const char * | frc::GetErrorMessage (int32_t *code) |
| Gets error message string for an error code.
void | frc::ReportErrorV (int32_t status, const char *fileName, int lineNumber, const char *funcName, fmt::string_view format, fmt::format_args args) |
| Reports an error to the driver station (using HAL_SendError).
template<typename... Args> |
void | frc::ReportError (int32_t status, const char *fileName, int lineNumber, const char *funcName, fmt::string_view format, Args &&... args) |
| Reports an error to the driver station (using HAL_SendError).
RuntimeError | frc::MakeErrorV (int32_t status, const char *fileName, int lineNumber, const char *funcName, fmt::string_view format, fmt::format_args args) |
| Makes a runtime error exception object.
template<typename... Args> |
RuntimeError | frc::MakeError (int32_t status, const char *fileName, int lineNumber, const char *funcName, fmt::string_view format, Args &&... args) |
| frc::err::S (ModuleIndexOutOfRange, -1, "Allocating module that is out of range or not found") S(ChannelIndexOutOfRange |
Allocating channel that is out of range | frc::err::S (NotAllocated, -2, "Attempting to free unallocated resource") S(ResourceAlreadyAllocated |
Allocating channel that is out of range Attempted to reuse an allocated resource | frc::err::S (NoAvailableResources, -4, "No available resources to allocate") S(NullParameter |
Allocating channel that is out of range Attempted to reuse an allocated resource A pointer parameter to a method is nullptr | frc::err::S (Timeout, -6, "A timeout has been exceeded") S(CompassManufacturerError |
Allocating channel that is out of range Attempted to reuse an allocated resource A pointer parameter to a method is nullptr Compass manufacturer doesn t match HiTechnic | frc::err::S (CompassTypeError, -8, "Compass type doesn't match expected type for HiTechnic compass") S(IncompatibleMode |
Allocating channel that is out of range Attempted to reuse an allocated resource A pointer parameter to a method is nullptr Compass manufacturer doesn t match HiTechnic The object is in an incompatible mode | frc::err::S (AnalogTriggerLimitOrderError, -10, "AnalogTrigger limits error. Lower limit > Upper Limit") S(AnalogTriggerPulseOutputError |
Allocating channel that is out of range Attempted to reuse an allocated resource A pointer parameter to a method is nullptr Compass manufacturer doesn t match HiTechnic The object is in an incompatible mode Attempted to read AnalogTrigger pulse output | frc::err::S (TaskError, -12, "Task can't be started") S(TaskIDError |
Allocating channel that is out of range Attempted to reuse an allocated resource A pointer parameter to a method is nullptr Compass manufacturer doesn t match HiTechnic The object is in an incompatible mode Attempted to read AnalogTrigger pulse output Task Task Task Task can t be started due to insufficient memory | frc::err::S (TaskPriorityError, -17, "Task error: Invalid priority [1-255]") S(DriveUninitialized |
Allocating channel that is out of range Attempted to reuse an allocated resource A pointer parameter to a method is nullptr Compass manufacturer doesn t match HiTechnic The object is in an incompatible mode Attempted to read AnalogTrigger pulse output Task Task Task Task can t be started due to insufficient memory RobotDrive not initialized for the C interface | frc::err::S (CompressorNonMatching, -19, "Compressor slot/channel doesn't match previous instance") S(CompressorAlreadyDefined |
Allocating channel that is out of range Attempted to reuse an allocated resource A pointer parameter to a method is nullptr Compass manufacturer doesn t match HiTechnic The object is in an incompatible mode Attempted to read AnalogTrigger pulse output Task Task Task Task can t be started due to insufficient memory RobotDrive not initialized for the C interface Creating a second compressor instance | frc::err::S (CompressorUndefined, -21, "Using compressor functions without defining compressor") S(InconsistentArrayValueAdded |
Allocating channel that is out of range Attempted to reuse an allocated resource A pointer parameter to a method is nullptr Compass manufacturer doesn t match HiTechnic The object is in an incompatible mode Attempted to read AnalogTrigger pulse output Task Task Task Task can t be started due to insufficient memory RobotDrive not initialized for the C interface Creating a second compressor instance When packing data into an array to the not all values added were of the same type | frc::err::S (MismatchedComplexTypeClose, -23, "When packing data to the dashboard, a Close for a complex type was called " "without a matching Open") S(DashboardDataOverflow |
Allocating channel that is out of range Attempted to reuse an allocated resource A pointer parameter to a method is nullptr Compass manufacturer doesn t match HiTechnic The object is in an incompatible mode Attempted to read AnalogTrigger pulse output Task Task Task Task can t be started due to insufficient memory RobotDrive not initialized for the C interface Creating a second compressor instance When packing data into an array to the not all values added were of the same type When packing data to the too much data was packed and the buffer overflowed | frc::err::S (DashboardDataCollision, -25, "The same buffer was used for packing data and for printing") S(EnhancedIOMissing |
Allocating channel that is out of range Attempted to reuse an allocated resource A pointer parameter to a method is nullptr Compass manufacturer doesn t match HiTechnic The object is in an incompatible mode Attempted to read AnalogTrigger pulse output Task Task Task Task can t be started due to insufficient memory RobotDrive not initialized for the C interface Creating a second compressor instance When packing data into an array to the not all values added were of the same type When packing data to the too much data was packed and the buffer overflowed IO is not attached or Enhanced IO is not enabled | frc::err::S (LineNotOutput, -27, "Cannot SetDigitalOutput for a line not configured for output") S(ParameterOutOfRange |
Allocating channel that is out of range Attempted to reuse an allocated resource A pointer parameter to a method is nullptr Compass manufacturer doesn t match HiTechnic The object is in an incompatible mode Attempted to read AnalogTrigger pulse output Task Task Task Task can t be started due to insufficient memory RobotDrive not initialized for the C interface Creating a second compressor instance When packing data into an array to the not all values added were of the same type When packing data to the too much data was packed and the buffer overflowed IO is not attached or Enhanced IO is not enabled A parameter is out of range | frc::err::S (SPIClockRateTooLow, -29, "SPI clock rate was below the minimum supported") S(JaguarVersionError |
Allocating channel that is out of range Attempted to reuse an allocated resource A pointer parameter to a method is nullptr Compass manufacturer doesn t match HiTechnic The object is in an incompatible mode Attempted to read AnalogTrigger pulse output Task Task Task Task can t be started due to insufficient memory RobotDrive not initialized for the C interface Creating a second compressor instance When packing data into an array to the not all values added were of the same type When packing data to the too much data was packed and the buffer overflowed IO is not attached or Enhanced IO is not enabled A parameter is out of range Jaguar firmware version error | frc::err::S (JaguarMessageNotFound, -31, "Jaguar message not found") S(NetworkTablesReadError |
Allocating channel that is out of range Attempted to reuse an allocated resource A pointer parameter to a method is nullptr Compass manufacturer doesn t match HiTechnic The object is in an incompatible mode Attempted to read AnalogTrigger pulse output Task Task Task Task can t be started due to insufficient memory RobotDrive not initialized for the C interface Creating a second compressor instance When packing data into an array to the not all values added were of the same type When packing data to the too much data was packed and the buffer overflowed IO is not attached or Enhanced IO is not enabled A parameter is out of range Jaguar firmware version error Error reading NetworkTables socket | frc::err::S (NetworkTablesBufferFull, -41, "Buffer full writing to NetworkTables socket") S(NetworkTablesWrongType |
Allocating channel that is out of range Attempted to reuse an allocated resource A pointer parameter to a method is nullptr Compass manufacturer doesn t match HiTechnic The object is in an incompatible mode Attempted to read AnalogTrigger pulse output Task Task Task Task can t be started due to insufficient memory RobotDrive not initialized for the C interface Creating a second compressor instance When packing data into an array to the not all values added were of the same type When packing data to the too much data was packed and the buffer overflowed IO is not attached or Enhanced IO is not enabled A parameter is out of range Jaguar firmware version error Error reading NetworkTables socket The wrong type was read from the NetworkTables entry | frc::err::S (NetworkTablesCorrupt, -43, "NetworkTables data stream is corrupt") S(SmartDashboardMissingKey |
Allocating channel that is out of range Attempted to reuse an allocated resource A pointer parameter to a method is nullptr Compass manufacturer doesn t match HiTechnic The object is in an incompatible mode Attempted to read AnalogTrigger pulse output Task Task Task Task can t be started due to insufficient memory RobotDrive not initialized for the C interface Creating a second compressor instance When packing data into an array to the not all values added were of the same type When packing data to the too much data was packed and the buffer overflowed IO is not attached or Enhanced IO is not enabled A parameter is out of range Jaguar firmware version error Error reading NetworkTables socket The wrong type was read from the NetworkTables entry SmartDashboard data does not exist | frc::err::S (CommandIllegalUse, -50, "Illegal use of Command") S(UnsupportedInSimulation |
Allocating channel that is out of range Attempted to reuse an allocated resource A pointer parameter to a method is nullptr Compass manufacturer doesn t match HiTechnic The object is in an incompatible mode Attempted to read AnalogTrigger pulse output Task Task Task Task can t be started due to insufficient memory RobotDrive not initialized for the C interface Creating a second compressor instance When packing data into an array to the not all values added were of the same type When packing data to the too much data was packed and the buffer overflowed IO is not attached or Enhanced IO is not enabled A parameter is out of range Jaguar firmware version error Error reading NetworkTables socket The wrong type was read from the NetworkTables entry SmartDashboard data does not exist Unsupported in simulation | frc::err::S (CameraServerError, -90, "CameraServer error") S(InvalidParameter |
Allocating channel that is out of range Attempted to reuse an allocated resource A pointer parameter to a method is nullptr Compass manufacturer doesn t match HiTechnic The object is in an incompatible mode Attempted to read AnalogTrigger pulse output Task Task Task Task can t be started due to insufficient memory RobotDrive not initialized for the C interface Creating a second compressor instance When packing data into an array to the not all values added were of the same type When packing data to the too much data was packed and the buffer overflowed IO is not attached or Enhanced IO is not enabled A parameter is out of range Jaguar firmware version error Error reading NetworkTables socket The wrong type was read from the NetworkTables entry SmartDashboard data does not exist Unsupported in simulation Invalid parameter value | frc::err::S (AssertionFailure, -110, "Assertion failed") S(Error |
| frc::warn::S (SampleRateTooHigh, 1, "Analog module sample rate is too high") S(VoltageOutOfRange |
Voltage to convert to raw value is out of range[-10;10] | frc::warn::S (CompressorTaskError, 3, "Compressor task won't start") S(LoopTimingError |