WPILibC++ 2025.3.1
No Matches
Commands.h File Reference
#include <concepts>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <wpi/deprecated.h>
#include "frc2/command/CommandPtr.h"
#include "frc2/command/Requirements.h"
#include "frc2/command/SelectCommand.h"

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namespace  frc2
namespace  frc2::cmd
 Namespace for command factories.
namespace  frc2::cmd::impl


CommandPtr frc2::cmd::None ()
 Constructs a command that does nothing, finishing immediately.
CommandPtr frc2::cmd::Idle (Requirements requirements={})
 Constructs a command that does nothing until interrupted.
CommandPtr frc2::cmd::RunOnce (std::function< void()> action, Requirements requirements={})
 Constructs a command that runs an action once and finishes.
CommandPtr frc2::cmd::Run (std::function< void()> action, Requirements requirements={})
 Constructs a command that runs an action every iteration until interrupted.
CommandPtr frc2::cmd::StartEnd (std::function< void()> start, std::function< void()> end, Requirements requirements={})
 Constructs a command that runs an action once and another action when the command is interrupted.
CommandPtr frc2::cmd::RunEnd (std::function< void()> run, std::function< void()> end, Requirements requirements={})
 Constructs a command that runs an action every iteration until interrupted, and then runs a second action.
CommandPtr frc2::cmd::StartRun (std::function< void()> start, std::function< void()> run, Requirements requirements={})
 Constructs a command that runs an action once, and then runs an action every iteration until interrupted.
CommandPtr frc2::cmd::Print (std::string_view msg)
 Constructs a command that prints a message and finishes.
CommandPtr frc2::cmd::Wait (units::second_t duration)
 Constructs a command that does nothing, finishing after a specified duration.
CommandPtr frc2::cmd::WaitUntil (std::function< bool()> condition)
 Constructs a command that does nothing, finishing once a condition becomes true.
CommandPtr frc2::cmd::Either (CommandPtr &&onTrue, CommandPtr &&onFalse, std::function< bool()> selector)
 Runs one of two commands, based on the boolean selector function.
template<typename Key , std::convertible_to< CommandPtr >... CommandPtrs>
CommandPtr frc2::cmd::Select (std::function< Key()> selector, std::pair< Key, CommandPtrs > &&... commands)
 Runs one of several commands, based on the selector function.
CommandPtr frc2::cmd::Defer (wpi::unique_function< CommandPtr()> supplier, Requirements requirements)
 Runs the command supplied by the supplier.
CommandPtr frc2::cmd::DeferredProxy (wpi::unique_function< Command *()> supplier)
 Constructs a command that schedules the command returned from the supplier when initialized, and ends when it is no longer scheduled.
CommandPtr frc2::cmd::DeferredProxy (wpi::unique_function< CommandPtr()> supplier)
 Constructs a command that schedules the command returned from the supplier when initialized, and ends when it is no longer scheduled.
template<std::convertible_to< CommandPtr >... Args>
std::vector< CommandPtrfrc2::cmd::impl::MakeVector (Args &&... args)
 Create a vector of commands.
CommandPtr frc2::cmd::Sequence (std::vector< CommandPtr > &&commands)
 Runs a group of commands in series, one after the other.
template<std::convertible_to< CommandPtr >... CommandPtrs>
CommandPtr frc2::cmd::Sequence (CommandPtrs &&... commands)
 Runs a group of commands in series, one after the other.
CommandPtr frc2::cmd::RepeatingSequence (std::vector< CommandPtr > &&commands)
 Runs a group of commands in series, one after the other.
template<std::convertible_to< CommandPtr >... CommandPtrs>
CommandPtr frc2::cmd::RepeatingSequence (CommandPtrs &&... commands)
 Runs a group of commands in series, one after the other.
CommandPtr frc2::cmd::Parallel (std::vector< CommandPtr > &&commands)
 Runs a group of commands at the same time.
template<std::convertible_to< CommandPtr >... CommandPtrs>
CommandPtr frc2::cmd::Parallel (CommandPtrs &&... commands)
 Runs a group of commands at the same time.
CommandPtr frc2::cmd::Race (std::vector< CommandPtr > &&commands)
 Runs a group of commands at the same time.
template<std::convertible_to< CommandPtr >... CommandPtrs>
CommandPtr frc2::cmd::Race (CommandPtrs &&... commands)
 Runs a group of commands at the same time.
CommandPtr frc2::cmd::Deadline (CommandPtr &&deadline, std::vector< CommandPtr > &&others)
 Runs a group of commands at the same time.
template<std::convertible_to< CommandPtr >... CommandPtrs>
CommandPtr frc2::cmd::Deadline (CommandPtr &&deadline, CommandPtrs &&... commands)
 Runs a group of commands at the same time.