WPILibC++ 2025.3.1
No Matches
sleipnir Namespace Reference


namespace  detail
namespace  slicing


struct  EqualityConstraints
 A vector of equality constraints of the form cₑ(x) = 0. More...
class  function_ref
 An implementation of std::function_ref, a lightweight non-owning reference to a callable. More...
class  function_ref< R(Args...)>
class  Gradient
 This class calculates the gradient of a a variable with respect to a vector of variables. More...
class  Hessian
 This class calculates the Hessian of a variable with respect to a vector of variables. More...
struct  InequalityConstraints
 A vector of inequality constraints of the form cᵢ(x) ≥ 0. More...
class  IntrusiveSharedPtr
 A custom intrusive shared pointer implementation without thread synchronization overhead. More...
class  Jacobian
 This class calculates the Jacobian of a vector of variables with respect to a vector of variables. More...
struct  MultistartResult
 The result of a multistart solve. More...
class  OCPSolver
 This class allows the user to pose and solve a constrained optimal control problem (OCP) in a variety of ways. More...
class  OptimizationProblem
 This class allows the user to pose a constrained nonlinear optimization problem in natural mathematical notation and solve it. More...
class  PoolAllocator
 This class is an allocator for the pool resource. More...
class  PoolResource
 This class implements a pool memory resource. More...
class  Profiler
 Records the number of profiler measurements (start/stop pairs) and the average duration between each start and stop call. More...
class  Slice
struct  SolverConfig
 Solver configuration. More...
struct  SolverIterationInfo
 Solver iteration information exposed to a user callback. More...
struct  SolverStatus
 Return value of OptimizationProblem::Solve() containing the cost function and constraint types and solver's exit condition. More...
class  Variable
 An autodiff variable pointing to an expression node. More...
class  VariableBlock
 A submatrix of autodiff variables with reference semantics. More...
class  VariableMatrix
 A matrix of autodiff variables. More...


concept  ScalarLike
concept  SleipnirMatrixLike
concept  EigenMatrixLike
concept  MatrixLike
concept  EigenSolver


enum class  TranscriptionMethod : uint8_t { kDirectTranscription , kDirectCollocation , kSingleShooting }
 Enum describing an OCP transcription method. More...
enum class  DynamicsType : uint8_t { kExplicitODE , kDiscrete }
 Enum describing a type of system dynamics constraints. More...
enum class  TimestepMethod : uint8_t { kFixed , kVariable , kVariableSingle }
 Enum describing the type of system timestep. More...
enum class  ExpressionType : uint8_t {
  kNone , kConstant , kLinear , kQuadratic ,
 Expression type. More...
enum class  SolverExitCondition : int8_t {
  kSuccess = 0 , kSolvedToAcceptableTolerance = 1 , kCallbackRequestedStop = 2 , kTooFewDOFs = -1 ,
  kLocallyInfeasible = -2 , kFeasibilityRestorationFailed = -3 , kNonfiniteInitialCostOrConstraints = -4 , kDivergingIterates = -5 ,
  kMaxIterationsExceeded = -6 , kTimeout = -7
 Solver exit condition. More...


SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT VariableMatrix CwiseReduce (const VariableMatrix &lhs, const VariableMatrix &rhs, function_ref< Variable(const Variable &x, const Variable &y)> binaryOp)
 Applies a coefficient-wise reduce operation to two matrices.
SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT VariableMatrix Block (std::initializer_list< std::initializer_list< VariableMatrix > > list)
 Assemble a VariableMatrix from a nested list of blocks.
SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT VariableMatrix Block (const std::vector< std::vector< VariableMatrix > > &list)
 Assemble a VariableMatrix from a nested list of blocks.
SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT VariableMatrix Solve (const VariableMatrix &A, const VariableMatrix &B)
 Solves the VariableMatrix equation AX = B for X.
template<typename F , typename State , typename Input , typename Time >
State RK4 (F &&f, State x, Input u, Time t0, Time dt)
 Performs 4th order Runge-Kutta integration of dx/dt = f(t, x, u) for dt.
template<typename R , typename... Args>
constexpr void swap (function_ref< R(Args...)> &lhs, function_ref< R(Args...)> &rhs) noexcept
 Swaps the referred callables of lhs and rhs.
template<typename R , typename... Args>
 function_ref (R(*)(Args...)) -> function_ref< R(Args...)>
SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT constexpr std::string_view ToMessage (const SolverExitCondition &exitCondition)
 Returns user-readable message corresponding to the exit condition.
SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT void SQP (std::span< Variable > decisionVariables, std::span< Variable > equalityConstraints, Variable &f, function_ref< bool(const SolverIterationInfo &info)> callback, const SolverConfig &config, Eigen::VectorXd &x, SolverStatus *status)
 Finds the optimal solution to a nonlinear program using Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP).
SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT PoolResourceGlobalPoolResource ()
 Returns a global pool memory resource.
template<typename T >
PoolAllocator< T > GlobalPoolAllocator ()
 Returns an allocator for a global pool memory resource.
SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT Variable abs (const Variable &x)
 std::abs() for Variables.
SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT Variable acos (const Variable &x)
 std::acos() for Variables.
SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT Variable asin (const Variable &x)
 std::asin() for Variables.
SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT Variable atan (const Variable &x)
 std::atan() for Variables.
SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT Variable atan2 (const Variable &y, const Variable &x)
 std::atan2() for Variables.
SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT Variable cos (const Variable &x)
 std::cos() for Variables.
SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT Variable cosh (const Variable &x)
 std::cosh() for Variables.
SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT Variable erf (const Variable &x)
 std::erf() for Variables.
SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT Variable exp (const Variable &x)
 std::exp() for Variables.
SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT Variable hypot (const Variable &x, const Variable &y)
 std::hypot() for Variables.
SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT Variable pow (const Variable &base, const Variable &power)
 std::pow() for Variables.
SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT Variable log (const Variable &x)
 std::log() for Variables.
SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT Variable log10 (const Variable &x)
 std::log10() for Variables.
SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT Variable sign (const Variable &x)
 sign() for Variables.
SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT Variable sin (const Variable &x)
 std::sin() for Variables.
SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT Variable sinh (const Variable &x)
 std::sinh() for Variables.
SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT Variable sqrt (const Variable &x)
 std::sqrt() for Variables.
SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT Variable tan (const Variable &x)
 std::tan() for Variables.
SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT Variable tanh (const Variable &x)
 std::tanh() for Variables.
SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT Variable hypot (const Variable &x, const Variable &y, const Variable &z)
 std::hypot() for Variables.
template<typename LHS , typename RHS >
requires (ScalarLike<std::decay_t<LHS>> || MatrixLike<std::decay_t<LHS>>) && (ScalarLike<std::decay_t<RHS>> || MatrixLike<std::decay_t<RHS>>) && (!std::same_as<std::decay_t<LHS>, double> || !std::same_as<std::decay_t<RHS>, double>)
wpi::SmallVector< VariableMakeConstraints (LHS &&lhs, RHS &&rhs)
 Make a list of constraints.
template<typename LHS , typename RHS >
requires (ScalarLike<std::decay_t<LHS>> || MatrixLike<std::decay_t<LHS>>) && (ScalarLike<std::decay_t<RHS>> || MatrixLike<std::decay_t<RHS>>) && (!std::same_as<std::decay_t<LHS>, double> || !std::same_as<std::decay_t<RHS>, double>)
EqualityConstraints operator== (LHS &&lhs, RHS &&rhs)
 Equality operator that returns an equality constraint for two Variables.
template<typename LHS , typename RHS >
requires (ScalarLike<std::decay_t<LHS>> || MatrixLike<std::decay_t<LHS>>) && (ScalarLike<std::decay_t<RHS>> || MatrixLike<std::decay_t<RHS>>) && (!std::same_as<std::decay_t<LHS>, double> || !std::same_as<std::decay_t<RHS>, double>)
InequalityConstraints operator< (LHS &&lhs, RHS &&rhs)
 Less-than comparison operator that returns an inequality constraint for two Variables.
template<typename LHS , typename RHS >
requires (ScalarLike<std::decay_t<LHS>> || MatrixLike<std::decay_t<LHS>>) && (ScalarLike<std::decay_t<RHS>> || MatrixLike<std::decay_t<RHS>>) && (!std::same_as<std::decay_t<LHS>, double> || !std::same_as<std::decay_t<RHS>, double>)
InequalityConstraints operator<= (LHS &&lhs, RHS &&rhs)
 Less-than-or-equal-to comparison operator that returns an inequality constraint for two Variables.
template<typename LHS , typename RHS >
requires (ScalarLike<std::decay_t<LHS>> || MatrixLike<std::decay_t<LHS>>) && (ScalarLike<std::decay_t<RHS>> || MatrixLike<std::decay_t<RHS>>) && (!std::same_as<std::decay_t<LHS>, double> || !std::same_as<std::decay_t<RHS>, double>)
InequalityConstraints operator> (LHS &&lhs, RHS &&rhs)
 Greater-than comparison operator that returns an inequality constraint for two Variables.
template<typename LHS , typename RHS >
requires (ScalarLike<std::decay_t<LHS>> || MatrixLike<std::decay_t<LHS>>) && (ScalarLike<std::decay_t<RHS>> || MatrixLike<std::decay_t<RHS>>) && (!std::same_as<std::decay_t<LHS>, double> || !std::same_as<std::decay_t<RHS>, double>)
InequalityConstraints operator>= (LHS &&lhs, RHS &&rhs)
 Greater-than-or-equal-to comparison operator that returns an inequality constraint for two Variables.
template<typename T , typename... Args>
IntrusiveSharedPtr< T > MakeIntrusiveShared (Args &&... args)
 Constructs an object of type T and wraps it in an intrusive shared pointer using args as the parameter list for the constructor of T.
template<typename T , typename Alloc , typename... Args>
IntrusiveSharedPtr< T > AllocateIntrusiveShared (Alloc alloc, Args &&... args)
 Constructs an object of type T and wraps it in an intrusive shared pointer using alloc as the storage allocator of T and args as the parameter list for the constructor of T.
SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT void InteriorPoint (std::span< Variable > decisionVariables, std::span< Variable > equalityConstraints, std::span< Variable > inequalityConstraints, Variable &f, function_ref< bool(const SolverIterationInfo &info)> callback, const SolverConfig &config, bool feasibilityRestoration, Eigen::VectorXd &x, Eigen::VectorXd &s, SolverStatus *status)
 Finds the optimal solution to a nonlinear program using the interior-point method.
template<typename DecisionVariables >
MultistartResult< DecisionVariables > Multistart (function_ref< MultistartResult< DecisionVariables >(const DecisionVariables &initialGuess)> solve, std::span< const DecisionVariables > initialGuesses)
 Solves an optimization problem from different starting points in parallel, then returns the solution with the lowest cost.
SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT void Spy (std::ostream &file, const Eigen::SparseMatrix< double > &mat)
 Write the sparsity pattern of a sparse matrix to a file.
SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT void Spy (std::string_view filename, const Eigen::SparseMatrix< double > &mat)
 Write the sparsity pattern of a sparse matrix to a file.
template<typename... T>
void print (fmt::format_string< T... > fmt, T &&... args)
 Wrapper around fmt::print() that squelches write failure exceptions.
template<typename... T>
void print (std::FILE *f, fmt::format_string< T... > fmt, T &&... args)
 Wrapper around fmt::print() that squelches write failure exceptions.
template<typename... T>
void println (fmt::format_string< T... > fmt, T &&... args)
 Wrapper around fmt::println() that squelches write failure exceptions.
template<typename... T>
void println (std::FILE *f, fmt::format_string< T... > fmt, T &&... args)
 Wrapper around fmt::println() that squelches write failure exceptions.



Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ DynamicsType

enum class sleipnir::DynamicsType : uint8_t

Enum describing a type of system dynamics constraints.


The dynamics are a function in the form dx/dt = f(t, x, u).


The dynamics are a function in the form xₖ₊₁ = f(t, xₖ, uₖ).

◆ ExpressionType

enum class sleipnir::ExpressionType : uint8_t

Expression type.

Used for autodiff caching.


There is no expression.


The expression is a constant.


The expression is composed of linear and lower-order operators.


The expression is composed of quadratic and lower-order operators.


The expression is composed of nonlinear and lower-order operators.

◆ SolverExitCondition

enum class sleipnir::SolverExitCondition : int8_t

Solver exit condition.


Solved the problem to the desired tolerance.


Solved the problem to an acceptable tolerance, but not the desired one.


The solver returned its solution so far after the user requested a stop.


The solver determined the problem to be overconstrained and gave up.


The solver determined the problem to be locally infeasible and gave up.


The solver failed to reach the desired tolerance, and feasibility restoration failed to converge.


The solver encountered nonfinite initial cost or constraints and gave up.


The solver encountered diverging primal iterates xₖ and/or sₖ and gave up.


The solver returned its solution so far after exceeding the maximum number of iterations.


The solver returned its solution so far after exceeding the maximum elapsed wall clock time.

◆ TimestepMethod

enum class sleipnir::TimestepMethod : uint8_t

Enum describing the type of system timestep.


The timestep is a fixed constant.


The timesteps are allowed to vary as independent decision variables.


The timesteps are equal length but allowed to vary as a single decision variable.

◆ TranscriptionMethod

enum class sleipnir::TranscriptionMethod : uint8_t

Enum describing an OCP transcription method.


Each state is a decision variable constrained to the integrated dynamics of the previous state.


The trajectory is modeled as a series of cubic polynomials where the centerpoint slope is constrained.


States depend explicitly as a function of all previous states and all previous inputs.

Function Documentation

◆ abs()

SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT Variable sleipnir::abs ( const Variable & x)

std::abs() for Variables.

xThe argument.

◆ acos()

SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT Variable sleipnir::acos ( const Variable & x)

std::acos() for Variables.

xThe argument.

◆ AllocateIntrusiveShared()

template<typename T , typename Alloc , typename... Args>
IntrusiveSharedPtr< T > sleipnir::AllocateIntrusiveShared ( Alloc alloc,
Args &&... args )

Constructs an object of type T and wraps it in an intrusive shared pointer using alloc as the storage allocator of T and args as the parameter list for the constructor of T.

Template Parameters
TType of object for intrusive shared pointer.
AllocType of allocator for T.
ArgsTypes of constructor arguments.
allocThe allocator for T.
argsConstructor arguments for T.

◆ asin()

SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT Variable sleipnir::asin ( const Variable & x)

std::asin() for Variables.

xThe argument.

◆ atan()

SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT Variable sleipnir::atan ( const Variable & x)

std::atan() for Variables.

xThe argument.

◆ atan2()

SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT Variable sleipnir::atan2 ( const Variable & y,
const Variable & x )

std::atan2() for Variables.

yThe y argument.
xThe x argument.

◆ Block() [1/2]

SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT VariableMatrix sleipnir::Block ( const std::vector< std::vector< VariableMatrix > > & list)

Assemble a VariableMatrix from a nested list of blocks.

Each row's blocks must have the same height, and the assembled block rows must have the same width. For example, for the block matrix [[A, B], [C]] to be constructible, the number of rows in A and B must match, and the number of columns in [A, B] and [C] must match.

This overload is for Python bindings only.

listThe nested list of blocks.

◆ Block() [2/2]

SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT VariableMatrix sleipnir::Block ( std::initializer_list< std::initializer_list< VariableMatrix > > list)

Assemble a VariableMatrix from a nested list of blocks.

Each row's blocks must have the same height, and the assembled block rows must have the same width. For example, for the block matrix [[A, B], [C]] to be constructible, the number of rows in A and B must match, and the number of columns in [A, B] and [C] must match.

listThe nested list of blocks.

◆ cos()

SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT Variable sleipnir::cos ( const Variable & x)

std::cos() for Variables.

xThe argument.

◆ cosh()

SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT Variable sleipnir::cosh ( const Variable & x)

std::cosh() for Variables.

xThe argument.

◆ CwiseReduce()

SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT VariableMatrix sleipnir::CwiseReduce ( const VariableMatrix & lhs,
const VariableMatrix & rhs,
function_ref< Variable(const Variable &x, const Variable &y)> binaryOp )

Applies a coefficient-wise reduce operation to two matrices.

lhsThe left-hand side of the binary operator.
rhsThe right-hand side of the binary operator.
binaryOpThe binary operator to use for the reduce operation.

◆ erf()

SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT Variable sleipnir::erf ( const Variable & x)

std::erf() for Variables.

xThe argument.

◆ exp()

SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT Variable sleipnir::exp ( const Variable & x)

std::exp() for Variables.

xThe argument.

◆ function_ref()

template<typename R , typename... Args>
sleipnir::function_ref ( R(*  )(Args...)) -> function_ref< R(Args...)>

◆ GlobalPoolAllocator()

template<typename T >
PoolAllocator< T > sleipnir::GlobalPoolAllocator ( )

Returns an allocator for a global pool memory resource.

Template Parameters
TThe type of object in the pool.

◆ GlobalPoolResource()

SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT PoolResource & sleipnir::GlobalPoolResource ( )

Returns a global pool memory resource.

◆ hypot() [1/2]

SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT Variable sleipnir::hypot ( const Variable & x,
const Variable & y )

std::hypot() for Variables.

xThe x argument.
yThe y argument.

◆ hypot() [2/2]

SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT Variable sleipnir::hypot ( const Variable & x,
const Variable & y,
const Variable & z )

std::hypot() for Variables.

xThe x argument.
yThe y argument.
zThe z argument.

◆ InteriorPoint()

SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT void sleipnir::InteriorPoint ( std::span< Variable > decisionVariables,
std::span< Variable > equalityConstraints,
std::span< Variable > inequalityConstraints,
Variable & f,
function_ref< bool(const SolverIterationInfo &info)> callback,
const SolverConfig & config,
bool feasibilityRestoration,
Eigen::VectorXd & x,
Eigen::VectorXd & s,
SolverStatus * status )

Finds the optimal solution to a nonlinear program using the interior-point method.

A nonlinear program has the form:

     min_x f(x)
subject to cₑ(x) = 0
           cᵢ(x) ≥ 0

where f(x) is the cost function, cₑ(x) are the equality constraints, and cᵢ(x) are the inequality constraints.

[in]decisionVariablesThe list of decision variables.
[in]equalityConstraintsThe list of equality constraints.
[in]inequalityConstraintsThe list of inequality constraints.
[in]fThe cost function.
[in]callbackThe user callback.
[in]configConfiguration options for the solver.
[in]feasibilityRestorationWhether to use feasibility restoration instead of the normal algorithm.
[in,out]xThe initial guess and output location for the decision variables.
[in,out]sThe initial guess and output location for the inequality constraint slack variables.
[out]statusThe solver status.

◆ log()

SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT Variable sleipnir::log ( const Variable & x)

std::log() for Variables.

xThe argument.

◆ log10()

SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT Variable sleipnir::log10 ( const Variable & x)

std::log10() for Variables.

xThe argument.

◆ MakeConstraints()

template<typename LHS , typename RHS >
requires (ScalarLike<std::decay_t<LHS>> || MatrixLike<std::decay_t<LHS>>) && (ScalarLike<std::decay_t<RHS>> || MatrixLike<std::decay_t<RHS>>) && (!std::same_as<std::decay_t<LHS>, double> || !std::same_as<std::decay_t<RHS>, double>)
wpi::SmallVector< Variable > sleipnir::MakeConstraints ( LHS && lhs,
RHS && rhs )

Make a list of constraints.

The standard form for equality constraints is c(x) = 0, and the standard form for inequality constraints is c(x) ≥ 0. This function takes constraints of the form lhs = rhs or lhs ≥ rhs and converts them to lhs - rhs = 0 or lhs - rhs ≥ 0.

lhsLeft-hand side.
rhsRight-hand side.

◆ MakeIntrusiveShared()

template<typename T , typename... Args>
IntrusiveSharedPtr< T > sleipnir::MakeIntrusiveShared ( Args &&... args)

Constructs an object of type T and wraps it in an intrusive shared pointer using args as the parameter list for the constructor of T.

Template Parameters
TType of object for intrusive shared pointer.
ArgsTypes of constructor arguments.
argsConstructor arguments for T.

◆ Multistart()

template<typename DecisionVariables >
MultistartResult< DecisionVariables > sleipnir::Multistart ( function_ref< MultistartResult< DecisionVariables >(const DecisionVariables &initialGuess)> solve,
std::span< const DecisionVariables > initialGuesses )

Solves an optimization problem from different starting points in parallel, then returns the solution with the lowest cost.

Each solve is performed on a separate thread. Solutions from successful solves are always preferred over solutions from unsuccessful solves, and cost (lower is better) is the tiebreaker between successful solves.

Template Parameters
DecisionVariablesThe type containing the decision variable initial guess.
solveA user-provided function that takes a decision variable initial guess and returns a MultistartResult.
initialGuessesA list of decision variable initial guesses to try.

◆ operator<()

template<typename LHS , typename RHS >
requires (ScalarLike<std::decay_t<LHS>> || MatrixLike<std::decay_t<LHS>>) && (ScalarLike<std::decay_t<RHS>> || MatrixLike<std::decay_t<RHS>>) && (!std::same_as<std::decay_t<LHS>, double> || !std::same_as<std::decay_t<RHS>, double>)
InequalityConstraints sleipnir::operator< ( LHS && lhs,
RHS && rhs )

Less-than comparison operator that returns an inequality constraint for two Variables.

lhsLeft-hand side.
rhsLeft-hand side.

◆ operator<=()

template<typename LHS , typename RHS >
requires (ScalarLike<std::decay_t<LHS>> || MatrixLike<std::decay_t<LHS>>) && (ScalarLike<std::decay_t<RHS>> || MatrixLike<std::decay_t<RHS>>) && (!std::same_as<std::decay_t<LHS>, double> || !std::same_as<std::decay_t<RHS>, double>)
InequalityConstraints sleipnir::operator<= ( LHS && lhs,
RHS && rhs )

Less-than-or-equal-to comparison operator that returns an inequality constraint for two Variables.

lhsLeft-hand side.
rhsLeft-hand side.

◆ operator==()

template<typename LHS , typename RHS >
requires (ScalarLike<std::decay_t<LHS>> || MatrixLike<std::decay_t<LHS>>) && (ScalarLike<std::decay_t<RHS>> || MatrixLike<std::decay_t<RHS>>) && (!std::same_as<std::decay_t<LHS>, double> || !std::same_as<std::decay_t<RHS>, double>)
EqualityConstraints sleipnir::operator== ( LHS && lhs,
RHS && rhs )

Equality operator that returns an equality constraint for two Variables.

lhsLeft-hand side.
rhsLeft-hand side.

◆ operator>()

template<typename LHS , typename RHS >
requires (ScalarLike<std::decay_t<LHS>> || MatrixLike<std::decay_t<LHS>>) && (ScalarLike<std::decay_t<RHS>> || MatrixLike<std::decay_t<RHS>>) && (!std::same_as<std::decay_t<LHS>, double> || !std::same_as<std::decay_t<RHS>, double>)
InequalityConstraints sleipnir::operator> ( LHS && lhs,
RHS && rhs )

Greater-than comparison operator that returns an inequality constraint for two Variables.

lhsLeft-hand side.
rhsLeft-hand side.

◆ operator>=()

template<typename LHS , typename RHS >
requires (ScalarLike<std::decay_t<LHS>> || MatrixLike<std::decay_t<LHS>>) && (ScalarLike<std::decay_t<RHS>> || MatrixLike<std::decay_t<RHS>>) && (!std::same_as<std::decay_t<LHS>, double> || !std::same_as<std::decay_t<RHS>, double>)
InequalityConstraints sleipnir::operator>= ( LHS && lhs,
RHS && rhs )

Greater-than-or-equal-to comparison operator that returns an inequality constraint for two Variables.

lhsLeft-hand side.
rhsLeft-hand side.

◆ pow()

SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT Variable sleipnir::pow ( const Variable & base,
const Variable & power )

std::pow() for Variables.

baseThe base.
powerThe power.

◆ print() [1/2]

template<typename... T>
void sleipnir::print ( fmt::format_string< T... > fmt,
T &&... args )

Wrapper around fmt::print() that squelches write failure exceptions.

◆ print() [2/2]

template<typename... T>
void sleipnir::print ( std::FILE * f,
fmt::format_string< T... > fmt,
T &&... args )

Wrapper around fmt::print() that squelches write failure exceptions.

◆ println() [1/2]

template<typename... T>
void sleipnir::println ( fmt::format_string< T... > fmt,
T &&... args )

Wrapper around fmt::println() that squelches write failure exceptions.

◆ println() [2/2]

template<typename... T>
void sleipnir::println ( std::FILE * f,
fmt::format_string< T... > fmt,
T &&... args )

Wrapper around fmt::println() that squelches write failure exceptions.

◆ RK4()

template<typename F , typename State , typename Input , typename Time >
State sleipnir::RK4 ( F && f,
State x,
Input u,
Time t0,
Time dt )

Performs 4th order Runge-Kutta integration of dx/dt = f(t, x, u) for dt.

fThe function to integrate. It must take two arguments x and u.
xThe initial value of x.
uThe value u held constant over the integration period.
t0The initial time.
dtThe time over which to integrate.

◆ sign()

SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT Variable sleipnir::sign ( const Variable & x)

sign() for Variables.

xThe argument.

◆ sin()

SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT Variable sleipnir::sin ( const Variable & x)

std::sin() for Variables.

xThe argument.

◆ sinh()

SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT Variable sleipnir::sinh ( const Variable & x)

std::sinh() for Variables.

xThe argument.

◆ Solve()

SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT VariableMatrix sleipnir::Solve ( const VariableMatrix & A,
const VariableMatrix & B )

Solves the VariableMatrix equation AX = B for X.

AThe left-hand side.
BThe right-hand side.
The solution X.

◆ Spy() [1/2]

SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT void sleipnir::Spy ( std::ostream & file,
const Eigen::SparseMatrix< double > & mat )

Write the sparsity pattern of a sparse matrix to a file.

Each character represents an element with '.' representing zero, '+' representing positive, and '-' representing negative. Here's an example for a 3x3 identity matrix.

"+.." ".+." "..+"

[out]fileA file stream.
[in]matThe sparse matrix.

◆ Spy() [2/2]

SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT void sleipnir::Spy ( std::string_view filename,
const Eigen::SparseMatrix< double > & mat )

Write the sparsity pattern of a sparse matrix to a file.

Each character represents an element with "." representing zero, "+" representing positive, and "-" representing negative. Here's an example for a 3x3 identity matrix.

"+.." ".+." "..+"

[in]filenameThe filename.
[in]matThe sparse matrix.

◆ SQP()

SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT void sleipnir::SQP ( std::span< Variable > decisionVariables,
std::span< Variable > equalityConstraints,
Variable & f,
function_ref< bool(const SolverIterationInfo &info)> callback,
const SolverConfig & config,
Eigen::VectorXd & x,
SolverStatus * status )

Finds the optimal solution to a nonlinear program using Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP).

A nonlinear program has the form:

     min_x f(x)
subject to cₑ(x) = 0

where f(x) is the cost function and cₑ(x) are the equality constraints.

[in]decisionVariablesThe list of decision variables.
[in]equalityConstraintsThe list of equality constraints.
[in]fThe cost function.
[in]callbackThe user callback.
[in]configConfiguration options for the solver.
[in,out]xThe initial guess and output location for the decision variables.
[out]statusThe solver status.

◆ sqrt()

SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT Variable sleipnir::sqrt ( const Variable & x)

std::sqrt() for Variables.

xThe argument.

◆ swap()

template<typename R , typename... Args>
void sleipnir::swap ( function_ref< R(Args...)> & lhs,
function_ref< R(Args...)> & rhs )

Swaps the referred callables of lhs and rhs.

◆ tan()

SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT Variable sleipnir::tan ( const Variable & x)

std::tan() for Variables.

xThe argument.

◆ tanh()

SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT Variable sleipnir::tanh ( const Variable & x)

std::tanh() for Variables.

xThe argument.

◆ ToMessage()

SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT constexpr std::string_view sleipnir::ToMessage ( const SolverExitCondition & exitCondition)

Returns user-readable message corresponding to the exit condition.

exitConditionSolver exit condition.

Variable Documentation

◆ Hessian

class SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT sleipnir::Hessian

◆ Jacobian

class SLEIPNIR_DLLEXPORT sleipnir::Jacobian