WPILibC++ 2025.3.1
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frc::sim::DCMotorSim Class Reference

Represents a simulated DC motor mechanism. More...

#include <frc/simulation/DCMotorSim.h>

Inheritance diagram for frc::sim::DCMotorSim:
frc::sim::LinearSystemSim< 2, 1, 2 >

Public Member Functions

 DCMotorSim (const LinearSystem< 2, 1, 2 > &plant, const DCMotor &gearbox, const std::array< double, 2 > &measurementStdDevs={0.0, 0.0})
 Creates a simulated DC motor mechanism.
void SetState (units::radian_t angularPosition, units::radians_per_second_t angularVelocity)
 Sets the state of the DC motor.
void SetAngle (units::radian_t angularPosition)
 Sets the DC motor's angular position.
void SetAngularVelocity (units::radians_per_second_t angularVelocity)
 Sets the DC motor's angular velocity.
units::radian_t GetAngularPosition () const
 Returns the DC motor position.
units::radians_per_second_t GetAngularVelocity () const
 Returns the DC motor velocity.
units::radians_per_second_squared_t GetAngularAcceleration () const
 Returns the DC motor acceleration.
units::newton_meter_t GetTorque () const
 Returns the DC motor torque.
units::ampere_t GetCurrentDraw () const
 Returns the DC motor current draw.
units::volt_t GetInputVoltage () const
 Gets the input voltage for the DC motor.
void SetInputVoltage (units::volt_t voltage)
 Sets the input voltage for the DC motor.
const DCMotorGetGearbox () const
 Returns the gearbox.
double GetGearing () const
 Returns the gearing;.
units::kilogram_square_meter_t GetJ () const
 Returns the moment of inertia.
void SetState (const Vectord< States > &state)
 Sets the system state.
- Public Member Functions inherited from frc::sim::LinearSystemSim< 2, 1, 2 >
 LinearSystemSim (const LinearSystem< States, Inputs, Outputs > &system, const std::array< double, Outputs > &measurementStdDevs={})
 Creates a simulated generic linear system.
virtual ~LinearSystemSim ()=default
void Update (units::second_t dt)
 Updates the simulation.
const Vectord< Outputs > & GetOutput () const
 Returns the current output of the plant.
double GetOutput (int row) const
 Returns an element of the current output of the plant.
void SetInput (const Vectord< Inputs > &u)
 Sets the system inputs (usually voltages).
void SetInput (int row, double value)
 Sets the system inputs.
const Vectord< Inputs > & GetInput () const
 Returns the current input of the plant.
double GetInput (int row) const
 Returns an element of the current input of the plant.
void SetState (const Vectord< States > &state)
 Sets the system state.

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from frc::sim::LinearSystemSim< 2, 1, 2 >
virtual Vectord< States > UpdateX (const Vectord< States > &currentXhat, const Vectord< Inputs > &u, units::second_t dt)
 Updates the state estimate of the system.
void ClampInput (double maxInput)
 Clamp the input vector such that no element exceeds the given voltage.
- Protected Attributes inherited from frc::sim::LinearSystemSim< 2, 1, 2 >
LinearSystem< States, Inputs, Outputs > m_plant
 The plant that represents the linear system.
Vectord< States > m_x
 State vector.
Vectord< Inputs > m_u
 Input vector.
Vectord< Outputs > m_y
 Output vector.
std::array< double, Outputs > m_measurementStdDevs
 The standard deviations of measurements, used for adding noise to the measurements.

Detailed Description

Represents a simulated DC motor mechanism.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ DCMotorSim()

frc::sim::DCMotorSim::DCMotorSim ( const LinearSystem< 2, 1, 2 > & plant,
const DCMotor & gearbox,
const std::array< double, 2 > & measurementStdDevs = {0.0, 0.0} )

Creates a simulated DC motor mechanism.

plantThe linear system representing the DC motor. This system can be created with LinearSystemId::DCMotorSystem(). If LinearSystemId::DCMotorSystem(kV, kA) is used, the distance unit must be radians.
gearboxThe type of and number of motors in the DC motor gearbox.
measurementStdDevsThe standard deviation of the measurement noise.

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetAngularAcceleration()

units::radians_per_second_squared_t frc::sim::DCMotorSim::GetAngularAcceleration ( ) const

Returns the DC motor acceleration.

The DC motor acceleration

◆ GetAngularPosition()

units::radian_t frc::sim::DCMotorSim::GetAngularPosition ( ) const

Returns the DC motor position.

The DC motor position.

◆ GetAngularVelocity()

units::radians_per_second_t frc::sim::DCMotorSim::GetAngularVelocity ( ) const

Returns the DC motor velocity.

The DC motor velocity.

◆ GetCurrentDraw()

units::ampere_t frc::sim::DCMotorSim::GetCurrentDraw ( ) const

Returns the DC motor current draw.

The DC motor current draw.

◆ GetGearbox()

const DCMotor & frc::sim::DCMotorSim::GetGearbox ( ) const

Returns the gearbox.

◆ GetGearing()

double frc::sim::DCMotorSim::GetGearing ( ) const

Returns the gearing;.

◆ GetInputVoltage()

units::volt_t frc::sim::DCMotorSim::GetInputVoltage ( ) const

Gets the input voltage for the DC motor.

The DC motor input voltage.

◆ GetJ()

units::kilogram_square_meter_t frc::sim::DCMotorSim::GetJ ( ) const

Returns the moment of inertia.

◆ GetTorque()

units::newton_meter_t frc::sim::DCMotorSim::GetTorque ( ) const

Returns the DC motor torque.

The DC motor torque

◆ SetAngle()

void frc::sim::DCMotorSim::SetAngle ( units::radian_t angularPosition)

Sets the DC motor's angular position.

angularPositionThe new position in radians.

◆ SetAngularVelocity()

void frc::sim::DCMotorSim::SetAngularVelocity ( units::radians_per_second_t angularVelocity)

Sets the DC motor's angular velocity.

angularVelocityThe new velocity in radians per second.

◆ SetInputVoltage()

void frc::sim::DCMotorSim::SetInputVoltage ( units::volt_t voltage)

Sets the input voltage for the DC motor.

voltageThe input voltage.

◆ SetState() [1/2]

void frc::sim::LinearSystemSim< States, Inputs, Outputs >::SetState ( const Vectord< States > & state)

Sets the system state.

stateThe new state.

◆ SetState() [2/2]

void frc::sim::DCMotorSim::SetState ( units::radian_t angularPosition,
units::radians_per_second_t angularVelocity )

Sets the state of the DC motor.

angularPositionThe new position
angularVelocityThe new velocity

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