struct | add_const_past_pointer |
| If T is a pointer to X, return a pointer to const X. More...
struct | add_const_past_pointer< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_pointer_v< T > > > |
struct | add_lvalue_reference_if_not_pointer |
| If T is a pointer, just return it. If it is not, return T&. More...
struct | add_lvalue_reference_if_not_pointer< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_pointer_v< T > > > |
struct | AlignedCharArrayUnion |
| A suitably aligned and sized character array member which can hold elements of any type. More...
class | AllocatorBase |
| CRTP base class providing obvious overloads for the core Allocate() methods of LLVM-style allocators. More...
class | Argument |
class | ArgumentParser |
class | array |
| This class is a wrapper around std::array that does compile time size checking. More...
class | bad_expected_access |
class | buffer_ostream |
class | buffer_unique_ostream |
struct | CalculateSmallVectorDefaultInlinedElements |
| Helper class for calculating the default number of inline elements for SmallVector<T> . More...
class | CallbackListenerData |
class | CallbackManager |
class | CallbackThread |
struct | cast_convert_val |
struct | cast_convert_val< To, FromTy *, FromTy * > |
struct | cast_convert_val< To, FromTy, FromTy > |
struct | cast_retty |
struct | cast_retty_impl |
struct | cast_retty_impl< To, const From * > |
struct | cast_retty_impl< To, const From *const > |
struct | cast_retty_impl< To, const From > |
struct | cast_retty_impl< To, From * > |
struct | cast_retty_impl< To, std::unique_ptr< From > > |
struct | cast_retty_wrap |
struct | cast_retty_wrap< To, FromTy, FromTy > |
struct | CastInfo |
| This struct provides a method for customizing the way a cast is performed. More...
struct | CastInfo< To, const PointerUnion< PTs... > > |
struct | CastInfo< To, From, std::enable_if_t<!is_simple_type< From >::value > > |
| This struct provides an overload for CastInfo where From has simplify_type defined. More...
struct | CastInfo< To, PointerUnion< PTs... > > |
struct | CastInfo< To, std::optional< From > > |
| Provide a CastInfo specialized for std::optional<From>. More...
struct | CastInfo< To, std::unique_ptr< From > > |
| Provide a CastInfo specialized for std::unique_ptr. More...
struct | CastInfoPointerUnionImpl |
| We can't (at least, at this moment with C++14) declare CastInfo as a friend of PointerUnion like this: More...
struct | CastIsPossible |
| This struct provides a way to check if a given cast is possible. More...
struct | CastIsPossible< To, From, std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< To, From > > > |
| Upcasting (from derived to base) and casting from a type to itself should always be possible. More...
struct | CastIsPossible< To, std::optional< From > > |
class | circular_buffer |
| This is a simple circular buffer so we don't need to "bucket brigade" copy old values. More...
struct | const_pointer_or_const_ref |
struct | const_pointer_or_const_ref< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_pointer_v< T > > > |
struct | ConstStrippingForwardingCast |
| Provides a cast trait that strips const from types to make it easier to implement a const-version of a non-const cast. More...
struct | ct_string |
| Fixed length string (array of character) for compile time use. More...
class | DebugEpochBase |
| A base class for data structure classes wishing to make iterators ("handles") pointing into themselves fail-fast. More...
struct | DefaultDoCastIfPossible |
| This cast trait just provides the default implementation of doCastIfPossible to make CastInfo specializations more declarative. More...
class | DenseMap |
class | DenseMapBase |
struct | DenseMapInfo |
| An information struct used to provide DenseMap with the various necessary components for a given value type T . More...
struct | DenseMapInfo< char > |
struct | DenseMapInfo< Enum, std::enable_if_t< std::is_enum_v< Enum > > > |
struct | DenseMapInfo< hash_code, void > |
struct | DenseMapInfo< int > |
struct | DenseMapInfo< long > |
struct | DenseMapInfo< long long > |
struct | DenseMapInfo< PointerIntPair< PointerTy, IntBits, IntType >, void > |
struct | DenseMapInfo< PointerUnion< PTs... > > |
struct | DenseMapInfo< short > |
struct | DenseMapInfo< std::pair< T, U > > |
struct | DenseMapInfo< std::tuple< Ts... > > |
struct | DenseMapInfo< std::variant< Ts... > > |
struct | DenseMapInfo< T * > |
struct | DenseMapInfo< unsigned > |
struct | DenseMapInfo< unsigned char > |
struct | DenseMapInfo< unsigned long > |
struct | DenseMapInfo< unsigned long long > |
struct | DenseMapInfo< unsigned short > |
class | DenseMapIterator |
class | DirectUnpackCallback |
| A callback method that will directly unpack elements into the specified vector like data structure. More...
class | DsClient |
class | DynamicStruct |
| Dynamic (run-time) read-only access to a serialized raw struct. More...
class | DynamicStructObject |
| Dynamic (run-time) mutable access to a serialized raw struct, with internal data storage. More...
struct | empty_array_t |
class | Event |
| An atomic signaling event for synchronization. More...
class | EventLoopRunner |
| Executes an event loop on a separate thread. More...
struct | EventVector |
class | expected |
| An expected<T, E> object is an object that contains the storage for another object and manages the lifetime of this contained object T . More...
struct | explicitly_convertible |
struct | explicitly_convertible< From, To, std::void_t< decltype(static_cast< To >(std::declval< std::add_rvalue_reference_t< From > >()))> > |
class | FastQueue |
class | FileLogger |
| A class version of tail -f , otherwise known as tail -f at home. More...
struct | FirstIndexOfType |
| Find the first index where a type appears in a list of types. More...
struct | FirstIndexOfType< T, T, Us... > |
struct | FirstIndexOfType< T, U, Us... > |
struct | ForwardToPointerCast |
| Provides a cast trait that uses a defined pointer to pointer cast as a base for reference-to-reference casts. More...
class | function_ref |
| An efficient, type-erasing, non-owning reference to a callable. More...
class | function_ref< Ret(Params...)> |
struct | FunctionPointerLikeTypeTraits |
| Provide suitable custom traits struct for function pointers. More...
class | future |
| A lightweight version of std::future. More...
class | future< void > |
| Explicit specialization for future<void>. More...
class | hash_code |
| An opaque object representing a hash code. More...
class | HashBuilder |
struct | http_parser |
struct | http_parser_settings |
struct | http_parser_url |
class | HttpConnection |
class | HttpLocation |
class | HttpMultipartScanner |
class | HttpParser |
| HTTP protocol parser. More...
class | HttpPath |
| Class for HTTP path matching. More...
class | HttpPathRef |
| Proxy reference object for a portion of a HttpPath. More...
class | HttpQueryMap |
| Map for looking up elements of the query portion of a URI. More...
class | HttpRequest |
class | HttpServerConnection |
class | HttpWebSocketServerConnection |
| A server-side HTTP connection that also accepts WebSocket upgrades. More...
struct | in_place_t |
class | interpolating_map |
| Implements a table of key-value pairs with linear interpolation between values. More...
class | is_integral_or_enum |
| Metafunction that determines whether the given type is either an integral type or an enumeration type, including enum classes. More...
struct | is_simple_type |
struct | isa_impl |
struct | isa_impl< To, From, std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< To, From > > > |
struct | isa_impl_cl |
struct | isa_impl_cl< To, const From * > |
struct | isa_impl_cl< To, const From *const > |
struct | isa_impl_cl< To, const From > |
struct | isa_impl_cl< To, const std::unique_ptr< From > > |
struct | isa_impl_cl< To, From * > |
struct | isa_impl_cl< To, From *const > |
struct | isa_impl_wrap |
struct | isa_impl_wrap< To, FromTy, FromTy > |
class | iterator_adaptor_base |
| CRTP base class for adapting an iterator to a different type. More...
class | iterator_facade_base |
| CRTP base class which implements the entire standard iterator facade in terms of a minimal subset of the interface. More...
class | iterator_range |
| A range adaptor for a pair of iterators. More...
class | Logger |
class | MallocAllocator |
class | MappedFileRegion |
class | MapVector |
| This class implements a map that also provides access to all stored values in a deterministic order. More...
class | MemoryBuffer |
| This interface provides simple read-only access to a block of memory, and provides simple methods for reading files and standard input into a memory buffer. More...
class | MemoryBufferRef |
class | monostate |
class | MulticastServiceAnnouncer |
class | MulticastServiceResolver |
class | MutableDynamicStruct |
| Dynamic (run-time) mutable access to a serialized raw struct. More...
class | NetworkAcceptor |
class | NetworkStream |
struct | NullableValueCastFailed |
| All of these cast traits are meant to be implementations for useful casts that users may want to use that are outside the standard behavior. More...
struct | NullDeleter |
struct | OptionalValueCast |
| This cast trait provides std::optional<T> casting. More...
class | PackCallback |
| A callback method that will pack elements when called. More...
class | ParallelTcpConnector |
| Parallel TCP connector. More...
struct | pointee_iterator |
| An iterator type that allows iterating over the pointees via some other iterator. More...
class | pointer_iterator |
class | PointerIntPair |
| PointerIntPair - This class implements a pair of a pointer and small integer. More...
struct | PointerIntPairInfo |
struct | PointerLikeTypeTraits |
| A traits type that is used to handle pointer types and things that are just wrappers for pointers as a uniform entity. More...
struct | PointerLikeTypeTraits< const T * > |
struct | PointerLikeTypeTraits< const T > |
struct | PointerLikeTypeTraits< PointerIntPair< PointerTy, IntBits, IntType, PtrTraits > > |
struct | PointerLikeTypeTraits< PointerUnion< PTs... > > |
struct | PointerLikeTypeTraits< ReturnT(*)(ParamTs...)> |
| Provide a default specialization for function pointers that assumes 4-byte alignment. More...
struct | PointerLikeTypeTraits< T * > |
struct | PointerLikeTypeTraits< uintptr_t > |
struct | PointerLikeTypeTraits< void * > |
class | PointerUnion |
| A discriminated union of two or more pointer types, with the discriminator in the low bit of the pointer. More...
class | PortForwarder |
| Forward ports to another host. More...
class | priority_queue |
| This class is the same as std::priority_queue with two changes: More...
class | promise |
| A lightweight version of std::promise. More...
class | promise< void > |
| Explicit specialization for promise<void>. More...
class | PromiseFactory |
| A promise factory for lightweight futures. More...
class | PromiseFactory< void > |
| Explicit specialization for PromiseFactory<void>. More...
struct | Protobuf |
| Protobuf serialization template. More...
struct | Protobuf< frc::ArmFeedforward > |
struct | Protobuf< frc::ChassisSpeeds > |
struct | Protobuf< frc::CubicHermiteSpline > |
struct | Protobuf< frc::DCMotor > |
struct | Protobuf< frc::DifferentialDriveFeedforward > |
struct | Protobuf< frc::DifferentialDriveKinematics > |
struct | Protobuf< frc::DifferentialDriveWheelPositions > |
struct | Protobuf< frc::DifferentialDriveWheelSpeeds > |
struct | Protobuf< frc::DifferentialDriveWheelVoltages > |
struct | Protobuf< frc::ElevatorFeedforward > |
struct | Protobuf< frc::Ellipse2d > |
struct | Protobuf< frc::LinearSystem< States, Inputs, Outputs > > |
struct | Protobuf< frc::Matrixd< Rows, Cols, Options, MaxRows, MaxCols > > |
struct | Protobuf< frc::Matrixd< Size, 1, Options, MaxRows, MaxCols > > |
struct | Protobuf< frc::MecanumDriveKinematics > |
struct | Protobuf< frc::MecanumDriveWheelPositions > |
struct | Protobuf< frc::MecanumDriveWheelSpeeds > |
struct | Protobuf< frc::Pose2d > |
struct | Protobuf< frc::Pose3d > |
struct | Protobuf< frc::Quaternion > |
struct | Protobuf< frc::QuinticHermiteSpline > |
struct | Protobuf< frc::Rectangle2d > |
struct | Protobuf< frc::Rotation2d > |
struct | Protobuf< frc::Rotation3d > |
struct | Protobuf< frc::SimpleMotorFeedforward< Distance > > |
struct | Protobuf< frc::SwerveDriveKinematics< NumModules > > |
struct | Protobuf< frc::SwerveModulePosition > |
struct | Protobuf< frc::SwerveModuleState > |
struct | Protobuf< frc::Trajectory > |
struct | Protobuf< frc::Trajectory::State > |
struct | Protobuf< frc::Transform2d > |
struct | Protobuf< frc::Transform3d > |
struct | Protobuf< frc::Translation2d > |
struct | Protobuf< frc::Translation3d > |
struct | Protobuf< frc::Twist2d > |
struct | Protobuf< frc::Twist3d > |
class | ProtobufMessage |
| Ease of use wrapper to make nanopb streams more opaque to the user. More...
class | ProtobufMessageDatabase |
| Database of protobuf dynamic messages. More...
class | ProtoInputStream |
| Class for wrapping a nanopb istream. More...
class | ProtoOutputStream |
| Class for wrapping a nanopb ostream. More...
class | raw_fd_istream |
class | raw_fd_ostream |
| A raw_ostream that writes to a file descriptor. More...
class | raw_fd_stream |
| A raw_ostream of a file for reading/writing/seeking. More...
class | raw_istream |
class | raw_mem_istream |
class | raw_null_ostream |
| A raw_ostream that discards all output. More...
class | raw_os_ostream |
| raw_os_ostream - A raw_ostream that writes to an std::ostream. More...
class | raw_ostream |
| This class implements an extremely fast bulk output stream that can only output to a stream. More...
class | raw_pwrite_stream |
| An abstract base class for streams implementations that also support a pwrite operation. More...
class | raw_socket_istream |
class | raw_socket_ostream |
class | raw_string_ostream |
| A raw_ostream that writes to an std::string. More...
class | raw_svector_ostream |
| A raw_ostream that writes to an SmallVector or SmallString. More...
class | raw_usvector_ostream |
| A raw_ostream that writes to an SmallVector or SmallString. More...
class | raw_uv_ostream |
| raw_ostream style output to a SmallVector of uv::Buffer buffers. More...
class | raw_uvector_ostream |
| A raw_ostream that writes to a vector. More...
class | raw_vector_ostream |
| A raw_ostream that writes to a vector. More...
struct | RawFrame |
class | recursive_spinlock1 |
| A recursive spinlock mutex. More...
class | recursive_spinlock2 |
| A recursive spinlock mutex. More...
struct | remove_cvref |
class | rotated_span |
| This is a simple rotated span view. More...
class | SafeThread |
class | SafeThreadBase |
| Base class for SafeThreadOwner threads. More...
class | SafeThreadEvent |
class | SafeThreadOwner |
struct | SameType |
class | scope_exit |
struct | ScopedFatalErrorHandler |
| ScopedFatalErrorHandler - This is a simple helper class which just calls install_fatal_error_handler in its constructor and remove_fatal_error_handler in its destructor. More...
class | Semaphore |
| A semaphore for synchronization. More...
class | Sendable |
| Interface for Sendable objects. More...
class | SendableBuilder |
| Helper class for building Sendable dashboard representations. More...
class | SendableHelper |
| A helper class for use with objects that add themselves to SendableRegistry. More...
class | SendableRegistry |
| The SendableRegistry class is the public interface for registering sensors and actuators for use on dashboards and LiveWindow. More...
class | SHA1 |
class | SignalObject |
| RAII wrapper for signaling handles. More...
struct | simplify_type |
| Define a template that can be specialized by smart pointers to reflect the fact that they are automatically dereferenced, and are not involved with the template selection process... the default implementation is a noop. More...
struct | simplify_type< const From > |
class | SmallDenseMap |
struct | SmallMapVector |
| A MapVector that performs no allocations if smaller than a certain size. More...
class | SmallPtrSet |
| SmallPtrSet - This class implements a set which is optimized for holding SmallSize or less elements. More...
class | SmallPtrSetImpl |
| A templated base class for SmallPtrSet which provides the typesafe interface that is common across all small sizes. More...
class | SmallPtrSetImplBase |
| SmallPtrSetImplBase - This is the common code shared among all the SmallPtrSet<>'s, which is almost everything. More...
class | SmallPtrSetIterator |
| SmallPtrSetIterator - This implements a const_iterator for SmallPtrSet. More...
class | SmallPtrSetIteratorImpl |
| SmallPtrSetIteratorImpl - This is the common base class shared between all instances of SmallPtrSetIterator. More...
class | SmallSet |
| SmallSet - This maintains a set of unique values, optimizing for the case when the set is small (less than N). More...
class | SmallSet< PointeeType *, N > |
| If this set is of pointer values, transparently switch over to using SmallPtrSet for performance. More...
class | SmallSetIterator |
| SmallSetIterator - This class implements a const_iterator for SmallSet by delegating to the underlying SmallVector or Set iterators. More...
class | SmallString |
| SmallString - A SmallString is just a SmallVector with methods and accessors that make it work better as a string (e.g. More...
class | SmallVector |
| This is a 'vector' (really, a variable-sized array), optimized for the case when the array is small. More...
struct | SmallVectorAlignmentAndSize |
| Figure out the offset of the first element. More...
class | SmallVectorBase |
| This is all the stuff common to all SmallVectors. More...
class | SmallVectorImpl |
| This class consists of common code factored out of the SmallVector class to reduce code duplication based on the SmallVector 'N' template parameter. More...
class | SmallVectorMemoryBuffer |
| SmallVector-backed MemoryBuffer instance. More...
struct | SmallVectorStorage |
| Storage for the SmallVector elements. More...
struct | SmallVectorStorage< T, 0 > |
| We need the storage to be properly aligned even for small-size of 0 so that the pointer math in SmallVectorTemplateCommon::getFirstEl() is well-defined. More...
class | SmallVectorTemplateBase |
| SmallVectorTemplateBase<TriviallyCopyable = false> - This is where we put method implementations that are designed to work with non-trivial T's. More...
class | SmallVectorTemplateBase< T, true > |
| SmallVectorTemplateBase<TriviallyCopyable = true> - This is where we put method implementations that are designed to work with trivially copyable T's. More...
class | SmallVectorTemplateCommon |
| This is the part of SmallVectorTemplateBase which does not depend on whether the type T is a POD. More...
class | spinlock |
| A spinlock mutex. More...
class | static_circular_buffer |
| This is a simple circular buffer so we don't need to "bucket brigade" copy old values. More...
class | StdVectorUnpackCallback |
| A DirectUnpackCallback backed by a std::vector. More...
class | StringMap |
| StringMap is a sorted associative container that contains key-value pairs with unique string keys. More...
struct | Struct |
| Struct serialization template. More...
struct | Struct< bool > |
| Raw struct support for boolean values. More...
struct | Struct< double > |
| Raw struct support for double values. More...
struct | Struct< float > |
| Raw struct support for float values. More...
struct | Struct< frc::ArmFeedforward > |
struct | Struct< frc::ChassisSpeeds > |
struct | Struct< frc::CubicHermiteSpline > |
struct | Struct< frc::DCMotor > |
struct | Struct< frc::DifferentialDriveFeedforward > |
struct | Struct< frc::DifferentialDriveKinematics > |
struct | Struct< frc::DifferentialDriveWheelPositions > |
struct | Struct< frc::DifferentialDriveWheelSpeeds > |
struct | Struct< frc::DifferentialDriveWheelVoltages > |
struct | Struct< frc::ElevatorFeedforward > |
struct | Struct< frc::Ellipse2d > |
struct | Struct< frc::LinearSystem< States, Inputs, Outputs > > |
struct | Struct< frc::Matrixd< Rows, Cols, Options, MaxRows, MaxCols > > |
struct | Struct< frc::Matrixd< Size, 1, Options, MaxRows, MaxCols > > |
struct | Struct< frc::MecanumDriveKinematics > |
struct | Struct< frc::MecanumDriveWheelPositions > |
struct | Struct< frc::MecanumDriveWheelSpeeds > |
struct | Struct< frc::Pose2d > |
struct | Struct< frc::Pose3d > |
struct | Struct< frc::Quaternion > |
struct | Struct< frc::QuinticHermiteSpline > |
struct | Struct< frc::Rectangle2d > |
struct | Struct< frc::Rotation2d > |
struct | Struct< frc::Rotation3d > |
struct | Struct< frc::SimpleMotorFeedforward< Distance > > |
struct | Struct< frc::SwerveDriveKinematics< NumModules > > |
struct | Struct< frc::SwerveModulePosition > |
struct | Struct< frc::SwerveModuleState > |
struct | Struct< frc::Transform2d > |
struct | Struct< frc::Transform3d > |
struct | Struct< frc::Translation2d > |
struct | Struct< frc::Translation3d > |
struct | Struct< frc::Twist2d > |
struct | Struct< frc::Twist3d > |
struct | Struct< int16_t > |
| Raw struct support for int16_t values. More...
struct | Struct< int32_t > |
| Raw struct support for int32_t values. More...
struct | Struct< int64_t > |
| Raw struct support for int64_t values. More...
struct | Struct< int8_t > |
| Raw struct support for int8_t values. More...
struct | Struct< std::array< T, N >, I... > |
| Raw struct support for fixed-size arrays of other structs. More...
struct | Struct< uint16_t > |
| Raw struct support for uint16_t values. More...
struct | Struct< uint32_t > |
| Raw struct support for uint32_t values. More...
struct | Struct< uint64_t > |
| Raw struct support for uint64_t values. More...
struct | Struct< uint8_t > |
| Raw struct support for uint8_t values. More...
class | StructArrayBuffer |
class | StructDescriptor |
| Raw struct dynamic struct descriptor. More...
class | StructDescriptorDatabase |
| Database of raw struct dynamic descriptors. More...
class | StructFieldDescriptor |
| Raw struct dynamic field descriptor. More...
class | TCPAcceptor |
class | TCPConnector |
class | TCPStream |
struct | TypesAreDistinct |
| Determine if all types in Ts are distinct. More...
struct | TypesAreDistinct<> |
class | UDPClient |
class | UidVector |
| Vector which provides an integrated freelist for removal and reuse of individual elements. More...
class | Uleb128Reader |
| Unsigned LEB128 streaming reader. More...
struct | unexpect_t |
class | unexpected |
class | unique_function |
| unique_function is a type-erasing functor similar to std::function. More...
class | unique_function< R(P...) const > |
class | unique_function< R(P...)> |
struct | UniquePtrCast |
| This cast trait provides std::unique_ptr casting. More...
class | UnpackCallback |
| A DirectUnpackCallback backed by a SmallVector<T, N>. More...
class | UrlParser |
| Parses a URL into its constituent components. More...
struct | ValueFromPointerCast |
| This cast trait provides casting for the specific case of casting to a value-typed object from a pointer-typed object. More...
struct | ValueIsPresent |
| ValueIsPresent provides a way to check if a value is, well, present. More...
struct | ValueIsPresent< std::optional< T > > |
struct | ValueIsPresent< T, std::enable_if_t< IsNullable< T > > > |
class | VersionTuple |
| Represents a version number in the form major[.minor[.subminor[.build]]]. More...
class | WebServer |
| A web server using the HTTP protocol. More...
class | WebSocket |
| RFC 6455 compliant WebSocket client and server implementation. More...
class | WebSocketServer |
| Dedicated WebSocket server. More...
class | WebSocketServerHelper |
| WebSocket HTTP server helper. More...
class | WorkerThread |
class | WorkerThread< R(T...)> |
struct | WpiArrayEmplaceWrapper |
| A wrapper around a wpi::array that lets us treat it as a limited sized vector. More...
struct | WpiArrayUnpackCallback |
| A DirectUnpackCallback backed by a wpi::array<T, N>. More...
class | WritableMemoryBuffer |
| This class is an extension of MemoryBuffer, which allows copy-on-write access to the underlying contents. More...
class | WriteThroughMemoryBuffer |
| This class is an extension of MemoryBuffer, which allows write access to the underlying contents and committing those changes to the original source. More...
struct | XXH128_hash_t |
| The return value from 128-bit hashes. More...
LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_RETURNS_NONNULL void * | safe_malloc (size_t Sz) |
LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_RETURNS_NONNULL void * | safe_calloc (size_t Count, size_t Sz) |
LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_RETURNS_NONNULL void * | safe_realloc (void *Ptr, size_t Sz) |
LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_RETURNS_NONNULL LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_RETURNS_NOALIAS void * | allocate_buffer (size_t Size, size_t Alignment) |
| Allocate a buffer of memory with the given size and alignment.
void | deallocate_buffer (void *Ptr, size_t Size, size_t Alignment) |
| Deallocate a buffer of memory with the given size and alignment.
template<std::size_t I, typename PointerTy , unsigned IntBits, typename IntType , typename PtrTraits , typename Info > |
decltype(auto) | get (const PointerIntPair< PointerTy, IntBits, IntType, PtrTraits, Info > &Pair) |
template<typename To , typename From > |
bool | isa (const From &Val) |
| isa<X> - Return true if the parameter to the template is an instance of one of the template type arguments.
template<typename First , typename Second , typename... Rest, typename From > |
bool | isa (const From &Val) |
template<typename To , typename From > |
decltype(auto) | cast (const From &Val) |
| cast<X> - Return the argument parameter cast to the specified type.
template<typename To , typename From > |
decltype(auto) | cast (From &Val) |
template<typename To , typename From > |
decltype(auto) | cast (From *Val) |
template<typename To , typename From > |
decltype(auto) | cast (std::unique_ptr< From > &&Val) |
template<typename To , typename From > |
decltype(auto) | dyn_cast (const From &Val) |
| dyn_cast<X> - Return the argument parameter cast to the specified type.
template<typename To , typename From > |
decltype(auto) | dyn_cast (From &Val) |
template<typename To , typename From > |
decltype(auto) | dyn_cast (From *Val) |
template<typename To , typename From > |
decltype(auto) | dyn_cast (std::unique_ptr< From > &Val) |
template<typename... X, class Y > |
bool | isa_and_present (const Y &Val) |
| isa_and_present<X> - Functionally identical to isa, except that a null value is accepted.
template<typename... X, class Y > |
bool | isa_and_nonnull (const Y &Val) |
template<class X , class Y > |
auto | cast_if_present (const Y &Val) |
| cast_if_present<X> - Functionally identical to cast, except that a null value is accepted.
template<class X , class Y > |
auto | cast_if_present (Y &Val) |
template<class X , class Y > |
auto | cast_if_present (Y *Val) |
template<class X , class Y > |
auto | cast_if_present (std::unique_ptr< Y > &&Val) |
template<class X , class Y > |
auto | cast_or_null (const Y &Val) |
template<class X , class Y > |
auto | cast_or_null (Y &Val) |
template<class X , class Y > |
auto | cast_or_null (Y *Val) |
template<class X , class Y > |
auto | cast_or_null (std::unique_ptr< Y > &&Val) |
template<class X , class Y > |
auto | dyn_cast_if_present (const Y &Val) |
| dyn_cast_if_present<X> - Functionally identical to dyn_cast, except that a null (or none in the case of optionals) value is accepted.
template<class X , class Y > |
auto | dyn_cast_if_present (Y &Val) |
template<class X , class Y > |
auto | dyn_cast_if_present (Y *Val) |
template<class X , class Y > |
auto | dyn_cast_or_null (const Y &Val) |
template<class X , class Y > |
auto | dyn_cast_or_null (Y &Val) |
template<class X , class Y > |
auto | dyn_cast_or_null (Y *Val) |
template<class X , class Y > |
CastInfo< X, std::unique_ptr< Y > >::CastResultType | unique_dyn_cast (std::unique_ptr< Y > &Val) |
| unique_dyn_cast<X> - Given a unique_ptr<Y>, try to return a unique_ptr<X>, taking ownership of the input pointer iff isa<X>(Val) is true.
template<class X , class Y > |
auto | unique_dyn_cast (std::unique_ptr< Y > &&Val) |
template<class X , class Y > |
CastInfo< X, std::unique_ptr< Y > >::CastResultType | unique_dyn_cast_or_null (std::unique_ptr< Y > &Val) |
template<class X , class Y > |
auto | unique_dyn_cast_or_null (std::unique_ptr< Y > &&Val) |
std::string | Demangle (std::string_view mangledSymbol) |
| Demangle a C++ symbol.
template<typename T > |
std::string | GetTypeName (const T &type) |
| Returns the type name of an object.
int | SocketErrno () |
std::string | SocketStrerror (int code) |
std::string | SocketStrerror () |
template<typename T > |
T | maskTrailingOnes (unsigned N) |
| Create a bitmask with the N right-most bits set to 1, and all other bits set to 0.
template<typename T > |
T | maskLeadingOnes (unsigned N) |
| Create a bitmask with the N left-most bits set to 1, and all other bits set to 0.
template<typename T > |
T | maskTrailingZeros (unsigned N) |
| Create a bitmask with the N right-most bits set to 0, and all other bits set to 1.
template<typename T > |
T | maskLeadingZeros (unsigned N) |
| Create a bitmask with the N left-most bits set to 0, and all other bits set to 1.
template<typename T > |
T | reverseBits (T Val) |
| Reverse the bits in Val .
constexpr uint32_t | Hi_32 (uint64_t Value) |
| Return the high 32 bits of a 64 bit value.
constexpr uint32_t | Lo_32 (uint64_t Value) |
| Return the low 32 bits of a 64 bit value.
constexpr uint64_t | Make_64 (uint32_t High, uint32_t Low) |
| Make a 64-bit integer from a high / low pair of 32-bit integers.
template<unsigned N> |
constexpr bool | isInt (int64_t x) |
| Checks if an integer fits into the given bit width.
template<unsigned N, unsigned S> |
constexpr bool | isShiftedInt (int64_t x) |
| Checks if a signed integer is an N bit number shifted left by S.
template<unsigned N> |
constexpr bool | isUInt (uint64_t x) |
| Checks if an unsigned integer fits into the given bit width.
template<unsigned N, unsigned S> |
constexpr bool | isShiftedUInt (uint64_t x) |
| Checks if a unsigned integer is an N bit number shifted left by S.
uint64_t | maxUIntN (uint64_t N) |
| Gets the maximum value for a N-bit unsigned integer.
int64_t | minIntN (int64_t N) |
| Gets the minimum value for a N-bit signed integer.
int64_t | maxIntN (int64_t N) |
| Gets the maximum value for a N-bit signed integer.
bool | isUIntN (unsigned N, uint64_t x) |
| Checks if an unsigned integer fits into the given (dynamic) bit width.
bool | isIntN (unsigned N, int64_t x) |
| Checks if an signed integer fits into the given (dynamic) bit width.
constexpr bool | isMask_32 (uint32_t Value) |
| Return true if the argument is a non-empty sequence of ones starting at the least significant bit with the remainder zero (32 bit version).
constexpr bool | isMask_64 (uint64_t Value) |
| Return true if the argument is a non-empty sequence of ones starting at the least significant bit with the remainder zero (64 bit version).
constexpr bool | isShiftedMask_32 (uint32_t Value) |
| Return true if the argument contains a non-empty sequence of ones with the remainder zero (32 bit version.) Ex.
constexpr bool | isShiftedMask_64 (uint64_t Value) |
| Return true if the argument contains a non-empty sequence of ones with the remainder zero (64 bit version.)
constexpr bool | isPowerOf2_32 (uint32_t Value) |
| Return true if the argument is a power of two > 0.
constexpr bool | isPowerOf2_64 (uint64_t Value) |
| Return true if the argument is a power of two > 0 (64 bit edition.)
bool | isShiftedMask_32 (uint32_t Value, unsigned &MaskIdx, unsigned &MaskLen) |
| Return true if the argument contains a non-empty sequence of ones with the remainder zero (32 bit version.) Ex.
bool | isShiftedMask_64 (uint64_t Value, unsigned &MaskIdx, unsigned &MaskLen) |
| Return true if the argument contains a non-empty sequence of ones with the remainder zero (64 bit version.) If true, MaskIdx will specify the index of the lowest set bit and MaskLen is updated to specify the length of the mask, else neither are updated.
template<size_t kValue> |
constexpr size_t | CTLog2 () |
| Compile time Log2.
template<> |
constexpr size_t | CTLog2< 1 > () |
unsigned | Log2_32 (uint32_t Value) |
| Return the floor log base 2 of the specified value, -1 if the value is zero.
unsigned | Log2_64 (uint64_t Value) |
| Return the floor log base 2 of the specified value, -1 if the value is zero.
unsigned | Log2_32_Ceil (uint32_t Value) |
| Return the ceil log base 2 of the specified value, 32 if the value is zero.
unsigned | Log2_64_Ceil (uint64_t Value) |
| Return the ceil log base 2 of the specified value, 64 if the value is zero.
template<typename U , typename V , typename T = common_uint<U, V>> |
constexpr T | MinAlign (U A, V B) |
| A and B are either alignments or offsets.
constexpr uint64_t | MinAlign (uint64_t A, uint64_t B) |
| Fallback when arguments aren't integral.
constexpr uint64_t | NextPowerOf2 (uint64_t A) |
| Returns the next power of two (in 64-bits) that is strictly greater than A.
uint64_t | PowerOf2Ceil (uint64_t A) |
| Returns the power of two which is greater than or equal to the given value.
template<typename U , typename V , typename T = common_uint<U, V>> |
constexpr T | divideCeil (U Numerator, V Denominator) |
| Returns the integer ceil(Numerator / Denominator).
constexpr uint64_t | divideCeil (uint64_t Numerator, uint64_t Denominator) |
| Fallback when arguments aren't integral.
template<typename U , typename V > |
constexpr bool | divideSignedWouldOverflow (U Numerator, V Denominator) |
template<typename U , typename V , typename T = common_sint<U, V>> |
constexpr T | divideCeilSigned (U Numerator, V Denominator) |
| Returns the integer ceil(Numerator / Denominator).
template<typename U , typename V , typename T = common_sint<U, V>> |
constexpr T | divideFloorSigned (U Numerator, V Denominator) |
| Returns the integer floor(Numerator / Denominator).
template<typename U , typename V , typename T = common_sint<U, V>> |
constexpr T | mod (U Numerator, V Denominator) |
| Returns the remainder of the Euclidean division of LHS by RHS.
template<typename U , typename V , typename T = common_uint<U, V>> |
constexpr T | divideNearest (U Numerator, V Denominator) |
| Returns (Numerator / Denominator) rounded by round-half-up.
template<typename U , typename V , typename T = common_uint<U, V>> |
constexpr T | alignTo (U Value, V Align) |
| Returns the next integer (mod 2**nbits) that is greater than or equal to Value and is a multiple of Align .
constexpr uint64_t | alignTo (uint64_t Value, uint64_t Align) |
| Fallback when arguments aren't integral.
constexpr uint64_t | alignToPowerOf2 (uint64_t Value, uint64_t Align) |
template<typename U , typename V , typename W , typename T = common_uint<common_uint<U, V>, W>> |
constexpr T | alignTo (U Value, V Align, W Skew) |
| If non-zero Skew is specified, the return value will be a minimal integer that is greater than or equal to Size and equal to A * N + Skew for some integer N.
template<auto Align, typename V , typename T = common_uint<decltype(Align), V>> |
constexpr T | alignTo (V Value) |
| Returns the next integer (mod 2**nbits) that is greater than or equal to Value and is a multiple of Align .
template<typename U , typename V , typename W = uint8_t, typename T = common_uint<common_uint<U, V>, W>> |
constexpr T | alignDown (U Value, V Align, W Skew=0) |
| Returns the largest unsigned integer less than or equal to Value and is Skew mod Align .
template<unsigned B> |
constexpr int32_t | SignExtend32 (uint32_t X) |
| Sign-extend the number in the bottom B bits of X to a 32-bit integer.
int32_t | SignExtend32 (uint32_t X, unsigned B) |
| Sign-extend the number in the bottom B bits of X to a 32-bit integer.
template<unsigned B> |
constexpr int64_t | SignExtend64 (uint64_t x) |
| Sign-extend the number in the bottom B bits of X to a 64-bit integer.
int64_t | SignExtend64 (uint64_t X, unsigned B) |
| Sign-extend the number in the bottom B bits of X to a 64-bit integer.
template<typename U , typename V , typename T = common_uint<U, V>> |
constexpr T | AbsoluteDifference (U X, V Y) |
| Subtract two unsigned integers, X and Y, of type T and return the absolute value of the result.
template<typename T > |
std::enable_if_t< std::is_unsigned_v< T >, T > | SaturatingAdd (T X, T Y, bool *ResultOverflowed=nullptr) |
| Add two unsigned integers, X and Y, of type T.
template<class T , class... Ts> |
std::enable_if_t< std::is_unsigned_v< T >, T > | SaturatingAdd (T X, T Y, T Z, Ts... Args) |
| Add multiple unsigned integers of type T.
template<typename T > |
std::enable_if_t< std::is_unsigned_v< T >, T > | SaturatingMultiply (T X, T Y, bool *ResultOverflowed=nullptr) |
| Multiply two unsigned integers, X and Y, of type T.
template<typename T > |
std::enable_if_t< std::is_unsigned_v< T >, T > | SaturatingMultiplyAdd (T X, T Y, T A, bool *ResultOverflowed=nullptr) |
| Multiply two unsigned integers, X and Y, and add the unsigned integer, A to the product.
template<typename T > |
std::enable_if_t< std::is_signed_v< T >, T > | AddOverflow (T X, T Y, T &Result) |
| Add two signed integers, computing the two's complement truncated result, returning true if overflow occurred.
template<typename T > |
std::enable_if_t< std::is_signed_v< T >, T > | SubOverflow (T X, T Y, T &Result) |
| Subtract two signed integers, computing the two's complement truncated result, returning true if an overflow ocurred.
template<typename T > |
std::enable_if_t< std::is_signed_v< T >, T > | MulOverflow (T X, T Y, T &Result) |
| Multiply two signed integers, computing the two's complement truncated result, returning true if an overflow ocurred.
template<typename T > |
constexpr int | sgn (T val) |
template<typename T > |
constexpr T | Lerp (const T &startValue, const T &endValue, double t) |
| Linearly interpolates between two values.
template<typename T , size_t N> |
constexpr std::span< T > | drop_front (std::span< T, N > in, typename std::span< T >::size_type n=1) |
| Drop the first N elements of the array.
template<typename T , size_t N> |
constexpr std::span< T > | drop_back (std::span< T, N > in, typename std::span< T >::size_type n=1) |
| Drop the last N elements of the array.
template<typename T , size_t N> |
constexpr std::span< T > | take_front (std::span< T, N > in, typename std::span< T >::size_type n=1) |
| Returns a span equal to in but with only the first n elements remaining.
template<typename T , size_t N> |
constexpr std::span< T > | take_back (std::span< T, N > in, typename std::span< T >::size_type n=1) |
| Returns a span equal to in but with only the last n elements remaining.
unsigned long | http_parser_version (void) |
void | http_parser_init (http_parser *parser, enum http_parser_type type) |
void | http_parser_settings_init (http_parser_settings *settings) |
size_t | http_parser_execute (http_parser *parser, const http_parser_settings *settings, const char *data, size_t len) |
int | http_should_keep_alive (const http_parser *parser) |
const char * | http_method_str (enum http_method m) |
const char * | http_status_str (enum http_status s) |
const char * | http_errno_name (enum http_errno err) |
const char * | http_errno_description (enum http_errno err) |
void | http_parser_url_init (struct http_parser_url *u) |
int | http_parser_parse_url (const char *buf, size_t buflen, int is_connect, struct http_parser_url *u) |
void | http_parser_pause (http_parser *parser, int paused) |
int | http_body_is_final (const http_parser *parser) |
template<typename To , typename From , typename = std::enable_if_t<sizeof(To) == sizeof(From)>, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_trivially_constructible<To>::value>, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_trivially_copyable<To>::value>, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_trivially_copyable<From>::value>> |
To | bit_cast (const From &from) noexcept |
template<typename T , typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<T>>> |
constexpr T | byteswap (T V) noexcept |
| Reverses the bytes in the given integer value V.
void | vprint (wpi::raw_ostream &os, fmt::string_view format_str, fmt::format_args args) |
template<typename S , typename... Args> |
void | print (wpi::raw_ostream &os, const S &format_str, Args &&... args) |
| Prints formatted data to the stream os.
template<typename T , std::convertible_to< T >... Ts> |
| array (T, Ts...) -> array< T, 1+sizeof...(Ts)> |
template<typename DerivedT , typename KeyT , typename ValueT , typename KeyInfoT , typename BucketT > |
bool | operator== (const DenseMapBase< DerivedT, KeyT, ValueT, KeyInfoT, BucketT > &LHS, const DenseMapBase< DerivedT, KeyT, ValueT, KeyInfoT, BucketT > &RHS) |
| Equality comparison for DenseMap.
template<typename DerivedT , typename KeyT , typename ValueT , typename KeyInfoT , typename BucketT > |
bool | operator!= (const DenseMapBase< DerivedT, KeyT, ValueT, KeyInfoT, BucketT > &LHS, const DenseMapBase< DerivedT, KeyT, ValueT, KeyInfoT, BucketT > &RHS) |
| Inequality comparison for DenseMap.
template<typename KeyT , typename ValueT , typename KeyInfoT > |
size_t | capacity_in_bytes (const DenseMap< KeyT, ValueT, KeyInfoT > &X) |
template<typename Char , size_t M> |
| ct_string (Char const (&s)[M]) -> ct_string< Char, std::char_traits< Char >, M - 1 > |
template<ct_string S> |
constexpr auto | operator""_ct_string () |
template<typename Char , typename Traits , size_t N1, size_t N2> |
constexpr auto | operator+ (ct_string< Char, Traits, N1 > const &s1, ct_string< Char, Traits, N2 > const &s2) noexcept |
template<typename Char , typename Traits , size_t N1, size_t... N> |
constexpr auto | Concat (ct_string< Char, Traits, N1 > const &s1, ct_string< Char, Traits, N > const &... s) |
| Concatenates multiple fixed_strings into a larger fixed_string at compile time.
template<intmax_t N, int Base = 10, typename Char = char, typename Traits = std::char_traits<Char>>
requires (Base >= 2 && Base <= 36) |
constexpr auto | NumToCtString () |
| Converts any integral to a ct_string at compile-time.
template<typename RangeT , typename WrappedIteratorT = decltype(std::begin(std::declval<RangeT>()))> |
iterator_range< pointee_iterator< WrappedIteratorT > > | make_pointee_range (RangeT &&Range) |
template<typename RangeT , typename WrappedIteratorT = decltype(std::begin(std::declval<RangeT>()))> |
iterator_range< pointer_iterator< WrappedIteratorT > > | make_pointer_range (RangeT &&Range) |
std::error_code | mapLastWindowsError () |
std::error_code | mapWindowsError (unsigned EV) |
size_t | Base64Decode (raw_ostream &os, std::string_view encoded) |
size_t | Base64Decode (std::string_view encoded, std::string *plain) |
std::string_view | Base64Decode (std::string_view encoded, size_t *num_read, SmallVectorImpl< char > &buf) |
size_t | Base64Decode (std::string_view encoded, std::vector< uint8_t > *plain) |
std::span< uint8_t > | Base64Decode (std::string_view encoded, size_t *num_read, SmallVectorImpl< uint8_t > &buf) |
void | Base64Encode (raw_ostream &os, std::string_view plain) |
void | Base64Encode (std::string_view plain, std::string *encoded) |
std::string_view | Base64Encode (std::string_view plain, SmallVectorImpl< char > &buf) |
void | Base64Encode (raw_ostream &os, std::span< const uint8_t > plain) |
void | Base64Encode (std::span< const uint8_t > plain, std::string *encoded) |
std::string_view | Base64Encode (std::span< const uint8_t > plain, SmallVectorImpl< char > &buf) |
void | install_fatal_error_handler (fatal_error_handler_t handler, void *user_data=nullptr) |
| install_fatal_error_handler - Installs a new error handler to be used whenever a serious (non-recoverable) error is encountered by LLVM.
void | remove_fatal_error_handler () |
| Restores default error handling behaviour.
void | report_fatal_error (const char *reason, bool gen_crash_diag=true) |
| Reports a serious error, calling any installed error handler.
void | report_fatal_error (const std::string &reason, bool gen_crash_diag=true) |
void | report_fatal_error (std::string_view reason, bool gen_crash_diag=true) |
void | install_bad_alloc_error_handler (fatal_error_handler_t handler, void *user_data=nullptr) |
| Installs a new bad alloc error handler that should be used whenever a bad alloc error, e.g.
void | remove_bad_alloc_error_handler () |
| Restores default bad alloc error handling behavior.
void | install_out_of_memory_new_handler () |
void | report_bad_alloc_error (const char *Reason, bool GenCrashDiag=true) |
| Reports a bad alloc error, calling any user defined bad alloc error handler.
void | wpi_unreachable_internal (const char *msg=nullptr, const char *file=nullptr, unsigned line=0) |
| This function calls abort(), and prints the optional message to stderr.
template<typename T , typename... I>
requires StructSerializable<T, I...> |
T | UnpackStruct (std::span< const uint8_t > data, const I &... info) |
| Unpack a serialized struct.
template<typename T , size_t Offset, typename... I>
requires StructSerializable<T, I...> |
T | UnpackStruct (std::span< const uint8_t > data, const I &... info) |
| Unpack a serialized struct starting at a given offset within the data.
template<StructSerializable T, size_t Offset, size_t N> |
wpi::array< T, N > | UnpackStructArray (std::span< const uint8_t > data) |
| Unpack a serialized struct array starting at a given offset within the data.
template<typename T , typename... I>
requires StructSerializable<T, I...> |
void | PackStruct (std::span< uint8_t > data, T &&value, const I &... info) |
| Pack a serialized struct.
template<size_t Offset, typename T , typename... I>
requires StructSerializable<T, I...> |
void | PackStruct (std::span< uint8_t > data, T &&value, const I &... info) |
| Pack a serialized struct starting at a given offset within the data.
template<size_t Offset, size_t N, StructSerializable T> |
void | PackStructArray (std::span< uint8_t > data, const wpi::array< T, N > &arr) |
| Pack a serialized struct array starting at a given offset within the data.
template<typename T , typename... I>
requires StructSerializable<T, I...> |
void | UnpackStructInto (T *out, std::span< const uint8_t > data, const I &... info) |
| Unpack a serialized struct into an existing object, overwriting its contents.
template<size_t Offset, typename T , typename... I>
requires StructSerializable<T, I...> |
void | UnpackStructInto (T *out, std::span< const uint8_t > data, const I &... info) |
| Unpack a serialized struct into an existing object, overwriting its contents, and starting at a given offset within the data.
template<typename T , typename... I>
requires StructSerializable<T, I...> |
constexpr auto | GetStructTypeName (const I &... info) |
| Get the type name for a raw struct serializable type.
template<typename T , typename... I>
requires StructSerializable<T, I...> |
constexpr auto | GetStructTypeString (const I &... info) |
| Get the type string for a raw struct serializable type.
template<typename T , typename... I>
requires StructSerializable<T, I...> |
constexpr size_t | GetStructSize (const I &... info) |
| Get the size for a raw struct serializable type.
template<typename T , size_t N, typename... I>
requires StructSerializable<T, I...> |
constexpr auto | MakeStructArrayTypeName (const I &... info) |
template<typename T , size_t N, typename... I>
requires StructSerializable<T, I...> |
constexpr auto | MakeStructArrayTypeString (const I &... info) |
template<typename T , size_t N, typename... I>
requires StructSerializable<T, I...> |
constexpr auto | MakeStructArraySchema (const I &... info) |
template<typename T , typename... I>
requires StructSerializable<T, I...> |
constexpr std::string_view | GetStructSchema (const I &... info) |
template<typename T , typename... I>
requires StructSerializable<T, I...> |
constexpr std::span< const uint8_t > | GetStructSchemaBytes (const I &... info) |
template<typename T , typename... I>
requires StructSerializable<T, I...> |
void | ForEachStructSchema (std::invocable< std::string_view, std::string_view > auto fn, const I &... info) |
std::error_code | make_error_code (errc E) |
raw_ostream & | operator<< (raw_ostream &OS, sys::TimePoint<> TP) |
raw_ostream & | operator<< (raw_ostream &OS, sys::UtcTime<> TP) |
template<typename... T> |
void | print (fmt::format_string< T... > fmt, T &&... args) |
| Wrapper around fmt::print() that squelches write failure exceptions.
template<typename... T> |
void | print (std::FILE *f, fmt::format_string< T... > fmt, T &&... args) |
| Wrapper around fmt::print() that squelches write failure exceptions.
template<typename... T> |
void | println (fmt::format_string< T... > fmt, T &&... args) |
| Wrapper around fmt::println() that squelches write failure exceptions.
template<typename... T> |
void | println (std::FILE *f, fmt::format_string< T... > fmt, T &&... args) |
| Wrapper around fmt::println() that squelches write failure exceptions.
template<typename PtrType > |
bool | operator== (const SmallPtrSetImpl< PtrType > &LHS, const SmallPtrSetImpl< PtrType > &RHS) |
| Equality comparison for SmallPtrSet.
template<typename PtrType > |
bool | operator!= (const SmallPtrSetImpl< PtrType > &LHS, const SmallPtrSetImpl< PtrType > &RHS) |
| Inequality comparison for SmallPtrSet.
uint64_t | NowDefault () |
| The default implementation used for Now().
void | SetNowImpl (uint64_t(*func)()) |
| Set the implementation used by Now().
uint64_t | Now () |
| Return a value representing the current time in microseconds.
uint64_t | GetSystemTime () |
| Return the current system time in microseconds since the Unix epoch (January 1st, 1970 00:00 UTC).
template<typename RangeT > |
constexpr auto | adl_begin (RangeT &&range) -> decltype(adl_detail::begin_impl(std::forward< RangeT >(range))) |
| Returns the begin iterator to range using std::begin and function found through Argument-Dependent Lookup (ADL).
template<typename RangeT > |
constexpr auto | adl_end (RangeT &&range) -> decltype(adl_detail::end_impl(std::forward< RangeT >(range))) |
| Returns the end iterator to range using std::end and functions found through Argument-Dependent Lookup (ADL).
template<typename RangeT > |
constexpr auto | adl_rbegin (RangeT &&range) -> decltype(adl_detail::rbegin_impl(std::forward< RangeT >(range))) |
| Returns the reverse-begin iterator to range using std::rbegin and function found through Argument-Dependent Lookup (ADL).
template<typename RangeT > |
constexpr auto | adl_rend (RangeT &&range) -> decltype(adl_detail::rend_impl(std::forward< RangeT >(range))) |
| Returns the reverse-end iterator to range using std::rend and functions found through Argument-Dependent Lookup (ADL).
template<typename T > |
constexpr void | adl_swap (T &&lhs, T &&rhs) noexcept(noexcept(adl_detail::swap_impl(std::declval< T >(), std::declval< T >()))) |
| Swaps lhs with rhs using std::swap and functions found through Argument-Dependent Lookup (ADL).
template<typename RangeT > |
constexpr auto | adl_size (RangeT &&range) -> decltype(adl_detail::size_impl(std::forward< RangeT >(range))) |
| Returns the size of range using std::size and functions found through Argument-Dependent Lookup (ADL).
template<class Lambda , int = (Lambda{}(), 0)> |
constexpr bool | is_constexpr (Lambda) |
constexpr bool | is_constexpr (...) |
constexpr std::string_view | to_string_view (const struct WPI_String *str) |
| Converts a WPI_String to a string_view.
constexpr WPI_String | make_string (std::string_view view) |
| Converts a string_view to a WPI_String.
std::string | GetHostname () |
std::string_view | GetHostname (SmallVectorImpl< char > &name) |
template<class E > |
constexpr bool | operator== (const unexpected< E > &lhs, const unexpected< E > &rhs) |
template<class E > |
constexpr bool | operator!= (const unexpected< E > &lhs, const unexpected< E > &rhs) |
template<class E > |
constexpr bool | operator< (const unexpected< E > &lhs, const unexpected< E > &rhs) |
template<class E > |
constexpr bool | operator<= (const unexpected< E > &lhs, const unexpected< E > &rhs) |
template<class E > |
constexpr bool | operator> (const unexpected< E > &lhs, const unexpected< E > &rhs) |
template<class E > |
constexpr bool | operator>= (const unexpected< E > &lhs, const unexpected< E > &rhs) |
template<class E > |
unexpected< typename std::decay< E >::type > | make_unexpected (E &&e) |
template<class T , class E , class U , class F > |
constexpr bool | operator== (const expected< T, E > &lhs, const expected< U, F > &rhs) |
template<class T , class E , class U , class F > |
constexpr bool | operator!= (const expected< T, E > &lhs, const expected< U, F > &rhs) |
template<class E , class F > |
constexpr bool | operator== (const expected< void, E > &lhs, const expected< void, F > &rhs) |
template<class E , class F > |
constexpr bool | operator!= (const expected< void, E > &lhs, const expected< void, F > &rhs) |
template<class T , class E , class U > |
constexpr bool | operator== (const expected< T, E > &x, const U &v) |
template<class T , class E , class U > |
constexpr bool | operator== (const U &v, const expected< T, E > &x) |
template<class T , class E , class U > |
constexpr bool | operator!= (const expected< T, E > &x, const U &v) |
template<class T , class E , class U > |
constexpr bool | operator!= (const U &v, const expected< T, E > &x) |
template<class T , class E > |
constexpr bool | operator== (const expected< T, E > &x, const unexpected< E > &e) |
template<class T , class E > |
constexpr bool | operator== (const unexpected< E > &e, const expected< T, E > &x) |
template<class T , class E > |
constexpr bool | operator!= (const expected< T, E > &x, const unexpected< E > &e) |
template<class T , class E > |
constexpr bool | operator!= (const unexpected< E > &e, const expected< T, E > &x) |
template<class T , class E , detail_expected::enable_if_t<(std::is_void< T >::value||std::is_move_constructible< T >::value) &&detail_expected::is_swappable< T >::value &&std::is_move_constructible< E >::value &&detail_expected::is_swappable< E >::value > * = nullptr> |
void | swap (expected< T, E > &lhs, expected< T, E > &rhs) noexcept(noexcept(lhs.swap(rhs))) |
std::string_view | UnescapeURI (std::string_view str, SmallVectorImpl< char > &buf, bool *error) |
std::string_view | EscapeURI (std::string_view str, SmallVectorImpl< char > &buf, bool spacePlus=true) |
std::string_view | EscapeHTML (std::string_view str, SmallVectorImpl< char > &buf) |
bool | ParseHttpHeaders (raw_istream &is, SmallVectorImpl< char > *contentType, SmallVectorImpl< char > *contentLength) |
bool | FindMultipartBoundary (wpi::raw_istream &is, std::string_view boundary, std::string *saveBuf) |
ConversionResult | ConvertUTF8toUTF16 (const UTF8 **sourceStart, const UTF8 *sourceEnd, UTF16 **targetStart, UTF16 *targetEnd, ConversionFlags flags) |
ConversionResult | ConvertUTF8toUTF32Partial (const UTF8 **sourceStart, const UTF8 *sourceEnd, UTF32 **targetStart, UTF32 *targetEnd, ConversionFlags flags) |
| Convert a partial UTF8 sequence to UTF32.
ConversionResult | ConvertUTF8toUTF32 (const UTF8 **sourceStart, const UTF8 *sourceEnd, UTF32 **targetStart, UTF32 *targetEnd, ConversionFlags flags) |
| Convert a partial UTF8 sequence to UTF32.
ConversionResult | ConvertUTF16toUTF8 (const UTF16 **sourceStart, const UTF16 *sourceEnd, UTF8 **targetStart, UTF8 *targetEnd, ConversionFlags flags) |
ConversionResult | ConvertUTF32toUTF8 (const UTF32 **sourceStart, const UTF32 *sourceEnd, UTF8 **targetStart, UTF8 *targetEnd, ConversionFlags flags) |
ConversionResult | ConvertUTF16toUTF32 (const UTF16 **sourceStart, const UTF16 *sourceEnd, UTF32 **targetStart, UTF32 *targetEnd, ConversionFlags flags) |
ConversionResult | ConvertUTF32toUTF16 (const UTF32 **sourceStart, const UTF32 *sourceEnd, UTF16 **targetStart, UTF16 *targetEnd, ConversionFlags flags) |
Boolean | isLegalUTF8Sequence (const UTF8 *source, const UTF8 *sourceEnd) |
Boolean | isLegalUTF8String (const UTF8 **source, const UTF8 *sourceEnd) |
unsigned | getUTF8SequenceSize (const UTF8 *source, const UTF8 *sourceEnd) |
unsigned | getNumBytesForUTF8 (UTF8 firstByte) |
bool | ConvertUTF8toWide (unsigned WideCharWidth, std::string_view Source, char *&ResultPtr, const UTF8 *&ErrorPtr) |
| Convert an UTF8 string_view to UTF8, UTF16, or UTF32 depending on WideCharWidth.
bool | ConvertUTF8toWide (std::string_view Source, std::wstring &Result) |
| Converts a UTF-8 string_view to a std::wstring.
bool | ConvertUTF8toWide (const char *Source, std::wstring &Result) |
| Converts a UTF-8 C-string to a std::wstring.
bool | convertWideToUTF8 (const std::wstring &Source, SmallVectorImpl< char > &Result) |
| Converts a std::wstring to a UTF-8 encoded std::string.
bool | ConvertCodePointToUTF8 (unsigned Source, char *&ResultPtr) |
| Convert an Unicode code point to UTF8 sequence.
ConversionResult | convertUTF8Sequence (const UTF8 **source, const UTF8 *sourceEnd, UTF32 *target, ConversionFlags flags) |
| Convert the first UTF8 sequence in the given source buffer to a UTF32 code point.
bool | hasUTF16ByteOrderMark (std::span< const char > SrcBytes) |
| Returns true if a blob of text starts with a UTF-16 big or little endian byte order mark.
bool | convertUTF16ToUTF8String (std::span< const char > SrcBytes, SmallVectorImpl< char > &Out) |
| Converts a stream of raw bytes assumed to be UTF16 into a UTF8 std::string.
bool | convertUTF16ToUTF8String (std::span< const UTF16 > Src, SmallVectorImpl< char > &Out) |
| Converts a UTF16 string into a UTF8 std::string.
bool | convertUTF32ToUTF8String (std::span< const char > SrcBytes, std::string &Out) |
| Converts a stream of raw bytes assumed to be UTF32 into a UTF8 std::string.
bool | convertUTF32ToUTF8String (std::span< const UTF32 > Src, std::string &Out) |
| Converts a UTF32 string into a UTF8 std::string.
bool | convertUTF8ToUTF16String (std::string_view SrcUTF8, SmallVectorImpl< UTF16 > &DstUTF16) |
| Converts a UTF-8 string into a UTF-16 string with native endianness.
constexpr char | hexdigit (unsigned X, bool LowerCase=false) noexcept |
| hexdigit - Return the hexadecimal character for the given number X (which should be less than 16).
constexpr unsigned | hexDigitValue (char C) noexcept |
| Interpret the given character C as a hexadecimal digit and return its value.
constexpr bool | isDigit (char C) noexcept |
| Checks if character C is one of the 10 decimal digits.
constexpr bool | isHexDigit (char C) noexcept |
| Checks if character C is a hexadecimal numeric character.
constexpr bool | isAlpha (char C) noexcept |
| Checks if character C is a valid letter as classified by "C" locale.
constexpr bool | isAlnum (char C) noexcept |
| Checks whether character C is either a decimal digit or an uppercase or lowercase letter as classified by "C" locale.
constexpr bool | isASCII (char C) noexcept |
| Checks whether character C is valid ASCII (high bit is zero).
constexpr bool | isPrint (char C) noexcept |
| Checks whether character C is printable.
constexpr char | toLower (char x) noexcept |
| Returns the corresponding lowercase character if x is uppercase.
constexpr char | toUpper (char x) noexcept |
| Returns the corresponding uppercase character if x is lowercase.
std::string | utohexstr (unsigned long long val, bool lowerCase=false) |
constexpr bool | equals (std::string_view lhs, std::string_view rhs) noexcept |
| equals - Check for string equality, this is more efficient than compare() when the relative ordering of inequal strings isn't needed.
int | compare_lower (std::string_view lhs, std::string_view rhs) noexcept |
| compare_lower - Compare two strings, ignoring case.
constexpr bool | equals_lower (std::string_view lhs, std::string_view rhs) noexcept |
| equals_lower - Check for string equality, ignoring case.
std::string_view::size_type | find_lower (std::string_view str, char ch, std::string_view::size_type from=0) noexcept |
| Search for the first character ch in str , ignoring case.
std::string_view::size_type | find_lower (std::string_view str, std::string_view other, std::string_view::size_type from=0) noexcept |
| Search for the first string other in str , ignoring case.
std::string_view::size_type | find_lower (std::string_view str, const char *other, std::string_view::size_type from=0) noexcept |
| Search for the first string other in str , ignoring case.
std::string_view::size_type | rfind_lower (std::string_view str, char ch, std::string_view::size_type from=std::string_view::npos) noexcept |
| Search for the last character ch in str , ignoring case.
std::string_view::size_type | rfind_lower (std::string_view str, std::string_view other) noexcept |
| Search for the last string other in str , ignoring case.
std::string_view::size_type | rfind_lower (std::string_view str, const char *other) noexcept |
| Search for the last string other in str , ignoring case.
constexpr std::string_view | substr (std::string_view str, std::string_view::size_type start, std::string_view::size_type n=std::string_view::npos) noexcept |
| Returns the substring of str from [start, start + n).
constexpr bool | starts_with (std::string_view str, std::string_view prefix) noexcept |
| Checks if str starts with the given prefix .
constexpr bool | starts_with (std::string_view str, char prefix) noexcept |
| Checks if str starts with the given prefix .
constexpr bool | starts_with (std::string_view str, const char *prefix) noexcept |
| Checks if str starts with the given prefix .
bool | starts_with_lower (std::string_view str, std::string_view prefix) noexcept |
| Checks if str starts with the given prefix , ignoring case.
constexpr bool | starts_with_lower (std::string_view str, char prefix) noexcept |
| Checks if str starts with the given prefix , ignoring case.
bool | starts_with_lower (std::string_view str, const char *prefix) noexcept |
| Checks if str starts with the given prefix , ignoring case.
constexpr bool | ends_with (std::string_view str, std::string_view suffix) noexcept |
| Checks if str ends with the given suffix .
constexpr bool | ends_with (std::string_view str, char suffix) noexcept |
| Checks if str ends with the given suffix .
constexpr bool | ends_with (std::string_view str, const char *suffix) noexcept |
| Checks if str ends with the given suffix .
bool | ends_with_lower (std::string_view str, std::string_view suffix) noexcept |
| Checks if str ends with the given suffix , ignoring case.
constexpr bool | ends_with_lower (std::string_view str, char suffix) noexcept |
| Checks if str ends with the given suffix , ignoring case.
bool | ends_with_lower (std::string_view str, const char *suffix) noexcept |
| Checks if str ends with the given suffix , ignoring case.
constexpr bool | contains (std::string_view str, std::string_view other) noexcept |
| Checks if str contains the substring other .
constexpr bool | contains (std::string_view str, char ch) noexcept |
| Checks if str contains the substring other .
constexpr bool | contains (std::string_view str, const char *other) noexcept |
| Checks if str contains the substring other .
bool | contains_lower (std::string_view str, std::string_view other) noexcept |
| Checks if str contains the substring other , ignoring case.
bool | contains_lower (std::string_view str, char ch) noexcept |
| Checks if str contains the substring other , ignoring case.
bool | contains_lower (std::string_view str, const char *other) noexcept |
| Checks if str contains the substring other , ignoring case.
constexpr std::optional< std::string_view > | remove_prefix (std::string_view str, std::string_view prefix) noexcept |
| Return an optional containing str but with prefix removed if the string starts with the prefix.
constexpr std::optional< std::string_view > | remove_suffix (std::string_view str, std::string_view suffix) noexcept |
| Return an optional containing str but with suffix removed if the string ends with the suffix.
constexpr std::string_view | drop_front (std::string_view str, std::string_view::size_type n=1) noexcept |
| Return a string_view equal to str but with the first n elements dropped.
constexpr std::string_view | drop_back (std::string_view str, std::string_view::size_type n=1) noexcept |
| Return a string_view equal to str but with the last n elements dropped.
constexpr std::string_view | take_front (std::string_view str, std::string_view::size_type n=1) noexcept |
| Returns a view equal to str but with only the first n elements remaining.
constexpr std::string_view | take_back (std::string_view str, std::string_view::size_type n=1) noexcept |
| Returns a view equal to str but with only the last n elements remaining.
constexpr std::string_view | slice (std::string_view str, std::string_view::size_type start, std::string_view::size_type end) noexcept |
| Returns a reference to the substring of str from [start, end).
constexpr std::pair< std::string_view, std::string_view > | split (std::string_view str, char separator) noexcept |
| Splits str into two substrings around the first occurrence of a separator character.
constexpr std::pair< std::string_view, std::string_view > | split (std::string_view str, std::string_view separator) noexcept |
| Splits str into two substrings around the first occurrence of a separator string.
constexpr std::pair< std::string_view, std::string_view > | rsplit (std::string_view str, char separator) noexcept |
| Splits str into two substrings around the last occurrence of a separator character.
constexpr std::pair< std::string_view, std::string_view > | rsplit (std::string_view str, std::string_view separator) noexcept |
| Splits str into two substrings around the last occurrence of a separator string.
void | split (std::string_view str, SmallVectorImpl< std::string_view > &arr, std::string_view separator, int maxSplit=-1, bool keepEmpty=true) noexcept |
| Splits str into substrings around the occurrences of a separator string.
void | split (std::string_view str, SmallVectorImpl< std::string_view > &arr, char separator, int maxSplit=-1, bool keepEmpty=true) noexcept |
| Splits str into substrings around the occurrences of a separator character.
constexpr std::string_view | ltrim (std::string_view str, char ch) noexcept |
| Returns str with consecutive ch characters starting from the the left removed.
constexpr std::string_view | ltrim (std::string_view str, std::string_view chars=" \t\n\v\f\r") noexcept |
| Returns str with consecutive characters in chars starting from the left removed.
constexpr std::string_view | rtrim (std::string_view str, char ch) noexcept |
| Returns str with consecutive Char characters starting from the right removed.
constexpr std::string_view | rtrim (std::string_view str, std::string_view chars=" \t\n\v\f\r") noexcept |
| Returns str with consecutive characters in chars starting from the right removed.
constexpr std::string_view | trim (std::string_view str, char ch) noexcept |
| Returns str with consecutive ch characters starting from the left and right removed.
constexpr std::string_view | trim (std::string_view str, std::string_view chars=" \t\n\v\f\r") noexcept |
| Returns str with consecutive characters in chars starting from the left and right removed.
template<typename T , std::enable_if_t< std::numeric_limits< T >::is_signed, bool > = true> |
std::optional< T > | parse_integer (std::string_view str, unsigned radix) noexcept |
| Parses the string str as an integer of the specified radix.
template<typename T , std::enable_if_t< std::numeric_limits< T >::is_signed, bool > = true> |
std::optional< T > | consume_integer (std::string_view *str, unsigned radix) noexcept |
| Parses the string str as an integer of the specified radix.
template<typename T > |
std::optional< T > | parse_float (std::string_view str) noexcept |
| Parses the string str as a floating point value.
template<> |
std::optional< float > | parse_float< float > (std::string_view str) noexcept |
template<> |
std::optional< double > | parse_float< double > (std::string_view str) noexcept |
template<> |
std::optional< long double > | parse_float< long double > (std::string_view str) noexcept |
std::pair< std::string_view, std::string_view > | UnescapeCString (std::string_view str, SmallVectorImpl< char > &buf) |
| Unescapes a C-style string (reverse operation to raw_ostream::write_escaped).
template<class OutputIt , class... Args> |
void | format_to_n_c_str (OutputIt out, std::iter_difference_t< OutputIt > n, fmt::format_string< Args... > fmt, Args &&... args) |
| Like std::format_to_n() in that it writes at most n bytes to the output buffer, but also includes a terminating null byte in n.
template<typename OStream , typename T > |
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_reference_v< OStream > &&std::is_base_of_v< raw_ostream, OStream >, OStream && > | operator<< (OStream &&OS, const T &Value) |
| Call the appropriate insertion operator, given an rvalue reference to a raw_ostream object and return a stream of the same type as the argument.
raw_fd_ostream & | outs () |
| This returns a reference to a raw_fd_ostream for standard output.
raw_fd_ostream & | errs () |
| This returns a reference to a raw_ostream for standard error.
raw_ostream & | nulls () |
| This returns a reference to a raw_ostream which simply discards output.
std::string | GetStackTrace (int offset) |
| Get a stack trace, ignoring the first "offset" symbols.
std::string | GetStackTraceDefault (int offset) |
| The default implementation used for GetStackTrace().
void | SetGetStackTraceImpl (std::string(*func)(int offset)) |
| Set the implementation used by GetStackTrace().
uint64_t | SizeUleb128 (uint64_t val) |
| Get size of unsigned LEB128 data.
uint64_t | WriteUleb128 (SmallVectorImpl< char > &dest, uint64_t val) |
| Write unsigned LEB128 data.
void | WriteUleb128 (raw_ostream &os, uint64_t val) |
| Write unsigned LEB128 data.
uint64_t | ReadUleb128 (const char *addr, uint64_t *ret) |
| Read unsigned LEB128 data.
bool | ReadUleb128 (raw_istream &is, uint64_t *ret) |
| Read unsigned LEB128 data from a stream.
template<typename T , unsigned N> |
size_t | capacity_in_bytes (const SmallVector< T, N > &X) |
template<unsigned Size, typename R > |
SmallVector< ValueTypeFromRangeType< R >, Size > | to_vector (R &&Range) |
| Given a range of type R, iterate the entire range and return a SmallVector with elements of the vector.
template<typename R > |
SmallVector< ValueTypeFromRangeType< R > > | to_vector (R &&Range) |
template<typename Out , unsigned Size, typename R > |
SmallVector< Out, Size > | to_vector_of (R &&Range) |
template<typename Out , typename R > |
SmallVector< Out > | to_vector_of (R &&Range) |
template<typename T , typename Pred > |
SmallVectorImpl< T >::size_type | erase_if (SmallVectorImpl< T > &c, Pred pred) |
template<typename T > |
std::vector< T >::iterator | insert_sorted (std::vector< T > &vec, T const &item) |
template<typename F , typename... Ts> |
constexpr void | for_each (F &&f, Ts &&... elems) |
| Calls f(i, elem) for each element of elems where i is the index of the element in elems and elem is the element.
template<typename T , typename Function > |
auto | transformOptional (const std::optional< T > &O, const Function &F) -> std::optional< decltype(F(*O))> |
template<typename T , typename Function > |
auto | transformOptional (std::optional< T > &&O, const Function &F) -> std::optional< decltype(F(*std::move(O)))> |
template<typename Enum > |
constexpr std::underlying_type_t< Enum > | to_underlying (Enum E) |
| Returns underlying integer value of an enum.
template<typename T > |
T * | CreateMessage (google::protobuf::Arena *arena) |
template<typename T , unsigned LN, unsigned RN, typename C > |
bool | operator== (const SmallSet< T, LN, C > &LHS, const SmallSet< T, RN, C > &RHS) |
| Equality comparison for SmallSet.
template<typename T , unsigned LN, unsigned RN, typename C > |
bool | operator!= (const SmallSet< T, LN, C > &LHS, const SmallSet< T, RN, C > &RHS) |
| Inequality comparison for SmallSet.
template<typename ... PTs> |
bool | operator== (PointerUnion< PTs... > lhs, PointerUnion< PTs... > rhs) |
template<typename ... PTs> |
bool | operator!= (PointerUnion< PTs... > lhs, PointerUnion< PTs... > rhs) |
template<typename ... PTs> |
bool | operator< (PointerUnion< PTs... > lhs, PointerUnion< PTs... > rhs) |
template<class T = void *> |
bool | shouldReverseIterate () |
template<typename T > |
std::enable_if_t< is_integral_or_enum< T >::value, hash_code > | hash_value (T value) |
| Compute a hash_code for any integer value.
template<typename T > |
hash_code | hash_value (const T *ptr) |
| Compute a hash_code for a pointer's address.
template<typename T , typename U > |
hash_code | hash_value (const std::pair< T, U > &arg) |
| Compute a hash_code for a pair of objects.
template<typename... Ts> |
hash_code | hash_value (const std::tuple< Ts... > &arg) |
| Compute a hash_code for a tuple.
template<typename T > |
hash_code | hash_value (const std::basic_string< T > &arg) |
| Compute a hash_code for a standard string.
template<typename T > |
hash_code | hash_value (const std::optional< T > &arg) |
| Compute a hash_code for a standard string.
template<typename InputIteratorT > |
hash_code | hash_combine_range (InputIteratorT first, InputIteratorT last) |
| Compute a hash_code for a sequence of values.
template<typename ... Ts> |
hash_code | hash_combine (const Ts &...args) |
| Combine values into a single hash_code.
WPI_EventHandle | CreateEvent (bool manualReset=false, bool initialState=false) |
| Creates an event.
void | DestroyEvent (WPI_EventHandle handle) |
| Destroys an event.
void | SetEvent (WPI_EventHandle handle) |
| Sets an event to signaled state.
void | ResetEvent (WPI_EventHandle handle) |
| Sets an event to non-signaled state.
WPI_SemaphoreHandle | CreateSemaphore (int initialCount=0, int maximumCount=INT_MAX) |
| Creates a semaphore.
void | DestroySemaphore (WPI_SemaphoreHandle handle) |
| Destroys a semaphore.
bool | ReleaseSemaphore (WPI_SemaphoreHandle handle, int releaseCount=1, int *prevCount=nullptr) |
| Releases N counts of a semaphore.
bool | WaitForObject (WPI_Handle handle) |
| Waits for an handle to be signaled.
bool | WaitForObject (WPI_Handle handle, double timeout, bool *timedOut) |
| Waits for an handle to be signaled, with timeout.
std::span< WPI_Handle > | WaitForObjects (std::span< const WPI_Handle > handles, std::span< WPI_Handle > signaled) |
| Waits for one or more handles to be signaled.
std::span< WPI_Handle > | WaitForObjects (std::initializer_list< WPI_Handle > handles, std::span< WPI_Handle > signaled) |
| Waits for one or more handles to be signaled.
std::span< WPI_Handle > | WaitForObjects (std::span< const WPI_Handle > handles, std::span< WPI_Handle > signaled, double timeout, bool *timedOut) |
| Waits for one or more handles to be signaled, with timeout.
std::span< WPI_Handle > | WaitForObjects (std::initializer_list< WPI_Handle > handles, std::span< WPI_Handle > signaled, double timeout, bool *timedOut) |
| Waits for one or more handles to be signaled, with timeout.
void | CreateSignalObject (WPI_Handle handle, bool manualReset=false, bool initialState=false) |
| Sets up signaling for an arbitrary handle.
void | SetSignalObject (WPI_Handle handle) |
| Sets a handle to signaled state.
void | ResetSignalObject (WPI_Handle handle) |
| Sets a handle to non-signaled state.
void | DestroySignalObject (WPI_Handle handle) |
| Cleans up signaling for a handle.
template<typename T > |
future< T > | make_ready_future (T &&value) |
| Constructs a valid future with the value set.
future< void > | make_ready_future () |
| Constructs a valid future with the value set.
std::string_view | MimeTypeFromPath (std::string_view path) |
default_arguments | operator& (const default_arguments &a, const default_arguments &b) |
template<typename Type , size_t ArrayExtent> |
| rotated_span (Type(&)[ArrayExtent]) -> rotated_span< Type, ArrayExtent > |
template<typename Type , size_t ArrayExtent> |
| rotated_span (std::array< Type, ArrayExtent > &) -> rotated_span< Type, ArrayExtent > |
template<std::contiguous_iterator It, typename End > |
| rotated_span (It, End) -> rotated_span< std::remove_reference_t< std::iter_reference_t< It > > > |
template<typename Type , size_t Extent> |
rotated_span< const std::byte, Extent==std::dynamic_extent ? std::dynamic_extent :Extent *sizeof(Type)> | as_bytes (rotated_span< Type, Extent > sp) noexcept |
template<typename Type , size_t Extent>
requires (!std::is_const_v<Type>) |
rotated_span< std::byte, Extent==std::dynamic_extent ? std::dynamic_extent :Extent *sizeof(Type)> | as_writable_bytes (rotated_span< Type, Extent > sp) noexcept |
uint64_t | xxHash64 (std::string_view Data) |
uint64_t | xxHash64 (std::span< const uint8_t > Data) |
uint64_t | xxh3_64bits (std::span< const uint8_t > data) |
uint64_t | xxh3_64bits (std::string_view data) |
XXH128_hash_t | xxh3_128bits (std::span< const uint8_t > data) |
| XXH3's 128-bit variant.
bool | is_debugger_present () noexcept |
void | breakpoint () noexcept |
void | breakpoint_if_debugging () noexcept |
template<typename Container > |
| iterator_range (Container &&) -> iterator_range< wpi::detail::IterOfRange< Container > > |
template<class T > |
iterator_range< T > | make_range (T x, T y) |
| Convenience function for iterating over sub-ranges.
template<typename T > |
iterator_range< T > | make_range (std::pair< T, T > p) |