Here is a list of all functions with links to the classes they belong to:
- v -
- valid() : wpi::future< T >, wpi::future< void >, wpi::sig::Connection
- validate() : wpi::Argument
- Value() : nt::Value, sleipnir::Gradient, sleipnir::Hessian, sleipnir::Jacobian, sleipnir::Variable, sleipnir::VariableBlock< Mat >, sleipnir::VariableMatrix
- value() : basic_json< ObjectType, ArrayType, StringType, BooleanType, NumberIntegerType, NumberUnsignedType, NumberFloatType, AllocatorType, JSONSerializer, BinaryType, CustomBaseClass >, detail::iter_impl< BasicJsonType >, detail::iteration_proxy_value< IteratorType >, detail::json_reverse_iterator< Base >, detail::value< Context >, frc::sysid::SysIdRoutineLog::MotorLog, nt::Value, units::unit_t< Units, T, NonLinearScale >, units::unit_value_add< U1, U2 >, units::unit_value_divide< U1, U2 >, units::unit_value_multiply< U1, U2 >, units::unit_value_power< U1, power >, units::unit_value_sqrt< U1, Eps >, units::unit_value_subtract< U1, U2 >, units::unit_value_t< Units, Num, Denom >, wpi::expected< T, E >, wpi::unexpected< E >
- value_or() : wpi::expected< T, E >
- ValueEventData() : nt::ValueEventData
- Variable() : sleipnir::Variable
- VariableBlock() : sleipnir::VariableBlock< Mat >
- VariableMatrix() : sleipnir::VariableMatrix
- Vec() : wpi::StdVectorUnpackCallback< T, N >, wpi::UnpackCallback< T, N >
- velocity() : frc::sysid::SysIdRoutineLog::MotorLog
- VerifySensor() : frc::I2C
- VersionTuple() : wpi::VersionTuple
- Vex775Pro() : frc::DCMotor
- Victor() : frc::Victor
- VictorSP() : frc::VictorSP
- VideoCamera() : cs::VideoCamera
- VideoListener() : cs::VideoListener
- VideoMode() : cs::VideoMode
- VideoProperty() : cs::VideoProperty
- VideoSink() : cs::VideoSink
- VideoSource() : cs::VideoSource
- virtual_block_allocator() : wpi::memory::virtual_block_allocator
- virtual_memory_allocator() : wpi::memory::virtual_memory_allocator
- VisionRunner() : frc::VisionRunner< T >
- VisionRunnerBase() : frc::VisionRunnerBase
- visit() : basic_format_arg< Context >, loc_value
- Voltage() : frc::DCMotor
- voltage() : frc::sysid::SysIdRoutineLog::MotorLog