std::string, typename... Args> |
OutStringType | concat (Args &&... args) |
std::size_t | combine (std::size_t seed, std::size_t h) noexcept |
template<typename BasicJsonType > |
std::size_t | hash (const BasicJsonType &j) |
| hash a JSON value