WPILibC++ 2024.3.2
DIO.h File Reference
#include <stdint.h>
#include "hal/Types.h"

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HAL_DigitalHandle HAL_InitializeDIOPort (HAL_PortHandle portHandle, HAL_Bool input, const char *allocationLocation, int32_t *status)
 Creates a new instance of a digital port. More...
HAL_Bool HAL_CheckDIOChannel (int32_t channel)
 Checks if a DIO channel is valid. More...
void HAL_FreeDIOPort (HAL_DigitalHandle dioPortHandle)
 Frees a DIO port. More...
void HAL_SetDIOSimDevice (HAL_DigitalHandle handle, HAL_SimDeviceHandle device)
 Indicates the DIO channel is used by a simulated device. More...
HAL_DigitalPWMHandle HAL_AllocateDigitalPWM (int32_t *status)
 Allocates a DO PWM Generator. More...
void HAL_FreeDigitalPWM (HAL_DigitalPWMHandle pwmGenerator, int32_t *status)
 Frees the resource associated with a DO PWM generator. More...
void HAL_SetDigitalPWMRate (double rate, int32_t *status)
 Changes the frequency of the DO PWM generator. More...
void HAL_SetDigitalPWMDutyCycle (HAL_DigitalPWMHandle pwmGenerator, double dutyCycle, int32_t *status)
 Configures the duty-cycle of the PWM generator. More...
void HAL_SetDigitalPWMPPS (HAL_DigitalPWMHandle pwmGenerator, double dutyCycle, int32_t *status)
 Configures the digital PWM to be a PPS signal with specified duty cycle. More...
void HAL_SetDigitalPWMOutputChannel (HAL_DigitalPWMHandle pwmGenerator, int32_t channel, int32_t *status)
 Configures which DO channel the PWM signal is output on. More...
void HAL_SetDIO (HAL_DigitalHandle dioPortHandle, HAL_Bool value, int32_t *status)
 Writes a digital value to a DIO channel. More...
void HAL_SetDIODirection (HAL_DigitalHandle dioPortHandle, HAL_Bool input, int32_t *status)
 Sets the direction of a DIO channel. More...
HAL_Bool HAL_GetDIO (HAL_DigitalHandle dioPortHandle, int32_t *status)
 Reads a digital value from a DIO channel. More...
HAL_Bool HAL_GetDIODirection (HAL_DigitalHandle dioPortHandle, int32_t *status)
 Reads the direction of a DIO channel. More...
void HAL_Pulse (HAL_DigitalHandle dioPortHandle, double pulseLengthSeconds, int32_t *status)
 Generates a single digital pulse. More...
void HAL_PulseMultiple (uint32_t channelMask, double pulseLengthSeconds, int32_t *status)
 Generates a single digital pulse on multiple channels. More...
HAL_Bool HAL_IsPulsing (HAL_DigitalHandle dioPortHandle, int32_t *status)
 Checks a DIO line to see if it is currently generating a pulse. More...
HAL_Bool HAL_IsAnyPulsing (int32_t *status)
 Checks if any DIO line is currently generating a pulse. More...
void HAL_SetFilterSelect (HAL_DigitalHandle dioPortHandle, int32_t filterIndex, int32_t *status)
 Writes the filter index from the FPGA. More...
int32_t HAL_GetFilterSelect (HAL_DigitalHandle dioPortHandle, int32_t *status)
 Reads the filter index from the FPGA. More...
void HAL_SetFilterPeriod (int32_t filterIndex, int64_t value, int32_t *status)
 Sets the filter period for the specified filter index. More...
int64_t HAL_GetFilterPeriod (int32_t filterIndex, int32_t *status)
 Gets the filter period for the specified filter index. More...