WPILibC++ 2025.3.1
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ntcore_c.h File Reference
#include <stdint.h>
#include <wpi/string.h>
#include <cstddef>
#include "ntcore_c_types.h"

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struct  NT_Value
 NetworkTables Entry Value. More...
struct  NT_TopicInfo
 NetworkTables Topic Information. More...
struct  NT_ConnectionInfo
 NetworkTables Connection Information. More...
struct  NT_ValueEventData
 NetworkTables value event data. More...
struct  NT_LogMessage
 NetworkTables log message. More...
struct  NT_TimeSyncEventData
 NetworkTables time sync event data. More...
struct  NT_Event
 NetworkTables event. More...
struct  NT_PubSubOptions
 NetworkTables publish/subscribe options. More...
struct  NT_Meta_SubscriberOptions
 Subscriber options. More...
struct  NT_Meta_TopicPublisher
 Topic publisher (as published via $pub$<topic>). More...
struct  NT_Meta_TopicSubscriber
 Topic subscriber (as published via $sub$<topic>). More...
struct  NT_Meta_ClientPublisher
 Client publisher (as published via $clientpub$<client> or $serverpub). More...
struct  NT_Meta_ClientSubscriber
 Client subscriber (as published via $clientsub$<client> or $serversub). More...
struct  NT_Meta_Client
 Client (as published via $clients). More...


#define NT_DEFAULT_PORT3   1735
 Default network tables port number (NT3)
#define NT_DEFAULT_PORT4   5810
 Default network tables port number (NT4)


typedef int NT_Bool
typedef unsigned int NT_Handle
typedef NT_Handle NT_ConnectionDataLogger
typedef NT_Handle NT_DataLogger
typedef NT_Handle NT_Entry
typedef NT_Handle NT_Inst
typedef NT_Handle NT_Listener
typedef NT_Handle NT_ListenerPoller
typedef NT_Handle NT_MultiSubscriber
typedef NT_Handle NT_Topic
typedef NT_Handle NT_Subscriber
typedef NT_Handle NT_Publisher
typedef void(* NT_ListenerCallback) (void *data, const struct NT_Event *event)
 Event listener callback function.


enum  NT_Type {
  NT_UNASSIGNED = 0 , NT_BOOLEAN = 0x01 , NT_DOUBLE = 0x02 , NT_STRING = 0x04 ,
  NT_RAW = 0x08 , NT_BOOLEAN_ARRAY = 0x10 , NT_DOUBLE_ARRAY = 0x20 , NT_STRING_ARRAY = 0x40 ,
  NT_RPC = 0x80 , NT_INTEGER = 0x100 , NT_FLOAT = 0x200 , NT_INTEGER_ARRAY = 0x400 ,
  NT_FLOAT_ARRAY = 0x800
 NetworkTables data types. More...
enum  NT_EntryFlags { NT_PERSISTENT = 0x01 , NT_RETAINED = 0x02 , NT_UNCACHED = 0x04 }
 NetworkTables entry flags. More...
enum  NT_LogLevel {
  NT_LOG_DEBUG = 10 , NT_LOG_DEBUG1 = 9 , NT_LOG_DEBUG2 = 8 , NT_LOG_DEBUG3 = 7 ,
 NetworkTables logging levels. More...
enum  NT_NetworkMode {
 Client/server modes. More...
enum  NT_EventFlags {
 Event notification flags. More...


NT_Inst NT_GetDefaultInstance (void)
 Get default instance.
NT_Inst NT_CreateInstance (void)
 Create an instance.
void NT_DestroyInstance (NT_Inst inst)
 Destroy an instance.
NT_Inst NT_GetInstanceFromHandle (NT_Handle handle)
 Get instance handle from another handle.
NT_Entry NT_GetEntry (NT_Inst inst, const struct WPI_String *name)
 Get Entry Handle.
void NT_GetEntryName (NT_Entry entry, struct WPI_String *name)
 Gets the name of the specified entry.
enum NT_Type NT_GetEntryType (NT_Entry entry)
 Gets the type for the specified key, or unassigned if non existent.
uint64_t NT_GetEntryLastChange (NT_Entry entry)
 Gets the last time the entry was changed.
void NT_GetEntryValue (NT_Entry entry, struct NT_Value *value)
 Get Entry Value.
void NT_GetEntryValueType (NT_Entry entry, unsigned int types, struct NT_Value *value)
 Get Entry Value.
NT_Bool NT_SetDefaultEntryValue (NT_Entry entry, const struct NT_Value *default_value)
 Set Default Entry Value.
NT_Bool NT_SetEntryValue (NT_Entry entry, const struct NT_Value *value)
 Set Entry Value.
void NT_SetEntryFlags (NT_Entry entry, unsigned int flags)
 Set Entry Flags.
unsigned int NT_GetEntryFlags (NT_Entry entry)
 Get Entry Flags.
struct NT_ValueNT_ReadQueueValue (NT_Handle subentry, size_t *count)
 Read Entry Queue.
struct NT_ValueNT_ReadQueueValueType (NT_Handle subentry, unsigned int types, size_t *count)
 Read Entry Queue.
NT_TopicNT_GetTopics (NT_Inst inst, const struct WPI_String *prefix, unsigned int types, size_t *count)
 Get Published Topic Handles.
NT_TopicNT_GetTopicsStr (NT_Inst inst, const struct WPI_String *prefix, const struct WPI_String *types, size_t types_len, size_t *count)
 Get Published Topic Handles.
struct NT_TopicInfoNT_GetTopicInfos (NT_Inst inst, const struct WPI_String *prefix, unsigned int types, size_t *count)
 Get Topics.
struct NT_TopicInfoNT_GetTopicInfosStr (NT_Inst inst, const struct WPI_String *prefix, const struct WPI_String *types, size_t types_len, size_t *count)
 Get Topics.
NT_Bool NT_GetTopicInfo (NT_Topic topic, struct NT_TopicInfo *info)
 Gets Topic Information.
NT_Topic NT_GetTopic (NT_Inst inst, const struct WPI_String *name)
 Gets Topic Handle.
void NT_GetTopicName (NT_Topic topic, struct WPI_String *name)
 Gets the name of the specified topic.
enum NT_Type NT_GetTopicType (NT_Topic topic)
 Gets the type for the specified topic, or unassigned if non existent.
void NT_GetTopicTypeString (NT_Topic topic, struct WPI_String *type)
 Gets the type string for the specified topic.
void NT_SetTopicPersistent (NT_Topic topic, NT_Bool value)
 Sets the persistent property of a topic.
NT_Bool NT_GetTopicPersistent (NT_Topic topic)
 Gets the persistent property of a topic.
void NT_SetTopicRetained (NT_Topic topic, NT_Bool value)
 Sets the retained property of a topic.
NT_Bool NT_GetTopicRetained (NT_Topic topic)
 Gets the retained property of a topic.
void NT_SetTopicCached (NT_Topic topic, NT_Bool value)
 Sets the cached property of a topic.
NT_Bool NT_GetTopicCached (NT_Topic topic)
 Gets the cached property of a topic.
NT_Bool NT_GetTopicExists (NT_Handle handle)
 Determine if topic exists (e.g.
void NT_GetTopicProperty (NT_Topic topic, const struct WPI_String *name, struct WPI_String *property)
 Gets the current value of a property (as a JSON string).
NT_Bool NT_SetTopicProperty (NT_Topic topic, const struct WPI_String *name, const struct WPI_String *value)
 Sets a property value.
void NT_DeleteTopicProperty (NT_Topic topic, const struct WPI_String *name)
 Deletes a property.
void NT_GetTopicProperties (NT_Topic topic, struct WPI_String *properties)
 Gets all topic properties as a JSON string.
NT_Bool NT_SetTopicProperties (NT_Topic topic, const struct WPI_String *properties)
 Updates multiple topic properties.
NT_Subscriber NT_Subscribe (NT_Topic topic, enum NT_Type type, const struct WPI_String *typeStr, const struct NT_PubSubOptions *options)
 Creates a new subscriber to value changes on a topic.
void NT_Unsubscribe (NT_Subscriber sub)
 Stops subscriber.
NT_Publisher NT_Publish (NT_Topic topic, enum NT_Type type, const struct WPI_String *typeStr, const struct NT_PubSubOptions *options)
 Creates a new publisher to a topic.
NT_Publisher NT_PublishEx (NT_Topic topic, enum NT_Type type, const struct WPI_String *typeStr, const struct WPI_String *properties, const struct NT_PubSubOptions *options)
 Creates a new publisher to a topic.
void NT_Unpublish (NT_Handle pubentry)
 Stops publisher.
NT_Entry NT_GetEntryEx (NT_Topic topic, enum NT_Type type, const struct WPI_String *typeStr, const struct NT_PubSubOptions *options)
 Creates a new entry (subscriber and weak publisher) to a topic.
void NT_ReleaseEntry (NT_Entry entry)
 Stops entry subscriber/publisher.
void NT_Release (NT_Handle pubsubentry)
 Stops entry/subscriber/publisher.
NT_Topic NT_GetTopicFromHandle (NT_Handle pubsubentry)
 Gets the topic handle from an entry/subscriber/publisher handle.
NT_MultiSubscriber NT_SubscribeMultiple (NT_Inst inst, const struct WPI_String *prefixes, size_t prefixes_len, const struct NT_PubSubOptions *options)
 Subscribes to multiple topics based on one or more topic name prefixes.
void NT_UnsubscribeMultiple (NT_MultiSubscriber sub)
 Unsubscribes a multi-subscriber.
NT_ListenerPoller NT_CreateListenerPoller (NT_Inst inst)
 Creates a listener poller.
void NT_DestroyListenerPoller (NT_ListenerPoller poller)
 Destroys a listener poller.
struct NT_EventNT_ReadListenerQueue (NT_ListenerPoller poller, size_t *len)
 Read notifications.
void NT_RemoveListener (NT_Listener listener)
 Removes a listener.
NT_Bool NT_WaitForListenerQueue (NT_Handle handle, double timeout)
 Wait for the listener queue to be empty.
NT_Listener NT_AddListenerSingle (NT_Inst inst, const struct WPI_String *prefix, unsigned int mask, void *data, NT_ListenerCallback callback)
 Create a listener for changes to topics with names that start with the given prefix.
NT_Listener NT_AddListenerMultiple (NT_Inst inst, const struct WPI_String *prefixes, size_t prefixes_len, unsigned int mask, void *data, NT_ListenerCallback callback)
 Create a listener for changes to topics with names that start with any of the given prefixes.
NT_Listener NT_AddListener (NT_Handle handle, unsigned int mask, void *data, NT_ListenerCallback callback)
 Create a listener.
NT_Listener NT_AddPolledListenerSingle (NT_ListenerPoller poller, const struct WPI_String *prefix, unsigned int mask)
 Creates a polled topic listener.
NT_Listener NT_AddPolledListenerMultiple (NT_ListenerPoller poller, const struct WPI_String *prefixes, size_t prefixes_len, unsigned int mask)
 Creates a polled topic listener.
NT_Listener NT_AddPolledListener (NT_ListenerPoller poller, NT_Handle handle, unsigned int mask)
 Creates a polled listener.
unsigned int NT_GetNetworkMode (NT_Inst inst)
 Get the current network mode.
void NT_StartLocal (NT_Inst inst)
 Starts local-only operation.
void NT_StopLocal (NT_Inst inst)
 Stops local-only operation.
void NT_StartServer (NT_Inst inst, const struct WPI_String *persist_filename, const struct WPI_String *listen_address, unsigned int port3, unsigned int port4)
 Starts a server using the specified filename, listening address, and port.
void NT_StopServer (NT_Inst inst)
 Stops the server if it is running.
void NT_StartClient3 (NT_Inst inst, const struct WPI_String *identity)
 Starts a NT3 client.
void NT_StartClient4 (NT_Inst inst, const struct WPI_String *identity)
 Starts a NT4 client.
void NT_StopClient (NT_Inst inst)
 Stops the client if it is running.
void NT_SetServer (NT_Inst inst, const struct WPI_String *server_name, unsigned int port)
 Sets server address and port for client (without restarting client).
void NT_SetServerMulti (NT_Inst inst, size_t count, const struct WPI_String *server_names, const unsigned int *ports)
 Sets server addresses for client (without restarting client).
void NT_SetServerTeam (NT_Inst inst, unsigned int team, unsigned int port)
 Sets server addresses and port for client (without restarting client).
void NT_Disconnect (NT_Inst inst)
 Disconnects the client if it's running and connected.
void NT_StartDSClient (NT_Inst inst, unsigned int port)
 Starts requesting server address from Driver Station.
void NT_StopDSClient (NT_Inst inst)
 Stops requesting server address from Driver Station.
void NT_FlushLocal (NT_Inst inst)
 Flush local updates.
void NT_Flush (NT_Inst inst)
 Flush to network.
struct NT_ConnectionInfoNT_GetConnections (NT_Inst inst, size_t *count)
 Get information on the currently established network connections.
NT_Bool NT_IsConnected (NT_Inst inst)
 Return whether or not the instance is connected to another node.
int64_t NT_GetServerTimeOffset (NT_Inst inst, NT_Bool *valid)
 Get the time offset between server time and local time.
void NT_DisposeValue (struct NT_Value *value)
 Frees value memory.
void NT_InitValue (struct NT_Value *value)
 Initializes a NT_Value.
void NT_DisposeValueArray (struct NT_Value *arr, size_t count)
 Frees an array of NT_Values.
void NT_DisposeConnectionInfoArray (struct NT_ConnectionInfo *arr, size_t count)
 Disposes a connection info array.
void NT_DisposeTopicInfoArray (struct NT_TopicInfo *arr, size_t count)
 Disposes a topic info array.
void NT_DisposeTopicInfo (struct NT_TopicInfo *info)
 Disposes a single topic info (as returned by NT_GetTopicInfo).
void NT_DisposeEventArray (struct NT_Event *arr, size_t count)
 Disposes an event array.
void NT_DisposeEvent (struct NT_Event *event)
 Disposes a single event.
int64_t NT_Now (void)
 Returns monotonic current time in 1 us increments.
void NT_SetNow (int64_t timestamp)
 Sets the current timestamp used for timestamping values that do not provide a timestamp (e.g.
NT_DataLogger NT_StartEntryDataLog (NT_Inst inst, struct WPI_DataLog *log, const struct WPI_String *prefix, const struct WPI_String *logPrefix)
 Starts logging entry changes to a DataLog.
void NT_StopEntryDataLog (NT_DataLogger logger)
 Stops logging entry changes to a DataLog.
NT_ConnectionDataLogger NT_StartConnectionDataLog (NT_Inst inst, struct WPI_DataLog *log, const struct WPI_String *name)
 Starts logging connection changes to a DataLog.
void NT_StopConnectionDataLog (NT_ConnectionDataLogger logger)
 Stops logging connection changes to a DataLog.
NT_Listener NT_AddLogger (NT_Inst inst, unsigned int min_level, unsigned int max_level, void *data, NT_ListenerCallback func)
 Add logger callback function.
NT_Listener NT_AddPolledLogger (NT_ListenerPoller poller, unsigned int min_level, unsigned int max_level)
 Set the log level for a listener poller.
NT_Bool NT_HasSchema (NT_Inst inst, const struct WPI_String *name)
 Returns whether there is a data schema already registered with the given name.
void NT_AddSchema (NT_Inst inst, const struct WPI_String *name, const struct WPI_String *type, const uint8_t *schema, size_t schemaSize)
 Registers a data schema.
char * NT_AllocateCharArray (size_t size)
 Allocates an array of chars.
NT_BoolNT_AllocateBooleanArray (size_t size)
 Allocates an array of booleans.
int64_t * NT_AllocateIntegerArray (size_t size)
 Allocates an array of ints.
float * NT_AllocateFloatArray (size_t size)
 Allocates an array of floats.
double * NT_AllocateDoubleArray (size_t size)
 Allocates an array of doubles.
void NT_FreeCharArray (char *v_char)
 Frees an array of chars.
void NT_FreeBooleanArray (NT_Bool *v_boolean)
 Frees an array of booleans.
void NT_FreeIntegerArray (int64_t *v_int)
 Frees an array of ints.
void NT_FreeFloatArray (float *v_float)
 Frees an array of floats.
void NT_FreeDoubleArray (double *v_double)
 Frees an array of doubles.
enum NT_Type NT_GetValueType (const struct NT_Value *value)
 Returns the type of an NT_Value struct.
NT_Bool NT_GetValueBoolean (const struct NT_Value *value, uint64_t *last_change, NT_Bool *v_boolean)
 Returns the boolean from the NT_Value.
NT_Bool NT_GetValueInteger (const struct NT_Value *value, uint64_t *last_change, int64_t *v_int)
 Returns the int from the NT_Value.
NT_Bool NT_GetValueFloat (const struct NT_Value *value, uint64_t *last_change, float *v_float)
 Returns the float from the NT_Value.
NT_Bool NT_GetValueDouble (const struct NT_Value *value, uint64_t *last_change, double *v_double)
 Returns the double from the NT_Value.
char * NT_GetValueString (const struct NT_Value *value, uint64_t *last_change, size_t *str_len)
 Returns a copy of the string from the NT_Value.
uint8_t * NT_GetValueRaw (const struct NT_Value *value, uint64_t *last_change, size_t *raw_len)
 Returns a copy of the raw value from the NT_Value.
NT_BoolNT_GetValueBooleanArray (const struct NT_Value *value, uint64_t *last_change, size_t *arr_size)
 Returns a copy of the boolean array from the NT_Value.
int64_t * NT_GetValueIntegerArray (const struct NT_Value *value, uint64_t *last_change, size_t *arr_size)
 Returns a copy of the int array from the NT_Value.
float * NT_GetValueFloatArray (const struct NT_Value *value, uint64_t *last_change, size_t *arr_size)
 Returns a copy of the float array from the NT_Value.
double * NT_GetValueDoubleArray (const struct NT_Value *value, uint64_t *last_change, size_t *arr_size)
 Returns a copy of the double array from the NT_Value.
struct WPI_StringNT_GetValueStringArray (const struct NT_Value *value, uint64_t *last_change, size_t *arr_size)
 Returns a copy of the struct WPI_String array from the NT_Value.
struct NT_Meta_TopicPublisherNT_Meta_DecodeTopicPublishers (const uint8_t *data, size_t size, size_t *count)
 Decodes $pub$<topic> meta-topic data.
struct NT_Meta_TopicSubscriberNT_Meta_DecodeTopicSubscribers (const uint8_t *data, size_t size, size_t *count)
 Decodes $sub$<topic> meta-topic data.
struct NT_Meta_ClientPublisherNT_Meta_DecodeClientPublishers (const uint8_t *data, size_t size, size_t *count)
 Decodes $clientpub$<topic> meta-topic data.
struct NT_Meta_ClientSubscriberNT_Meta_DecodeClientSubscribers (const uint8_t *data, size_t size, size_t *count)
 Decodes $clientsub$<topic> meta-topic data.
struct NT_Meta_ClientNT_Meta_DecodeClients (const uint8_t *data, size_t size, size_t *count)
 Decodes $clients meta-topic data.
void NT_Meta_FreeTopicPublishers (struct NT_Meta_TopicPublisher *arr, size_t count)
 Frees an array of NT_Meta_TopicPublisher.
void NT_Meta_FreeTopicSubscribers (struct NT_Meta_TopicSubscriber *arr, size_t count)
 Frees an array of NT_Meta_TopicSubscriber.
void NT_Meta_FreeClientPublishers (struct NT_Meta_ClientPublisher *arr, size_t count)
 Frees an array of NT_Meta_ClientPublisher.
void NT_Meta_FreeClientSubscribers (struct NT_Meta_ClientSubscriber *arr, size_t count)
 Frees an array of NT_Meta_ClientSubscriber.
void NT_Meta_FreeClients (struct NT_Meta_Client *arr, size_t count)
 Frees an array of NT_Meta_Client.