Package edu.wpi.first.units
package edu.wpi.first.units
ClassDescriptionAccelerationUnit<D extends Unit>A generic unit of acceleration.Unit of angular dimension.A unit of angular acceleration, such as
.A unit of angular momentum, modeled as linear momentum of an object rotating some distance away from the axis of rotation.A unit of angular velocity likeUnits.RadiansPerSecond
.The base units of measure.A helper class for creating and caching combined unit objects.Unit of electric current dimension.A type of unit that corresponds to raw values and not any physical dimension, such as percentage.Unit of linear dimension.Unit of energy dimension.A unit of force likeUnits.Newtons
.A unit of frequency likeUnits.Hertz
.ImmutableMeasure<U extends Unit>A measure holds the magnitude and unit of some dimension, such as distance, time, or speed.A unit of linear acceleration likeUnits.MetersPerSecondPerSecond
.A unit of linear momentum likeUnits.KilogramMetersPerSecond
.A unit of linear velocity likeUnits.MetersPerSecond
.Unit of mass dimension.A measure holds the magnitude and unit of some dimension, such as distance, time, or speed.A unit of moment of inertia, likeUnits.KilogramSquareMeters
.A combinatory unit type that is equivalent to the product of two other others.MutableMeasure<U extends Unit,Base extends Measure<U>, MutSelf extends MutableMeasure<U, Base, MutSelf>> A mutable measurement can be used to keep a single object allocation and reference whose state is mutated or changed as it is used.Generic combinatory unit type that represents the proportion of one unit to another, such as Meters per Second or Radians per Celsius.Unit of power dimension.Unit of resistance dimension.Unit of temperature dimension.Unit of time dimension.A unit of torque likeUnits.NewtonMeters
.A function that accepts a singledouble
and returns adouble
result.Unit of measurement that defines a quantity, such as grams, meters, or seconds.UnitBuilder<U extends Unit>Builder used for easily deriving new units from existing ones.UnitBuilder.UnitConstructorFunction<U extends Unit>A functional interface for constructing new units without relying on reflection.Contains a set of predefined units.VelocityUnit<D extends Unit>Unit of velocity dimension that is a combination of a distance unit (numerator) and a time unit (denominator).Unit of electric voltage dimension.