WPILibC++ 2024.3.2
SimHooks.h File Reference
#include <stdint.h>
#include <hal/HALBase.h>
#include <units/time.h>

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namespace  frc
namespace  frc::sim


void frc::sim::SetRuntimeType (HAL_RuntimeType type)
 Override the HAL runtime type (simulated/real). More...
void frc::sim::WaitForProgramStart ()
void frc::sim::SetProgramStarted ()
bool frc::sim::GetProgramStarted ()
void frc::sim::RestartTiming ()
 Restart the simulator time. More...
void frc::sim::PauseTiming ()
 Pause the simulator time. More...
void frc::sim::ResumeTiming ()
 Resume the simulator time. More...
bool frc::sim::IsTimingPaused ()
 Check if the simulator time is paused. More...
void frc::sim::StepTiming (units::second_t delta)
 Advance the simulator time and wait for all notifiers to run. More...
void frc::sim::StepTimingAsync (units::second_t delta)
 Advance the simulator time and return immediately. More...