WPILibC++ 2025.2.1
No Matches
Struct.h File Reference
#include <stdint.h>
#include <concepts>
#include <memory>
#include <span>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include "wpi/Endian.h"
#include "wpi/array.h"
#include "wpi/bit.h"
#include "wpi/ct_string.h"
#include "wpi/function_ref.h"
#include "wpi/mutex.h"
#include "wpi/type_traits.h"

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struct  wpi::Struct< T, I >
 Struct serialization template. More...
class  wpi::StructArrayBuffer< T, I >
struct  wpi::Struct< std::array< T, N >, I... >
 Raw struct support for fixed-size arrays of other structs. More...
struct  wpi::Struct< bool >
 Raw struct support for boolean values. More...
struct  wpi::Struct< uint8_t >
 Raw struct support for uint8_t values. More...
struct  wpi::Struct< int8_t >
 Raw struct support for int8_t values. More...
struct  wpi::Struct< uint16_t >
 Raw struct support for uint16_t values. More...
struct  wpi::Struct< int16_t >
 Raw struct support for int16_t values. More...
struct  wpi::Struct< uint32_t >
 Raw struct support for uint32_t values. More...
struct  wpi::Struct< int32_t >
 Raw struct support for int32_t values. More...
struct  wpi::Struct< uint64_t >
 Raw struct support for uint64_t values. More...
struct  wpi::Struct< int64_t >
 Raw struct support for int64_t values. More...
struct  wpi::Struct< float >
 Raw struct support for float values. More...
struct  wpi::Struct< double >
 Raw struct support for double values. More...


namespace  wpi
 Foonathan namespace.


concept  wpi::StructSerializable
 Specifies that a type is capable of raw struct serialization and deserialization.
concept  wpi::MutableStructSerializable
 Specifies that a type is capable of in-place raw struct deserialization.
concept  wpi::HasNestedStruct
 Specifies that a struct type has nested struct declarations.


template<typename T , typename... I>
requires StructSerializable<T, I...>
wpi::UnpackStruct (std::span< const uint8_t > data, const I &... info)
 Unpack a serialized struct.
template<typename T , size_t Offset, typename... I>
requires StructSerializable<T, I...>
wpi::UnpackStruct (std::span< const uint8_t > data, const I &... info)
 Unpack a serialized struct starting at a given offset within the data.
template<StructSerializable T, size_t Offset, size_t N>
wpi::array< T, N > wpi::UnpackStructArray (std::span< const uint8_t > data)
 Unpack a serialized struct array starting at a given offset within the data.
template<typename T , typename... I>
requires StructSerializable<T, I...>
void wpi::PackStruct (std::span< uint8_t > data, T &&value, const I &... info)
 Pack a serialized struct.
template<size_t Offset, typename T , typename... I>
requires StructSerializable<T, I...>
void wpi::PackStruct (std::span< uint8_t > data, T &&value, const I &... info)
 Pack a serialized struct starting at a given offset within the data.
template<size_t Offset, size_t N, StructSerializable T>
void wpi::PackStructArray (std::span< uint8_t > data, const wpi::array< T, N > &arr)
 Pack a serialized struct array starting at a given offset within the data.
template<typename T , typename... I>
requires StructSerializable<T, I...>
void wpi::UnpackStructInto (T *out, std::span< const uint8_t > data, const I &... info)
 Unpack a serialized struct into an existing object, overwriting its contents.
template<size_t Offset, typename T , typename... I>
requires StructSerializable<T, I...>
void wpi::UnpackStructInto (T *out, std::span< const uint8_t > data, const I &... info)
 Unpack a serialized struct into an existing object, overwriting its contents, and starting at a given offset within the data.
template<typename T , typename... I>
requires StructSerializable<T, I...>
constexpr auto wpi::GetStructTypeName (const I &... info)
 Get the type name for a raw struct serializable type.
template<typename T , typename... I>
requires StructSerializable<T, I...>
constexpr auto wpi::GetStructTypeString (const I &... info)
 Get the type string for a raw struct serializable type.
template<typename T , typename... I>
requires StructSerializable<T, I...>
constexpr size_t wpi::GetStructSize (const I &... info)
 Get the size for a raw struct serializable type.
template<typename T , size_t N, typename... I>
requires StructSerializable<T, I...>
constexpr auto wpi::MakeStructArrayTypeName (const I &... info)
template<typename T , size_t N, typename... I>
requires StructSerializable<T, I...>
constexpr auto wpi::MakeStructArrayTypeString (const I &... info)
template<typename T , size_t N, typename... I>
requires StructSerializable<T, I...>
constexpr auto wpi::MakeStructArraySchema (const I &... info)
template<typename T , typename... I>
requires StructSerializable<T, I...>
constexpr std::string_view wpi::GetStructSchema (const I &... info)
template<typename T , typename... I>
requires StructSerializable<T, I...>
constexpr std::span< const uint8_t > wpi::GetStructSchemaBytes (const I &... info)
template<typename T , typename... I>
requires StructSerializable<T, I...>
void wpi::ForEachStructSchema (std::invocable< std::string_view, std::string_view > auto fn, const I &... info)