Interface Struct<T>

Type Parameters:
T - object type
All Known Implementing Classes:
ArmFeedforwardStruct, ChassisSpeedsStruct, DCMotorStruct, DifferentialDriveKinematicsStruct, DifferentialDriveWheelPositionsStruct, DifferentialDriveWheelSpeedsStruct, DifferentialDriveWheelVoltagesStruct, ElevatorFeedforwardStruct, Ellipse2dStruct, MecanumDriveKinematicsStruct, MecanumDriveWheelPositionsStruct, MecanumDriveWheelSpeedsStruct, Pose2dStruct, Pose3dStruct, QuaternionStruct, Rectangle2dStruct, Rotation2dStruct, Rotation3dStruct, SwerveModulePositionStruct, SwerveModuleStateStruct, Transform2dStruct, Transform3dStruct, Translation2dStruct, Translation3dStruct, Twist2dStruct, Twist3dStruct

public interface Struct<T>
Interface for raw struct serialization.

This is designed for serializing small fixed-size data structures in the fastest and most compact means possible. Serialization consists of making relative put() calls to a ByteBuffer and deserialization consists of making relative get() calls from a ByteBuffer.

Idiomatically, classes that support raw struct serialization should provide a static final member named "struct" that provides an instance of an implementation of this interface.

  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final int
    Serialized size of a "bool" value.
    static final int
    Serialized size of an "double" or "float64" value.
    static final int
    Serialized size of an "float" or "float32" value.
    static final int
    Serialized size of an "int16" or "uint16" value.
    static final int
    Serialized size of an "int32" or "uint32" value.
    static final int
    Serialized size of an "int64" or "uint64" value.
    static final int
    Serialized size of an "int8" or "uint8" value.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default T
    clone(T obj)
    Creates a (deep) clone of the object.
    default Struct<?>[]
    Gets the list of struct types referenced by this struct.
    Gets the schema.
    Gets the serialized size (in bytes).
    Gets the Class object for the stored value.
    Gets the type string (e.g.
    default boolean
    Returns whether or not objects are cloneable using the clone() method.
    default boolean
    Returns whether or not objects are immutable.
    pack(ByteBuffer bb, T value)
    Puts object contents to a ByteBuffer starting at the current position.
    Deserializes an object from a raw struct serialized ByteBuffer starting at the current position.
    default void
    Updates object contents from a raw struct serialized ByteBuffer starting at the current position.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getTypeClass

      Gets the Class object for the stored value.
    • getTypeString

      Gets the type string (e.g. for NetworkTables). This should be globally unique and start with "struct:".
      type string
    • getSize

      int getSize()
      Gets the serialized size (in bytes). This should always be a constant.
      serialized size
    • getSchema

      Gets the schema.
    • getNested

      default Struct<?>[] getNested()
      Gets the list of struct types referenced by this struct.
      list of struct types
    • unpack

      Deserializes an object from a raw struct serialized ByteBuffer starting at the current position. Will increment the ByteBuffer position by getStructSize() bytes. Will not otherwise modify the ByteBuffer (e.g. byte order will not be changed).
      bb - ByteBuffer
      New object
    • pack

      void pack(ByteBuffer bb, T value)
      Puts object contents to a ByteBuffer starting at the current position. Will increment the ByteBuffer position by getStructSize() bytes. Will not otherwise modify the ByteBuffer (e.g. byte order will not be changed).
      bb - ByteBuffer
      value - object to serialize
    • unpackInto

      default void unpackInto(T out, ByteBuffer bb)
      Updates object contents from a raw struct serialized ByteBuffer starting at the current position. Will increment the ByteBuffer position by getStructSize() bytes. Will not otherwise modify the ByteBuffer (e.g. byte order will not be changed).

      Immutable classes cannot and should not implement this function. The default implementation throws UnsupportedOperationException.

      out - object to update
      bb - ByteBuffer
      UnsupportedOperationException - if the object is immutable
    • isImmutable

      default boolean isImmutable()
      Returns whether or not objects are immutable. Immutable objects must also be comparable using the equals() method. Default implementation returns false.
      True if object is immutable
    • isCloneable

      default boolean isCloneable()
      Returns whether or not objects are cloneable using the clone() method. Clonable objects must also be comparable using the equals() method. Default implementation returns false.
      True if object is clonable
    • clone

      default T clone(T obj) throws CloneNotSupportedException
      Creates a (deep) clone of the object. May also return the object directly if the object is immutable. Default implementation throws CloneNotSupportedException. Typically this should be implemented by implementing clone() on the object itself, and calling it from here.
      obj - object to clone
      Clone of object (if immutable, may be same object)
      CloneNotSupportedException - if clone not supported