The type of robot match that the robot is part of.
Definition DriverStation.h:38
Class to control a simulated driver station.
Definition DriverStationSim.h:19
static double GetMatchTime()
Get the current value of the match timer.
static void SetJoystickButton(int stick, int button, bool state)
Sets the state of one joystick button.
static std::unique_ptr< CallbackStore > RegisterEStopCallback(NotifyCallback callback, bool initialNotify)
Register a callback on the eStop state.
static void SetDsAttached(bool dsAttached)
Change whether the DS is attached.
static void SetAllianceStationId(HAL_AllianceStationID allianceStationId)
Change the alliance station.
static std::unique_ptr< CallbackStore > RegisterFmsAttachedCallback(NotifyCallback callback, bool initialNotify)
Register a callback on whether the FMS is connected.
static void SetEventName(std::string_view name)
Sets the event name.
static void SetSendError(bool shouldSend)
Sets suppression of DriverStation::ReportError and ReportWarning messages.
static std::unique_ptr< CallbackStore > RegisterMatchTimeCallback(NotifyCallback callback, bool initialNotify)
Register a callback on match time.
static void SetJoystickAxisCount(int stick, int count)
Sets the number of axes for a joystick.
static void SetEnabled(bool enabled)
Change whether the DS is enabled.
static void SetMatchType(DriverStation::MatchType type)
Sets the match type.
static bool GetFmsAttached()
Check if the FMS is connected.
static std::unique_ptr< CallbackStore > RegisterTestCallback(NotifyCallback callback, bool initialNotify)
Register a callback on whether the DS is in test mode.
static void SetReplayNumber(int replayNumber)
Sets the replay number.
static bool GetDsAttached()
Check if the DS is attached.
static std::unique_ptr< CallbackStore > RegisterAutonomousCallback(NotifyCallback callback, bool initialNotify)
Register a callback on whether the DS is in autonomous mode.
static std::unique_ptr< CallbackStore > RegisterDsAttachedCallback(NotifyCallback callback, bool initialNotify)
Register a callback on whether the DS is connected.
static void SetMatchTime(double matchTime)
Sets the match timer.
static void SetGameSpecificMessage(std::string_view message)
Sets the game specific message.
static void SetSendConsoleLine(bool shouldSend)
Sets suppression of DriverStation::SendConsoleLine messages.
static std::unique_ptr< CallbackStore > RegisterAllianceStationIdCallback(NotifyCallback callback, bool initialNotify)
Register a callback on the alliance station ID.
static std::unique_ptr< CallbackStore > RegisterEnabledCallback(NotifyCallback callback, bool initialNotify)
Register a callback on whether the DS is enabled.
static void SetAutonomous(bool autonomous)
Change whether the DS is in autonomous.
static bool GetEStop()
Check if eStop has been activated.
static void SetEStop(bool eStop)
Set whether eStop is active.
static void SetJoystickType(int stick, int type)
Sets the value of type for a joystick.
static void SetMatchNumber(int matchNumber)
Sets the match number.
static int GetJoystickRumble(int stick, int rumbleNum)
Gets the joystick rumble.
static void SetJoystickIsXbox(int stick, bool isXbox)
Sets the value of isXbox for a joystick.
static void SetJoystickButtons(int stick, uint32_t buttons)
Sets the state of all the buttons on a joystick.
static void SetTest(bool test)
Change whether the DS is in test.
static HAL_AllianceStationID GetAllianceStationId()
Get the alliance station ID (color + number).
static void SetJoystickAxis(int stick, int axis, double value)
Gets the value of the axis on a joystick.
static void SetJoystickButtonCount(int stick, int count)
Sets the number of buttons for a joystick.
static void NotifyNewData()
Updates DriverStation data so that new values are visible to the user program.
static void SetFmsAttached(bool fmsAttached)
Change whether the FMS is connected.
static void SetJoystickPOV(int stick, int pov, int value)
Gets the state of a POV on a joystick.
static bool GetAutonomous()
Check if the DS is in autonomous.
static int64_t GetJoystickOutputs(int stick)
Gets the joystick outputs.
static void SetJoystickAxisType(int stick, int axis, int type)
Sets the types of Axes for a joystick.
static bool GetEnabled()
Check if the DS is enabled.
static bool GetTest()
Check if the DS is in test.
static void ResetData()
Reset all simulation data for the Driver Station.
static void SetJoystickName(int stick, std::string_view name)
Sets the name of a joystick.
static void SetJoystickPOVCount(int stick, int count)
Sets the number of POVs for a joystick.
Definition DriverStationTypes.h:43
std::function< void(std::string_view, const HAL_Value *)> NotifyCallback
Definition CallbackStore.h:14