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WPILibC++ 2025.2.1
Go to the source code of this file.
Macros | |
#define | CTR_RxTimeout_MESSAGE "CTRE CAN Receive Timeout" |
#define | CTR_TxTimeout_MESSAGE "CTRE CAN Transmit Timeout" |
#define | CTR_InvalidParamValue_MESSAGE "CTRE CAN Invalid Parameter" |
#define | CTR_UnexpectedArbId_MESSAGE "CTRE Unexpected Arbitration ID (CAN Node ID)" |
#define | CTR_TxFailed_MESSAGE "CTRE CAN Transmit Error" |
#define | CTR_SigNotUpdated_MESSAGE "CTRE CAN Signal Not Updated" |
#define | NiFpga_Status_FifoTimeout_MESSAGE "NIFPGA: FIFO timeout error" |
#define | NiFpga_Status_TransferAborted_MESSAGE "NIFPGA: Transfer aborted error" |
#define | NiFpga_Status_MemoryFull_MESSAGE "NIFPGA: Memory Allocation failed, memory full" |
#define | NiFpga_Status_SoftwareFault_MESSAGE "NIFPGA: Unexpected software error" |
#define | NiFpga_Status_InvalidParameter_MESSAGE "NIFPGA: Invalid Parameter" |
#define | NiFpga_Status_ResourceNotFound_MESSAGE "NIFPGA: Resource not found" |
#define | NiFpga_Status_ResourceNotInitialized_MESSAGE "NIFPGA: Resource not initialized" |
#define | NiFpga_Status_HardwareFault_MESSAGE "NIFPGA: Hardware Fault" |
#define | NiFpga_Status_IrqTimeout_MESSAGE "NIFPGA: Interrupt timeout" |
#define | ERR_CANSessionMux_InvalidBuffer_MESSAGE "CAN: Invalid Buffer" |
#define | ERR_CANSessionMux_MessageNotFound_MESSAGE "CAN: Message not found" |
#define | WARN_CANSessionMux_NoToken_MESSAGE "CAN: No token" |
#define | ERR_CANSessionMux_NotAllowed_MESSAGE "CAN: Not allowed" |
#define | ERR_CANSessionMux_NotInitialized_MESSAGE "CAN: Not initialized" |
#define | ERR_FRCSystem_NetCommNotResponding_MESSAGE "FRCSystem: NetComm not responding" |
#define | ERR_FRCSystem_NoDSConnection_MESSAGE "FRCSystem: No driver station connected" |
#define | HAL_SUCCESS 0 |
#define | SAMPLE_RATE_TOO_HIGH 1001 |
#define | SAMPLE_RATE_TOO_HIGH_MESSAGE "HAL: Analog module sample rate is too high" |
#define | VOLTAGE_OUT_OF_RANGE 1002 |
#define | VOLTAGE_OUT_OF_RANGE_MESSAGE "HAL: Voltage to convert to raw value is out of range [0; 5]" |
#define | LOOP_TIMING_ERROR 1004 |
#define | LOOP_TIMING_ERROR_MESSAGE "HAL: Digital module loop timing is not the expected value" |
#define | SPI_WRITE_NO_MOSI 1012 |
#define | SPI_WRITE_NO_MOSI_MESSAGE "HAL: Cannot write to SPI port with no MOSI output" |
#define | SPI_READ_NO_MISO 1013 |
#define | SPI_READ_NO_MISO_MESSAGE "HAL: Cannot read from SPI port with no MISO input" |
#define | SPI_READ_NO_DATA 1014 |
#define | SPI_READ_NO_DATA_MESSAGE "HAL: No data available to read from SPI" |
#define | INCOMPATIBLE_STATE 1015 |
#define | INCOMPATIBLE_STATE_MESSAGE "HAL: Incompatible State: The operation cannot be completed" |
#define | NO_AVAILABLE_RESOURCES -1004 |
#define | NO_AVAILABLE_RESOURCES_MESSAGE "HAL: No available resources to allocate" |
#define | NULL_PARAMETER -1005 |
#define | NULL_PARAMETER_MESSAGE "HAL: A pointer parameter to a method is NULL" |
#define | ANALOG_TRIGGER_LIMIT_ORDER_ERROR_MESSAGE "HAL: AnalogTrigger limits error. Lower limit > Upper Limit" |
#define | ANALOG_TRIGGER_PULSE_OUTPUT_ERROR_MESSAGE "HAL: Attempted to read AnalogTrigger pulse output." |
#define | PARAMETER_OUT_OF_RANGE -1028 |
#define | PARAMETER_OUT_OF_RANGE_MESSAGE "HAL: A parameter is out of range." |
#define | RESOURCE_IS_ALLOCATED -1029 |
#define | RESOURCE_IS_ALLOCATED_MESSAGE "HAL: Resource already allocated" |
#define | RESOURCE_OUT_OF_RANGE -1030 |
#define | RESOURCE_OUT_OF_RANGE_MESSAGE "HAL: The requested resource is out of range." |
#define | HAL_INVALID_ACCUMULATOR_CHANNEL_MESSAGE "HAL: The requested input is not an accumulator channel" |
#define | HAL_COUNTER_NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE "HAL: Counter mode not supported for encoder method" |
#define | HAL_PWM_SCALE_ERROR -1072 |
#define | HAL_PWM_SCALE_ERROR_MESSAGE "HAL: The PWM Scale Factors are out of range" |
#define | HAL_HANDLE_ERROR -1098 |
#define | HAL_HANDLE_ERROR_MESSAGE "HAL: A handle parameter was passed incorrectly" |
#define | HAL_LED_CHANNEL_ERROR -1099 |
#define | HAL_LED_CHANNEL_ERROR_MESSAGE "HAL: Addressable LEDs only supported on PWM Headers, not MXP or DIO" |
#define | HAL_INVALID_DMA_ADDITION -1102 |
#define | HAL_INVALID_DMA_ADDITION_MESSAGE "HAL_AddDMA() only works before HAL_StartDMA()" |
#define | HAL_INVALID_DMA_STATE -1103 |
#define | HAL_INVALID_DMA_STATE_MESSAGE "HAL_SetPause() only works before HAL_StartDMA()" |
#define | HAL_SERIAL_PORT_NOT_FOUND -1123 |
#define | HAL_SERIAL_PORT_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE "HAL: The specified serial port device was not found" |
#define | HAL_SERIAL_PORT_OPEN_ERROR -1124 |
#define | HAL_SERIAL_PORT_OPEN_ERROR_MESSAGE "HAL: The serial port could not be opened" |
#define | HAL_SERIAL_PORT_ERROR -1125 |
#define | HAL_SERIAL_PORT_ERROR_MESSAGE "HAL: There was an error on the serial port" |
#define | HAL_THREAD_PRIORITY_ERROR_MESSAGE "HAL: Getting or setting the priority of a thread has failed" |
#define | HAL_THREAD_PRIORITY_RANGE_ERROR_MESSAGE "HAL: The priority requested to be set is invalid" |
#define | HAL_CAN_TIMEOUT -1154 |
#define | HAL_CAN_TIMEOUT_MESSAGE "HAL: CAN Receive has Timed Out" |
#define | HAL_SIM_NOT_SUPPORTED -1155 |
#define | HAL_SIM_NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE "HAL: Method not supported in sim" |
#define | HAL_USE_LAST_ERROR -1156 |
#define | HAL_USE_LAST_ERROR_MESSAGE "HAL: Use HAL_GetLastError(status) to get last error" |
#define | HAL_CAN_BUFFER_OVERRUN -35007 |
#define | HAL_CAN_BUFFER_OVERRUN_MESSAGE "HAL: CAN Output Buffer Full. Ensure a device is attached" |
#define | VI_ERROR_SYSTEM_ERROR_MESSAGE "HAL - VISA: System Error" |
#define | VI_ERROR_INV_OBJECT_MESSAGE "HAL - VISA: Invalid Object" |
#define | VI_ERROR_RSRC_LOCKED_MESSAGE "HAL - VISA: Resource Locked" |
#define | VI_ERROR_RSRC_NFOUND_MESSAGE "HAL - VISA: Resource Not Found" |
#define | VI_ERROR_INV_RSRC_NAME_MESSAGE "HAL - VISA: Invalid Resource Name" |
#define | VI_ERROR_QUEUE_OVERFLOW_MESSAGE "HAL - VISA: Queue Overflow" |
#define | VI_ERROR_IO_MESSAGE "HAL - VISA: General IO Error" |
#define | VI_ERROR_ASRL_PARITY_MESSAGE "HAL - VISA: Parity Error" |
#define | VI_ERROR_ASRL_FRAMING_MESSAGE "HAL - VISA: Framing Error" |
#define | VI_ERROR_ASRL_OVERRUN_MESSAGE "HAL - VISA: Buffer Overrun Error" |
#define | VI_ERROR_RSRC_BUSY_MESSAGE "HAL - VISA: Resource Busy" |
#define | VI_ERROR_INV_PARAMETER_MESSAGE "HAL - VISA: Invalid Parameter" |