Package edu.wpi.first.math.estimator

package edu.wpi.first.math.estimator
  • Class
    Angle statistics functions.
    This class wraps Differential Drive Odometry to fuse latency-compensated vision measurements with differential drive encoder measurements.
    ExtendedKalmanFilter<States extends Num,Inputs extends Num,Outputs extends Num>
    A Kalman filter combines predictions from a model and measurements to give an estimate of the true system state.
    KalmanFilter<States extends Num,Inputs extends Num,Outputs extends Num>
    A Kalman filter combines predictions from a model and measurements to give an estimate of the true system state.
    KalmanFilterLatencyCompensator<S extends Num,I extends Num,O extends Num>
    This class incorporates time-delayed measurements into a Kalman filter's state estimate.
    KalmanTypeFilter<States extends Num,Inputs extends Num,Outputs extends Num>
    Interface for Kalman filters for use with KalmanFilterLatencyCompensator.
    This class wraps Mecanum Drive Odometry to fuse latency-compensated vision measurements with mecanum drive encoder distance measurements.
    Generates sigma points and weights according to Van der Merwe's 2004 dissertation[1] for the UnscentedKalmanFilter class.
    This class wraps Odometry to fuse latency-compensated vision measurements with encoder measurements.
    SteadyStateKalmanFilter<States extends Num,Inputs extends Num,Outputs extends Num>
    A Kalman filter combines predictions from a model and measurements to give an estimate of the true system state.
    This class wraps Swerve Drive Odometry to fuse latency-compensated vision measurements with swerve drive encoder distance measurements.
    UnscentedKalmanFilter<States extends Num,Inputs extends Num,Outputs extends Num>
    A Kalman filter combines predictions from a model and measurements to give an estimate of the true system state.