13class StadiaController;
Handle input from Stadia controllers connected to the Driver Station.
Definition StadiaController.h:30
Class to control a simulated generic joystick.
Definition GenericHIDSim.h:20
Class to control a simulated Stadia controller.
Definition StadiaControllerSim.h:20
void SetBButton(bool value)
Change the value of the B button on the controller.
void SetLeftTriggerButton(bool value)
Change the value of the left trigger button on the controller.
void SetRightStickButton(bool value)
Change the value of the right stick button on the controller.
void SetLeftX(double value)
Change the left X value of the controller's joystick.
void SetRightX(double value)
Change the right X value of the controller's joystick.
void SetStadiaButton(bool value)
Change the value of the stadia button on the controller.
StadiaControllerSim(int port)
Constructs from a joystick port number.
void SetLeftBumperButton(bool value)
Change the value of the left bumper button on the controller.
void SetEllipsesButton(bool value)
Change the value of the ellipses button on the controller.
void SetRightTriggerButton(bool value)
Change the value of the right trigger button on the controller.
void SetLeftY(double value)
Change the left Y value of the controller's joystick.
void SetAButton(bool value)
Change the value of the A button on the controller.
void SetHamburgerButton(bool value)
Change the value of the hamburger button on the controller.
void SetXButton(bool value)
Change the value of the X button on the controller.
void SetYButton(bool value)
Change the value of the Y button on the controller.
void SetGoogleButton(bool value)
Change the value of the google button on the controller.
void SetRightBumperButton(bool value)
Change the value of the right bumper button on the controller.
void SetLeftStickButton(bool value)
Change the value of the left stick button on the controller.
void SetRightY(double value)
Change the right Y value of the controller's joystick.
StadiaControllerSim(const StadiaController &joystick)
Constructs from a StadiaController object.
void SetFrameButton(bool value)
Change the value of the frame button on the controller.