160 HAL_Handle digitalSourceHandle, int32_t* status);
299 double timeoutSeconds,
300 int32_t* remainingOut,
317 double timeoutSeconds, int32_t* remainingOut,
438 int64_t* count, int64_t* value,
The type of analog trigger to trigger on.
Definition AnalogTrigger.h:20
int32_t HAL_SetDMAExternalTrigger(HAL_DMAHandle handle, HAL_Handle digitalSourceHandle, HAL_AnalogTriggerType analogTriggerType, HAL_Bool rising, HAL_Bool falling, int32_t *status)
Sets DMA transfers to occur on an external trigger.
int32_t HAL_GetDMASampleDutyCycleOutputRaw(const HAL_DMASample *dmaSample, HAL_DutyCycleHandle dutyCycleHandle, int32_t *status)
Returns the raw duty cycle input ratio data from the sample.
void HAL_StartDMA(HAL_DMAHandle handle, int32_t queueDepth, int32_t *status)
Starts DMA Collection.
void HAL_SetDMATimedTriggerCycles(HAL_DMAHandle handle, uint32_t cycles, int32_t *status)
Sets DMA transfers to occur at a specific timed interval in FPGA cycles.
enum HAL_DMAReadStatus HAL_ReadDMA(HAL_DMAHandle handle, HAL_DMASample *dmaSample, double timeoutSeconds, int32_t *remainingOut, int32_t *status)
Reads a DMA sample from the queue.
int32_t HAL_GetDMASampleAveragedAnalogInputRaw(const HAL_DMASample *dmaSample, HAL_AnalogInputHandle aInHandle, int32_t *status)
Returns the raw averaged analog data for an analog input from the sample.
void HAL_StopDMA(HAL_DMAHandle handle, int32_t *status)
Stops DMA Collection.
HAL_Bool HAL_GetDMASampleDigitalSource(const HAL_DMASample *dmaSample, HAL_Handle dSourceHandle, int32_t *status)
Returns the state of a digital source from the sample.
void HAL_SetDMATimedTrigger(HAL_DMAHandle handle, double periodSeconds, int32_t *status)
Sets DMA transfers to occur at a specific timed interval.
int32_t HAL_GetDMASampleEncoderPeriodRaw(const HAL_DMASample *dmaSample, HAL_EncoderHandle encoderHandle, int32_t *status)
Returns the raw period data for an encoder from the sample.
int32_t HAL_GetDMASampleCounter(const HAL_DMASample *dmaSample, HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle, int32_t *status)
Returns the distance data for an counter from the sample.
The DMA Read Status.
Definition DMA.h:19
void * HAL_GetDMADirectPointer(HAL_DMAHandle handle)
Gets the direct pointer to the DMA object.
void HAL_SetDMAPause(HAL_DMAHandle handle, HAL_Bool pause, int32_t *status)
Pauses or unpauses a DMA transfer.
int32_t HAL_GetDMASampleCounterPeriod(const HAL_DMASample *dmaSample, HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle, int32_t *status)
Returns the period data for an counter from the sample.
int32_t HAL_GetDMASampleAnalogInputRaw(const HAL_DMASample *dmaSample, HAL_AnalogInputHandle aInHandle, int32_t *status)
Returns the raw analog data for an analog input from the sample.
void HAL_GetDMASampleAnalogAccumulator(const HAL_DMASample *dmaSample, HAL_AnalogInputHandle aInHandle, int64_t *count, int64_t *value, int32_t *status)
Returns the analog accumulator data for an analog input from the sample.
void HAL_AddDMAEncoder(HAL_DMAHandle handle, HAL_EncoderHandle encoderHandle, int32_t *status)
Adds position data for an encoder to be collected by DMA.
void HAL_AddDMACounterPeriod(HAL_DMAHandle handle, HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle, int32_t *status)
Adds timer data for an counter to be collected by DMA.
void HAL_AddDMACounter(HAL_DMAHandle handle, HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle, int32_t *status)
Adds position data for an counter to be collected by DMA.
void HAL_AddDMADutyCycle(HAL_DMAHandle handle, HAL_DutyCycleHandle dutyCycleHandle, int32_t *status)
Adds a duty cycle input to be collected by DMA.
uint64_t HAL_GetDMASampleTime(const HAL_DMASample *dmaSample, int32_t *status)
Returns the timestamp of the sample.
void HAL_ClearDMASensors(HAL_DMAHandle handle, int32_t *status)
Clear all sensors from the DMA collection list.
void HAL_AddDMAAnalogAccumulator(HAL_DMAHandle handle, HAL_AnalogInputHandle aInHandle, int32_t *status)
Adds accumulator data of an analog input to be collected by DMA.
void HAL_AddDMAAveragedAnalogInput(HAL_DMAHandle handle, HAL_AnalogInputHandle aInHandle, int32_t *status)
Adds averaged data of an analog input to be collected by DMA.
void HAL_ClearDMAExternalTriggers(HAL_DMAHandle handle, int32_t *status)
Clear all external triggers from the DMA trigger list.
void HAL_AddDMAEncoderPeriod(HAL_DMAHandle handle, HAL_EncoderHandle encoderHandle, int32_t *status)
Adds timer data for an encoder to be collected by DMA.
void HAL_AddDMADigitalSource(HAL_DMAHandle handle, HAL_Handle digitalSourceHandle, int32_t *status)
Adds a digital source to be collected by DMA.
enum HAL_DMAReadStatus HAL_ReadDMADirect(void *dmaPointer, HAL_DMASample *dmaSample, double timeoutSeconds, int32_t *remainingOut, int32_t *status)
Reads a DMA sample using a direct DMA pointer.
int32_t HAL_GetDMASampleEncoderRaw(const HAL_DMASample *dmaSample, HAL_EncoderHandle encoderHandle, int32_t *status)
Returns the raw distance data for an encoder from the sample.
void HAL_AddDMAAnalogInput(HAL_DMAHandle handle, HAL_AnalogInputHandle aInHandle, int32_t *status)
Adds an analog input to be collected by DMA.
void HAL_FreeDMA(HAL_DMAHandle handle)
Frees a DMA object.
HAL_DMAHandle HAL_InitializeDMA(int32_t *status)
Initializes an object for performing DMA transfers.
Definition DMA.h:22
Definition DMA.h:21
Definition DMA.h:20
int32_t HAL_Bool
Definition Types.h:73
int32_t HAL_Handle
Definition Types.h:17
HAL_Handle HAL_DMAHandle
Definition Types.h:57
HAL_Handle HAL_EncoderHandle
Definition Types.h:35
HAL_Handle HAL_DutyCycleHandle
Definition Types.h:59
HAL_Handle HAL_CounterHandle
Definition Types.h:29
HAL_Handle HAL_AnalogInputHandle
Definition Types.h:21
#define HAL_ENUM(name)
Definition Types.h:76
Buffer for containing all DMA data for a specific sample.
Definition DMA.h:28
int32_t channelOffsets[22]
Definition DMA.h:30
uint64_t timeStamp
Definition DMA.h:31
uint8_t triggerChannels
Definition DMA.h:33
uint32_t readBuffer[74]
Definition DMA.h:29
uint32_t captureSize
Definition DMA.h:32