WPILibC++ 2025.3.1
No Matches
frc Namespace Reference


namespace  detail
namespace  err
namespace  filesystem
 WPILib FileSystem namespace.
namespace  impl
namespace  internal
namespace  sim
namespace  sysid
namespace  warn


class  AddressableLED
 A class for driving addressable LEDs, such as WS2812B, WS2815, and NeoPixels. More...
class  ADIS16448_IMU
 Use DMA SPI to read rate, acceleration, and magnetometer data from the ADIS16448 IMU and return the robots heading relative to a starting position, AHRS, and instant measurements. More...
class  ADIS16470_IMU
 Use DMA SPI to read rate and acceleration data from the ADIS16470 IMU and return the robot's heading relative to a starting position and instant measurements. More...
class  ADXL345_I2C
 ADXL345 Accelerometer on I2C. More...
class  ADXL345_SPI
 ADXL345 Accelerometer on SPI. More...
class  ADXL362
 ADXL362 SPI Accelerometer. More...
class  ADXRS450_Gyro
 Use a rate gyro to return the robots heading relative to a starting position. More...
class  Alert
 Persistent alert to be sent via NetworkTables. More...
class  AnalogAccelerometer
 Handle operation of an analog accelerometer. More...
class  AnalogEncoder
 Class for supporting continuous analog encoders, such as the US Digital MA3. More...
class  AnalogGyro
 Use a rate gyro to return the robots heading relative to a starting position. More...
class  AnalogInput
 Analog input class. More...
class  AnalogOutput
 MXP analog output class. More...
class  AnalogPotentiometer
 Class for reading analog potentiometers. More...
class  AnalogTrigger
class  AnalogTriggerOutput
 Class to represent a specific output from an analog trigger. More...
struct  AprilTag
 Represents an AprilTag's metadata. More...
class  AprilTagDetection
 A detection of an AprilTag tag. More...
class  AprilTagDetector
 An AprilTag detector engine. More...
class  AprilTagFieldLayout
 Class for representing a layout of AprilTags on a field and reading them from a JSON format. More...
struct  AprilTagPoseEstimate
 A pair of AprilTag pose estimates. More...
class  AprilTagPoseEstimator
 Pose estimators for AprilTag tags. More...
class  ArmFeedforward
 A helper class that computes feedforward outputs for a simple arm (modeled as a motor acting against the force of gravity on a beam suspended at an angle). More...
class  AsynchronousInterrupt
 Class for handling asynchronous interrupts using a callback thread. More...
class  BangBangController
 Implements a bang-bang controller, which outputs either 0 or 1 depending on whether the measurement is less than the setpoint. More...
class  BooleanEvent
 This class provides an easy way to link actions to active high logic signals. More...
class  BuiltInAccelerometer
 Built-in accelerometer. More...
class  CameraServer
 Singleton class for creating and keeping camera servers. More...
class  CameraServerShared
class  CAN
 High level class for interfacing with CAN devices conforming to the standard CAN spec. More...
struct  CANData
struct  CANStatus
class  CentripetalAccelerationConstraint
 A constraint on the maximum absolute centripetal acceleration allowed when traversing a trajectory. More...
struct  ChassisSpeeds
 Represents the speed of a robot chassis. More...
class  Color
 Represents colors that can be used with Addressable LEDs. More...
class  Color8Bit
 Represents colors that can be used with Addressable LEDs. More...
class  ComplexWidget
 A Shuffleboard widget that handles a Sendable object such as a motor controller or sensor. More...
class  Compressor
 Class for operating a compressor connected to a pneumatics module. More...
class  ControlAffinePlantInversionFeedforward
 Constructs a control-affine plant inversion model-based feedforward from given model dynamics. More...
class  CoordinateAxis
 A class representing a coordinate system axis within the NWU coordinate system. More...
class  CoordinateSystem
 A helper class that converts Pose3d objects between different standard coordinate frames. More...
class  Counter
 Class for counting the number of ticks on a digital input channel. More...
class  CounterBase
 Interface for counting the number of ticks on a digital input channel. More...
class  ct_matrix
 Compile-time wrapper for Eigen::Matrix. More...
class  CubicHermiteSpline
 Represents a hermite spline of degree 3. More...
class  DataLogManager
 Centralized data log that provides automatic data log file management. More...
class  DCMotor
 Holds the constants for a DC motor. More...
class  Debouncer
 A simple debounce filter for boolean streams. More...
class  DifferentialDrive
 A class for driving differential drive/skid-steer drive platforms such as the Kit of Parts drive base, "tank drive", or West Coast Drive. More...
class  DifferentialDriveAccelerationLimiter
 Filters the provided voltages to limit a differential drive's linear and angular acceleration. More...
class  DifferentialDriveFeedforward
 A helper class which computes the feedforward outputs for a differential drive drivetrain. More...
class  DifferentialDriveKinematics
 Helper class that converts a chassis velocity (dx and dtheta components) to left and right wheel velocities for a differential drive. More...
class  DifferentialDriveKinematicsConstraint
 A class that enforces constraints on the differential drive kinematics. More...
class  DifferentialDriveOdometry
 Class for differential drive odometry. More...
class  DifferentialDriveOdometry3d
 Class for differential drive odometry. More...
class  DifferentialDrivePoseEstimator
 This class wraps Differential Drive Odometry to fuse latency-compensated vision measurements with differential drive encoder measurements. More...
class  DifferentialDrivePoseEstimator3d
 This class wraps Differential Drive Odometry to fuse latency-compensated vision measurements with differential drive encoder measurements. More...
class  DifferentialDriveVoltageConstraint
 A class that enforces constraints on differential drive voltage expenditure based on the motor dynamics and the drive kinematics. More...
struct  DifferentialDriveWheelPositions
 Represents the wheel positions for a differential drive drivetrain. More...
struct  DifferentialDriveWheelSpeeds
 Represents the wheel speeds for a differential drive drivetrain. More...
struct  DifferentialDriveWheelVoltages
 Motor voltages for a differential drive. More...
class  DigitalGlitchFilter
 Class to enable glitch filtering on a set of digital inputs. More...
class  DigitalInput
 Class to read a digital input. More...
class  DigitalOutput
 Class to write to digital outputs. More...
class  DigitalSource
 DigitalSource Interface. More...
class  DMA
 Class for configuring Direct Memory Access (DMA) of FPGA inputs. More...
class  DMASample
 DMA sample. More...
class  DMC60
 Digilent DMC 60 Motor Controller with PWM control. More...
class  DoubleSolenoid
 DoubleSolenoid class for running 2 channels of high voltage Digital Output on a pneumatics module. More...
class  DriverStation
 Provide access to the network communication data to / from the Driver Station. More...
class  DSControlWord
 A wrapper around Driver Station control word. More...
class  DutyCycle
 Class to read a duty cycle PWM input. More...
class  DutyCycleEncoder
 Class for supporting duty cycle/PWM encoders, such as the US Digital MA3 with PWM Output, the CTRE Mag Encoder, the Rev Hex Encoder, and the AM Mag Encoder. More...
class  ElevatorFeedforward
 A helper class that computes feedforward outputs for a simple elevator (modeled as a motor acting against the force of gravity). More...
class  Ellipse2d
 Represents a 2d ellipse space containing translational, rotational, and scaling components. More...
class  EllipticalRegionConstraint
 Enforces a particular constraint only within an elliptical region. More...
class  Encoder
 Class to read quad encoders. More...
class  EventLoop
 A declarative way to bind a set of actions to a loop and execute them when the loop is polled. More...
class  ExponentialProfile
 A Exponential-shaped velocity profile. More...
class  ExtendedKalmanFilter
 A Kalman filter combines predictions from a model and measurements to give an estimate of the true system state. More...
class  ExternalDirectionCounter
 Counter using external direction. More...
class  Field2d
 2D representation of game field for dashboards. More...
class  FieldObject2d
 Game field object on a Field2d. More...
class  GenericHID
 Handle input from standard HID devices connected to the Driver Station. More...
class  HolonomicDriveController
 This holonomic drive controller can be used to follow trajectories using a holonomic drivetrain (i.e. More...
class  I2C
 I2C bus interface class. More...
class  ImplicitModelFollower
 Contains the controller coefficients and logic for an implicit model follower. More...
class  IterativeRobotBase
 IterativeRobotBase implements a specific type of robot program framework, extending the RobotBase class. More...
class  Jaguar
 Luminary Micro / Vex Robotics Jaguar Motor Controller with PWM control. More...
class  Joystick
 Handle input from standard Joysticks connected to the Driver Station. More...
class  KalmanFilter
 A Kalman filter combines predictions from a model and measurements to give an estimate of the true system state. More...
class  KalmanFilterLatencyCompensator
 This class incorporates time-delayed measurements into a Kalman filter's state estimate. More...
class  Kinematics
 Helper class that converts a chassis velocity (dx, dy, and dtheta components) into individual wheel speeds. More...
class  Koors40
 AndyMark Koors40 Motor Controller with PWM control. More...
class  LayoutType
 Represents the type of a layout in Shuffleboard. More...
class  LEDPattern
class  LinearFilter
 This class implements a linear, digital filter. More...
class  LinearPlantInversionFeedforward
 Constructs a plant inversion model-based feedforward from a LinearSystem. More...
class  LinearQuadraticRegulator
 Contains the controller coefficients and logic for a linear-quadratic regulator (LQR). More...
class  LinearSystem
 A plant defined using state-space notation. More...
class  LinearSystemId
 Linear system ID utility functions. More...
class  LinearSystemLoop
 Combines a controller, feedforward, and observer for controlling a mechanism with full state feedback. More...
class  LiveWindow
 The LiveWindow class is the public interface for putting sensors and actuators on the LiveWindow. More...
class  LTVDifferentialDriveController
 The linear time-varying differential drive controller has a similar form to the LQR, but the model used to compute the controller gain is the nonlinear differential drive model linearized around the drivetrain's current state. More...
class  LTVUnicycleController
 The linear time-varying unicycle controller has a similar form to the LQR, but the model used to compute the controller gain is the nonlinear unicycle model linearized around the drivetrain's current state. More...
class  MaxVelocityConstraint
 Represents a constraint that enforces a max velocity. More...
class  MecanumDrive
 A class for driving Mecanum drive platforms. More...
class  MecanumDriveKinematics
 Helper class that converts a chassis velocity (dx, dy, and dtheta components) into individual wheel speeds. More...
class  MecanumDriveKinematicsConstraint
 A class that enforces constraints on the mecanum drive kinematics. More...
class  MecanumDriveOdometry
 Class for mecanum drive odometry. More...
class  MecanumDriveOdometry3d
 Class for mecanum drive odometry. More...
class  MecanumDrivePoseEstimator
 This class wraps Mecanum Drive Odometry to fuse latency-compensated vision measurements with mecanum drive encoder velocity measurements. More...
class  MecanumDrivePoseEstimator3d
 This class wraps Mecanum Drive Odometry to fuse latency-compensated vision measurements with mecanum drive encoder velocity measurements. More...
struct  MecanumDriveWheelPositions
 Represents the wheel positions for a mecanum drive drivetrain. More...
struct  MecanumDriveWheelSpeeds
 Represents the wheel speeds for a mecanum drive drivetrain. More...
class  Mechanism2d
 Visual 2D representation of arms, elevators, and general mechanisms through a node-based API. More...
class  MechanismLigament2d
 Ligament node on a Mechanism2d. More...
class  MechanismObject2d
 Common base class for all Mechanism2d node types. More...
class  MechanismRoot2d
 Root Mechanism2d node. More...
class  MedianFilter
 A class that implements a moving-window median filter. More...
class  MerweScaledSigmaPoints
 Generates sigma points and weights according to Van der Merwe's 2004 dissertation[1] for the UnscentedKalmanFilter class. More...
class  MotorController
 Interface for motor controlling devices. More...
class  MotorControllerGroup
 Allows multiple MotorController objects to be linked together. More...
class  MotorSafety
 The Motor Safety feature acts as a watchdog timer for an individual motor. More...
class  NetworkBooleanEvent
 A Button that uses a NetworkTable boolean field. More...
class  NidecBrushless
 Nidec Brushless Motor. More...
class  Notifier
 Notifiers run a user-provided callback function on a separate thread. More...
class  Odometry
 Class for odometry. More...
class  Odometry3d
 Class for odometry. More...
class  OnBoardIO
 This class represents the onboard IO of the Romi reference robot. More...
class  PIDController
 Implements a PID control loop. More...
class  PneumaticHub
 Module class for controlling a REV Robotics Pneumatic Hub. More...
class  PneumaticsBase
 Base class for pneumatics devices. More...
class  PneumaticsControlModule
 Module class for controlling a Cross The Road Electronics Pneumatics Control Module. More...
class  Pose2d
 Represents a 2D pose containing translational and rotational elements. More...
class  Pose3d
 Represents a 3D pose containing translational and rotational elements. More...
class  PoseEstimator
 This class wraps odometry to fuse latency-compensated vision measurements with encoder measurements. More...
class  PoseEstimator3d
 This class wraps odometry to fuse latency-compensated vision measurements with encoder measurements. More...
class  PowerDistribution
 Class for getting voltage, current, temperature, power and energy from the CTRE Power Distribution Panel (PDP) or REV Power Distribution Hub (PDH). More...
class  Preferences
 The preferences class provides a relatively simple way to save important values to the roboRIO to access the next time the roboRIO is booted. More...
class  ProfiledPIDController
 Implements a PID control loop whose setpoint is constrained by a trapezoid profile. More...
class  PS4Controller
 Handle input from PS4 controllers connected to the Driver Station. More...
class  PS5Controller
 Handle input from PS5 controllers connected to the Driver Station. More...
class  PWM
 Class implements the PWM generation in the FPGA. More...
class  PWMMotorController
 Common base class for all PWM Motor Controllers. More...
class  PWMSparkFlex
 REV Robotics SPARK Flex Motor Controller with PWM control. More...
class  PWMSparkMax
 REV Robotics SPARK MAX Motor Controller with PWM control. More...
class  PWMTalonFX
 Cross the Road Electronics (CTRE) Talon FX Motor Controller with PWM control. More...
class  PWMTalonSRX
 Cross the Road Electronics (CTRE) Talon SRX Motor Controller with PWM control. More...
class  PWMVenom
 Playing with Fusion Venom Motor Controller with PWM control. More...
class  PWMVictorSPX
 Cross the Road Electronics (CTRE) Victor SPX Motor Controller with PWM control. More...
class  Quaternion
 Represents a quaternion. More...
class  QuinticHermiteSpline
 Represents a hermite spline of degree 5. More...
class  RamseteController
 Ramsete is a nonlinear time-varying feedback controller for unicycle models that drives the model to a desired pose along a two-dimensional trajectory. More...
class  Rectangle2d
 Represents a 2d rectangular space containing translational, rotational, and scaling components. More...
class  RectangularRegionConstraint
 Enforces a particular constraint only within a rectangular region. More...
class  Relay
 Class for Spike style relay outputs. More...
class  Resource
 The Resource class is a convenient way to track allocated resources. More...
class  RobotBase
 Implement a Robot Program framework. More...
class  RobotController
class  RobotDriveBase
 Common base class for drive platforms. More...
class  RobotState
 Robot state utility functions. More...
class  RomiGyro
 Use a rate gyro to return the robots heading relative to a starting position. More...
class  RomiMotor
 RomiMotor. More...
class  Rotation2d
 A rotation in a 2D coordinate frame represented by a point on the unit circle (cosine and sine). More...
class  Rotation3d
 A rotation in a 3D coordinate frame represented by a quaternion. More...
class  RuntimeError
 Runtime error exception. More...
class  ScopedTracer
 A class for keeping track of how much time it takes for different parts of code to execute. More...
class  SD540
 Mindsensors SD540 Motor Controller with PWM control. More...
class  SendableBuilderImpl
 Implementation detail for SendableBuilder. More...
class  SendableCameraWrapper
 A wrapper to make video sources sendable and usable from Shuffleboard. More...
class  SendableChooser
 The SendableChooser class is a useful tool for presenting a selection of options to the SmartDashboard. More...
class  SendableChooserBase
 This class is a non-template base class for SendableChooser. More...
class  SensorUtil
 Stores most recent status information as well as containing utility functions for checking channels and error processing. More...
class  SerialPort
 Driver for the RS-232 serial port on the roboRIO. More...
class  Servo
 Standard hobby style servo. More...
class  SharpIR
class  SharpIRSim
 Simulation class for Sharp IR sensors. More...
class  Shuffleboard
 The Shuffleboard class provides a mechanism with which data can be added and laid out in the Shuffleboard dashboard application from a robot program. More...
class  ShuffleboardComponent
 A generic component in Shuffleboard. More...
class  ShuffleboardComponentBase
 A shim class to allow storing ShuffleboardComponents in arrays. More...
class  ShuffleboardContainer
 Common interface for objects that can contain shuffleboard components. More...
class  ShuffleboardLayout
 A layout in a Shuffleboard tab. More...
class  ShuffleboardRoot
 The root of the data placed in Shuffleboard. More...
class  ShuffleboardTab
 Represents a tab in the Shuffleboard dashboard. More...
class  ShuffleboardValue
class  ShuffleboardWidget
 Abstract superclass for widgets. More...
class  SimpleMotorFeedforward
 A helper class that computes feedforward voltages for a simple permanent-magnet DC motor. More...
class  SimpleWidget
 A Shuffleboard widget that handles a single data point such as a number or string. More...
class  SimulatedAnnealing
 An implementation of the Simulated Annealing stochastic nonlinear optimization method. More...
class  SlewRateLimiter
 A class that limits the rate of change of an input value. More...
class  SmartDashboard
class  Solenoid
 Solenoid class for running high voltage Digital Output on a pneumatics module. More...
class  Spark
 REV Robotics SPARK Motor Controller with PWM control. More...
class  SPI
 SPI bus interface class. More...
class  Spline
 Represents a two-dimensional parametric spline that interpolates between two points. More...
class  SplineHelper
 Helper class that is used to generate cubic and quintic splines from user provided waypoints. More...
class  SplineParameterizer
 Class used to parameterize a spline by its arc length. More...
class  StadiaController
 Handle input from Stadia controllers connected to the Driver Station. More...
class  SteadyStateKalmanFilter
 A Kalman filter combines predictions from a model and measurements to give an estimate of the true system state. More...
class  SuppliedValueWidget
class  SwerveDriveKinematics
 Helper class that converts a chassis velocity (dx, dy, and dtheta components) into individual module states (speed and angle). More...
class  SwerveDriveKinematicsConstraint
 A class that enforces constraints on the swerve drive kinematics. More...
class  SwerveDriveOdometry
 Class for swerve drive odometry. More...
class  SwerveDriveOdometry3d
 Class for swerve drive odometry. More...
class  SwerveDrivePoseEstimator
 This class wraps Swerve Drive Odometry to fuse latency-compensated vision measurements with swerve drive encoder distance measurements. More...
class  SwerveDrivePoseEstimator3d
 This class wraps Swerve Drive Odometry to fuse latency-compensated vision measurements with swerve drive encoder distance measurements. More...
struct  SwerveModulePosition
 Represents the position of one swerve module. More...
struct  SwerveModuleState
 Represents the state of one swerve module. More...
class  SynchronousInterrupt
 Class for handling synchronous (blocking) interrupts. More...
class  Tachometer
 Tachometer for getting rotational speed from a device. More...
class  Talon
 Cross the Road Electronics (CTRE) Talon Motor Controller with PWM control. More...
class  TimedRobot
 TimedRobot implements the IterativeRobotBase robot program framework. More...
class  TimeInterpolatableBuffer
 The TimeInterpolatableBuffer provides an easy way to estimate past measurements. More...
class  Timer
 A timer class. More...
class  TimesliceRobot
 TimesliceRobot extends the TimedRobot robot program framework to provide timeslice scheduling of periodic functions. More...
class  Tracer
 A class for keeping track of how much time it takes for different parts of code to execute. More...
class  Trajectory
 Represents a time-parameterized trajectory. More...
class  TrajectoryConfig
 Represents the configuration for generating a trajectory. More...
class  TrajectoryConstraint
 An interface for defining user-defined velocity and acceleration constraints while generating trajectories. More...
class  TrajectoryGenerator
 Helper class used to generate trajectories with various constraints. More...
class  TrajectoryParameterizer
 Class used to parameterize a trajectory by time. More...
class  TrajectoryUtil
 Trajectory utilities. More...
class  Transform2d
 Represents a transformation for a Pose2d in the pose's frame. More...
class  Transform3d
 Represents a transformation for a Pose3d in the pose's frame. More...
class  Translation2d
 Represents a translation in 2D space. More...
class  Translation3d
 Represents a translation in 3D space. More...
class  TrapezoidProfile
 A trapezoid-shaped velocity profile. More...
class  TravelingSalesman
 Given a list of poses, this class finds the shortest possible route that visits each pose exactly once and returns to the origin pose. More...
struct  Twist2d
 A change in distance along a 2D arc since the last pose update. More...
struct  Twist3d
 A change in distance along a 3D arc since the last pose update. More...
class  Ultrasonic
 Ultrasonic rangefinder class. More...
class  UnscentedKalmanFilter
 A Kalman filter combines predictions from a model and measurements to give an estimate of the true system state. More...
class  UpDownCounter
 Up Down Counter. More...
class  Victor
 Vex Robotics Victor 888 Motor Controller with PWM control. More...
class  VictorSP
 Vex Robotics Victor SP Motor Controller with PWM control. More...
class  VisionPipeline
 A vision pipeline is responsible for running a group of OpenCV algorithms to extract data from an image. More...
class  VisionRunner
 A vision runner is a convenient wrapper object to make it easy to run vision pipelines from robot code. More...
class  VisionRunnerBase
 Non-template base class for VisionRunner. More...
class  Watchdog
 A class that's a wrapper around a watchdog timer. More...
class  WidgetType
 Represents the type of a widget in Shuffleboard. More...
class  XboxController
 Handle input from Xbox controllers connected to the Driver Station. More...
class  XRPGyro
 Use a rate gyro to return the robots heading relative to a starting position. More...
class  XRPMotor
 XRPMotor. More...
class  XRPOnBoardIO
 This class represents the onboard IO of the XRP reference robot. More...
class  XRPRangefinder
 This class represents the ultrasonic rangefinder on an XRP robot. More...
class  XRPReflectanceSensor
 This class represents the reflectance sensor pair on an XRP robot. More...
class  XRPServo
 XRPServo. More...


concept  EigenMatrixLike


template<int Size>
using Vectord = Eigen::Vector<double, Size>
template<int Rows, int Cols, int Options = Eigen::AutoAlign | ((Rows == 1 && Cols != 1) ? Eigen::RowMajor : (Cols == 1 && Rows != 1) ? Eigen::ColMajor : EIGEN_DEFAULT_MATRIX_STORAGE_ORDER_OPTION), int MaxRows = Rows, int MaxCols = Cols>
using Matrixd = Eigen::Matrix<double, Rows, Cols, Options, MaxRows, MaxCols>
template<typename Scalar , int Rows>
using ct_vector = ct_matrix<Scalar, Rows, 1>
template<typename Scalar , int Cols>
using ct_row_vector = ct_matrix<Scalar, 1, Cols>
using ct_matrix2d = ct_matrix<double, 2, 2>
using ct_matrix3d = ct_matrix<double, 3, 3>
using ct_vector2d = ct_vector<double, 2>
using ct_vector3d = ct_vector<double, 3>


enum class  AprilTagField {
  k2022RapidReact , k2023ChargedUp , k2024Crescendo , k2025ReefscapeAndyMark ,
  k2025ReefscapeWelded , kDefaultField = k2025ReefscapeWelded , kNumFields
 Loadable AprilTag field layouts. More...
enum class  AnalogTriggerType { kInWindow = 0 , kState = 1 , kRisingPulse = 2 , kFallingPulse = 3 }
 Defines the state in which the AnalogTrigger triggers. More...
enum class  BuiltInWidgets {
  kTextView , kNumberSlider , kNumberBar , kDial ,
  kGraph , kBooleanBox , kToggleButton , kToggleSwitch ,
  kVoltageView , kPowerDistribution , kComboBoxChooser , kSplitButtonChooser ,
  kEncoder , kMotorController , kCommand , kPIDCommand ,
  kPIDController , kAccelerometer , k3AxisAccelerometer , kGyro ,
  kRelay , kDifferentialDrive , kMecanumDrive , kCameraStream ,
 The types of the widgets bundled with Shuffleboard. More...
enum class  EdgeConfiguration { kNone = 0 , kRisingEdge = 0x1 , kFallingEdge = 0x2 , kBoth = 0x3 }
 Edge configuration. More...
enum  ShuffleboardEventImportance {
  kTrivial , kLow , kNormal , kHigh ,
enum class  CompressorConfigType { Disabled = 0 , Digital = 1 , Analog = 2 , Hybrid = 3 }
 Compressor config type. More...
enum  RuntimeType { kRoboRIO , kRoboRIO2 , kSimulation }
 Runtime type. More...
enum class  DAREError {
  QNotSymmetric , QNotPositiveSemidefinite , RNotSymmetric , RNotPositiveDefinite ,
  ABNotStabilizable , ACNotDetectable
 Errors the DARE solver can encounter. More...
enum class  PneumaticsModuleType { CTREPCM , REVPH }
 Pneumatics module type. More...
enum class  BuiltInLayouts { kList , kGrid }
 The types of layouts bundled with Shuffleboard. More...
enum  RadioLEDState { kOff = 0 , kGreen = 1 , kRed = 2 , kOrange = 3 }
 State for the radio led. More...


constexpr auto format_as (AddressableLED::ColorOrder order)
WPILIB_DLLEXPORT void to_json (wpi::json &json, const Rotation3d &rotation)
WPILIB_DLLEXPORT void from_json (const wpi::json &json, Rotation3d &rotation)
AprilTagDetector::Results AprilTagDetect (AprilTagDetector &detector, cv::Mat &image)
CameraServerSharedGetCameraServerShared ()
const char * GetErrorMessage (int32_t *code)
 Gets error message string for an error code.
void ReportErrorV (int32_t status, const char *fileName, int lineNumber, const char *funcName, fmt::string_view format, fmt::format_args args)
 Reports an error to the driver station (using HAL_SendError).
template<typename... Args>
void ReportError (int32_t status, const char *fileName, int lineNumber, const char *funcName, fmt::string_view format, Args &&... args)
 Reports an error to the driver station (using HAL_SendError).
RuntimeError MakeErrorV (int32_t status, const char *fileName, int lineNumber, const char *funcName, fmt::string_view format, fmt::format_args args)
 Makes a runtime error exception object.
template<typename... Args>
RuntimeError MakeError (int32_t status, const char *fileName, int lineNumber, const char *funcName, fmt::string_view format, Args &&... args)
template<int CovDim, int States>
std::tuple< Vectord< CovDim >, Matrixd< CovDim, CovDim > > SquareRootUnscentedTransform (const Matrixd< CovDim, 2 *States+1 > &sigmas, const Vectord< 2 *States+1 > &Wm, const Vectord< 2 *States+1 > &Wc, std::function< Vectord< CovDim >(const Matrixd< CovDim, 2 *States+1 > &, const Vectord< 2 *States+1 > &)> meanFunc, std::function< Vectord< CovDim >(const Vectord< CovDim > &, const Vectord< CovDim > &)> residualFunc, const Matrixd< CovDim, CovDim > &squareRootR)
 Computes unscented transform of a set of sigma points and weights.
WPILIB_DLLEXPORT void to_json (wpi::json &json, const Translation2d &state)
WPILIB_DLLEXPORT void from_json (const wpi::json &json, Translation2d &state)
int RunHALInitialization ()
template<class Robot >
int StartRobot ()
WPILIB_DLLEXPORT void to_json (wpi::json &json, const Pose2d &pose)
WPILIB_DLLEXPORT void from_json (const wpi::json &json, Pose2d &pose)
std::string_view ShuffleboardEventImportanceName (ShuffleboardEventImportance importance)
 Returns name of the given enum.
WPILIB_DLLEXPORT void to_json (wpi::json &json, const Quaternion &quaternion)
WPILIB_DLLEXPORT void from_json (const wpi::json &json, Quaternion &quaternion)
WPILIB_DLLEXPORT void to_json (wpi::json &json, const Pose3d &pose)
WPILIB_DLLEXPORT void from_json (const wpi::json &json, Pose3d &pose)
WPILIB_DLLEXPORT void to_json (wpi::json &json, const AprilTagFieldLayout &layout)
WPILIB_DLLEXPORT void from_json (const wpi::json &json, AprilTagFieldLayout &layout)
WPILIB_DLLEXPORT AprilTagFieldLayout LoadAprilTagLayoutField (AprilTagField field)
 Loads an AprilTagFieldLayout from a predefined field.
WPILIB_DLLEXPORT void to_json (wpi::json &json, const Trajectory::State &state)
WPILIB_DLLEXPORT void from_json (const wpi::json &json, Trajectory::State &state)
WPILIB_DLLEXPORT constexpr frc::Pose3d ObjectToRobotPose (const frc::Pose3d &objectInField, const frc::Transform3d &cameraToObject, const frc::Transform3d &robotToCamera)
 Returns the robot's pose in the field coordinate system given an object's field-relative pose, the transformation from the camera's pose to the object's pose (obtained via computer vision), and the transformation from the robot's pose to the camera's pose.
WPILIB_DLLEXPORT void to_json (wpi::json &json, const AprilTag &apriltag)
WPILIB_DLLEXPORT void from_json (const wpi::json &json, AprilTag &apriltag)
WPILIB_DLLEXPORT void to_json (wpi::json &json, const Rotation2d &rotation)
WPILIB_DLLEXPORT void from_json (const wpi::json &json, Rotation2d &rotation)
constexpr std::string_view to_string (const DAREError &error)
 Converts the given DAREError enum to a string.
template<int States, int Inputs>
wpi::expected< Eigen::Matrix< double, States, States >, DAREErrorDARE (const Eigen::Matrix< double, States, States > &A, const Eigen::Matrix< double, States, Inputs > &B, const Eigen::Matrix< double, States, States > &Q, const Eigen::Matrix< double, Inputs, Inputs > &R, bool checkPreconditions=true)
 Computes the unique stabilizing solution X to the discrete-time algebraic Riccati equation:
template<int States, int Inputs>
wpi::expected< Eigen::Matrix< double, States, States >, DAREErrorDARE (const Eigen::Matrix< double, States, States > &A, const Eigen::Matrix< double, States, Inputs > &B, const Eigen::Matrix< double, States, States > &Q, const Eigen::Matrix< double, Inputs, Inputs > &R, const Eigen::Matrix< double, States, Inputs > &N, bool checkPreconditions=true)
 Computes the unique stabilizing solution X to the discrete-time algebraic Riccati equation:
template<typename Derived >
requires std::derived_from<Derived, Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived>>
 ct_matrix (const Derived &) -> ct_matrix< typename Derived::Scalar, Derived::RowsAtCompileTime, Derived::ColsAtCompileTime >
template<int States>
Vectord< States > AngleResidual (const Vectord< States > &a, const Vectord< States > &b, int angleStateIdx)
 Subtracts a and b while normalizing the resulting value in the selected row as if it were an angle.
template<int States>
std::function< Vectord< States >(const Vectord< States > &, const Vectord< States > &)> AngleResidual (int angleStateIdx)
 Returns a function that subtracts two vectors while normalizing the resulting value in the selected row as if it were an angle.
template<int States>
Vectord< States > AngleAdd (const Vectord< States > &a, const Vectord< States > &b, int angleStateIdx)
 Adds a and b while normalizing the resulting value in the selected row as an angle.
template<int States>
std::function< Vectord< States >(const Vectord< States > &, const Vectord< States > &)> AngleAdd (int angleStateIdx)
 Returns a function that adds two vectors while normalizing the resulting value in the selected row as an angle.
template<int CovDim, int States>
Vectord< CovDim > AngleMean (const Matrixd< CovDim, 2 *States+1 > &sigmas, const Vectord< 2 *States+1 > &Wm, int angleStatesIdx)
 Computes the mean of sigmas with the weights Wm while computing a special angle mean for a select row.
template<int CovDim, int States>
std::function< Vectord< CovDim >(const Matrixd< CovDim, 2 *States+1 > &, const Vectord< 2 *States+1 > &)> AngleMean (int angleStateIdx)
 Returns a function that computes the mean of sigmas with the weights Wm while computing a special angle mean for a select row.
template<int States>
void DiscretizeA (const Matrixd< States, States > &contA, units::second_t dt, Matrixd< States, States > *discA)
 Discretizes the given continuous A matrix.
template<int States, int Inputs>
void DiscretizeAB (const Matrixd< States, States > &contA, const Matrixd< States, Inputs > &contB, units::second_t dt, Matrixd< States, States > *discA, Matrixd< States, Inputs > *discB)
 Discretizes the given continuous A and B matrices.
template<int States>
void DiscretizeAQ (const Matrixd< States, States > &contA, const Matrixd< States, States > &contQ, units::second_t dt, Matrixd< States, States > *discA, Matrixd< States, States > *discQ)
 Discretizes the given continuous A and Q matrices.
template<int Outputs>
Matrixd< Outputs, Outputs > DiscretizeR (const Matrixd< Outputs, Outputs > &R, units::second_t dt)
 Returns a discretized version of the provided continuous measurement noise covariance matrix.
template<std::same_as< double >... Ts>
constexpr Matrixd< sizeof...(Ts), sizeof...(Ts)> MakeCostMatrix (Ts... tolerances)
 Creates a cost matrix from the given vector for use with LQR.
template<std::same_as< double >... Ts>
constexpr Matrixd< sizeof...(Ts), sizeof...(Ts)> MakeCovMatrix (Ts... stdDevs)
 Creates a covariance matrix from the given vector for use with Kalman filters.
template<size_t N>
constexpr Matrixd< N, N > MakeCostMatrix (const std::array< double, N > &costs)
 Creates a cost matrix from the given vector for use with LQR.
template<size_t N>
constexpr Matrixd< N, N > MakeCovMatrix (const std::array< double, N > &stdDevs)
 Creates a covariance matrix from the given vector for use with Kalman filters.
template<std::same_as< double >... Ts>
Vectord< sizeof...(Ts)> MakeWhiteNoiseVector (Ts... stdDevs)
template<int N>
Vectord< N > MakeWhiteNoiseVector (const std::array< double, N > &stdDevs)
 Creates a vector of normally distributed white noise with the given noise intensities for each element.
WPILIB_DLLEXPORT constexpr Eigen::Vector3d PoseTo3dVector (const Pose2d &pose)
 Converts a Pose2d into a vector of [x, y, theta].
WPILIB_DLLEXPORT constexpr Eigen::Vector4d PoseTo4dVector (const Pose2d &pose)
 Converts a Pose2d into a vector of [x, y, std::cos(theta), std::sin(theta)].
template<int States, int Inputs>
bool IsStabilizable (const Matrixd< States, States > &A, const Matrixd< States, Inputs > &B)
 Returns true if (A, B) is a stabilizable pair.
template WPILIB_DLLEXPORT bool IsStabilizable< 1, 1 > (const Matrixd< 1, 1 > &A, const Matrixd< 1, 1 > &B)
template WPILIB_DLLEXPORT bool IsStabilizable< 2, 1 > (const Matrixd< 2, 2 > &A, const Matrixd< 2, 1 > &B)
template WPILIB_DLLEXPORT bool IsStabilizable< Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > (const Eigen::MatrixXd &A, const Eigen::MatrixXd &B)
template<int States, int Outputs>
bool IsDetectable (const Matrixd< States, States > &A, const Matrixd< Outputs, States > &C)
 Returns true if (A, C) is a detectable pair.
WPILIB_DLLEXPORT constexpr Eigen::Vector3d PoseToVector (const Pose2d &pose)
 Converts a Pose2d into a vector of [x, y, theta].
template<int Inputs>
constexpr Vectord< Inputs > ClampInputMaxMagnitude (const Vectord< Inputs > &u, const Vectord< Inputs > &umin, const Vectord< Inputs > &umax)
 Clamps input vector between system's minimum and maximum allowable input.
template<int Inputs>
Vectord< Inputs > DesaturateInputVector (const Vectord< Inputs > &u, double maxMagnitude)
 Renormalize all inputs if any exceeds the maximum magnitude.
std::string format_as (Alert::AlertType type)
template<int Rows, int Cols, typename F >
auto NumericalJacobian (F &&f, const Vectord< Cols > &x)
 Returns numerical Jacobian with respect to x for f(x).
template<int Rows, int States, int Inputs, typename F , typename... Args>
auto NumericalJacobianX (F &&f, const Vectord< States > &x, const Vectord< Inputs > &u, Args &&... args)
 Returns numerical Jacobian with respect to x for f(x, u, ...).
template<int Rows, int States, int Inputs, typename F , typename... Args>
auto NumericalJacobianU (F &&f, const Vectord< States > &x, const Vectord< Inputs > &u, Args &&... args)
 Returns numerical Jacobian with respect to u for f(x, u, ...).
WPILIB_DLLEXPORT void to_json (wpi::json &json, const Translation3d &state)
WPILIB_DLLEXPORT void from_json (const wpi::json &json, Translation3d &state)
template<typename ModuleTranslation , typename... ModuleTranslations>
 SwerveDriveKinematics (ModuleTranslation, ModuleTranslations...) -> SwerveDriveKinematics< 1+sizeof...(ModuleTranslations)>
template<typename T >
requires std::is_arithmetic_v<T> || units::traits::is_unit_t_v<T>
constexpr T ApplyDeadband (T value, T deadband, T maxMagnitude=T{1.0})
 Returns 0.0 if the given value is within the specified range around zero.
template<typename T >
constexpr T InputModulus (T input, T minimumInput, T maximumInput)
 Returns modulus of input.
template<typename T >
requires std::is_arithmetic_v<T> || units::traits::is_unit_t_v<T>
constexpr bool IsNear (T expected, T actual, T tolerance)
 Checks if the given value matches an expected value within a certain tolerance.
template<typename T >
requires std::is_arithmetic_v<T> || units::traits::is_unit_t_v<T>
constexpr bool IsNear (T expected, T actual, T tolerance, T min, T max)
 Checks if the given value matches an expected value within a certain tolerance.
WPILIB_DLLEXPORT constexpr units::radian_t AngleModulus (units::radian_t angle)
 Wraps an angle to the range -π to π radians (-180 to 180 degrees).
constexpr std::signed_integral auto FloorDiv (std::signed_integral auto x, std::signed_integral auto y)
 Returns the largest (closest to positive infinity) int value that is less than or equal to the algebraic quotient.
constexpr std::signed_integral auto FloorMod (std::signed_integral auto x, std::signed_integral auto y)
 Returns the floor modulus of the int arguments.
void Wait (units::second_t seconds)
 Pause the task for a specified time.
units::second_t GetTime ()
 Gives real-time clock system time with nanosecond resolution.
int GetThreadPriority (std::thread &thread, bool *isRealTime)
 Get the thread priority for the specified thread.
int GetCurrentThreadPriority (bool *isRealTime)
 Get the thread priority for the current thread.
bool SetThreadPriority (std::thread &thread, bool realTime, int priority)
 Sets the thread priority for the specified thread.
bool SetCurrentThreadPriority (bool realTime, int priority)
 Sets the thread priority for the current thread.
template<typename F , typename T >
RK4 (F &&f, T x, units::second_t dt)
 Performs 4th order Runge-Kutta integration of dx/dt = f(x) for dt.
template<typename F , typename T , typename U >
RK4 (F &&f, T x, U u, units::second_t dt)
 Performs 4th order Runge-Kutta integration of dx/dt = f(x, u) for dt.
template<typename F , typename T >
RK4 (F &&f, units::second_t t, T y, units::second_t dt)
 Performs 4th order Runge-Kutta integration of dy/dt = f(t, y) for dt.
template<typename F , typename T , typename U >
RKDP (F &&f, T x, U u, units::second_t dt, double maxError=1e-6)
 Performs adaptive Dormand-Prince integration of dx/dt = f(x, u) for dt.
template<typename F , typename T >
RKDP (F &&f, units::second_t t, T y, units::second_t dt, double maxError=1e-6)
 Performs adaptive Dormand-Prince integration of dy/dt = f(t, y) for dt.

Typedef Documentation

◆ ct_matrix2d

using frc::ct_matrix2d = ct_matrix<double, 2, 2>

◆ ct_matrix3d

using frc::ct_matrix3d = ct_matrix<double, 3, 3>

◆ ct_row_vector

template<typename Scalar , int Cols>
using frc::ct_row_vector = ct_matrix<Scalar, 1, Cols>

◆ ct_vector

template<typename Scalar , int Rows>
using frc::ct_vector = ct_matrix<Scalar, Rows, 1>

◆ ct_vector2d

using frc::ct_vector2d = ct_vector<double, 2>

◆ ct_vector3d

using frc::ct_vector3d = ct_vector<double, 3>

◆ Matrixd

template<int Rows, int Cols, int Options = Eigen::AutoAlign | ((Rows == 1 && Cols != 1) ? Eigen::RowMajor : (Cols == 1 && Rows != 1) ? Eigen::ColMajor : EIGEN_DEFAULT_MATRIX_STORAGE_ORDER_OPTION), int MaxRows = Rows, int MaxCols = Cols>
using frc::Matrixd = Eigen::Matrix<double, Rows, Cols, Options, MaxRows, MaxCols>

◆ Vectord

template<int Size>
using frc::Vectord = Eigen::Vector<double, Size>

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ AnalogTriggerType

enum class frc::AnalogTriggerType

Defines the state in which the AnalogTrigger triggers.


In window.




Rising Pulse.


Falling pulse.

◆ AprilTagField

enum class frc::AprilTagField

Loadable AprilTag field layouts.


2022 Rapid React.


2023 Charged Up.


2024 Crescendo.


2025 Reefscape AndyMark (see TU12).


2025 Reefscape Welded (see TU12).


Alias to the current game.


◆ BuiltInLayouts

enum class frc::BuiltInLayouts

The types of layouts bundled with Shuffleboard.

ShuffleboardLayout myList = Shuffleboard::GetTab("My Tab")
.GetLayout(BuiltinLayouts::kList, "My List");

Groups components in a vertical list.

New widgets added to the layout will be placed at the bottom of the list.
Custom properties:

NameTypeDefault ValueNotes
Label positionString"BOTTOM" The position of component labels inside the grid. One of ["TOP", "LEFT", "BOTTOM", "RIGHT", "HIDDEN"

Groups components in an n x m grid.

Grid layouts default to 3x3.
Custom properties:

NameTypeDefault ValueNotes
Number of columnsNumber3Must be in the range [1,15]
Number of rowsNumber3Must be in the range [1,15]
Label position String "BOTTOM" The position of component labels inside the grid. One of ["TOP", "LEFT", "BOTTOM", "RIGHT", "HIDDEN"

◆ BuiltInWidgets

enum class frc::BuiltInWidgets

The types of the widgets bundled with Shuffleboard.

For example, setting a number to be displayed with a slider:

NetworkTableEntry example = Shuffleboard.getTab("My Tab")
.add("My Number", 0)

Each value in this enum goes into detail on what data types that widget can support, as well as the custom properties that widget uses.


Displays a value with a simple text field.

Supported types:

  • String
  • Number
  • Boolean

This widget has no custom properties.


Displays a number with a controllable slider.

Supported types:

  • Number

Custom properties:

NameTypeDefault ValueNotes
MinNumber-1.0The minimum value of the slider
MaxNumber1.0The maximum value of the slider
Block incrementNumber0.0625 How much to move the slider by with the arrow keys

Displays a number with a view-only bar.

Supported types:

  • Number

Custom properties:

NameTypeDefault ValueNotes
MinNumber-1.0The minimum value of the bar
MaxNumber1.0The maximum value of the bar
CenterNumber0The center ("zero") value of the bar

Displays a number with a view-only dial.

Displayed values are rounded to the nearest integer.
Supported types:

  • Number

Custom properties:

NameTypeDefault ValueNotes
MinNumber0The minimum value of the dial
MaxNumber100The maximum value of the dial
Show valueBooleantrue Whether or not to show the value as text

Displays a number with a graph.

NOTE: graphs can be taxing on the computer running the dashboard. Keep the number of visible data points to a minimum. Making the widget smaller also helps with performance, but may cause the graph to become difficult to read.
Supported types:

  • Number
  • Number array

Custom properties:

NameTypeDefault ValueNotes
Visible timeNumber30 How long, in seconds, should past data be visible for

Displays a boolean value as a large colored box.

Supported types:

  • Boolean

Custom properties:

NameTypeDefault ValueNotes
Color when trueColor"green" Can be specified as a string ("#00FF00") or a rgba integer (0x00FF0000)
Color when falseColor"red" Can be specified as a string or a number

Displays a boolean with a large interactive toggle button.

Supported types:

  • Boolean

This widget has no custom properties.


Displays a boolean with a fixed-size toggle switch.

Supported types:

  • Boolean

This widget has no custom properties.


Displays an analog input or a raw number with a number bar.

Supported types:

Custom properties:

NameTypeDefault ValueNotes
MinNumber0The minimum value of the bar
MaxNumber5The maximum value of the bar
CenterNumber0The center ("zero") value of the bar
OrientationString"HORIZONTAL" The orientation of the bar. One of ["HORIZONTAL",
Number of tick marksNumber5 The number of discrete ticks on the bar

Displays a PowerDistribution.

Supported types:

Custom properties:

NameTypeDefault ValueNotes
Show voltage and current valuesBooleantrue Whether or not to display the voltage and current draw

Displays a SendableChooser with a dropdown combo box with a list of options.

Supported types:

This widget has no custom properties.


Displays a SendableChooserwith a toggle button for each available option.

Supported types:

This widget has no custom properties.


Displays an Encoder displaying its speed, total traveled distance, and its distance per tick.

Supported types:

This widget has no custom properties.


Displays a MotorController.

The motor controller will be controllable from the dashboard when test mode is enabled, but will otherwise be view-only.
Supported types:

Custom properties:

NameTypeDefault ValueNotes
OrientationString"HORIZONTAL" One of ["HORIZONTAL", "VERTICAL"]

Displays a command with a toggle button.

Pressing the button will start the command, and the button will automatically release when the command completes.
Supported types:

  • Command
  • CommandGroup
  • Any custom subclass of Command or CommandGroup

This widget has no custom properties.


Displays a PID command with a checkbox and an editor for the PIDF constants.

Selecting the checkbox will start the command, and the checkbox will automatically deselect when the command completes.
Supported types:

  • PIDCommand
  • Any custom subclass of PIDCommand

This widget has no custom properties.


Displays a PID controller with an editor for the PIDF constants and a toggle switch for enabling and disabling the controller.

Supported types:

This widget has no custom properties.


Displays an accelerometer with a number bar displaying the magnitude of the acceleration and text displaying the exact value.

Supported types:

Custom properties:

NameTypeDefault ValueNotes
MinNumber-1 The minimum acceleration value to display
MaxNumber1 The maximum acceleration value to display
Show textBooleantrue Show or hide the acceleration values
PrecisionNumber2 How many numbers to display after the decimal point
Show tick marksBooleanfalse Show or hide the tick marks on the number bars

Displays a 3-axis accelerometer with a number bar for each axis' acceleration.

Supported types:

Custom properties:

NameTypeDefault ValueNotes
RangeRangek16GThe accelerometer range
Show valueBooleantrue Show or hide the acceleration values
PrecisionNumber2 How many numbers to display after the decimal point
Show tick marksBooleanfalse Show or hide the tick marks on the number bars

Displays a gyro with a dial from 0 to 360 degrees.

Supported types:

Custom properties:

NameTypeDefault ValueNotes
Major tick spacingNumber45Degrees
Starting angleNumber180 How far to rotate the entire dial, in degrees
Show tick mark ringBooleantrue

Displays a relay with toggle buttons for each supported mode (off, on, forward, reverse).

Supported types:

This widget has no custom properties.


Displays a differential drive with a widget that displays the speed of each side of the drivebase and a vector for the direction and rotation of the drivebase.

The widget will be controllable if the robot is in test mode.
Supported types:

Custom properties:

NameTypeDefault ValueNotes
Number of wheelsNumber4Must be a positive even integer
Wheel diameterNumber80Pixels
Show velocity vectorsBooleantrue

Displays a mecanum drive with a widget that displays the speed of each wheel, and vectors for the direction and rotation of the drivebase.

The widget will be controllable if the robot is in test mode.
Supported types:

Custom properties:

NameTypeDefault ValueNotes
Show velocity vectorsBooleantrue

Displays a camera stream.

Supported types:

  • VideoSource (as long as it is streaming on an MJPEG server)

Custom properties:

NameTypeDefault ValueNotes
Show crosshairBooleantrue Show or hide a crosshair on the image
Crosshair colorColor"white" Can be a string or a rgba integer
Show controlsBooleantrueShow or hide the stream controls
RotationString"NONE" Rotates the displayed image. One of ["NONE", "QUARTER_CW",

Displays a field2d object.

Supported types:

◆ CompressorConfigType

enum class frc::CompressorConfigType

Compressor config type.









◆ DAREError

enum class frc::DAREError

Errors the DARE solver can encounter.


Q was not symmetric.


Q was not positive semidefinite.


R was not symmetric.


R was not positive definite.


(A, B) pair was not stabilizable.


(A, C) pair where Q = CᵀC was not detectable.

◆ EdgeConfiguration

enum class frc::EdgeConfiguration

Edge configuration.


No edge configuration (neither rising nor falling).


Rising edge configuration.


Falling edge configuration.


Both rising and falling edges configuration.

◆ PneumaticsModuleType

enum class frc::PneumaticsModuleType

Pneumatics module type.





◆ RadioLEDState

State for the radio led.









◆ RuntimeType

Runtime type.


roboRIO 1.0.


roboRIO 2.0.


Simulation runtime.

◆ ShuffleboardEventImportance


Function Documentation

◆ AngleAdd() [1/2]

template<int States>
Vectord< States > frc::AngleAdd ( const Vectord< States > & a,
const Vectord< States > & b,
int angleStateIdx )

Adds a and b while normalizing the resulting value in the selected row as an angle.

Template Parameters
StatesNumber of states.
aA vector to add with.
bA vector to add with.
angleStateIdxThe row containing angles to be normalized.

◆ AngleAdd() [2/2]

template<int States>
std::function< Vectord< States >(const Vectord< States > &, const Vectord< States > &)> frc::AngleAdd ( int angleStateIdx)

Returns a function that adds two vectors while normalizing the resulting value in the selected row as an angle.

Template Parameters
StatesNumber of states.
angleStateIdxThe row containing angles to be normalized.

◆ AngleMean() [1/2]

template<int CovDim, int States>
Vectord< CovDim > frc::AngleMean ( const Matrixd< CovDim, 2 *States+1 > & sigmas,
const Vectord< 2 *States+1 > & Wm,
int angleStatesIdx )

Computes the mean of sigmas with the weights Wm while computing a special angle mean for a select row.

Template Parameters
CovDimDimension of covariance of sigma points after passing through the transform.
StatesNumber of states.
sigmasSigma points.
WmWeights for the mean.
angleStatesIdxThe row containing the angles.

◆ AngleMean() [2/2]

template<int CovDim, int States>
std::function< Vectord< CovDim >(const Matrixd< CovDim, 2 *States+1 > &, const Vectord< 2 *States+1 > &)> frc::AngleMean ( int angleStateIdx)

Returns a function that computes the mean of sigmas with the weights Wm while computing a special angle mean for a select row.

Template Parameters
CovDimDimension of covariance of sigma points after passing through the transform.
StatesNumber of states.
angleStateIdxThe row containing the angles.

◆ AngleModulus()

WPILIB_DLLEXPORT constexpr units::radian_t frc::AngleModulus ( units::radian_t angle)

Wraps an angle to the range -π to π radians (-180 to 180 degrees).

angleAngle to wrap.

◆ AngleResidual() [1/2]

template<int States>
Vectord< States > frc::AngleResidual ( const Vectord< States > & a,
const Vectord< States > & b,
int angleStateIdx )

Subtracts a and b while normalizing the resulting value in the selected row as if it were an angle.

Template Parameters
StatesNumber of states.
aA vector to subtract from.
bA vector to subtract with.
angleStateIdxThe row containing angles to be normalized.

◆ AngleResidual() [2/2]

template<int States>
std::function< Vectord< States >(const Vectord< States > &, const Vectord< States > &)> frc::AngleResidual ( int angleStateIdx)

Returns a function that subtracts two vectors while normalizing the resulting value in the selected row as if it were an angle.

Template Parameters
StatesNumber of states.
angleStateIdxThe row containing angles to be normalized.

◆ ApplyDeadband()

template<typename T >
requires std::is_arithmetic_v<T> || units::traits::is_unit_t_v<T>
T frc::ApplyDeadband ( T value,
T deadband,
T maxMagnitude = T{1.0} )

Returns 0.0 if the given value is within the specified range around zero.

The remaining range between the deadband and the maximum magnitude is scaled from 0.0 to the maximum magnitude.

valueValue to clip.
deadbandRange around zero.
maxMagnitudeThe maximum magnitude of the input (defaults to 1). Can be infinite.
The value after the deadband is applied.

◆ AprilTagDetect()

AprilTagDetector::Results frc::AprilTagDetect ( AprilTagDetector & detector,
cv::Mat & image )

◆ ClampInputMaxMagnitude()

template<int Inputs>
Vectord< Inputs > frc::ClampInputMaxMagnitude ( const Vectord< Inputs > & u,
const Vectord< Inputs > & umin,
const Vectord< Inputs > & umax )

Clamps input vector between system's minimum and maximum allowable input.

Template Parameters
InputsNumber of inputs.
uInput vector to clamp.
uminThe minimum input magnitude.
umaxThe maximum input magnitude.
Clamped input vector.

◆ ct_matrix()

template<typename Derived >
requires std::derived_from<Derived, Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived>>
frc::ct_matrix ( const Derived & ) -> ct_matrix< typename Derived::Scalar, Derived::RowsAtCompileTime, Derived::ColsAtCompileTime >

◆ DARE() [1/2]

template<int States, int Inputs>
wpi::expected< Eigen::Matrix< double, States, States >, DAREError > frc::DARE ( const Eigen::Matrix< double, States, States > & A,
const Eigen::Matrix< double, States, Inputs > & B,
const Eigen::Matrix< double, States, States > & Q,
const Eigen::Matrix< double, Inputs, Inputs > & R,
bool checkPreconditions = true )

Computes the unique stabilizing solution X to the discrete-time algebraic Riccati equation:

AᵀXA − X − AᵀXB(BᵀXB + R)⁻¹BᵀXA + Q = 0

Template Parameters
StatesNumber of states.
InputsNumber of inputs.
AThe system matrix.
BThe input matrix.
QThe state cost matrix.
RThe input cost matrix.
checkPreconditionsWhether to check preconditions (30% less time if user is sure precondtions are already met).
Solution to the DARE on success, or DAREError on failure.

◆ DARE() [2/2]

template<int States, int Inputs>
wpi::expected< Eigen::Matrix< double, States, States >, DAREError > frc::DARE ( const Eigen::Matrix< double, States, States > & A,
const Eigen::Matrix< double, States, Inputs > & B,
const Eigen::Matrix< double, States, States > & Q,
const Eigen::Matrix< double, Inputs, Inputs > & R,
const Eigen::Matrix< double, States, Inputs > & N,
bool checkPreconditions = true )

Computes the unique stabilizing solution X to the discrete-time algebraic Riccati equation:

AᵀXA − X − (AᵀXB + N)(BᵀXB + R)⁻¹(BᵀXA + Nᵀ) + Q = 0

This is equivalent to solving the original DARE:

A₂ᵀXA₂ − X − A₂ᵀXB(BᵀXB + R)⁻¹BᵀXA₂ + Q₂ = 0

where A₂ and Q₂ are a change of variables:

A₂ = A − BR⁻¹Nᵀ and Q₂ = Q − NR⁻¹Nᵀ

This overload of the DARE is useful for finding the control law uₖ that minimizes the following cost function subject to xₖ₊₁ = Axₖ + Buₖ.

    ∞ [xₖ]ᵀ[Q  N][xₖ]
J = Σ [uₖ] [Nᵀ R][uₖ] ΔT

This is a more general form of the following. The linear-quadratic regulator is the feedback control law uₖ that minimizes the following cost function subject to xₖ₊₁ = Axₖ + Buₖ:

J = Σ (xₖᵀQxₖ + uₖᵀRuₖ) ΔT

This can be refactored as:

    ∞ [xₖ]ᵀ[Q 0][xₖ]
J = Σ [uₖ] [0 R][uₖ] ΔT
Template Parameters
StatesNumber of states.
InputsNumber of inputs.
AThe system matrix.
BThe input matrix.
QThe state cost matrix.
RThe input cost matrix.
NThe state-input cross cost matrix.
checkPreconditionsWhether to check preconditions (30% less time if user is sure precondtions are already met).
Solution to the DARE on success, or DAREError on failure.

◆ DesaturateInputVector()

template<int Inputs>
Vectord< Inputs > frc::DesaturateInputVector ( const Vectord< Inputs > & u,
double maxMagnitude )

Renormalize all inputs if any exceeds the maximum magnitude.

Useful for systems such as differential drivetrains.

Template Parameters
InputsNumber of inputs.
uThe input vector.
maxMagnitudeThe maximum magnitude any input can have.
The normalizedInput

◆ DiscretizeA()

template<int States>
void frc::DiscretizeA ( const Matrixd< States, States > & contA,
units::second_t dt,
Matrixd< States, States > * discA )

Discretizes the given continuous A matrix.

Template Parameters
StatesNumber of states.
contAContinuous system matrix.
dtDiscretization timestep.
discAStorage for discrete system matrix.

◆ DiscretizeAB()

template<int States, int Inputs>
void frc::DiscretizeAB ( const Matrixd< States, States > & contA,
const Matrixd< States, Inputs > & contB,
units::second_t dt,
Matrixd< States, States > * discA,
Matrixd< States, Inputs > * discB )

Discretizes the given continuous A and B matrices.

Template Parameters
StatesNumber of states.
InputsNumber of inputs.
contAContinuous system matrix.
contBContinuous input matrix.
dtDiscretization timestep.
discAStorage for discrete system matrix.
discBStorage for discrete input matrix.

◆ DiscretizeAQ()

template<int States>
void frc::DiscretizeAQ ( const Matrixd< States, States > & contA,
const Matrixd< States, States > & contQ,
units::second_t dt,
Matrixd< States, States > * discA,
Matrixd< States, States > * discQ )

Discretizes the given continuous A and Q matrices.

Template Parameters
StatesNumber of states.
contAContinuous system matrix.
contQContinuous process noise covariance matrix.
dtDiscretization timestep.
discAStorage for discrete system matrix.
discQStorage for discrete process noise covariance matrix.

◆ DiscretizeR()

template<int Outputs>
Matrixd< Outputs, Outputs > frc::DiscretizeR ( const Matrixd< Outputs, Outputs > & R,
units::second_t dt )

Returns a discretized version of the provided continuous measurement noise covariance matrix.

Template Parameters
OutputsNumber of outputs.
RContinuous measurement noise covariance matrix.
dtDiscretization timestep.


template class template class frc::EXPORT_TEMPLATE_DECLARE ( WPILIB_DLLEXPORT )

◆ FloorDiv()

std::signed_integral auto frc::FloorDiv ( std::signed_integral auto x,
std::signed_integral auto y )

Returns the largest (closest to positive infinity) int value that is less than or equal to the algebraic quotient.

xthe dividend
ythe divisor
the largest (closest to positive infinity) int value that is less than or equal to the algebraic quotient.

◆ FloorMod()

std::signed_integral auto frc::FloorMod ( std::signed_integral auto x,
std::signed_integral auto y )

Returns the floor modulus of the int arguments.

The floor modulus is r = x - (floorDiv(x, y) * y), has the same sign as the divisor y or is zero, and is in the range of -std::abs(y) < r < +std::abs(y).

xthe dividend
ythe divisor
the floor modulus x - (floorDiv(x, y) * y)

◆ format_as() [1/2]

auto frc::format_as ( AddressableLED::ColorOrder order)

◆ format_as() [2/2]

std::string frc::format_as ( Alert::AlertType type)

◆ from_json() [1/10]

WPILIB_DLLEXPORT void frc::from_json ( const wpi::json & json,
AprilTag & apriltag )

◆ from_json() [2/10]

WPILIB_DLLEXPORT void frc::from_json ( const wpi::json & json,
AprilTagFieldLayout & layout )

◆ from_json() [3/10]

WPILIB_DLLEXPORT void frc::from_json ( const wpi::json & json,
Pose2d & pose )

◆ from_json() [4/10]

WPILIB_DLLEXPORT void frc::from_json ( const wpi::json & json,
Pose3d & pose )

◆ from_json() [5/10]

WPILIB_DLLEXPORT void frc::from_json ( const wpi::json & json,
Quaternion & quaternion )

◆ from_json() [6/10]

WPILIB_DLLEXPORT void frc::from_json ( const wpi::json & json,
Rotation2d & rotation )

◆ from_json() [7/10]

WPILIB_DLLEXPORT void frc::from_json ( const wpi::json & json,
Rotation3d & rotation )

◆ from_json() [8/10]

WPILIB_DLLEXPORT void frc::from_json ( const wpi::json & json,
Trajectory::State & state )

◆ from_json() [9/10]

WPILIB_DLLEXPORT void frc::from_json ( const wpi::json & json,
Translation2d & state )

◆ from_json() [10/10]

WPILIB_DLLEXPORT void frc::from_json ( const wpi::json & json,
Translation3d & state )

◆ GetCameraServerShared()

CameraServerShared * frc::GetCameraServerShared ( )

◆ GetCurrentThreadPriority()

int frc::GetCurrentThreadPriority ( bool * isRealTime)

Get the thread priority for the current thread.

isRealTimeSet to true if thread is real-time, otherwise false.
The current thread priority. For real-time, this is 1-99 with 99 being highest. For non-real-time, this is 0. See "man 7 sched" for details.

◆ GetErrorMessage()

const char * frc::GetErrorMessage ( int32_t * code)

Gets error message string for an error code.

◆ GetThreadPriority()

int frc::GetThreadPriority ( std::thread & thread,
bool * isRealTime )

Get the thread priority for the specified thread.

threadReference to the thread to get the priority for.
isRealTimeSet to true if thread is real-time, otherwise false.
The current thread priority. For real-time, this is 1-99 with 99 being highest. For non-real-time, this is 0. See "man 7 sched" for details.

◆ GetTime()

units::second_t frc::GetTime ( )

Gives real-time clock system time with nanosecond resolution.

The time, just in case you want the robot to start autonomous at 8pm on Saturday.

◆ InputModulus()

template<typename T >
T frc::InputModulus ( T input,
T minimumInput,
T maximumInput )

Returns modulus of input.

inputInput value to wrap.
minimumInputThe minimum value expected from the input.
maximumInputThe maximum value expected from the input.

◆ IsDetectable()

template<int States, int Outputs>
bool frc::IsDetectable ( const Matrixd< States, States > & A,
const Matrixd< Outputs, States > & C )

Returns true if (A, C) is a detectable pair.

(A, C) is detectable if and only if the unobservable eigenvalues of A, if any, have absolute values less than one, where an eigenvalue is unobservable if rank([λI - A; C]) < n where n is the number of states.

Template Parameters
StatesNumber of states.
OutputsNumber of outputs.
ASystem matrix.
COutput matrix.

◆ IsNear() [1/2]

template<typename T >
requires std::is_arithmetic_v<T> || units::traits::is_unit_t_v<T>
bool frc::IsNear ( T expected,
T actual,
T tolerance )

Checks if the given value matches an expected value within a certain tolerance.

expectedThe expected value
actualThe actual value
toleranceThe allowed difference between the actual and the expected value
Whether or not the actual value is within the allowed tolerance

◆ IsNear() [2/2]

template<typename T >
requires std::is_arithmetic_v<T> || units::traits::is_unit_t_v<T>
bool frc::IsNear ( T expected,
T actual,
T tolerance,
T min,
T max )

Checks if the given value matches an expected value within a certain tolerance.

Supports continuous input for cases like absolute encoders.

Continuous input means that the min and max value are considered to be the same point, and tolerances can be checked across them. A common example would be for absolute encoders: calling isNear(2, 359, 5, 0, 360) returns true because 359 is 1 away from 360 (which is treated as the same as 0) and 2 is 2 away from 0, adding up to an error of 3 degrees, which is within the given tolerance of 5.

expectedThe expected value
actualThe actual value
toleranceThe allowed difference between the actual and the expected value
minSmallest value before wrapping around to the largest value
maxLargest value before wrapping around to the smallest value
Whether or not the actual value is within the allowed tolerance

◆ IsStabilizable()

template<int States, int Inputs>
bool frc::IsStabilizable ( const Matrixd< States, States > & A,
const Matrixd< States, Inputs > & B )

Returns true if (A, B) is a stabilizable pair.

(A, B) is stabilizable if and only if the uncontrollable eigenvalues of A, if any, have absolute values less than one, where an eigenvalue is uncontrollable if rank([λI - A, B]) < n where n is the number of states.

Template Parameters
StatesNumber of states.
InputsNumber of inputs.
ASystem matrix.
BInput matrix.

◆ IsStabilizable< 1, 1 >()

template WPILIB_DLLEXPORT bool frc::IsStabilizable< 1, 1 > ( const Matrixd< 1, 1 > & A,
const Matrixd< 1, 1 > & B )

◆ IsStabilizable< 2, 1 >()

template WPILIB_DLLEXPORT bool frc::IsStabilizable< 2, 1 > ( const Matrixd< 2, 2 > & A,
const Matrixd< 2, 1 > & B )

◆ IsStabilizable< Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic >()

template WPILIB_DLLEXPORT bool frc::IsStabilizable< Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > ( const Eigen::MatrixXd & A,
const Eigen::MatrixXd & B )

◆ LoadAprilTagLayoutField()

WPILIB_DLLEXPORT AprilTagFieldLayout frc::LoadAprilTagLayoutField ( AprilTagField field)

Loads an AprilTagFieldLayout from a predefined field.

fieldThe predefined field
AprilTagFieldLayout of the field
Use AprilTagFieldLayout::LoadField() instead

◆ MakeCostMatrix() [1/2]

template<size_t N>
Matrixd< N, N > frc::MakeCostMatrix ( const std::array< double, N > & costs)

Creates a cost matrix from the given vector for use with LQR.

The cost matrix is constructed using Bryson's rule. The inverse square of each element in the input is placed on the cost matrix diagonal. If a tolerance is infinity, its cost matrix entry is set to zero.

costsAn array. For a Q matrix, its elements are the maximum allowed excursions of the states from the reference. For an R matrix, its elements are the maximum allowed excursions of the control inputs from no actuation.
State excursion or control effort cost matrix.

◆ MakeCostMatrix() [2/2]

template<std::same_as< double >... Ts>
Matrixd< sizeof...(Ts), sizeof...(Ts)> frc::MakeCostMatrix ( Ts... tolerances)

Creates a cost matrix from the given vector for use with LQR.

The cost matrix is constructed using Bryson's rule. The inverse square of each tolerance is placed on the cost matrix diagonal. If a tolerance is infinity, its cost matrix entry is set to zero.

tolerancesAn array. For a Q matrix, its elements are the maximum allowed excursions of the states from the reference. For an R matrix, its elements are the maximum allowed excursions of the control inputs from no actuation.
State excursion or control effort cost matrix.

◆ MakeCovMatrix() [1/2]

template<size_t N>
Matrixd< N, N > frc::MakeCovMatrix ( const std::array< double, N > & stdDevs)

Creates a covariance matrix from the given vector for use with Kalman filters.

Each element is squared and placed on the covariance matrix diagonal.

stdDevsAn array. For a Q matrix, its elements are the standard deviations of each state from how the model behaves. For an R matrix, its elements are the standard deviations for each output measurement.
Process noise or measurement noise covariance matrix.

◆ MakeCovMatrix() [2/2]

template<std::same_as< double >... Ts>
Matrixd< sizeof...(Ts), sizeof...(Ts)> frc::MakeCovMatrix ( Ts... stdDevs)

Creates a covariance matrix from the given vector for use with Kalman filters.

Each element is squared and placed on the covariance matrix diagonal.

stdDevsAn array. For a Q matrix, its elements are the standard deviations of each state from how the model behaves. For an R matrix, its elements are the standard deviations for each output measurement.
Process noise or measurement noise covariance matrix.

◆ MakeError()

template<typename... Args>
RuntimeError frc::MakeError ( int32_t status,
const char * fileName,
int lineNumber,
const char * funcName,
fmt::string_view format,
Args &&... args )

◆ MakeErrorV()

RuntimeError frc::MakeErrorV ( int32_t status,
const char * fileName,
int lineNumber,
const char * funcName,
fmt::string_view format,
fmt::format_args args )

Makes a runtime error exception object.

This object should be thrown by the caller. Generally the FRC_MakeError wrapper macro should be used instead.

[out]statuserror code
[in]fileNamesource file name
[in]lineNumbersource line number
[in]funcNamesource function name
[in]formaterror message format
[in]argserror message format args
runtime error object

◆ MakeWhiteNoiseVector() [1/2]

template<int N>
Vectord< N > frc::MakeWhiteNoiseVector ( const std::array< double, N > & stdDevs)

Creates a vector of normally distributed white noise with the given noise intensities for each element.

stdDevsAn array whose elements are the standard deviations of each element of the noise vector.
White noise vector.

◆ MakeWhiteNoiseVector() [2/2]

template<std::same_as< double >... Ts>
Vectord< sizeof...(Ts)> frc::MakeWhiteNoiseVector ( Ts... stdDevs)

◆ NumericalJacobian()

template<int Rows, int Cols, typename F >
auto frc::NumericalJacobian ( F && f,
const Vectord< Cols > & x )

Returns numerical Jacobian with respect to x for f(x).

Template Parameters
RowsNumber of rows in result of f(x).
ColsNumber of columns in result of f(x).
fVector-valued function from which to compute Jacobian.
xVector argument.

◆ NumericalJacobianU()

template<int Rows, int States, int Inputs, typename F , typename... Args>
auto frc::NumericalJacobianU ( F && f,
const Vectord< States > & x,
const Vectord< Inputs > & u,
Args &&... args )

Returns numerical Jacobian with respect to u for f(x, u, ...).

Template Parameters
RowsNumber of rows in result of f(x, u, ...).
StatesNumber of rows in x.
InputsNumber of rows in u.
FFunction object type.
Args...Types of remaining arguments to f(x, u, ...).
fVector-valued function from which to compute Jacobian.
xState vector.
uInput vector.
argsRemaining arguments to f(x, u, ...).

◆ NumericalJacobianX()

template<int Rows, int States, int Inputs, typename F , typename... Args>
auto frc::NumericalJacobianX ( F && f,
const Vectord< States > & x,
const Vectord< Inputs > & u,
Args &&... args )

Returns numerical Jacobian with respect to x for f(x, u, ...).

Template Parameters
RowsNumber of rows in result of f(x, u, ...).
StatesNumber of rows in x.
InputsNumber of rows in u.
FFunction object type.
Args...Types of remaining arguments to f(x, u, ...).
fVector-valued function from which to compute Jacobian.
xState vector.
uInput vector.
argsRemaining arguments to f(x, u, ...).

◆ ObjectToRobotPose()

WPILIB_DLLEXPORT constexpr frc::Pose3d frc::ObjectToRobotPose ( const frc::Pose3d & objectInField,
const frc::Transform3d & cameraToObject,
const frc::Transform3d & robotToCamera )

Returns the robot's pose in the field coordinate system given an object's field-relative pose, the transformation from the camera's pose to the object's pose (obtained via computer vision), and the transformation from the robot's pose to the camera's pose.

The object could be a target or a fiducial marker.

objectInFieldAn object's field-relative pose.
cameraToObjectThe transformation from the camera's pose to the object's pose. This comes from computer vision.
robotToCameraThe transformation from the robot's pose to the camera's pose. This can either be a constant for a rigidly mounted camera, or variable if the camera is mounted to a turret. If the camera was mounted 3 inches in front of the "origin" (usually physical center) of the robot, this would be frc::Transform3d{3_in, 0_in, 0_in, frc::Rotation3d{}}.
The robot's field-relative pose.

◆ PoseTo3dVector()

WPILIB_DLLEXPORT constexpr Eigen::Vector3d frc::PoseTo3dVector ( const Pose2d & pose)

Converts a Pose2d into a vector of [x, y, theta].

poseThe pose that is being represented.
The vector.
Create the vector manually instead. If you were using this as an intermediate step for constructing affine transformations, use Pose2d.ToMatrix() instead.

◆ PoseTo4dVector()

WPILIB_DLLEXPORT constexpr Eigen::Vector4d frc::PoseTo4dVector ( const Pose2d & pose)

Converts a Pose2d into a vector of [x, y, std::cos(theta), std::sin(theta)].

poseThe pose that is being represented.
The vector.
Create the vector manually instead. If you were using this as an intermediate step for constructing affine transformations, use Pose2d.ToMatrix() instead.

◆ PoseToVector()

WPILIB_DLLEXPORT constexpr Eigen::Vector3d frc::PoseToVector ( const Pose2d & pose)

Converts a Pose2d into a vector of [x, y, theta].

poseThe pose that is being represented.
The vector.
Create the vector manually instead. If you were using this as an intermediate step for constructing affine transformations, use Pose2d.ToMatrix() instead.

◆ ReportError()

template<typename... Args>
void frc::ReportError ( int32_t status,
const char * fileName,
int lineNumber,
const char * funcName,
fmt::string_view format,
Args &&... args )

Reports an error to the driver station (using HAL_SendError).

Generally the FRC_ReportError wrapper macro should be used instead.

[out]statuserror code
[in]fileNamesource file name
[in]lineNumbersource line number
[in]funcNamesource function name
[in]formaterror message format
[in]argserror message format args

◆ ReportErrorV()

void frc::ReportErrorV ( int32_t status,
const char * fileName,
int lineNumber,
const char * funcName,
fmt::string_view format,
fmt::format_args args )

Reports an error to the driver station (using HAL_SendError).

Generally the FRC_ReportError wrapper macro should be used instead.

[out]statuserror code
[in]fileNamesource file name
[in]lineNumbersource line number
[in]funcNamesource function name
[in]formaterror message format
[in]argserror message format args

◆ RK4() [1/3]

template<typename F , typename T , typename U >
T frc::RK4 ( F && f,
T x,
U u,
units::second_t dt )

Performs 4th order Runge-Kutta integration of dx/dt = f(x, u) for dt.

fThe function to integrate. It must take two arguments x and u.
xThe initial value of x.
uThe value u held constant over the integration period.
dtThe time over which to integrate.

◆ RK4() [2/3]

template<typename F , typename T >
T frc::RK4 ( F && f,
T x,
units::second_t dt )

Performs 4th order Runge-Kutta integration of dx/dt = f(x) for dt.

fThe function to integrate. It must take one argument x.
xThe initial value of x.
dtThe time over which to integrate.

◆ RK4() [3/3]

template<typename F , typename T >
T frc::RK4 ( F && f,
units::second_t t,
T y,
units::second_t dt )

Performs 4th order Runge-Kutta integration of dy/dt = f(t, y) for dt.

fThe function to integrate. It must take two arguments t and y.
tThe initial value of t.
yThe initial value of y.
dtThe time over which to integrate.

◆ RKDP() [1/2]

template<typename F , typename T , typename U >
T frc::RKDP ( F && f,
T x,
U u,
units::second_t dt,
double maxError = 1e-6 )

Performs adaptive Dormand-Prince integration of dx/dt = f(x, u) for dt.

fThe function to integrate. It must take two arguments x and u.
xThe initial value of x.
uThe value u held constant over the integration period.
dtThe time over which to integrate.
maxErrorThe maximum acceptable truncation error. Usually a small number like 1e-6.

◆ RKDP() [2/2]

template<typename F , typename T >
T frc::RKDP ( F && f,
units::second_t t,
T y,
units::second_t dt,
double maxError = 1e-6 )

Performs adaptive Dormand-Prince integration of dy/dt = f(t, y) for dt.

fThe function to integrate. It must take two arguments t and y.
tThe initial value of t.
yThe initial value of y.
dtThe time over which to integrate.
maxErrorThe maximum acceptable truncation error. Usually a small number like 1e-6.

◆ RunHALInitialization()

int frc::RunHALInitialization ( )

◆ SetCurrentThreadPriority()

bool frc::SetCurrentThreadPriority ( bool realTime,
int priority )

Sets the thread priority for the current thread.

realTimeSet to true to set a real-time priority, false for standard priority.
priorityPriority to set the thread to. For real-time, this is 1-99 with 99 being highest. For non-real-time, this is forced to
  1. See "man 7 sched" for more details.
True on success.

◆ SetThreadPriority()

bool frc::SetThreadPriority ( std::thread & thread,
bool realTime,
int priority )

Sets the thread priority for the specified thread.

threadReference to the thread to set the priority of.
realTimeSet to true to set a real-time priority, false for standard priority.
priorityPriority to set the thread to. For real-time, this is 1-99 with 99 being highest. For non-real-time, this is forced to
  1. See "man 7 sched" for more details.
True on success.

◆ ShuffleboardEventImportanceName()

std::string_view frc::ShuffleboardEventImportanceName ( ShuffleboardEventImportance importance)

Returns name of the given enum.

Name of the given enum.

◆ SquareRootUnscentedTransform()

template<int CovDim, int States>
std::tuple< Vectord< CovDim >, Matrixd< CovDim, CovDim > > frc::SquareRootUnscentedTransform ( const Matrixd< CovDim, 2 *States+1 > & sigmas,
const Vectord< 2 *States+1 > & Wm,
const Vectord< 2 *States+1 > & Wc,
std::function< Vectord< CovDim >(const Matrixd< CovDim, 2 *States+1 > &, const Vectord< 2 *States+1 > &)> meanFunc,
std::function< Vectord< CovDim >(const Vectord< CovDim > &, const Vectord< CovDim > &)> residualFunc,
const Matrixd< CovDim, CovDim > & squareRootR )

Computes unscented transform of a set of sigma points and weights.

CovDim returns the mean and square-root covariance of the sigma points in a tuple.

This works in conjunction with the UnscentedKalmanFilter class. For use with square-root form UKFs.

Template Parameters
CovDimDimension of covariance of sigma points after passing through the transform.
StatesNumber of states.
sigmasList of sigma points.
WmWeights for the mean.
WcWeights for the covariance.
meanFuncA function that computes the mean of 2 * States + 1 state vectors using a given set of weights.
residualFuncA function that computes the residual of two state vectors (i.e. it subtracts them.)
squareRootRSquare-root of the noise covariance of the sigma points.
Tuple of x, mean of sigma points; S, square-root covariance of sigmas.

◆ StartRobot()

template<class Robot >
int frc::StartRobot ( )

◆ SwerveDriveKinematics()

template<typename ModuleTranslation , typename... ModuleTranslations>
frc::SwerveDriveKinematics ( ModuleTranslation ,
ModuleTranslations...  ) -> SwerveDriveKinematics< 1+sizeof...(ModuleTranslations)>

◆ to_json() [1/10]

WPILIB_DLLEXPORT void frc::to_json ( wpi::json & json,
const AprilTag & apriltag )

◆ to_json() [2/10]

WPILIB_DLLEXPORT void frc::to_json ( wpi::json & json,
const AprilTagFieldLayout & layout )

◆ to_json() [3/10]

WPILIB_DLLEXPORT void frc::to_json ( wpi::json & json,
const Pose2d & pose )

◆ to_json() [4/10]

WPILIB_DLLEXPORT void frc::to_json ( wpi::json & json,
const Pose3d & pose )

◆ to_json() [5/10]

WPILIB_DLLEXPORT void frc::to_json ( wpi::json & json,
const Quaternion & quaternion )

◆ to_json() [6/10]

WPILIB_DLLEXPORT void frc::to_json ( wpi::json & json,
const Rotation2d & rotation )

◆ to_json() [7/10]

WPILIB_DLLEXPORT void frc::to_json ( wpi::json & json,
const Rotation3d & rotation )

◆ to_json() [8/10]

WPILIB_DLLEXPORT void frc::to_json ( wpi::json & json,
const Trajectory::State & state )

◆ to_json() [9/10]

WPILIB_DLLEXPORT void frc::to_json ( wpi::json & json,
const Translation2d & state )

◆ to_json() [10/10]

WPILIB_DLLEXPORT void frc::to_json ( wpi::json & json,
const Translation3d & state )

◆ to_string()

std::string_view frc::to_string ( const DAREError & error)

Converts the given DAREError enum to a string.

◆ Wait()

void frc::Wait ( units::second_t seconds)

Pause the task for a specified time.

Pause the execution of the program for a specified period of time given in seconds. Motors will continue to run at their last assigned values, and sensors will continue to update. Only the task containing the wait will pause until the wait time is expired.

secondsLength of time to pause, in seconds.