WPILibC++ 2025.3.1
No Matches
uv.h File Reference
#include "uv/errno.h"
#include "uv/version.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "uv/unix.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  uv__queue
struct  uv_timespec_t
struct  uv_timespec64_t
struct  uv_timeval_t
struct  uv_timeval64_t
struct  uv_stat_t
struct  uv_req_s
struct  uv_shutdown_s
struct  uv_handle_s
struct  uv_stream_s
struct  uv_write_s
struct  uv_tcp_s
struct  uv_connect_s
struct  uv_udp_s
struct  uv_udp_send_s
struct  uv_tty_s
struct  uv_pipe_s
struct  uv_poll_s
struct  uv_prepare_s
struct  uv_check_s
struct  uv_idle_s
struct  uv_async_s
struct  uv_timer_s
struct  uv_getaddrinfo_s
struct  uv_getnameinfo_s
struct  uv_stdio_container_s
struct  uv_process_options_s
struct  uv_process_s
struct  uv_work_s
struct  uv_cpu_times_s
struct  uv_cpu_info_s
struct  uv_interface_address_s
struct  uv_passwd_s
struct  uv_group_s
struct  uv_utsname_s
struct  uv_statfs_s
struct  uv_dirent_s
struct  uv_rusage_t
struct  uv_env_item_s
struct  uv_metrics_s
struct  uv_dir_s
struct  uv_fs_s
struct  uv_fs_event_s
struct  uv_fs_poll_s
struct  uv_signal_s
struct  uv_random_s
struct  uv_thread_options_s
union  uv_any_handle
union  uv_any_req
struct  uv_loop_s


#define UV_EXTERN   /* nothing */
#define UV_ERRNO_MAP(XX)
#define XX(code, _)
#define XX(uc, lc)
#define XX(uc, lc)
#define UV_PRIORITY_LOW   19
#define UV_PRIORITY_HIGH   -14
#define UV_FS_COPYFILE_EXCL   0x0001
#define UV_FS_COPYFILE_FICLONE   0x0002
#define UV_FS_SYMLINK_DIR   0x0001
#define UV_FS_SYMLINK_JUNCTION   0x0002
#define UV_IF_NAMESIZE   (16 + 1)
#define XX(_, name)


typedef struct uv_loop_s uv_loop_t
typedef struct uv_handle_s uv_handle_t
typedef struct uv_dir_s uv_dir_t
typedef struct uv_stream_s uv_stream_t
typedef struct uv_tcp_s uv_tcp_t
typedef struct uv_udp_s uv_udp_t
typedef struct uv_pipe_s uv_pipe_t
typedef struct uv_tty_s uv_tty_t
typedef struct uv_poll_s uv_poll_t
typedef struct uv_timer_s uv_timer_t
typedef struct uv_prepare_s uv_prepare_t
typedef struct uv_check_s uv_check_t
typedef struct uv_idle_s uv_idle_t
typedef struct uv_async_s uv_async_t
typedef struct uv_process_s uv_process_t
typedef struct uv_fs_event_s uv_fs_event_t
typedef struct uv_fs_poll_s uv_fs_poll_t
typedef struct uv_signal_s uv_signal_t
typedef struct uv_req_s uv_req_t
typedef struct uv_getaddrinfo_s uv_getaddrinfo_t
typedef struct uv_getnameinfo_s uv_getnameinfo_t
typedef struct uv_shutdown_s uv_shutdown_t
typedef struct uv_write_s uv_write_t
typedef struct uv_connect_s uv_connect_t
typedef struct uv_udp_send_s uv_udp_send_t
typedef struct uv_fs_s uv_fs_t
typedef struct uv_work_s uv_work_t
typedef struct uv_random_s uv_random_t
typedef struct uv_env_item_s uv_env_item_t
typedef struct uv_cpu_info_s uv_cpu_info_t
typedef struct uv_interface_address_s uv_interface_address_t
typedef struct uv_dirent_s uv_dirent_t
typedef struct uv_passwd_s uv_passwd_t
typedef struct uv_group_s uv_group_t
typedef struct uv_utsname_s uv_utsname_t
typedef struct uv_statfs_s uv_statfs_t
typedef struct uv_metrics_s uv_metrics_t
typedef void *(* uv_malloc_func) (size_t size)
typedef void *(* uv_realloc_func) (void *ptr, size_t size)
typedef void *(* uv_calloc_func) (size_t count, size_t size)
typedef void(* uv_free_func) (void *ptr)
typedef void(* uv_alloc_cb) (uv_handle_t *handle, size_t suggested_size, uv_buf_t *buf)
typedef void(* uv_read_cb) (uv_stream_t *stream, ssize_t nread, const uv_buf_t *buf)
typedef void(* uv_write_cb) (uv_write_t *req, int status)
typedef void(* uv_connect_cb) (uv_connect_t *req, int status)
typedef void(* uv_shutdown_cb) (uv_shutdown_t *req, int status)
typedef void(* uv_connection_cb) (uv_stream_t *server, int status)
typedef void(* uv_close_cb) (uv_handle_t *handle)
typedef void(* uv_poll_cb) (uv_poll_t *handle, int status, int events)
typedef void(* uv_timer_cb) (uv_timer_t *handle)
typedef void(* uv_async_cb) (uv_async_t *handle)
typedef void(* uv_prepare_cb) (uv_prepare_t *handle)
typedef void(* uv_check_cb) (uv_check_t *handle)
typedef void(* uv_idle_cb) (uv_idle_t *handle)
typedef void(* uv_exit_cb) (uv_process_t *, int64_t exit_status, int term_signal)
typedef void(* uv_walk_cb) (uv_handle_t *handle, void *arg)
typedef void(* uv_fs_cb) (uv_fs_t *req)
typedef void(* uv_work_cb) (uv_work_t *req)
typedef void(* uv_after_work_cb) (uv_work_t *req, int status)
typedef void(* uv_getaddrinfo_cb) (uv_getaddrinfo_t *req, int status, struct addrinfo *res)
typedef void(* uv_getnameinfo_cb) (uv_getnameinfo_t *req, int status, const char *hostname, const char *service)
typedef void(* uv_random_cb) (uv_random_t *req, int status, void *buf, size_t buflen)
typedef void(* uv_fs_event_cb) (uv_fs_event_t *handle, const char *filename, int events, int status)
typedef void(* uv_fs_poll_cb) (uv_fs_poll_t *handle, int status, const uv_stat_t *prev, const uv_stat_t *curr)
typedef void(* uv_signal_cb) (uv_signal_t *handle, int signum)
typedef void(* uv_udp_send_cb) (uv_udp_send_t *req, int status)
typedef void(* uv_udp_recv_cb) (uv_udp_t *handle, ssize_t nread, const uv_buf_t *buf, const struct sockaddr *addr, unsigned flags)
typedef struct uv_stdio_container_s uv_stdio_container_t
typedef struct uv_process_options_s uv_process_options_t
typedef void(* uv_thread_cb) (void *arg)
typedef struct uv_thread_options_s uv_thread_options_t


enum  uv_errno_t { UV_ERRNO_MAX = UV__EOF - 1 }
enum  uv_handle_type { UV_UNKNOWN_HANDLE = 0 , UV_FILE , UV_HANDLE_TYPE_MAX }
enum  uv_req_type { UV_UNKNOWN_REQ = 0 , UV_REQ_TYPE_MAX }
enum  uv_loop_option { UV_LOOP_BLOCK_SIGNAL = 0 , UV_METRICS_IDLE_TIME }
enum  uv_run_mode { UV_RUN_DEFAULT = 0 , UV_RUN_ONCE , UV_RUN_NOWAIT }
enum  uv_membership { UV_LEAVE_GROUP = 0 , UV_JOIN_GROUP }
enum  uv_tcp_flags { UV_TCP_IPV6ONLY = 1 , UV_TCP_REUSEPORT = 2 }
enum  uv_udp_flags {
enum  uv_tty_mode_t { UV_TTY_MODE_NORMAL , UV_TTY_MODE_RAW , UV_TTY_MODE_IO }
enum  uv_tty_vtermstate_t { UV_TTY_SUPPORTED , UV_TTY_UNSUPPORTED }
enum  { UV_PIPE_NO_TRUNCATE = 1u << 0 }
enum  uv_poll_event { UV_READABLE = 1 , UV_WRITABLE = 2 , UV_DISCONNECT = 4 , UV_PRIORITIZED = 8 }
enum  uv_stdio_flags {
  UV_IGNORE = 0x00 , UV_CREATE_PIPE = 0x01 , UV_INHERIT_FD = 0x02 , UV_INHERIT_STREAM = 0x04 ,
enum  uv_process_flags {
enum  uv_dirent_type_t {
enum  {
enum  uv_fs_type {
enum  uv_fs_event { UV_RENAME = 1 , UV_CHANGE = 2 }
enum  uv_fs_event_flags { UV_FS_EVENT_WATCH_ENTRY = 1 , UV_FS_EVENT_STAT = 2 , UV_FS_EVENT_RECURSIVE = 4 }
enum  uv_thread_create_flags { UV_THREAD_NO_FLAGS = 0x00 , UV_THREAD_HAS_STACK_SIZE = 0x01 }


UV_EXTERN unsigned int uv_version (void)
UV_EXTERN const char * uv_version_string (void)
UV_EXTERN void uv_library_shutdown (void)
UV_EXTERN int uv_replace_allocator (uv_malloc_func malloc_func, uv_realloc_func realloc_func, uv_calloc_func calloc_func, uv_free_func free_func)
UV_EXTERN uv_loop_tuv_default_loop (void)
UV_EXTERN int uv_loop_init (uv_loop_t *loop)
UV_EXTERN int uv_loop_close (uv_loop_t *loop)
UV_EXTERN uv_loop_tuv_loop_new (void)
UV_EXTERN void uv_loop_delete (uv_loop_t *)
UV_EXTERN size_t uv_loop_size (void)
UV_EXTERN int uv_loop_alive (const uv_loop_t *loop)
UV_EXTERN int uv_loop_configure (uv_loop_t *loop, uv_loop_option option,...)
UV_EXTERN int uv_loop_fork (uv_loop_t *loop)
UV_EXTERN int uv_run (uv_loop_t *, uv_run_mode mode)
UV_EXTERN void uv_stop (uv_loop_t *)
UV_EXTERN void uv_ref (uv_handle_t *)
UV_EXTERN void uv_unref (uv_handle_t *)
UV_EXTERN int uv_has_ref (const uv_handle_t *)
UV_EXTERN void uv_update_time (uv_loop_t *)
UV_EXTERN uint64_t uv_now (const uv_loop_t *)
UV_EXTERN int uv_backend_fd (const uv_loop_t *)
UV_EXTERN int uv_backend_timeout (const uv_loop_t *)
UV_EXTERN int uv_translate_sys_error (int sys_errno)
UV_EXTERN const char * uv_strerror (int err)
UV_EXTERN char * uv_strerror_r (int err, char *buf, size_t buflen)
UV_EXTERN const char * uv_err_name (int err)
UV_EXTERN char * uv_err_name_r (int err, char *buf, size_t buflen)
UV_PRIVATE_REQ_TYPES UV_EXTERN int uv_shutdown (uv_shutdown_t *req, uv_stream_t *handle, uv_shutdown_cb cb)
UV_EXTERN size_t uv_handle_size (uv_handle_type type)
UV_EXTERN uv_handle_type uv_handle_get_type (const uv_handle_t *handle)
UV_EXTERN const char * uv_handle_type_name (uv_handle_type type)
UV_EXTERN void * uv_handle_get_data (const uv_handle_t *handle)
UV_EXTERN uv_loop_tuv_handle_get_loop (const uv_handle_t *handle)
UV_EXTERN void uv_handle_set_data (uv_handle_t *handle, void *data)
UV_EXTERN size_t uv_req_size (uv_req_type type)
UV_EXTERN void * uv_req_get_data (const uv_req_t *req)
UV_EXTERN void uv_req_set_data (uv_req_t *req, void *data)
UV_EXTERN uv_req_type uv_req_get_type (const uv_req_t *req)
UV_EXTERN const char * uv_req_type_name (uv_req_type type)
UV_EXTERN int uv_is_active (const uv_handle_t *handle)
UV_EXTERN void uv_walk (uv_loop_t *loop, uv_walk_cb walk_cb, void *arg)
UV_EXTERN void uv_print_all_handles (uv_loop_t *loop, FILE *stream)
UV_EXTERN void uv_print_active_handles (uv_loop_t *loop, FILE *stream)
UV_EXTERN void uv_close (uv_handle_t *handle, uv_close_cb close_cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_send_buffer_size (uv_handle_t *handle, int *value)
UV_EXTERN int uv_recv_buffer_size (uv_handle_t *handle, int *value)
UV_EXTERN int uv_fileno (const uv_handle_t *handle, uv_os_fd_t *fd)
UV_EXTERN uv_buf_t uv_buf_init (char *base, unsigned int len)
UV_EXTERN int uv_pipe (uv_file fds[2], int read_flags, int write_flags)
UV_EXTERN int uv_socketpair (int type, int protocol, uv_os_sock_t socket_vector[2], int flags0, int flags1)
UV_EXTERN size_t uv_stream_get_write_queue_size (const uv_stream_t *stream)
UV_EXTERN int uv_listen (uv_stream_t *stream, int backlog, uv_connection_cb cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_accept (uv_stream_t *server, uv_stream_t *client)
UV_EXTERN int uv_read_start (uv_stream_t *, uv_alloc_cb alloc_cb, uv_read_cb read_cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_read_stop (uv_stream_t *)
UV_EXTERN int uv_write (uv_write_t *req, uv_stream_t *handle, const uv_buf_t bufs[], unsigned int nbufs, uv_write_cb cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_write2 (uv_write_t *req, uv_stream_t *handle, const uv_buf_t bufs[], unsigned int nbufs, uv_stream_t *send_handle, uv_write_cb cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_try_write (uv_stream_t *handle, const uv_buf_t bufs[], unsigned int nbufs)
UV_EXTERN int uv_try_write2 (uv_stream_t *handle, const uv_buf_t bufs[], unsigned int nbufs, uv_stream_t *send_handle)
UV_EXTERN int uv_is_readable (const uv_stream_t *handle)
UV_EXTERN int uv_is_writable (const uv_stream_t *handle)
UV_EXTERN int uv_stream_set_blocking (uv_stream_t *handle, int blocking)
UV_EXTERN int uv_is_closing (const uv_handle_t *handle)
UV_EXTERN int uv_tcp_init (uv_loop_t *, uv_tcp_t *handle)
UV_EXTERN int uv_tcp_init_ex (uv_loop_t *, uv_tcp_t *handle, unsigned int flags)
UV_EXTERN int uv_tcp_open (uv_tcp_t *handle, uv_os_sock_t sock)
UV_EXTERN int uv_tcp_nodelay (uv_tcp_t *handle, int enable)
UV_EXTERN int uv_tcp_keepalive (uv_tcp_t *handle, int enable, unsigned int delay)
UV_EXTERN int uv_tcp_simultaneous_accepts (uv_tcp_t *handle, int enable)
UV_EXTERN int uv_tcp_bind (uv_tcp_t *handle, const struct sockaddr *addr, unsigned int flags)
UV_EXTERN int uv_tcp_getsockname (const uv_tcp_t *handle, struct sockaddr *name, int *namelen)
UV_EXTERN int uv_tcp_getpeername (const uv_tcp_t *handle, struct sockaddr *name, int *namelen)
UV_EXTERN int uv_tcp_close_reset (uv_tcp_t *handle, uv_close_cb close_cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_tcp_connect (uv_connect_t *req, uv_tcp_t *handle, const struct sockaddr *addr, uv_connect_cb cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_udp_init (uv_loop_t *, uv_udp_t *handle)
UV_EXTERN int uv_udp_init_ex (uv_loop_t *, uv_udp_t *handle, unsigned int flags)
UV_EXTERN int uv_udp_open (uv_udp_t *handle, uv_os_sock_t sock)
UV_EXTERN int uv_udp_bind (uv_udp_t *handle, const struct sockaddr *addr, unsigned int flags)
UV_EXTERN int uv_udp_connect (uv_udp_t *handle, const struct sockaddr *addr)
UV_EXTERN int uv_udp_getpeername (const uv_udp_t *handle, struct sockaddr *name, int *namelen)
UV_EXTERN int uv_udp_getsockname (const uv_udp_t *handle, struct sockaddr *name, int *namelen)
UV_EXTERN int uv_udp_set_membership (uv_udp_t *handle, const char *multicast_addr, const char *interface_addr, uv_membership membership)
UV_EXTERN int uv_udp_set_source_membership (uv_udp_t *handle, const char *multicast_addr, const char *interface_addr, const char *source_addr, uv_membership membership)
UV_EXTERN int uv_udp_set_multicast_loop (uv_udp_t *handle, int on)
UV_EXTERN int uv_udp_set_multicast_ttl (uv_udp_t *handle, int ttl)
UV_EXTERN int uv_udp_set_multicast_interface (uv_udp_t *handle, const char *interface_addr)
UV_EXTERN int uv_udp_set_broadcast (uv_udp_t *handle, int on)
UV_EXTERN int uv_udp_set_ttl (uv_udp_t *handle, int ttl)
UV_EXTERN int uv_udp_send (uv_udp_send_t *req, uv_udp_t *handle, const uv_buf_t bufs[], unsigned int nbufs, const struct sockaddr *addr, uv_udp_send_cb send_cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_udp_try_send (uv_udp_t *handle, const uv_buf_t bufs[], unsigned int nbufs, const struct sockaddr *addr)
UV_EXTERN int uv_udp_recv_start (uv_udp_t *handle, uv_alloc_cb alloc_cb, uv_udp_recv_cb recv_cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_udp_using_recvmmsg (const uv_udp_t *handle)
UV_EXTERN int uv_udp_recv_stop (uv_udp_t *handle)
UV_EXTERN size_t uv_udp_get_send_queue_size (const uv_udp_t *handle)
UV_EXTERN size_t uv_udp_get_send_queue_count (const uv_udp_t *handle)
UV_EXTERN int uv_tty_init (uv_loop_t *, uv_tty_t *, uv_file fd, int readable)
UV_EXTERN int uv_tty_set_mode (uv_tty_t *, uv_tty_mode_t mode)
UV_EXTERN int uv_tty_reset_mode (void)
UV_EXTERN int uv_tty_get_winsize (uv_tty_t *, int *width, int *height)
UV_EXTERN void uv_tty_set_vterm_state (uv_tty_vtermstate_t state)
UV_EXTERN int uv_tty_get_vterm_state (uv_tty_vtermstate_t *state)
int uv_tty_set_mode (uv_tty_t *handle, int mode)
UV_EXTERN uv_handle_type uv_guess_handle (uv_file file)
UV_EXTERN int uv_pipe_init (uv_loop_t *, uv_pipe_t *handle, int ipc)
UV_EXTERN int uv_pipe_open (uv_pipe_t *, uv_file file)
UV_EXTERN int uv_pipe_bind (uv_pipe_t *handle, const char *name)
UV_EXTERN int uv_pipe_bind2 (uv_pipe_t *handle, const char *name, size_t namelen, unsigned int flags)
UV_EXTERN void uv_pipe_connect (uv_connect_t *req, uv_pipe_t *handle, const char *name, uv_connect_cb cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_pipe_connect2 (uv_connect_t *req, uv_pipe_t *handle, const char *name, size_t namelen, unsigned int flags, uv_connect_cb cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_pipe_getsockname (const uv_pipe_t *handle, char *buffer, size_t *size)
UV_EXTERN int uv_pipe_getpeername (const uv_pipe_t *handle, char *buffer, size_t *size)
UV_EXTERN void uv_pipe_pending_instances (uv_pipe_t *handle, int count)
UV_EXTERN int uv_pipe_pending_count (uv_pipe_t *handle)
UV_EXTERN uv_handle_type uv_pipe_pending_type (uv_pipe_t *handle)
UV_EXTERN int uv_pipe_chmod (uv_pipe_t *handle, int flags)
UV_EXTERN int uv_poll_init (uv_loop_t *loop, uv_poll_t *handle, int fd)
UV_EXTERN int uv_poll_init_socket (uv_loop_t *loop, uv_poll_t *handle, uv_os_sock_t socket)
UV_EXTERN int uv_poll_start (uv_poll_t *handle, int events, uv_poll_cb cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_poll_stop (uv_poll_t *handle)
UV_EXTERN int uv_prepare_init (uv_loop_t *, uv_prepare_t *prepare)
UV_EXTERN int uv_prepare_start (uv_prepare_t *prepare, uv_prepare_cb cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_prepare_stop (uv_prepare_t *prepare)
UV_EXTERN int uv_check_init (uv_loop_t *, uv_check_t *check)
UV_EXTERN int uv_check_start (uv_check_t *check, uv_check_cb cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_check_stop (uv_check_t *check)
UV_EXTERN int uv_idle_init (uv_loop_t *, uv_idle_t *idle)
UV_EXTERN int uv_idle_start (uv_idle_t *idle, uv_idle_cb cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_idle_stop (uv_idle_t *idle)
UV_EXTERN int uv_async_init (uv_loop_t *, uv_async_t *async, uv_async_cb async_cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_async_send (uv_async_t *async)
UV_EXTERN int uv_timer_init (uv_loop_t *, uv_timer_t *handle)
UV_EXTERN int uv_timer_start (uv_timer_t *handle, uv_timer_cb cb, uint64_t timeout, uint64_t repeat)
UV_EXTERN int uv_timer_stop (uv_timer_t *handle)
UV_EXTERN int uv_timer_again (uv_timer_t *handle)
UV_EXTERN void uv_timer_set_repeat (uv_timer_t *handle, uint64_t repeat)
UV_EXTERN uint64_t uv_timer_get_repeat (const uv_timer_t *handle)
UV_EXTERN uint64_t uv_timer_get_due_in (const uv_timer_t *handle)
UV_EXTERN int uv_getaddrinfo (uv_loop_t *loop, uv_getaddrinfo_t *req, uv_getaddrinfo_cb getaddrinfo_cb, const char *node, const char *service, const struct addrinfo *hints)
UV_EXTERN void uv_freeaddrinfo (struct addrinfo *ai)
UV_EXTERN int uv_getnameinfo (uv_loop_t *loop, uv_getnameinfo_t *req, uv_getnameinfo_cb getnameinfo_cb, const struct sockaddr *addr, int flags)
UV_EXTERN int uv_spawn (uv_loop_t *loop, uv_process_t *handle, const uv_process_options_t *options)
UV_EXTERN int uv_process_kill (uv_process_t *, int signum)
UV_EXTERN int uv_kill (int pid, int signum)
UV_EXTERN uv_pid_t uv_process_get_pid (const uv_process_t *)
UV_EXTERN int uv_queue_work (uv_loop_t *loop, uv_work_t *req, uv_work_cb work_cb, uv_after_work_cb after_work_cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_cancel (uv_req_t *req)
UV_EXTERN char ** uv_setup_args (int argc, char **argv)
UV_EXTERN int uv_get_process_title (char *buffer, size_t size)
UV_EXTERN int uv_set_process_title (const char *title)
UV_EXTERN int uv_resident_set_memory (size_t *rss)
UV_EXTERN int uv_uptime (double *uptime)
UV_EXTERN uv_os_fd_t uv_get_osfhandle (int fd)
UV_EXTERN int uv_open_osfhandle (uv_os_fd_t os_fd)
UV_EXTERN int uv_getrusage (uv_rusage_t *rusage)
UV_EXTERN int uv_os_homedir (char *buffer, size_t *size)
UV_EXTERN int uv_os_tmpdir (char *buffer, size_t *size)
UV_EXTERN int uv_os_get_passwd (uv_passwd_t *pwd)
UV_EXTERN void uv_os_free_passwd (uv_passwd_t *pwd)
UV_EXTERN int uv_os_get_passwd2 (uv_passwd_t *pwd, uv_uid_t uid)
UV_EXTERN int uv_os_get_group (uv_group_t *grp, uv_uid_t gid)
UV_EXTERN void uv_os_free_group (uv_group_t *grp)
UV_EXTERN uv_pid_t uv_os_getpid (void)
UV_EXTERN uv_pid_t uv_os_getppid (void)
UV_EXTERN int uv_os_getpriority (uv_pid_t pid, int *priority)
UV_EXTERN int uv_os_setpriority (uv_pid_t pid, int priority)
UV_EXTERN int uv_thread_getpriority (uv_thread_t tid, int *priority)
UV_EXTERN int uv_thread_setpriority (uv_thread_t tid, int priority)
UV_EXTERN unsigned int uv_available_parallelism (void)
UV_EXTERN int uv_cpu_info (uv_cpu_info_t **cpu_infos, int *count)
UV_EXTERN void uv_free_cpu_info (uv_cpu_info_t *cpu_infos, int count)
UV_EXTERN int uv_cpumask_size (void)
UV_EXTERN int uv_interface_addresses (uv_interface_address_t **addresses, int *count)
UV_EXTERN void uv_free_interface_addresses (uv_interface_address_t *addresses, int count)
UV_EXTERN int uv_os_environ (uv_env_item_t **envitems, int *count)
UV_EXTERN void uv_os_free_environ (uv_env_item_t *envitems, int count)
UV_EXTERN int uv_os_getenv (const char *name, char *buffer, size_t *size)
UV_EXTERN int uv_os_setenv (const char *name, const char *value)
UV_EXTERN int uv_os_unsetenv (const char *name)
UV_EXTERN int uv_os_gethostname (char *buffer, size_t *size)
UV_EXTERN int uv_os_uname (uv_utsname_t *buffer)
UV_EXTERN int uv_metrics_info (uv_loop_t *loop, uv_metrics_t *metrics)
UV_EXTERN uint64_t uv_metrics_idle_time (uv_loop_t *loop)
UV_EXTERN uv_fs_type uv_fs_get_type (const uv_fs_t *)
UV_EXTERN ssize_t uv_fs_get_result (const uv_fs_t *)
UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_get_system_error (const uv_fs_t *)
UV_EXTERN void * uv_fs_get_ptr (const uv_fs_t *)
UV_EXTERN const char * uv_fs_get_path (const uv_fs_t *)
UV_EXTERN uv_stat_tuv_fs_get_statbuf (uv_fs_t *)
UV_EXTERN void uv_fs_req_cleanup (uv_fs_t *req)
UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_close (uv_loop_t *loop, uv_fs_t *req, uv_file file, uv_fs_cb cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_open (uv_loop_t *loop, uv_fs_t *req, const char *path, int flags, int mode, uv_fs_cb cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_read (uv_loop_t *loop, uv_fs_t *req, uv_file file, const uv_buf_t bufs[], unsigned int nbufs, int64_t offset, uv_fs_cb cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_unlink (uv_loop_t *loop, uv_fs_t *req, const char *path, uv_fs_cb cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_write (uv_loop_t *loop, uv_fs_t *req, uv_file file, const uv_buf_t bufs[], unsigned int nbufs, int64_t offset, uv_fs_cb cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_copyfile (uv_loop_t *loop, uv_fs_t *req, const char *path, const char *new_path, int flags, uv_fs_cb cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_mkdir (uv_loop_t *loop, uv_fs_t *req, const char *path, int mode, uv_fs_cb cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_mkdtemp (uv_loop_t *loop, uv_fs_t *req, const char *tpl, uv_fs_cb cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_mkstemp (uv_loop_t *loop, uv_fs_t *req, const char *tpl, uv_fs_cb cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_rmdir (uv_loop_t *loop, uv_fs_t *req, const char *path, uv_fs_cb cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_scandir (uv_loop_t *loop, uv_fs_t *req, const char *path, int flags, uv_fs_cb cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_scandir_next (uv_fs_t *req, uv_dirent_t *ent)
UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_opendir (uv_loop_t *loop, uv_fs_t *req, const char *path, uv_fs_cb cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_readdir (uv_loop_t *loop, uv_fs_t *req, uv_dir_t *dir, uv_fs_cb cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_closedir (uv_loop_t *loop, uv_fs_t *req, uv_dir_t *dir, uv_fs_cb cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_stat (uv_loop_t *loop, uv_fs_t *req, const char *path, uv_fs_cb cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_fstat (uv_loop_t *loop, uv_fs_t *req, uv_file file, uv_fs_cb cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_rename (uv_loop_t *loop, uv_fs_t *req, const char *path, const char *new_path, uv_fs_cb cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_fsync (uv_loop_t *loop, uv_fs_t *req, uv_file file, uv_fs_cb cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_fdatasync (uv_loop_t *loop, uv_fs_t *req, uv_file file, uv_fs_cb cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_ftruncate (uv_loop_t *loop, uv_fs_t *req, uv_file file, int64_t offset, uv_fs_cb cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_sendfile (uv_loop_t *loop, uv_fs_t *req, uv_file out_fd, uv_file in_fd, int64_t in_offset, size_t length, uv_fs_cb cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_access (uv_loop_t *loop, uv_fs_t *req, const char *path, int mode, uv_fs_cb cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_chmod (uv_loop_t *loop, uv_fs_t *req, const char *path, int mode, uv_fs_cb cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_utime (uv_loop_t *loop, uv_fs_t *req, const char *path, double atime, double mtime, uv_fs_cb cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_futime (uv_loop_t *loop, uv_fs_t *req, uv_file file, double atime, double mtime, uv_fs_cb cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_lutime (uv_loop_t *loop, uv_fs_t *req, const char *path, double atime, double mtime, uv_fs_cb cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_lstat (uv_loop_t *loop, uv_fs_t *req, const char *path, uv_fs_cb cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_link (uv_loop_t *loop, uv_fs_t *req, const char *path, const char *new_path, uv_fs_cb cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_symlink (uv_loop_t *loop, uv_fs_t *req, const char *path, const char *new_path, int flags, uv_fs_cb cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_readlink (uv_loop_t *loop, uv_fs_t *req, const char *path, uv_fs_cb cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_realpath (uv_loop_t *loop, uv_fs_t *req, const char *path, uv_fs_cb cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_fchmod (uv_loop_t *loop, uv_fs_t *req, uv_file file, int mode, uv_fs_cb cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_chown (uv_loop_t *loop, uv_fs_t *req, const char *path, uv_uid_t uid, uv_gid_t gid, uv_fs_cb cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_fchown (uv_loop_t *loop, uv_fs_t *req, uv_file file, uv_uid_t uid, uv_gid_t gid, uv_fs_cb cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_lchown (uv_loop_t *loop, uv_fs_t *req, const char *path, uv_uid_t uid, uv_gid_t gid, uv_fs_cb cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_statfs (uv_loop_t *loop, uv_fs_t *req, const char *path, uv_fs_cb cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_poll_init (uv_loop_t *loop, uv_fs_poll_t *handle)
UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_poll_start (uv_fs_poll_t *handle, uv_fs_poll_cb poll_cb, const char *path, unsigned int interval)
UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_poll_stop (uv_fs_poll_t *handle)
UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_poll_getpath (uv_fs_poll_t *handle, char *buffer, size_t *size)
UV_EXTERN int uv_signal_init (uv_loop_t *loop, uv_signal_t *handle)
UV_EXTERN int uv_signal_start (uv_signal_t *handle, uv_signal_cb signal_cb, int signum)
UV_EXTERN int uv_signal_start_oneshot (uv_signal_t *handle, uv_signal_cb signal_cb, int signum)
UV_EXTERN int uv_signal_stop (uv_signal_t *handle)
UV_EXTERN void uv_loadavg (double avg[3])
UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_event_init (uv_loop_t *loop, uv_fs_event_t *handle)
UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_event_start (uv_fs_event_t *handle, uv_fs_event_cb cb, const char *path, unsigned int flags)
UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_event_stop (uv_fs_event_t *handle)
UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_event_getpath (uv_fs_event_t *handle, char *buffer, size_t *size)
UV_EXTERN int uv_ip4_addr (const char *ip, int port, struct sockaddr_in *addr)
UV_EXTERN int uv_ip6_addr (const char *ip, int port, struct sockaddr_in6 *addr)
UV_EXTERN int uv_ip4_name (const struct sockaddr_in *src, char *dst, size_t size)
UV_EXTERN int uv_ip6_name (const struct sockaddr_in6 *src, char *dst, size_t size)
UV_EXTERN int uv_ip_name (const struct sockaddr *src, char *dst, size_t size)
UV_EXTERN int uv_inet_ntop (int af, const void *src, char *dst, size_t size)
UV_EXTERN int uv_inet_pton (int af, const char *src, void *dst)
UV_EXTERN int uv_random (uv_loop_t *loop, uv_random_t *req, void *buf, size_t buflen, unsigned flags, uv_random_cb cb)
UV_EXTERN int uv_if_indextoname (unsigned int ifindex, char *buffer, size_t *size)
UV_EXTERN int uv_if_indextoiid (unsigned int ifindex, char *buffer, size_t *size)
UV_EXTERN int uv_exepath (char *buffer, size_t *size)
UV_EXTERN int uv_cwd (char *buffer, size_t *size)
UV_EXTERN int uv_chdir (const char *dir)
UV_EXTERN uint64_t uv_get_free_memory (void)
UV_EXTERN uint64_t uv_get_total_memory (void)
UV_EXTERN uint64_t uv_get_constrained_memory (void)
UV_EXTERN uint64_t uv_get_available_memory (void)
UV_EXTERN int uv_clock_gettime (uv_clock_id clock_id, uv_timespec64_t *ts)
UV_EXTERN uint64_t uv_hrtime (void)
UV_EXTERN void uv_sleep (unsigned int msec)
UV_EXTERN void uv_disable_stdio_inheritance (void)
UV_EXTERN int uv_dlopen (const char *filename, uv_lib_t *lib)
UV_EXTERN void uv_dlclose (uv_lib_t *lib)
UV_EXTERN int uv_dlsym (uv_lib_t *lib, const char *name, void **ptr)
UV_EXTERN const char * uv_dlerror (const uv_lib_t *lib)
UV_EXTERN int uv_mutex_init (uv_mutex_t *handle)
UV_EXTERN int uv_mutex_init_recursive (uv_mutex_t *handle)
UV_EXTERN void uv_mutex_destroy (uv_mutex_t *handle)
UV_EXTERN void uv_mutex_lock (uv_mutex_t *handle)
UV_EXTERN int uv_mutex_trylock (uv_mutex_t *handle)
UV_EXTERN void uv_mutex_unlock (uv_mutex_t *handle)
UV_EXTERN int uv_rwlock_init (uv_rwlock_t *rwlock)
UV_EXTERN void uv_rwlock_destroy (uv_rwlock_t *rwlock)
UV_EXTERN void uv_rwlock_rdlock (uv_rwlock_t *rwlock)
UV_EXTERN int uv_rwlock_tryrdlock (uv_rwlock_t *rwlock)
UV_EXTERN void uv_rwlock_rdunlock (uv_rwlock_t *rwlock)
UV_EXTERN void uv_rwlock_wrlock (uv_rwlock_t *rwlock)
UV_EXTERN int uv_rwlock_trywrlock (uv_rwlock_t *rwlock)
UV_EXTERN void uv_rwlock_wrunlock (uv_rwlock_t *rwlock)
UV_EXTERN int uv_sem_init (uv_sem_t *sem, unsigned int value)
UV_EXTERN void uv_sem_destroy (uv_sem_t *sem)
UV_EXTERN void uv_sem_post (uv_sem_t *sem)
UV_EXTERN void uv_sem_wait (uv_sem_t *sem)
UV_EXTERN int uv_sem_trywait (uv_sem_t *sem)
UV_EXTERN int uv_cond_init (uv_cond_t *cond)
UV_EXTERN void uv_cond_destroy (uv_cond_t *cond)
UV_EXTERN void uv_cond_signal (uv_cond_t *cond)
UV_EXTERN void uv_cond_broadcast (uv_cond_t *cond)
UV_EXTERN int uv_barrier_init (uv_barrier_t *barrier, unsigned int count)
UV_EXTERN void uv_barrier_destroy (uv_barrier_t *barrier)
UV_EXTERN int uv_barrier_wait (uv_barrier_t *barrier)
UV_EXTERN void uv_cond_wait (uv_cond_t *cond, uv_mutex_t *mutex)
UV_EXTERN int uv_cond_timedwait (uv_cond_t *cond, uv_mutex_t *mutex, uint64_t timeout)
UV_EXTERN void uv_once (uv_once_t *guard, void(*callback)(void))
UV_EXTERN int uv_key_create (uv_key_t *key)
UV_EXTERN void uv_key_delete (uv_key_t *key)
UV_EXTERN void * uv_key_get (uv_key_t *key)
UV_EXTERN void uv_key_set (uv_key_t *key, void *value)
UV_EXTERN int uv_gettimeofday (uv_timeval64_t *tv)
UV_EXTERN int uv_thread_create (uv_thread_t *tid, uv_thread_cb entry, void *arg)
UV_EXTERN int uv_thread_create_ex (uv_thread_t *tid, const uv_thread_options_t *params, uv_thread_cb entry, void *arg)
UV_EXTERN int uv_thread_setaffinity (uv_thread_t *tid, char *cpumask, char *oldmask, size_t mask_size)
UV_EXTERN int uv_thread_getaffinity (uv_thread_t *tid, char *cpumask, size_t mask_size)
UV_EXTERN int uv_thread_getcpu (void)
UV_EXTERN uv_thread_t uv_thread_self (void)
UV_EXTERN int uv_thread_join (uv_thread_t *tid)
UV_EXTERN int uv_thread_equal (const uv_thread_t *t1, const uv_thread_t *t2)
UV_EXTERN void * uv_loop_get_data (const uv_loop_t *)
UV_EXTERN void uv_loop_set_data (uv_loop_t *, void *data)
UV_EXTERN size_t uv_utf16_length_as_wtf8 (const uint16_t *utf16, ssize_t utf16_len)
UV_EXTERN int uv_utf16_to_wtf8 (const uint16_t *utf16, ssize_t utf16_len, char **wtf8_ptr, size_t *wtf8_len_ptr)
UV_EXTERN ssize_t uv_wtf8_length_as_utf16 (const char *wtf8)
UV_EXTERN void uv_wtf8_to_utf16 (const char *wtf8, uint16_t *utf16, size_t utf16_len)

Macro Definition Documentation


#define UV_ERRNO_MAP ( XX)


#define UV_EXTERN   /* nothing */


#define UV_FS_COPYFILE_EXCL   0x0001


#define UV_FS_COPYFILE_FICLONE   0x0002




#define UV_FS_SYMLINK_DIR   0x0001


#define UV_FS_SYMLINK_JUNCTION   0x0002


/* public */ \
void* data; \
/* read-only */ \
uv_loop_t* loop; \
/* private */ \
uv_close_cb close_cb; \
struct uv__queue handle_queue; \
union { \
int fd; \
void* reserved[4]; \
} u; \
Definition uv.h:60
Definition uv.h:1905
Definition uv.h:195
void(* uv_close_cb)(uv_handle_t *handle)
Definition uv.h:330
Definition win.h:588


XX(ASYNC, async) \
XX(CHECK, check) \
XX(FS_EVENT, fs_event) \
XX(FS_POLL, fs_poll) \
XX(HANDLE, handle) \
XX(IDLE, idle) \
XX(NAMED_PIPE, pipe) \
XX(POLL, poll) \
XX(PREPARE, prepare) \
XX(PROCESS, process) \
XX(STREAM, stream) \
XX(TCP, tcp) \
XX(TIMER, timer) \
XX(TTY, tty) \
XX(UDP, udp) \
XX(SIGNAL, signal) \
#define XX(code, _)
Definition uv.h:189


#define UV_IF_NAMESIZE   (16 + 1)










#define UV_PRIORITY_HIGH   -14




#define UV_PRIORITY_LOW   19




/* public */ \
void* data; \
/* read-only */ \
uv_req_type type; \
/* private */ \
void* reserved[6]; \
Definition uv.h:204
Definition win.h:379


#define UV_REQ_TYPE_MAP ( XX)
XX(REQ, req) \
XX(CONNECT, connect) \
XX(WRITE, write) \
XX(SHUTDOWN, shutdown) \
XX(UDP_SEND, udp_send) \
XX(FS, fs) \
XX(WORK, work) \
XX(GETADDRINFO, getaddrinfo) \
XX(GETNAMEINFO, getnameinfo) \
XX(RANDOM, random) \
Definition MappedFileRegion.h:12


/* number of bytes queued for writing */ \
size_t write_queue_size; \
uv_alloc_cb alloc_cb; \
uv_read_cb read_cb; \
/* private */ \
void(* uv_read_cb)(uv_stream_t *stream, ssize_t nread, const uv_buf_t *buf)
Definition uv.h:323
void(* uv_alloc_cb)(uv_handle_t *handle, size_t suggested_size, uv_buf_t *buf)
Definition uv.h:320
Definition win.h:440

◆ XX [1/4]

#define XX ( _,
name )
uv_ ## name ## _t name;

◆ XX [2/4]

#define XX ( code,
_ )
UV_ ## code = UV__ ## code,
and restrictions which apply to each piece of software is included later in this file and or inside of the individual applicable source files The disclaimer of warranty in the WPILib license above applies to all code in and nothing in any of the other licenses gives permission to use the names of FIRST nor the names of the WPILib contributors to endorse or promote products derived from this software The following pieces of software have additional or alternate and or and nanopb were all modified for use in Google Inc All rights reserved Redistribution and use in source and binary with or without are permitted provided that the following conditions are this list of conditions and the following disclaimer *Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and or other materials provided with the distribution *Neither the name of Google Inc nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS AS IS AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED BUT NOT LIMITED THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY OR CONSEQUENTIAL WHETHER IN STRICT OR EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH January AND DISTRIBUTION Definitions License shall mean the terms and conditions for and distribution as defined by Sections through of this document Licensor shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by the copyright owner that is granting the License Legal Entity shall mean the union of the acting entity and all other entities that control are controlled by or are under common control with that entity For the purposes of this definition control direct or to cause the direction or management of such whether by contract or including but not limited to software source code
Definition ThirdPartyNotices.txt:123

◆ XX [3/4]

#define XX ( uc,
lc )

◆ XX [4/4]

#define XX ( uc,
lc )

Typedef Documentation

◆ uv_after_work_cb

typedef void(* uv_after_work_cb) (uv_work_t *req, int status)

◆ uv_alloc_cb

typedef void(* uv_alloc_cb) (uv_handle_t *handle, size_t suggested_size, uv_buf_t *buf)

◆ uv_async_cb

typedef void(* uv_async_cb) (uv_async_t *handle)

◆ uv_async_t

typedef struct uv_async_s uv_async_t

◆ uv_calloc_func

typedef void *(* uv_calloc_func) (size_t count, size_t size)

◆ uv_check_cb

typedef void(* uv_check_cb) (uv_check_t *handle)

◆ uv_check_t

typedef struct uv_check_s uv_check_t

◆ uv_close_cb

typedef void(* uv_close_cb) (uv_handle_t *handle)

◆ uv_connect_cb

typedef void(* uv_connect_cb) (uv_connect_t *req, int status)

◆ uv_connect_t

typedef struct uv_connect_s uv_connect_t

◆ uv_connection_cb

typedef void(* uv_connection_cb) (uv_stream_t *server, int status)

◆ uv_cpu_info_t

typedef struct uv_cpu_info_s uv_cpu_info_t

◆ uv_dir_t

typedef struct uv_dir_s uv_dir_t

◆ uv_dirent_t

typedef struct uv_dirent_s uv_dirent_t

◆ uv_env_item_t

typedef struct uv_env_item_s uv_env_item_t

◆ uv_exit_cb

typedef void(* uv_exit_cb) (uv_process_t *, int64_t exit_status, int term_signal)

◆ uv_free_func

typedef void(* uv_free_func) (void *ptr)

◆ uv_fs_cb

typedef void(* uv_fs_cb) (uv_fs_t *req)

◆ uv_fs_event_cb

typedef void(* uv_fs_event_cb) (uv_fs_event_t *handle, const char *filename, int events, int status)

◆ uv_fs_event_t

typedef struct uv_fs_event_s uv_fs_event_t

◆ uv_fs_poll_cb

typedef void(* uv_fs_poll_cb) (uv_fs_poll_t *handle, int status, const uv_stat_t *prev, const uv_stat_t *curr)

◆ uv_fs_poll_t

typedef struct uv_fs_poll_s uv_fs_poll_t

◆ uv_fs_t

typedef struct uv_fs_s uv_fs_t

◆ uv_getaddrinfo_cb

typedef void(* uv_getaddrinfo_cb) (uv_getaddrinfo_t *req, int status, struct addrinfo *res)

◆ uv_getaddrinfo_t

◆ uv_getnameinfo_cb

typedef void(* uv_getnameinfo_cb) (uv_getnameinfo_t *req, int status, const char *hostname, const char *service)

◆ uv_getnameinfo_t

◆ uv_group_t

typedef struct uv_group_s uv_group_t

◆ uv_handle_t

typedef struct uv_handle_s uv_handle_t

◆ uv_idle_cb

typedef void(* uv_idle_cb) (uv_idle_t *handle)

◆ uv_idle_t

typedef struct uv_idle_s uv_idle_t

◆ uv_interface_address_t

◆ uv_loop_t

typedef struct uv_loop_s uv_loop_t

◆ uv_malloc_func

typedef void *(* uv_malloc_func) (size_t size)

◆ uv_metrics_t

typedef struct uv_metrics_s uv_metrics_t

◆ uv_passwd_t

typedef struct uv_passwd_s uv_passwd_t

◆ uv_pipe_t

typedef struct uv_pipe_s uv_pipe_t

◆ uv_poll_cb

typedef void(* uv_poll_cb) (uv_poll_t *handle, int status, int events)

◆ uv_poll_t

typedef struct uv_poll_s uv_poll_t

◆ uv_prepare_cb

typedef void(* uv_prepare_cb) (uv_prepare_t *handle)

◆ uv_prepare_t

typedef struct uv_prepare_s uv_prepare_t

◆ uv_process_options_t

◆ uv_process_t

typedef struct uv_process_s uv_process_t

◆ uv_random_cb

typedef void(* uv_random_cb) (uv_random_t *req, int status, void *buf, size_t buflen)

◆ uv_random_t

typedef struct uv_random_s uv_random_t

◆ uv_read_cb

typedef void(* uv_read_cb) (uv_stream_t *stream, ssize_t nread, const uv_buf_t *buf)

◆ uv_realloc_func

typedef void *(* uv_realloc_func) (void *ptr, size_t size)

◆ uv_req_t

typedef struct uv_req_s uv_req_t

◆ uv_shutdown_cb

typedef void(* uv_shutdown_cb) (uv_shutdown_t *req, int status)

◆ uv_shutdown_t

typedef struct uv_shutdown_s uv_shutdown_t

◆ uv_signal_cb

typedef void(* uv_signal_cb) (uv_signal_t *handle, int signum)

◆ uv_signal_t

typedef struct uv_signal_s uv_signal_t

◆ uv_statfs_t

typedef struct uv_statfs_s uv_statfs_t

◆ uv_stdio_container_t

◆ uv_stream_t

typedef struct uv_stream_s uv_stream_t

◆ uv_tcp_t

typedef struct uv_tcp_s uv_tcp_t

◆ uv_thread_cb

typedef void(* uv_thread_cb) (void *arg)

◆ uv_thread_options_t

◆ uv_timer_cb

typedef void(* uv_timer_cb) (uv_timer_t *handle)

◆ uv_timer_t

typedef struct uv_timer_s uv_timer_t

◆ uv_tty_t

typedef struct uv_tty_s uv_tty_t

◆ uv_udp_recv_cb

typedef void(* uv_udp_recv_cb) (uv_udp_t *handle, ssize_t nread, const uv_buf_t *buf, const struct sockaddr *addr, unsigned flags)

◆ uv_udp_send_cb

typedef void(* uv_udp_send_cb) (uv_udp_send_t *req, int status)

◆ uv_udp_send_t

typedef struct uv_udp_send_s uv_udp_send_t

◆ uv_udp_t

typedef struct uv_udp_s uv_udp_t

◆ uv_utsname_t

typedef struct uv_utsname_s uv_utsname_t

◆ uv_walk_cb

typedef void(* uv_walk_cb) (uv_handle_t *handle, void *arg)

◆ uv_work_cb

typedef void(* uv_work_cb) (uv_work_t *req)

◆ uv_work_t

typedef struct uv_work_s uv_work_t

◆ uv_write_cb

typedef void(* uv_write_cb) (uv_write_t *req, int status)

◆ uv_write_t

typedef struct uv_write_s uv_write_t

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

◆ uv_clock_id


◆ uv_dirent_type_t


◆ uv_errno_t

enum uv_errno_t

◆ uv_fs_event


◆ uv_fs_event_flags


◆ uv_fs_type

enum uv_fs_type

◆ uv_handle_type


◆ uv_loop_option


◆ uv_membership


◆ uv_poll_event


◆ uv_process_flags


◆ uv_req_type


◆ uv_run_mode


◆ uv_stdio_flags


◆ uv_tcp_flags


◆ uv_thread_create_flags


◆ uv_tty_mode_t


◆ uv_tty_vtermstate_t


◆ uv_udp_flags


Function Documentation

◆ uv_accept()

UV_EXTERN int uv_accept ( uv_stream_t * server,
uv_stream_t * client )

◆ uv_async_init()

UV_EXTERN int uv_async_init ( uv_loop_t * ,
uv_async_t * async,
uv_async_cb async_cb )

◆ uv_async_send()

UV_EXTERN int uv_async_send ( uv_async_t * async)

◆ uv_available_parallelism()

UV_EXTERN unsigned int uv_available_parallelism ( void )

◆ uv_backend_fd()

UV_EXTERN int uv_backend_fd ( const uv_loop_t * )

◆ uv_backend_timeout()

UV_EXTERN int uv_backend_timeout ( const uv_loop_t * )

◆ uv_barrier_destroy()

UV_EXTERN void uv_barrier_destroy ( uv_barrier_t * barrier)

◆ uv_barrier_init()

UV_EXTERN int uv_barrier_init ( uv_barrier_t * barrier,
unsigned int count )

◆ uv_barrier_wait()

UV_EXTERN int uv_barrier_wait ( uv_barrier_t * barrier)

◆ uv_buf_init()

UV_EXTERN uv_buf_t uv_buf_init ( char * base,
unsigned int len )

◆ uv_cancel()

UV_EXTERN int uv_cancel ( uv_req_t * req)

◆ uv_chdir()

UV_EXTERN int uv_chdir ( const char * dir)

◆ uv_check_init()

UV_EXTERN int uv_check_init ( uv_loop_t * ,
uv_check_t * check )

◆ uv_check_start()

UV_EXTERN int uv_check_start ( uv_check_t * check,
uv_check_cb cb )

◆ uv_check_stop()

UV_EXTERN int uv_check_stop ( uv_check_t * check)

◆ uv_clock_gettime()

UV_EXTERN int uv_clock_gettime ( uv_clock_id clock_id,
uv_timespec64_t * ts )

◆ uv_close()

UV_EXTERN void uv_close ( uv_handle_t * handle,
uv_close_cb close_cb )

◆ uv_cond_broadcast()

UV_EXTERN void uv_cond_broadcast ( uv_cond_t * cond)

◆ uv_cond_destroy()

UV_EXTERN void uv_cond_destroy ( uv_cond_t * cond)

◆ uv_cond_init()

UV_EXTERN int uv_cond_init ( uv_cond_t * cond)

◆ uv_cond_signal()

UV_EXTERN void uv_cond_signal ( uv_cond_t * cond)

◆ uv_cond_timedwait()

UV_EXTERN int uv_cond_timedwait ( uv_cond_t * cond,
uv_mutex_t * mutex,
uint64_t timeout )

◆ uv_cond_wait()

UV_EXTERN void uv_cond_wait ( uv_cond_t * cond,
uv_mutex_t * mutex )

◆ uv_cpu_info()

UV_EXTERN int uv_cpu_info ( uv_cpu_info_t ** cpu_infos,
int * count )

◆ uv_cpumask_size()

UV_EXTERN int uv_cpumask_size ( void )

◆ uv_cwd()

UV_EXTERN int uv_cwd ( char * buffer,
size_t * size )

◆ uv_default_loop()

UV_EXTERN uv_loop_t * uv_default_loop ( void )

◆ uv_disable_stdio_inheritance()

UV_EXTERN void uv_disable_stdio_inheritance ( void )

◆ uv_dlclose()

UV_EXTERN void uv_dlclose ( uv_lib_t * lib)

◆ uv_dlerror()

UV_EXTERN const char * uv_dlerror ( const uv_lib_t * lib)

◆ uv_dlopen()

UV_EXTERN int uv_dlopen ( const char * filename,
uv_lib_t * lib )

◆ uv_dlsym()

UV_EXTERN int uv_dlsym ( uv_lib_t * lib,
const char * name,
void ** ptr )

◆ uv_err_name()

UV_EXTERN const char * uv_err_name ( int err)

◆ uv_err_name_r()

UV_EXTERN char * uv_err_name_r ( int err,
char * buf,
size_t buflen )

◆ uv_exepath()

UV_EXTERN int uv_exepath ( char * buffer,
size_t * size )

◆ uv_fileno()

UV_EXTERN int uv_fileno ( const uv_handle_t * handle,
uv_os_fd_t * fd )

◆ uv_free_cpu_info()

UV_EXTERN void uv_free_cpu_info ( uv_cpu_info_t * cpu_infos,
int count )

◆ uv_free_interface_addresses()

UV_EXTERN void uv_free_interface_addresses ( uv_interface_address_t * addresses,
int count )

◆ uv_freeaddrinfo()

UV_EXTERN void uv_freeaddrinfo ( struct addrinfo * ai)

◆ uv_fs_access()

UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_access ( uv_loop_t * loop,
uv_fs_t * req,
const char * path,
int mode,
uv_fs_cb cb )

◆ uv_fs_chmod()

UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_chmod ( uv_loop_t * loop,
uv_fs_t * req,
const char * path,
int mode,
uv_fs_cb cb )

◆ uv_fs_chown()

UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_chown ( uv_loop_t * loop,
uv_fs_t * req,
const char * path,
uv_uid_t uid,
uv_gid_t gid,
uv_fs_cb cb )

◆ uv_fs_close()

UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_close ( uv_loop_t * loop,
uv_fs_t * req,
uv_file file,
uv_fs_cb cb )

◆ uv_fs_closedir()

UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_closedir ( uv_loop_t * loop,
uv_fs_t * req,
uv_dir_t * dir,
uv_fs_cb cb )

◆ uv_fs_copyfile()

UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_copyfile ( uv_loop_t * loop,
uv_fs_t * req,
const char * path,
const char * new_path,
int flags,
uv_fs_cb cb )

◆ uv_fs_event_getpath()

UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_event_getpath ( uv_fs_event_t * handle,
char * buffer,
size_t * size )

◆ uv_fs_event_init()

UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_event_init ( uv_loop_t * loop,
uv_fs_event_t * handle )

◆ uv_fs_event_start()

UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_event_start ( uv_fs_event_t * handle,
uv_fs_event_cb cb,
const char * path,
unsigned int flags )

◆ uv_fs_event_stop()

UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_event_stop ( uv_fs_event_t * handle)

◆ uv_fs_fchmod()

UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_fchmod ( uv_loop_t * loop,
uv_fs_t * req,
uv_file file,
int mode,
uv_fs_cb cb )

◆ uv_fs_fchown()

UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_fchown ( uv_loop_t * loop,
uv_fs_t * req,
uv_file file,
uv_uid_t uid,
uv_gid_t gid,
uv_fs_cb cb )

◆ uv_fs_fdatasync()

UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_fdatasync ( uv_loop_t * loop,
uv_fs_t * req,
uv_file file,
uv_fs_cb cb )

◆ uv_fs_fstat()

UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_fstat ( uv_loop_t * loop,
uv_fs_t * req,
uv_file file,
uv_fs_cb cb )

◆ uv_fs_fsync()

UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_fsync ( uv_loop_t * loop,
uv_fs_t * req,
uv_file file,
uv_fs_cb cb )

◆ uv_fs_ftruncate()

UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_ftruncate ( uv_loop_t * loop,
uv_fs_t * req,
uv_file file,
int64_t offset,
uv_fs_cb cb )

◆ uv_fs_futime()

UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_futime ( uv_loop_t * loop,
uv_fs_t * req,
uv_file file,
double atime,
double mtime,
uv_fs_cb cb )

◆ uv_fs_get_path()

UV_EXTERN const char * uv_fs_get_path ( const uv_fs_t * )

◆ uv_fs_get_ptr()

UV_EXTERN void * uv_fs_get_ptr ( const uv_fs_t * )

◆ uv_fs_get_result()

UV_EXTERN ssize_t uv_fs_get_result ( const uv_fs_t * )

◆ uv_fs_get_statbuf()

UV_EXTERN uv_stat_t * uv_fs_get_statbuf ( uv_fs_t * )

◆ uv_fs_get_system_error()

UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_get_system_error ( const uv_fs_t * )

◆ uv_fs_get_type()

UV_EXTERN uv_fs_type uv_fs_get_type ( const uv_fs_t * )

◆ uv_fs_lchown()

UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_lchown ( uv_loop_t * loop,
uv_fs_t * req,
const char * path,
uv_uid_t uid,
uv_gid_t gid,
uv_fs_cb cb )

◆ uv_fs_link()

UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_link ( uv_loop_t * loop,
uv_fs_t * req,
const char * path,
const char * new_path,
uv_fs_cb cb )

◆ uv_fs_lstat()

UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_lstat ( uv_loop_t * loop,
uv_fs_t * req,
const char * path,
uv_fs_cb cb )

◆ uv_fs_lutime()

UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_lutime ( uv_loop_t * loop,
uv_fs_t * req,
const char * path,
double atime,
double mtime,
uv_fs_cb cb )

◆ uv_fs_mkdir()

UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_mkdir ( uv_loop_t * loop,
uv_fs_t * req,
const char * path,
int mode,
uv_fs_cb cb )

◆ uv_fs_mkdtemp()

UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_mkdtemp ( uv_loop_t * loop,
uv_fs_t * req,
const char * tpl,
uv_fs_cb cb )

◆ uv_fs_mkstemp()

UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_mkstemp ( uv_loop_t * loop,
uv_fs_t * req,
const char * tpl,
uv_fs_cb cb )

◆ uv_fs_open()

UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_open ( uv_loop_t * loop,
uv_fs_t * req,
const char * path,
int flags,
int mode,
uv_fs_cb cb )

◆ uv_fs_opendir()

UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_opendir ( uv_loop_t * loop,
uv_fs_t * req,
const char * path,
uv_fs_cb cb )

◆ uv_fs_poll_getpath()

UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_poll_getpath ( uv_fs_poll_t * handle,
char * buffer,
size_t * size )

◆ uv_fs_poll_init()

UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_poll_init ( uv_loop_t * loop,
uv_fs_poll_t * handle )

◆ uv_fs_poll_start()

UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_poll_start ( uv_fs_poll_t * handle,
uv_fs_poll_cb poll_cb,
const char * path,
unsigned int interval )

◆ uv_fs_poll_stop()

UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_poll_stop ( uv_fs_poll_t * handle)

◆ uv_fs_read()

UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_read ( uv_loop_t * loop,
uv_fs_t * req,
uv_file file,
const uv_buf_t bufs[],
unsigned int nbufs,
int64_t offset,
uv_fs_cb cb )

◆ uv_fs_readdir()

UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_readdir ( uv_loop_t * loop,
uv_fs_t * req,
uv_dir_t * dir,
uv_fs_cb cb )

◆ uv_fs_readlink()

UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_readlink ( uv_loop_t * loop,
uv_fs_t * req,
const char * path,
uv_fs_cb cb )

◆ uv_fs_realpath()

UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_realpath ( uv_loop_t * loop,
uv_fs_t * req,
const char * path,
uv_fs_cb cb )

◆ uv_fs_rename()

UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_rename ( uv_loop_t * loop,
uv_fs_t * req,
const char * path,
const char * new_path,
uv_fs_cb cb )

◆ uv_fs_req_cleanup()

UV_EXTERN void uv_fs_req_cleanup ( uv_fs_t * req)

◆ uv_fs_rmdir()

UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_rmdir ( uv_loop_t * loop,
uv_fs_t * req,
const char * path,
uv_fs_cb cb )

◆ uv_fs_scandir()

UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_scandir ( uv_loop_t * loop,
uv_fs_t * req,
const char * path,
int flags,
uv_fs_cb cb )

◆ uv_fs_scandir_next()

UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_scandir_next ( uv_fs_t * req,
uv_dirent_t * ent )

◆ uv_fs_sendfile()

UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_sendfile ( uv_loop_t * loop,
uv_fs_t * req,
uv_file out_fd,
uv_file in_fd,
int64_t in_offset,
size_t length,
uv_fs_cb cb )

◆ uv_fs_stat()

UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_stat ( uv_loop_t * loop,
uv_fs_t * req,
const char * path,
uv_fs_cb cb )

◆ uv_fs_statfs()

UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_statfs ( uv_loop_t * loop,
uv_fs_t * req,
const char * path,
uv_fs_cb cb )

◆ uv_fs_symlink()

UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_symlink ( uv_loop_t * loop,
uv_fs_t * req,
const char * path,
const char * new_path,
int flags,
uv_fs_cb cb )

◆ uv_fs_unlink()

UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_unlink ( uv_loop_t * loop,
uv_fs_t * req,
const char * path,
uv_fs_cb cb )

◆ uv_fs_utime()

UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_utime ( uv_loop_t * loop,
uv_fs_t * req,
const char * path,
double atime,
double mtime,
uv_fs_cb cb )

◆ uv_fs_write()

UV_EXTERN int uv_fs_write ( uv_loop_t * loop,
uv_fs_t * req,
uv_file file,
const uv_buf_t bufs[],
unsigned int nbufs,
int64_t offset,
uv_fs_cb cb )

◆ uv_get_available_memory()

UV_EXTERN uint64_t uv_get_available_memory ( void )

◆ uv_get_constrained_memory()

UV_EXTERN uint64_t uv_get_constrained_memory ( void )

◆ uv_get_free_memory()

UV_EXTERN uint64_t uv_get_free_memory ( void )

◆ uv_get_osfhandle()

UV_EXTERN uv_os_fd_t uv_get_osfhandle ( int fd)

◆ uv_get_process_title()

UV_EXTERN int uv_get_process_title ( char * buffer,
size_t size )

◆ uv_get_total_memory()

UV_EXTERN uint64_t uv_get_total_memory ( void )

◆ uv_getaddrinfo()

UV_EXTERN int uv_getaddrinfo ( uv_loop_t * loop,
uv_getaddrinfo_t * req,
uv_getaddrinfo_cb getaddrinfo_cb,
const char * node,
const char * service,
const struct addrinfo * hints )

◆ uv_getnameinfo()

UV_EXTERN int uv_getnameinfo ( uv_loop_t * loop,
uv_getnameinfo_t * req,
uv_getnameinfo_cb getnameinfo_cb,
const struct sockaddr * addr,
int flags )

◆ uv_getrusage()

UV_EXTERN int uv_getrusage ( uv_rusage_t * rusage)

◆ uv_gettimeofday()

UV_EXTERN int uv_gettimeofday ( uv_timeval64_t * tv)

◆ uv_guess_handle()

UV_EXTERN uv_handle_type uv_guess_handle ( uv_file file)

◆ uv_handle_get_data()

UV_EXTERN void * uv_handle_get_data ( const uv_handle_t * handle)

◆ uv_handle_get_loop()

UV_EXTERN uv_loop_t * uv_handle_get_loop ( const uv_handle_t * handle)

◆ uv_handle_get_type()

UV_EXTERN uv_handle_type uv_handle_get_type ( const uv_handle_t * handle)

◆ uv_handle_set_data()

UV_EXTERN void uv_handle_set_data ( uv_handle_t * handle,
void * data )

◆ uv_handle_size()

UV_EXTERN size_t uv_handle_size ( uv_handle_type type)

◆ uv_handle_type_name()

UV_EXTERN const char * uv_handle_type_name ( uv_handle_type type)

◆ uv_has_ref()

UV_EXTERN int uv_has_ref ( const uv_handle_t * )

◆ uv_hrtime()

UV_EXTERN uint64_t uv_hrtime ( void )

◆ uv_idle_init()

UV_EXTERN int uv_idle_init ( uv_loop_t * ,
uv_idle_t * idle )

◆ uv_idle_start()

UV_EXTERN int uv_idle_start ( uv_idle_t * idle,
uv_idle_cb cb )

◆ uv_idle_stop()

UV_EXTERN int uv_idle_stop ( uv_idle_t * idle)

◆ uv_if_indextoiid()

UV_EXTERN int uv_if_indextoiid ( unsigned int ifindex,
char * buffer,
size_t * size )

◆ uv_if_indextoname()

UV_EXTERN int uv_if_indextoname ( unsigned int ifindex,
char * buffer,
size_t * size )

◆ uv_inet_ntop()

UV_EXTERN int uv_inet_ntop ( int af,
const void * src,
char * dst,
size_t size )

◆ uv_inet_pton()

UV_EXTERN int uv_inet_pton ( int af,
const char * src,
void * dst )

◆ uv_interface_addresses()

UV_EXTERN int uv_interface_addresses ( uv_interface_address_t ** addresses,
int * count )

◆ uv_ip4_addr()

UV_EXTERN int uv_ip4_addr ( const char * ip,
int port,
struct sockaddr_in * addr )

◆ uv_ip4_name()

UV_EXTERN int uv_ip4_name ( const struct sockaddr_in * src,
char * dst,
size_t size )

◆ uv_ip6_addr()

UV_EXTERN int uv_ip6_addr ( const char * ip,
int port,
struct sockaddr_in6 * addr )

◆ uv_ip6_name()

UV_EXTERN int uv_ip6_name ( const struct sockaddr_in6 * src,
char * dst,
size_t size )

◆ uv_ip_name()

UV_EXTERN int uv_ip_name ( const struct sockaddr * src,
char * dst,
size_t size )

◆ uv_is_active()

UV_EXTERN int uv_is_active ( const uv_handle_t * handle)

◆ uv_is_closing()

UV_EXTERN int uv_is_closing ( const uv_handle_t * handle)

◆ uv_is_readable()

UV_EXTERN int uv_is_readable ( const uv_stream_t * handle)

◆ uv_is_writable()

UV_EXTERN int uv_is_writable ( const uv_stream_t * handle)

◆ uv_key_create()

UV_EXTERN int uv_key_create ( uv_key_t * key)

◆ uv_key_delete()

UV_EXTERN void uv_key_delete ( uv_key_t * key)

◆ uv_key_get()

UV_EXTERN void * uv_key_get ( uv_key_t * key)

◆ uv_key_set()

UV_EXTERN void uv_key_set ( uv_key_t * key,
void * value )

◆ uv_kill()

UV_EXTERN int uv_kill ( int pid,
int signum )

◆ uv_library_shutdown()

UV_EXTERN void uv_library_shutdown ( void )

◆ uv_listen()

UV_EXTERN int uv_listen ( uv_stream_t * stream,
int backlog,
uv_connection_cb cb )

◆ uv_loadavg()

UV_EXTERN void uv_loadavg ( double avg[3])

◆ uv_loop_alive()

UV_EXTERN int uv_loop_alive ( const uv_loop_t * loop)

◆ uv_loop_close()

UV_EXTERN int uv_loop_close ( uv_loop_t * loop)

◆ uv_loop_configure()

UV_EXTERN int uv_loop_configure ( uv_loop_t * loop,
uv_loop_option option,
... )

◆ uv_loop_delete()

UV_EXTERN void uv_loop_delete ( uv_loop_t * )

◆ uv_loop_fork()

UV_EXTERN int uv_loop_fork ( uv_loop_t * loop)

◆ uv_loop_get_data()

UV_EXTERN void * uv_loop_get_data ( const uv_loop_t * )

◆ uv_loop_init()

UV_EXTERN int uv_loop_init ( uv_loop_t * loop)

◆ uv_loop_new()

UV_EXTERN uv_loop_t * uv_loop_new ( void )

◆ uv_loop_set_data()

UV_EXTERN void uv_loop_set_data ( uv_loop_t * ,
void * data )

◆ uv_loop_size()

UV_EXTERN size_t uv_loop_size ( void )

◆ uv_metrics_idle_time()

UV_EXTERN uint64_t uv_metrics_idle_time ( uv_loop_t * loop)

◆ uv_metrics_info()

UV_EXTERN int uv_metrics_info ( uv_loop_t * loop,
uv_metrics_t * metrics )

◆ uv_mutex_destroy()

UV_EXTERN void uv_mutex_destroy ( uv_mutex_t * handle)

◆ uv_mutex_init()

UV_EXTERN int uv_mutex_init ( uv_mutex_t * handle)

◆ uv_mutex_init_recursive()

UV_EXTERN int uv_mutex_init_recursive ( uv_mutex_t * handle)

◆ uv_mutex_lock()

UV_EXTERN void uv_mutex_lock ( uv_mutex_t * handle)

◆ uv_mutex_trylock()

UV_EXTERN int uv_mutex_trylock ( uv_mutex_t * handle)

◆ uv_mutex_unlock()

UV_EXTERN void uv_mutex_unlock ( uv_mutex_t * handle)

◆ uv_now()

UV_EXTERN uint64_t uv_now ( const uv_loop_t * )

◆ uv_once()

UV_EXTERN void uv_once ( uv_once_t * guard,
void(* callback )(void) )

◆ uv_open_osfhandle()

UV_EXTERN int uv_open_osfhandle ( uv_os_fd_t os_fd)

◆ uv_os_environ()

UV_EXTERN int uv_os_environ ( uv_env_item_t ** envitems,
int * count )

◆ uv_os_free_environ()

UV_EXTERN void uv_os_free_environ ( uv_env_item_t * envitems,
int count )

◆ uv_os_free_group()

UV_EXTERN void uv_os_free_group ( uv_group_t * grp)

◆ uv_os_free_passwd()

UV_EXTERN void uv_os_free_passwd ( uv_passwd_t * pwd)

◆ uv_os_get_group()

UV_EXTERN int uv_os_get_group ( uv_group_t * grp,
uv_uid_t gid )

◆ uv_os_get_passwd()

UV_EXTERN int uv_os_get_passwd ( uv_passwd_t * pwd)

◆ uv_os_get_passwd2()

UV_EXTERN int uv_os_get_passwd2 ( uv_passwd_t * pwd,
uv_uid_t uid )

◆ uv_os_getenv()

UV_EXTERN int uv_os_getenv ( const char * name,
char * buffer,
size_t * size )

◆ uv_os_gethostname()

UV_EXTERN int uv_os_gethostname ( char * buffer,
size_t * size )

◆ uv_os_getpid()

UV_EXTERN uv_pid_t uv_os_getpid ( void )

◆ uv_os_getppid()

UV_EXTERN uv_pid_t uv_os_getppid ( void )

◆ uv_os_getpriority()

UV_EXTERN int uv_os_getpriority ( uv_pid_t pid,
int * priority )

◆ uv_os_homedir()

UV_EXTERN int uv_os_homedir ( char * buffer,
size_t * size )

◆ uv_os_setenv()

UV_EXTERN int uv_os_setenv ( const char * name,
const char * value )

◆ uv_os_setpriority()

UV_EXTERN int uv_os_setpriority ( uv_pid_t pid,
int priority )

◆ uv_os_tmpdir()

UV_EXTERN int uv_os_tmpdir ( char * buffer,
size_t * size )

◆ uv_os_uname()

UV_EXTERN int uv_os_uname ( uv_utsname_t * buffer)

◆ uv_os_unsetenv()

UV_EXTERN int uv_os_unsetenv ( const char * name)

◆ uv_pipe()

UV_EXTERN int uv_pipe ( uv_file fds[2],
int read_flags,
int write_flags )

◆ uv_pipe_bind()

UV_EXTERN int uv_pipe_bind ( uv_pipe_t * handle,
const char * name )

◆ uv_pipe_bind2()

UV_EXTERN int uv_pipe_bind2 ( uv_pipe_t * handle,
const char * name,
size_t namelen,
unsigned int flags )

◆ uv_pipe_chmod()

UV_EXTERN int uv_pipe_chmod ( uv_pipe_t * handle,
int flags )

◆ uv_pipe_connect()

UV_EXTERN void uv_pipe_connect ( uv_connect_t * req,
uv_pipe_t * handle,
const char * name,
uv_connect_cb cb )

◆ uv_pipe_connect2()

UV_EXTERN int uv_pipe_connect2 ( uv_connect_t * req,
uv_pipe_t * handle,
const char * name,
size_t namelen,
unsigned int flags,
uv_connect_cb cb )

◆ uv_pipe_getpeername()

UV_EXTERN int uv_pipe_getpeername ( const uv_pipe_t * handle,
char * buffer,
size_t * size )

◆ uv_pipe_getsockname()

UV_EXTERN int uv_pipe_getsockname ( const uv_pipe_t * handle,
char * buffer,
size_t * size )

◆ uv_pipe_init()

UV_EXTERN int uv_pipe_init ( uv_loop_t * ,
uv_pipe_t * handle,
int ipc )

◆ uv_pipe_open()

UV_EXTERN int uv_pipe_open ( uv_pipe_t * ,
uv_file file )

◆ uv_pipe_pending_count()

UV_EXTERN int uv_pipe_pending_count ( uv_pipe_t * handle)

◆ uv_pipe_pending_instances()

UV_EXTERN void uv_pipe_pending_instances ( uv_pipe_t * handle,
int count )

◆ uv_pipe_pending_type()

UV_EXTERN uv_handle_type uv_pipe_pending_type ( uv_pipe_t * handle)

◆ uv_poll_init()

UV_EXTERN int uv_poll_init ( uv_loop_t * loop,
uv_poll_t * handle,
int fd )

◆ uv_poll_init_socket()

UV_EXTERN int uv_poll_init_socket ( uv_loop_t * loop,
uv_poll_t * handle,
uv_os_sock_t socket )

◆ uv_poll_start()

UV_EXTERN int uv_poll_start ( uv_poll_t * handle,
int events,
uv_poll_cb cb )

◆ uv_poll_stop()

UV_EXTERN int uv_poll_stop ( uv_poll_t * handle)

◆ uv_prepare_init()

UV_EXTERN int uv_prepare_init ( uv_loop_t * ,
uv_prepare_t * prepare )

◆ uv_prepare_start()

UV_EXTERN int uv_prepare_start ( uv_prepare_t * prepare,
uv_prepare_cb cb )

◆ uv_prepare_stop()

UV_EXTERN int uv_prepare_stop ( uv_prepare_t * prepare)

◆ uv_print_active_handles()

UV_EXTERN void uv_print_active_handles ( uv_loop_t * loop,
FILE * stream )

◆ uv_print_all_handles()

UV_EXTERN void uv_print_all_handles ( uv_loop_t * loop,
FILE * stream )

◆ uv_process_get_pid()

UV_EXTERN uv_pid_t uv_process_get_pid ( const uv_process_t * )

◆ uv_process_kill()

UV_EXTERN int uv_process_kill ( uv_process_t * ,
int signum )

◆ uv_queue_work()

UV_EXTERN int uv_queue_work ( uv_loop_t * loop,
uv_work_t * req,
uv_work_cb work_cb,
uv_after_work_cb after_work_cb )

◆ uv_random()

UV_EXTERN int uv_random ( uv_loop_t * loop,
uv_random_t * req,
void * buf,
size_t buflen,
unsigned flags,
uv_random_cb cb )

◆ uv_read_start()

UV_EXTERN int uv_read_start ( uv_stream_t * ,
uv_alloc_cb alloc_cb,
uv_read_cb read_cb )

◆ uv_read_stop()

UV_EXTERN int uv_read_stop ( uv_stream_t * )

◆ uv_recv_buffer_size()

UV_EXTERN int uv_recv_buffer_size ( uv_handle_t * handle,
int * value )

◆ uv_ref()

UV_EXTERN void uv_ref ( uv_handle_t * )

◆ uv_replace_allocator()

UV_EXTERN int uv_replace_allocator ( uv_malloc_func malloc_func,
uv_realloc_func realloc_func,
uv_calloc_func calloc_func,
uv_free_func free_func )

◆ uv_req_get_data()

UV_EXTERN void * uv_req_get_data ( const uv_req_t * req)

◆ uv_req_get_type()

UV_EXTERN uv_req_type uv_req_get_type ( const uv_req_t * req)

◆ uv_req_set_data()

UV_EXTERN void uv_req_set_data ( uv_req_t * req,
void * data )

◆ uv_req_size()

UV_EXTERN size_t uv_req_size ( uv_req_type type)

◆ uv_req_type_name()

UV_EXTERN const char * uv_req_type_name ( uv_req_type type)

◆ uv_resident_set_memory()

UV_EXTERN int uv_resident_set_memory ( size_t * rss)

◆ uv_run()

UV_EXTERN int uv_run ( uv_loop_t * ,
uv_run_mode mode )

◆ uv_rwlock_destroy()

UV_EXTERN void uv_rwlock_destroy ( uv_rwlock_t * rwlock)

◆ uv_rwlock_init()

UV_EXTERN int uv_rwlock_init ( uv_rwlock_t * rwlock)

◆ uv_rwlock_rdlock()

UV_EXTERN void uv_rwlock_rdlock ( uv_rwlock_t * rwlock)

◆ uv_rwlock_rdunlock()

UV_EXTERN void uv_rwlock_rdunlock ( uv_rwlock_t * rwlock)

◆ uv_rwlock_tryrdlock()

UV_EXTERN int uv_rwlock_tryrdlock ( uv_rwlock_t * rwlock)

◆ uv_rwlock_trywrlock()

UV_EXTERN int uv_rwlock_trywrlock ( uv_rwlock_t * rwlock)

◆ uv_rwlock_wrlock()

UV_EXTERN void uv_rwlock_wrlock ( uv_rwlock_t * rwlock)

◆ uv_rwlock_wrunlock()

UV_EXTERN void uv_rwlock_wrunlock ( uv_rwlock_t * rwlock)

◆ uv_sem_destroy()

UV_EXTERN void uv_sem_destroy ( uv_sem_t * sem)

◆ uv_sem_init()

UV_EXTERN int uv_sem_init ( uv_sem_t * sem,
unsigned int value )

◆ uv_sem_post()

UV_EXTERN void uv_sem_post ( uv_sem_t * sem)

◆ uv_sem_trywait()

UV_EXTERN int uv_sem_trywait ( uv_sem_t * sem)

◆ uv_sem_wait()

UV_EXTERN void uv_sem_wait ( uv_sem_t * sem)

◆ uv_send_buffer_size()

UV_EXTERN int uv_send_buffer_size ( uv_handle_t * handle,
int * value )

◆ uv_set_process_title()

UV_EXTERN int uv_set_process_title ( const char * title)

◆ uv_setup_args()

UV_EXTERN char ** uv_setup_args ( int argc,
char ** argv )

◆ uv_shutdown()

UV_PRIVATE_REQ_TYPES UV_EXTERN int uv_shutdown ( uv_shutdown_t * req,
uv_stream_t * handle,
uv_shutdown_cb cb )

◆ uv_signal_init()

UV_EXTERN int uv_signal_init ( uv_loop_t * loop,
uv_signal_t * handle )

◆ uv_signal_start()

UV_EXTERN int uv_signal_start ( uv_signal_t * handle,
uv_signal_cb signal_cb,
int signum )

◆ uv_signal_start_oneshot()

UV_EXTERN int uv_signal_start_oneshot ( uv_signal_t * handle,
uv_signal_cb signal_cb,
int signum )

◆ uv_signal_stop()

UV_EXTERN int uv_signal_stop ( uv_signal_t * handle)

◆ uv_sleep()

UV_EXTERN void uv_sleep ( unsigned int msec)

◆ uv_socketpair()

UV_EXTERN int uv_socketpair ( int type,
int protocol,
uv_os_sock_t socket_vector[2],
int flags0,
int flags1 )

◆ uv_spawn()

UV_EXTERN int uv_spawn ( uv_loop_t * loop,
uv_process_t * handle,
const uv_process_options_t * options )

◆ uv_stop()

UV_EXTERN void uv_stop ( uv_loop_t * )

◆ uv_stream_get_write_queue_size()

UV_EXTERN size_t uv_stream_get_write_queue_size ( const uv_stream_t * stream)

◆ uv_stream_set_blocking()

UV_EXTERN int uv_stream_set_blocking ( uv_stream_t * handle,
int blocking )

◆ uv_strerror()

UV_EXTERN const char * uv_strerror ( int err)

◆ uv_strerror_r()

UV_EXTERN char * uv_strerror_r ( int err,
char * buf,
size_t buflen )

◆ uv_tcp_bind()

UV_EXTERN int uv_tcp_bind ( uv_tcp_t * handle,
const struct sockaddr * addr,
unsigned int flags )

◆ uv_tcp_close_reset()

UV_EXTERN int uv_tcp_close_reset ( uv_tcp_t * handle,
uv_close_cb close_cb )

◆ uv_tcp_connect()

UV_EXTERN int uv_tcp_connect ( uv_connect_t * req,
uv_tcp_t * handle,
const struct sockaddr * addr,
uv_connect_cb cb )

◆ uv_tcp_getpeername()

UV_EXTERN int uv_tcp_getpeername ( const uv_tcp_t * handle,
struct sockaddr * name,
int * namelen )

◆ uv_tcp_getsockname()

UV_EXTERN int uv_tcp_getsockname ( const uv_tcp_t * handle,
struct sockaddr * name,
int * namelen )

◆ uv_tcp_init()

UV_EXTERN int uv_tcp_init ( uv_loop_t * ,
uv_tcp_t * handle )

◆ uv_tcp_init_ex()

UV_EXTERN int uv_tcp_init_ex ( uv_loop_t * ,
uv_tcp_t * handle,
unsigned int flags )

◆ uv_tcp_keepalive()

UV_EXTERN int uv_tcp_keepalive ( uv_tcp_t * handle,
int enable,
unsigned int delay )

◆ uv_tcp_nodelay()

UV_EXTERN int uv_tcp_nodelay ( uv_tcp_t * handle,
int enable )

◆ uv_tcp_open()

UV_EXTERN int uv_tcp_open ( uv_tcp_t * handle,
uv_os_sock_t sock )

◆ uv_tcp_simultaneous_accepts()

UV_EXTERN int uv_tcp_simultaneous_accepts ( uv_tcp_t * handle,
int enable )

◆ uv_thread_create()

UV_EXTERN int uv_thread_create ( uv_thread_t * tid,
uv_thread_cb entry,
void * arg )

◆ uv_thread_create_ex()

UV_EXTERN int uv_thread_create_ex ( uv_thread_t * tid,
const uv_thread_options_t * params,
uv_thread_cb entry,
void * arg )

◆ uv_thread_equal()

UV_EXTERN int uv_thread_equal ( const uv_thread_t * t1,
const uv_thread_t * t2 )

◆ uv_thread_getaffinity()

UV_EXTERN int uv_thread_getaffinity ( uv_thread_t * tid,
char * cpumask,
size_t mask_size )

◆ uv_thread_getcpu()

UV_EXTERN int uv_thread_getcpu ( void )

◆ uv_thread_getpriority()

UV_EXTERN int uv_thread_getpriority ( uv_thread_t tid,
int * priority )

◆ uv_thread_join()

UV_EXTERN int uv_thread_join ( uv_thread_t * tid)

◆ uv_thread_self()

UV_EXTERN uv_thread_t uv_thread_self ( void )

◆ uv_thread_setaffinity()

UV_EXTERN int uv_thread_setaffinity ( uv_thread_t * tid,
char * cpumask,
char * oldmask,
size_t mask_size )

◆ uv_thread_setpriority()

UV_EXTERN int uv_thread_setpriority ( uv_thread_t tid,
int priority )

◆ uv_timer_again()

UV_EXTERN int uv_timer_again ( uv_timer_t * handle)

◆ uv_timer_get_due_in()

UV_EXTERN uint64_t uv_timer_get_due_in ( const uv_timer_t * handle)

◆ uv_timer_get_repeat()

UV_EXTERN uint64_t uv_timer_get_repeat ( const uv_timer_t * handle)

◆ uv_timer_init()

UV_EXTERN int uv_timer_init ( uv_loop_t * ,
uv_timer_t * handle )

◆ uv_timer_set_repeat()

UV_EXTERN void uv_timer_set_repeat ( uv_timer_t * handle,
uint64_t repeat )

◆ uv_timer_start()

UV_EXTERN int uv_timer_start ( uv_timer_t * handle,
uv_timer_cb cb,
uint64_t timeout,
uint64_t repeat )

◆ uv_timer_stop()

UV_EXTERN int uv_timer_stop ( uv_timer_t * handle)

◆ uv_translate_sys_error()

UV_EXTERN int uv_translate_sys_error ( int sys_errno)

◆ uv_try_write()

UV_EXTERN int uv_try_write ( uv_stream_t * handle,
const uv_buf_t bufs[],
unsigned int nbufs )

◆ uv_try_write2()

UV_EXTERN int uv_try_write2 ( uv_stream_t * handle,
const uv_buf_t bufs[],
unsigned int nbufs,
uv_stream_t * send_handle )

◆ uv_tty_get_vterm_state()

UV_EXTERN int uv_tty_get_vterm_state ( uv_tty_vtermstate_t * state)

◆ uv_tty_get_winsize()

UV_EXTERN int uv_tty_get_winsize ( uv_tty_t * ,
int * width,
int * height )

◆ uv_tty_init()

UV_EXTERN int uv_tty_init ( uv_loop_t * ,
uv_tty_t * ,
uv_file fd,
int readable )

◆ uv_tty_reset_mode()

UV_EXTERN int uv_tty_reset_mode ( void )

◆ uv_tty_set_mode() [1/2]

UV_EXTERN int uv_tty_set_mode ( uv_tty_t * ,
uv_tty_mode_t mode )

◆ uv_tty_set_mode() [2/2]

int uv_tty_set_mode ( uv_tty_t * handle,
int mode )

◆ uv_tty_set_vterm_state()

UV_EXTERN void uv_tty_set_vterm_state ( uv_tty_vtermstate_t state)

◆ uv_udp_bind()

UV_EXTERN int uv_udp_bind ( uv_udp_t * handle,
const struct sockaddr * addr,
unsigned int flags )

◆ uv_udp_connect()

UV_EXTERN int uv_udp_connect ( uv_udp_t * handle,
const struct sockaddr * addr )

◆ uv_udp_get_send_queue_count()

UV_EXTERN size_t uv_udp_get_send_queue_count ( const uv_udp_t * handle)

◆ uv_udp_get_send_queue_size()

UV_EXTERN size_t uv_udp_get_send_queue_size ( const uv_udp_t * handle)

◆ uv_udp_getpeername()

UV_EXTERN int uv_udp_getpeername ( const uv_udp_t * handle,
struct sockaddr * name,
int * namelen )

◆ uv_udp_getsockname()

UV_EXTERN int uv_udp_getsockname ( const uv_udp_t * handle,
struct sockaddr * name,
int * namelen )

◆ uv_udp_init()

UV_EXTERN int uv_udp_init ( uv_loop_t * ,
uv_udp_t * handle )

◆ uv_udp_init_ex()

UV_EXTERN int uv_udp_init_ex ( uv_loop_t * ,
uv_udp_t * handle,
unsigned int flags )

◆ uv_udp_open()

UV_EXTERN int uv_udp_open ( uv_udp_t * handle,
uv_os_sock_t sock )

◆ uv_udp_recv_start()

UV_EXTERN int uv_udp_recv_start ( uv_udp_t * handle,
uv_alloc_cb alloc_cb,
uv_udp_recv_cb recv_cb )

◆ uv_udp_recv_stop()

UV_EXTERN int uv_udp_recv_stop ( uv_udp_t * handle)

◆ uv_udp_send()

UV_EXTERN int uv_udp_send ( uv_udp_send_t * req,
uv_udp_t * handle,
const uv_buf_t bufs[],
unsigned int nbufs,
const struct sockaddr * addr,
uv_udp_send_cb send_cb )

◆ uv_udp_set_broadcast()

UV_EXTERN int uv_udp_set_broadcast ( uv_udp_t * handle,
int on )

◆ uv_udp_set_membership()

UV_EXTERN int uv_udp_set_membership ( uv_udp_t * handle,
const char * multicast_addr,
const char * interface_addr,
uv_membership membership )

◆ uv_udp_set_multicast_interface()

UV_EXTERN int uv_udp_set_multicast_interface ( uv_udp_t * handle,
const char * interface_addr )

◆ uv_udp_set_multicast_loop()

UV_EXTERN int uv_udp_set_multicast_loop ( uv_udp_t * handle,
int on )

◆ uv_udp_set_multicast_ttl()

UV_EXTERN int uv_udp_set_multicast_ttl ( uv_udp_t * handle,
int ttl )

◆ uv_udp_set_source_membership()

UV_EXTERN int uv_udp_set_source_membership ( uv_udp_t * handle,
const char * multicast_addr,
const char * interface_addr,
const char * source_addr,
uv_membership membership )

◆ uv_udp_set_ttl()

UV_EXTERN int uv_udp_set_ttl ( uv_udp_t * handle,
int ttl )

◆ uv_udp_try_send()

UV_EXTERN int uv_udp_try_send ( uv_udp_t * handle,
const uv_buf_t bufs[],
unsigned int nbufs,
const struct sockaddr * addr )

◆ uv_udp_using_recvmmsg()

UV_EXTERN int uv_udp_using_recvmmsg ( const uv_udp_t * handle)

◆ uv_unref()

UV_EXTERN void uv_unref ( uv_handle_t * )

◆ uv_update_time()

UV_EXTERN void uv_update_time ( uv_loop_t * )

◆ uv_uptime()

UV_EXTERN int uv_uptime ( double * uptime)

◆ uv_utf16_length_as_wtf8()

UV_EXTERN size_t uv_utf16_length_as_wtf8 ( const uint16_t * utf16,
ssize_t utf16_len )

◆ uv_utf16_to_wtf8()

UV_EXTERN int uv_utf16_to_wtf8 ( const uint16_t * utf16,
ssize_t utf16_len,
char ** wtf8_ptr,
size_t * wtf8_len_ptr )

◆ uv_version()

UV_EXTERN unsigned int uv_version ( void )

◆ uv_version_string()

UV_EXTERN const char * uv_version_string ( void )

◆ uv_walk()

UV_EXTERN void uv_walk ( uv_loop_t * loop,
uv_walk_cb walk_cb,
void * arg )

◆ uv_write()

UV_EXTERN int uv_write ( uv_write_t * req,
uv_stream_t * handle,
const uv_buf_t bufs[],
unsigned int nbufs,
uv_write_cb cb )

◆ uv_write2()

UV_EXTERN int uv_write2 ( uv_write_t * req,
uv_stream_t * handle,
const uv_buf_t bufs[],
unsigned int nbufs,
uv_stream_t * send_handle,
uv_write_cb cb )

◆ uv_wtf8_length_as_utf16()

UV_EXTERN ssize_t uv_wtf8_length_as_utf16 ( const char * wtf8)

◆ uv_wtf8_to_utf16()

UV_EXTERN void uv_wtf8_to_utf16 ( const char * wtf8,
uint16_t * utf16,
size_t utf16_len )