41 static std::vector<std::string>
int types = 0);
122 static bool PutBoolean(std::string_view keyName,
bool value);
141 static bool GetBoolean(std::string_view keyName,
bool defaultValue);
153 static bool PutNumber(std::string_view keyName,
double value);
173 static double GetNumber(std::string_view keyName,
double defaultValue);
185 static bool PutString(std::string_view keyName, std::string_view value);
195 std::string_view defaultValue);
207 std::string_view defaultValue);
230 std::span<const int> defaultValue);
251 std::span<const int> defaultValue);
261 std::span<const double> value);
271 std::span<const double> defaultValue);
288 std::string_view key, std::span<const double> defaultValue);
298 std::span<const std::string> value);
308 std::span<const std::string> defaultValue);
325 std::string_view key, std::span<const std::string> defaultValue);
334 static bool PutRaw(std::string_view key, std::span<const uint8_t> value);
344 std::span<const uint8_t> defaultValue);
360 static std::vector<uint8_t>
GetRaw(std::string_view key,
361 std::span<const uint8_t> defaultValue);
Definition SmartDashboard.h:23
static wpi::Sendable * GetData(std::string_view keyName)
Returns the value at the specified key.
static bool IsPersistent(std::string_view key)
Returns whether the value is persistent through program restarts.
static void UpdateValues()
Puts all sendable data to the dashboard.
static void PutData(wpi::Sendable *value)
Maps the specified key (where the key is the name of the Sendable) to the specified value in this tab...
static bool SetDefaultNumber(std::string_view key, double defaultValue)
Set the value in the table if key does not exist.
static bool PutBoolean(std::string_view keyName, bool value)
Maps the specified key to the specified value in this table.
static bool SetDefaultNumberArray(std::string_view key, std::span< const double > defaultValue)
Set the value in the table if key does not exist.
static bool GetBoolean(std::string_view keyName, bool defaultValue)
Returns the value at the specified key.
static void SetPersistent(std::string_view key)
Makes a key's value persistent through program restarts.
static bool PutBooleanArray(std::string_view key, std::span< const int > value)
Put a boolean array in the table.
static bool SetDefaultStringArray(std::string_view key, std::span< const std::string > defaultValue)
Set the value in the table if key does not exist.
static bool SetDefaultBoolean(std::string_view key, bool defaultValue)
Set the value in the table if key does not exist.
static nt::Value GetValue(std::string_view keyName)
Retrieves the complex value (such as an array) in this table into the complex data object.
static std::string GetString(std::string_view keyName, std::string_view defaultValue)
Returns the value at the specified key.
static nt::NetworkTableEntry GetEntry(std::string_view key)
Returns an NT Entry mapping to the specified key.
static bool SetDefaultBooleanArray(std::string_view key, std::span< const int > defaultValue)
Set the value in the table if key does not exist.
static bool PutNumber(std::string_view keyName, double value)
Maps the specified key to the specified value in this table.
static std::vector< double > GetNumberArray(std::string_view key, std::span< const double > defaultValue)
Returns the number array the key maps to.
static std::vector< std::string > GetStringArray(std::string_view key, std::span< const std::string > defaultValue)
Returns the string array the key maps to.
static std::vector< uint8_t > GetRaw(std::string_view key, std::span< const uint8_t > defaultValue)
Returns the raw value (byte array) the key maps to.
static bool SetDefaultString(std::string_view key, std::string_view defaultValue)
Set the value in the table if key does not exist.
static bool PutValue(std::string_view keyName, const nt::Value &value)
Maps the specified key to the specified complex value (such as an array) in this table.
static bool SetDefaultRaw(std::string_view key, std::span< const uint8_t > defaultValue)
Set the value in the table if key does not exist.
static void ClearPersistent(std::string_view key)
Stop making a key's value persistent through program restarts.
static bool SetDefaultValue(std::string_view key, const nt::Value &defaultValue)
Set the value in the table if key does not exist.
static bool ContainsKey(std::string_view key)
Determines whether the given key is in this table.
static double GetNumber(std::string_view keyName, double defaultValue)
Returns the value at the specified key.
static bool PutStringArray(std::string_view key, std::span< const std::string > value)
Put a string array in the table.
static void PutData(std::string_view key, wpi::Sendable *data)
Maps the specified key to the specified value in this table.
static void PostListenerTask(std::function< void()> task)
Posts a task from a listener to the ListenerExecutor, so that it can be run synchronously from the ma...
static std::vector< int > GetBooleanArray(std::string_view key, std::span< const int > defaultValue)
Returns the boolean array the key maps to.
static bool PutString(std::string_view keyName, std::string_view value)
Maps the specified key to the specified value in this table.
static bool PutRaw(std::string_view key, std::span< const uint8_t > value)
Put a raw value (byte array) in the table.
static bool PutNumberArray(std::string_view key, std::span< const double > value)
Put a number array in the table.
static std::vector< std::string > GetKeys(int types=0)
NetworkTables Entry.
Definition NetworkTableEntry.h:31
A network table entry value.
Definition NetworkTableValue.h:35
Interface for Sendable objects.
Definition Sendable.h:16
Foonathan namespace.
Definition ntcore_cpp.h:26