Package edu.wpi.first.util
package edu.wpi.first.util
ClassDescriptionThis is a simple circular buffer so we don't need to "bucket brigade" copy old values.Loads classes by name.Loads dynamic libraries for all platforms.This is a simple circular buffer so we don't need to "bucket brigade" copy old values.Utility class for common WPILib error messages.A thread-safe container for handling events.A class version of `tail -f`, otherwise known as `tail -f` at home.Exception thrown due to a bad MSVC Runtime.Image pixel format.Class for storing raw frame data between image read call.Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.platform detection is brittle and may be removed in the future.Loads a native library at runtime.Options for where the timestamp an
was captured at can be measured relative to.Cleaner object for WPILib objects.Marker interface to indicate a class is serializable using WPI serialization methods.WPIUtil JNI.Sets whether JNI should be loaded in the static block.