WPILibC++ 2025.3.1
No Matches
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1// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
2// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
3// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
6/* Copyright (c) 2016-2020 Analog Devices Inc. All Rights Reserved. */
7/* Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. The code */
8/* must be accompanied by the FIRST BSD license file in the root directory of */
9/* the project. */
10/* */
11/* Modified by Juan Chong - frcsupport@analog.com */
14#pragma once
16#include <stdint.h>
18#include <atomic>
19#include <thread>
21#include <hal/SimDevice.h>
22#include <units/acceleration.h>
23#include <units/angle.h>
26#include <units/pressure.h>
27#include <units/temperature.h>
29#include <wpi/mutex.h>
33#include "frc/DigitalInput.h"
34#include "frc/DigitalOutput.h"
35#include "frc/SPI.h"
37namespace frc {
39 * Use DMA SPI to read rate, acceleration, and magnetometer data from the
40 * ADIS16448 IMU and return the robots heading relative to a starting position,
41 * AHRS, and instant measurements
42 *
43 * The ADIS16448 gyro angle outputs track the robot's heading based on the
44 * starting position. As the robot rotates the new heading is computed by
45 * integrating the rate of rotation returned by the IMU. When the class is
46 * instantiated, a short calibration routine is performed where the IMU samples
47 * the gyros while at rest to determine the initial offset. This is subtracted
48 * from each sample to determine the heading.
49 *
50 * This class is for the ADIS16448 IMU connected via the SPI port available on
51 * the RoboRIO MXP port.
52 */
55 public wpi::SendableHelper<ADIS16448_IMU> {
56 public:
57 /**
58 * ADIS16448 calibration times.
59 */
60 enum class CalibrationTime {
61 /// 32 ms calibration time.
62 _32ms = 0,
63 /// 64 ms calibration time.
64 _64ms = 1,
65 /// 128 ms calibration time.
66 _128ms = 2,
67 /// 256 ms calibration time.
68 _256ms = 3,
69 /// 512 ms calibration time.
70 _512ms = 4,
71 /// 1 s calibration time.
72 _1s = 5,
73 /// 2 s calibration time.
74 _2s = 6,
75 /// 4 s calibration time.
76 _4s = 7,
77 /// 8 s calibration time.
78 _8s = 8,
79 /// 16 s calibration time.
80 _16s = 9,
81 /// 32 s calibration time.
82 _32s = 10,
83 /// 64 s calibration time.
84 _64s = 11
85 };
87 /**
88 * IMU axes.
89 */
90 enum IMUAxis {
91 /// The IMU's X axis.
93 /// The IMU's Y axis.
95 /// The IMU's Z axis.
96 kZ
97 };
99 /**
100 * IMU constructor on onboard MXP CS0, Z-up orientation, and complementary
101 * AHRS computation.
102 */
105 /**
106 * IMU constructor on the specified MXP port and orientation.
107 *
108 * @param yaw_axis The axis where gravity is present. Valid options are kX,
109 * kY, and kZ
110 * @param port The SPI port where the IMU is connected.
111 * @param cal_time The calibration time that should be used on start-up.
112 */
113 explicit ADIS16448_IMU(IMUAxis yaw_axis, SPI::Port port,
114 CalibrationTime cal_time);
116 ~ADIS16448_IMU() override;
121 /**
122 * Initialize the IMU.
123 *
124 * Perform gyro offset calibration by collecting data for a number of seconds
125 * and computing the center value. The center value is subtracted from
126 * subsequent measurements.
127 *
128 * It's important to make sure that the robot is not moving while the
129 * centering calculations are in progress, this is typically done when the
130 * robot is first turned on while it's sitting at rest before the match
131 * starts.
132 *
133 * The calibration routine can be triggered by the user during runtime.
134 */
135 void Calibrate();
137 /**
138 * Configures the calibration time used for the next calibrate.
139 *
140 * @param new_cal_time The calibration time that should be used
141 */
144 /**
145 * Reset the gyro.
146 *
147 * Resets the gyro accumulations to a heading of zero. This can be used if
148 * there is significant drift in the gyro and it needs to be recalibrated
149 * after running.
150 */
151 void Reset();
153 /**
154 * Returns the yaw axis angle in degrees (CCW positive).
155 */
156 units::degree_t GetAngle() const;
158 /**
159 * Returns the yaw axis angular rate in degrees per second (CCW positive).
160 */
161 units::degrees_per_second_t GetRate() const;
163 /**
164 * Returns the accumulated gyro angle in the X axis.
165 */
166 units::degree_t GetGyroAngleX() const;
168 /**
169 * Returns the accumulated gyro angle in the Y axis.
170 */
171 units::degree_t GetGyroAngleY() const;
173 /**
174 * Returns the accumulated gyro angle in the Z axis.
175 */
176 units::degree_t GetGyroAngleZ() const;
178 /**
179 * Returns the angular rate in the X axis.
180 */
181 units::degrees_per_second_t GetGyroRateX() const;
183 /**
184 * Returns the angular rate in the Y axis.
185 */
186 units::degrees_per_second_t GetGyroRateY() const;
188 /**
189 * Returns the angular rate in the Z axis.
190 */
191 units::degrees_per_second_t GetGyroRateZ() const;
193 /**
194 * Returns the acceleration in the X axis.
195 */
196 units::meters_per_second_squared_t GetAccelX() const;
198 /**
199 * Returns the acceleration in the Y axis.
200 */
201 units::meters_per_second_squared_t GetAccelY() const;
203 /**
204 * Returns the acceleration in the Z axis.
205 */
206 units::meters_per_second_squared_t GetAccelZ() const;
208 /**
209 * Returns the complementary angle around the X axis computed from
210 * accelerometer and gyro rate measurements.
211 */
212 units::degree_t GetXComplementaryAngle() const;
214 /**
215 * Returns the complementary angle around the Y axis computed from
216 * accelerometer and gyro rate measurements.
217 */
218 units::degree_t GetYComplementaryAngle() const;
220 /**
221 * Returns the X-axis filtered acceleration angle.
222 */
223 units::degree_t GetXFilteredAccelAngle() const;
225 /**
226 * Returns the Y-axis filtered acceleration angle.
227 */
228 units::degree_t GetYFilteredAccelAngle() const;
230 /**
231 * Returns the magnetic field strength in the X axis.
232 */
233 units::tesla_t GetMagneticFieldX() const;
235 /**
236 * Returns the magnetic field strength in the Y axis.
237 */
238 units::tesla_t GetMagneticFieldY() const;
240 /**
241 * Returns the magnetic field strength in the Z axis.
242 */
243 units::tesla_t GetMagneticFieldZ() const;
245 /**
246 * Returns the barometric pressure.
247 */
248 units::pounds_per_square_inch_t GetBarometricPressure() const;
250 /**
251 * Returns the temperature.
252 */
253 units::celsius_t GetTemperature() const;
257 int SetYawAxis(IMUAxis yaw_axis);
259 /**
260 * Checks the connection status of the IMU.
261 *
262 * @return True if the IMU is connected, false otherwise.
263 */
264 bool IsConnected() const;
266 /**
267 * Configures the decimation rate of the IMU.
268 *
269 * @param decimationRate The new decimation value.
270 * @return 0 if success, 1 if no change, 2 if error.
271 */
272 int ConfigDecRate(uint16_t decimationRate);
274 /**
275 * Get the SPI port number.
276 *
277 * @return The SPI port number.
278 */
279 int GetPort() const;
281 void InitSendable(wpi::SendableBuilder& builder) override;
283 private:
284 // ADIS16448 Register Map Declaration
285 static constexpr uint8_t FLASH_CNT = 0x00; // Flash memory write count
286 static constexpr uint8_t XGYRO_OUT = 0x04; // X-axis gyroscope output
287 static constexpr uint8_t YGYRO_OUT = 0x06; // Y-axis gyroscope output
288 static constexpr uint8_t ZGYRO_OUT = 0x08; // Z-axis gyroscope output
289 static constexpr uint8_t XACCL_OUT = 0x0A; // X-axis accelerometer output
290 static constexpr uint8_t YACCL_OUT = 0x0C; // Y-axis accelerometer output
291 static constexpr uint8_t ZACCL_OUT = 0x0E; // Z-axis accelerometer output
292 static constexpr uint8_t XMAGN_OUT = 0x10; // X-axis magnetometer output
293 static constexpr uint8_t YMAGN_OUT = 0x12; // Y-axis magnetometer output
294 static constexpr uint8_t ZMAGN_OUT = 0x14; // Z-axis magnetometer output
295 static constexpr uint8_t BARO_OUT =
296 0x16; // Barometer pressure measurement, high word
297 static constexpr uint8_t TEMP_OUT = 0x18; // Temperature output
298 static constexpr uint8_t XGYRO_OFF =
299 0x1A; // X-axis gyroscope bias offset factor
300 static constexpr uint8_t YGYRO_OFF =
301 0x1C; // Y-axis gyroscope bias offset factor
302 static constexpr uint8_t ZGYRO_OFF =
303 0x1E; // Z-axis gyroscope bias offset factor
304 static constexpr uint8_t XACCL_OFF =
305 0x20; // X-axis acceleration bias offset factor
306 static constexpr uint8_t YACCL_OFF =
307 0x22; // Y-axis acceleration bias offset factor
308 static constexpr uint8_t ZACCL_OFF =
309 0x24; // Z-axis acceleration bias offset factor
310 static constexpr uint8_t XMAGN_HIC =
311 0x26; // X-axis magnetometer, hard iron factor
312 static constexpr uint8_t YMAGN_HIC =
313 0x28; // Y-axis magnetometer, hard iron factor
314 static constexpr uint8_t ZMAGN_HIC =
315 0x2A; // Z-axis magnetometer, hard iron factor
316 static constexpr uint8_t XMAGN_SIC =
317 0x2C; // X-axis magnetometer, soft iron factor
318 static constexpr uint8_t YMAGN_SIC =
319 0x2E; // Y-axis magnetometer, soft iron factor
320 static constexpr uint8_t ZMAGN_SIC =
321 0x30; // Z-axis magnetometer, soft iron factor
322 static constexpr uint8_t GPIO_CTRL = 0x32; // GPIO control
323 static constexpr uint8_t MSC_CTRL = 0x34; // MISC control
324 static constexpr uint8_t SMPL_PRD =
325 0x36; // Sample clock/Decimation filter control
326 static constexpr uint8_t SENS_AVG = 0x38; // Digital filter control
327 static constexpr uint8_t SEQ_CNT = 0x3A; // MAGN_OUT and BARO_OUT counter
328 static constexpr uint8_t DIAG_STAT = 0x3C; // System status
329 static constexpr uint8_t GLOB_CMD = 0x3E; // System command
330 static constexpr uint8_t ALM_MAG1 = 0x40; // Alarm 1 amplitude threshold
331 static constexpr uint8_t ALM_MAG2 = 0x42; // Alarm 2 amplitude threshold
332 static constexpr uint8_t ALM_SMPL1 = 0x44; // Alarm 1 sample size
333 static constexpr uint8_t ALM_SMPL2 = 0x46; // Alarm 2 sample size
334 static constexpr uint8_t ALM_CTRL = 0x48; // Alarm control
335 static constexpr uint8_t LOT_ID1 = 0x52; // Lot identification number
336 static constexpr uint8_t LOT_ID2 = 0x54; // Lot identification number
337 static constexpr uint8_t PROD_ID = 0x56; // Product identifier
338 static constexpr uint8_t SERIAL_NUM = 0x58; // Lot-specific serial number
340 /** @brief ADIS16448 Static Constants */
341 static constexpr double kRadToDeg = 57.2957795;
342 static constexpr double kDegToRad = 0.0174532;
343 static constexpr double kGrav = 9.81;
345 /** @brief struct to store offset data */
346 struct OffsetData {
347 double gyro_rate_x = 0.0;
348 double gyro_rate_y = 0.0;
349 double gyro_rate_z = 0.0;
350 };
352 /** @brief Internal Resources **/
353 DigitalInput* m_reset_in = nullptr;
354 DigitalOutput* m_status_led = nullptr;
356 bool SwitchToStandardSPI();
358 bool SwitchToAutoSPI();
360 uint16_t ReadRegister(uint8_t reg);
362 void WriteRegister(uint8_t reg, uint16_t val);
364 void Acquire();
366 void Close();
368 // User-specified yaw axis
369 IMUAxis m_yaw_axis;
371 // Last read values (post-scaling)
372 double m_gyro_rate_x = 0.0;
373 double m_gyro_rate_y = 0.0;
374 double m_gyro_rate_z = 0.0;
375 double m_accel_x = 0.0;
376 double m_accel_y = 0.0;
377 double m_accel_z = 0.0;
378 double m_mag_x = 0.0;
379 double m_mag_y = 0.0;
380 double m_mag_z = 0.0;
381 double m_baro = 0.0;
382 double m_temp = 0.0;
384 // Complementary filter variables
385 double m_dt, m_alpha = 0.0;
386 static constexpr double kTau = 0.5;
387 double m_compAngleX, m_compAngleY, m_accelAngleX, m_accelAngleY = 0.0;
389 // vector for storing most recent imu values
390 OffsetData* m_offset_buffer = nullptr;
392 double m_gyro_rate_offset_x = 0.0;
393 double m_gyro_rate_offset_y = 0.0;
394 double m_gyro_rate_offset_z = 0.0;
396 // function to re-init offset buffer
397 void InitOffsetBuffer(int size);
399 // Accumulated gyro values (for offset calculation)
400 int m_avg_size = 0;
401 int m_accum_count = 0;
403 // Integrated gyro values
404 double m_integ_gyro_angle_x = 0.0;
405 double m_integ_gyro_angle_y = 0.0;
406 double m_integ_gyro_angle_z = 0.0;
408 // Complementary filter functions
409 double FormatFastConverge(double compAngle, double accAngle);
411 double FormatAccelRange(double accelAngle, double accelZ);
413 double CompFilterProcess(double compAngle, double accelAngle, double omega);
415 // State and resource variables
416 std::atomic<bool> m_thread_active = false;
417 std::atomic<bool> m_first_run = true;
418 std::atomic<bool> m_thread_idle = false;
419 std::atomic<bool> m_start_up_mode = true;
421 bool m_auto_configured = false;
422 SPI::Port m_spi_port;
423 CalibrationTime m_calibration_time{0};
424 SPI* m_spi = nullptr;
425 DigitalInput* m_auto_interrupt = nullptr;
426 bool m_connected{false};
428 std::thread m_acquire_task;
430 hal::SimDevice m_simDevice;
431 hal::SimBoolean m_simConnected;
432 hal::SimDouble m_simGyroAngleX;
433 hal::SimDouble m_simGyroAngleY;
434 hal::SimDouble m_simGyroAngleZ;
435 hal::SimDouble m_simGyroRateX;
436 hal::SimDouble m_simGyroRateY;
437 hal::SimDouble m_simGyroRateZ;
438 hal::SimDouble m_simAccelX;
439 hal::SimDouble m_simAccelY;
440 hal::SimDouble m_simAccelZ;
442 struct NonMovableMutexWrapper {
443 wpi::mutex mutex;
444 NonMovableMutexWrapper() = default;
446 NonMovableMutexWrapper(const NonMovableMutexWrapper&) = delete;
447 NonMovableMutexWrapper& operator=(const NonMovableMutexWrapper&) = delete;
449 NonMovableMutexWrapper(NonMovableMutexWrapper&&) {}
450 NonMovableMutexWrapper& operator=(NonMovableMutexWrapper&&) {
451 return *this;
452 }
454 void lock() { mutex.lock(); }
456 void unlock() { mutex.unlock(); }
458 bool try_lock() noexcept { return mutex.try_lock(); }
459 };
461 mutable NonMovableMutexWrapper m_mutex;
463 // CRC-16 Look-Up Table
464 static constexpr uint16_t m_adiscrc[256] = {
465 0x0000, 0x17CE, 0x0FDF, 0x1811, 0x1FBE, 0x0870, 0x1061, 0x07AF, 0x1F3F,
466 0x08F1, 0x10E0, 0x072E, 0x0081, 0x174F, 0x0F5E, 0x1890, 0x1E3D, 0x09F3,
467 0x11E2, 0x062C, 0x0183, 0x164D, 0x0E5C, 0x1992, 0x0102, 0x16CC, 0x0EDD,
468 0x1913, 0x1EBC, 0x0972, 0x1163, 0x06AD, 0x1C39, 0x0BF7, 0x13E6, 0x0428,
469 0x0387, 0x1449, 0x0C58, 0x1B96, 0x0306, 0x14C8, 0x0CD9, 0x1B17, 0x1CB8,
470 0x0B76, 0x1367, 0x04A9, 0x0204, 0x15CA, 0x0DDB, 0x1A15, 0x1DBA, 0x0A74,
471 0x1265, 0x05AB, 0x1D3B, 0x0AF5, 0x12E4, 0x052A, 0x0285, 0x154B, 0x0D5A,
472 0x1A94, 0x1831, 0x0FFF, 0x17EE, 0x0020, 0x078F, 0x1041, 0x0850, 0x1F9E,
473 0x070E, 0x10C0, 0x08D1, 0x1F1F, 0x18B0, 0x0F7E, 0x176F, 0x00A1, 0x060C,
474 0x11C2, 0x09D3, 0x1E1D, 0x19B2, 0x0E7C, 0x166D, 0x01A3, 0x1933, 0x0EFD,
475 0x16EC, 0x0122, 0x068D, 0x1143, 0x0952, 0x1E9C, 0x0408, 0x13C6, 0x0BD7,
476 0x1C19, 0x1BB6, 0x0C78, 0x1469, 0x03A7, 0x1B37, 0x0CF9, 0x14E8, 0x0326,
477 0x0489, 0x1347, 0x0B56, 0x1C98, 0x1A35, 0x0DFB, 0x15EA, 0x0224, 0x058B,
478 0x1245, 0x0A54, 0x1D9A, 0x050A, 0x12C4, 0x0AD5, 0x1D1B, 0x1AB4, 0x0D7A,
479 0x156B, 0x02A5, 0x1021, 0x07EF, 0x1FFE, 0x0830, 0x0F9F, 0x1851, 0x0040,
480 0x178E, 0x0F1E, 0x18D0, 0x00C1, 0x170F, 0x10A0, 0x076E, 0x1F7F, 0x08B1,
481 0x0E1C, 0x19D2, 0x01C3, 0x160D, 0x11A2, 0x066C, 0x1E7D, 0x09B3, 0x1123,
482 0x06ED, 0x1EFC, 0x0932, 0x0E9D, 0x1953, 0x0142, 0x168C, 0x0C18, 0x1BD6,
483 0x03C7, 0x1409, 0x13A6, 0x0468, 0x1C79, 0x0BB7, 0x1327, 0x04E9, 0x1CF8,
484 0x0B36, 0x0C99, 0x1B57, 0x0346, 0x1488, 0x1225, 0x05EB, 0x1DFA, 0x0A34,
485 0x0D9B, 0x1A55, 0x0244, 0x158A, 0x0D1A, 0x1AD4, 0x02C5, 0x150B, 0x12A4,
486 0x056A, 0x1D7B, 0x0AB5, 0x0810, 0x1FDE, 0x07CF, 0x1001, 0x17AE, 0x0060,
487 0x1871, 0x0FBF, 0x172F, 0x00E1, 0x18F0, 0x0F3E, 0x0891, 0x1F5F, 0x074E,
488 0x1080, 0x162D, 0x01E3, 0x19F2, 0x0E3C, 0x0993, 0x1E5D, 0x064C, 0x1182,
489 0x0912, 0x1EDC, 0x06CD, 0x1103, 0x16AC, 0x0162, 0x1973, 0x0EBD, 0x1429,
490 0x03E7, 0x1BF6, 0x0C38, 0x0B97, 0x1C59, 0x0448, 0x1386, 0x0B16, 0x1CD8,
491 0x04C9, 0x1307, 0x14A8, 0x0366, 0x1B77, 0x0CB9, 0x0A14, 0x1DDA, 0x05CB,
492 0x1205, 0x15AA, 0x0264, 0x1A75, 0x0DBB, 0x152B, 0x02E5, 0x1AF4, 0x0D3A,
493 0x0A95, 0x1D5B, 0x054A, 0x1284};
496} // namespace frc
Use DMA SPI to read rate, acceleration, and magnetometer data from the ADIS16448 IMU and return the r...
Definition ADIS16448_IMU.h:55
int ConfigDecRate(uint16_t decimationRate)
Configures the decimation rate of the IMU.
units::tesla_t GetMagneticFieldZ() const
Returns the magnetic field strength in the Z axis.
units::meters_per_second_squared_t GetAccelZ() const
Returns the acceleration in the Z axis.
units::degree_t GetYFilteredAccelAngle() const
Returns the Y-axis filtered acceleration angle.
units::degree_t GetGyroAngleX() const
Returns the accumulated gyro angle in the X axis.
units::degree_t GetXFilteredAccelAngle() const
Returns the X-axis filtered acceleration angle.
units::degree_t GetYComplementaryAngle() const
Returns the complementary angle around the Y axis computed from accelerometer and gyro rate measureme...
units::celsius_t GetTemperature() const
Returns the temperature.
units::degree_t GetAngle() const
Returns the yaw axis angle in degrees (CCW positive).
units::tesla_t GetMagneticFieldY() const
Returns the magnetic field strength in the Y axis.
units::degree_t GetXComplementaryAngle() const
Returns the complementary angle around the X axis computed from accelerometer and gyro rate measureme...
int SetYawAxis(IMUAxis yaw_axis)
int ConfigCalTime(CalibrationTime new_cal_time)
Configures the calibration time used for the next calibrate.
ADIS16448_IMU(IMUAxis yaw_axis, SPI::Port port, CalibrationTime cal_time)
IMU constructor on the specified MXP port and orientation.
IMU axes.
Definition ADIS16448_IMU.h:90
@ kY
The IMU's Y axis.
Definition ADIS16448_IMU.h:94
@ kX
The IMU's X axis.
Definition ADIS16448_IMU.h:92
@ kZ
The IMU's Z axis.
Definition ADIS16448_IMU.h:96
void Reset()
Reset the gyro.
ADIS16448 calibration times.
Definition ADIS16448_IMU.h:60
@ _512ms
512 ms calibration time.
@ _16s
16 s calibration time.
@ _32s
32 s calibration time.
@ _64ms
64 ms calibration time.
@ _128ms
128 ms calibration time.
@ _64s
64 s calibration time.
@ _32ms
32 ms calibration time.
@ _256ms
256 ms calibration time.
units::pounds_per_square_inch_t GetBarometricPressure() const
Returns the barometric pressure.
ADIS16448_IMU & operator=(ADIS16448_IMU &&)
void Calibrate()
Initialize the IMU.
units::degrees_per_second_t GetGyroRateX() const
Returns the angular rate in the X axis.
~ADIS16448_IMU() override
units::degrees_per_second_t GetGyroRateY() const
Returns the angular rate in the Y axis.
units::degrees_per_second_t GetRate() const
Returns the yaw axis angular rate in degrees per second (CCW positive).
units::meters_per_second_squared_t GetAccelY() const
Returns the acceleration in the Y axis.
int GetPort() const
Get the SPI port number.
void InitSendable(wpi::SendableBuilder &builder) override
Initializes this Sendable object.
units::degree_t GetGyroAngleY() const
Returns the accumulated gyro angle in the Y axis.
units::degree_t GetGyroAngleZ() const
Returns the accumulated gyro angle in the Z axis.
units::meters_per_second_squared_t GetAccelX() const
Returns the acceleration in the X axis.
IMUAxis GetYawAxis() const
ADIS16448_IMU(ADIS16448_IMU &&)
bool IsConnected() const
Checks the connection status of the IMU.
IMU constructor on onboard MXP CS0, Z-up orientation, and complementary AHRS computation.
units::tesla_t GetMagneticFieldX() const
Returns the magnetic field strength in the X axis.
units::degrees_per_second_t GetGyroRateZ() const
Returns the angular rate in the Z axis.
Class to read a digital input.
Definition DigitalInput.h:28
Class to write to digital outputs.
Definition DigitalOutput.h:26
SPI port.
Definition SPI.h:32
C++ wrapper around a HAL simulator boolean value handle.
Definition SimDevice.h:611
A move-only C++ wrapper around a HAL simulator device handle.
Definition SimDevice.h:645
C++ wrapper around a HAL simulator double value handle.
Definition SimDevice.h:536
Helper class for building Sendable dashboard representations.
Definition SendableBuilder.h:21
A helper class for use with objects that add themselves to SendableRegistry.
Definition SendableHelper.h:21
Interface for Sendable objects.
Definition Sendable.h:16
Definition CAN.h:11
::std::mutex mutex
Definition mutex.h:17