WPILibC++ 2024.3.2
type_traits.h File Reference
#include "wpi/Compiler.h"
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>

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class  wpi::is_integral_or_enum< T >
 Metafunction that determines whether the given type is either an integral type or an enumeration type, including enum classes. More...
struct  wpi::add_lvalue_reference_if_not_pointer< T, Enable >
 If T is a pointer, just return it. If it is not, return T&. More...
struct  wpi::add_lvalue_reference_if_not_pointer< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_pointer_v< T > > >
struct  wpi::add_const_past_pointer< T, Enable >
 If T is a pointer to X, return a pointer to const X. More...
struct  wpi::add_const_past_pointer< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_pointer_v< T > > >
struct  wpi::const_pointer_or_const_ref< T, Enable >
struct  wpi::const_pointer_or_const_ref< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_pointer_v< T > > >
union  wpi::detail::trivial_helper< T >


namespace  wpi
namespace  wpi::detail


template<class Lambda , int = (Lambda{}(), 0)>
constexpr bool wpi::is_constexpr (Lambda)
constexpr bool wpi::is_constexpr (...)