The types of the widgets bundled with Shuffleboard.
Definition BuiltInWidgets.h:25
@ kGraph
Displays a number with a graph.
@ kTextView
Displays a value with a simple text field.
@ kToggleButton
Displays a boolean with a large interactive toggle button.
@ kPIDCommand
Displays a PID command with a checkbox and an editor for the PIDF constants.
@ kRelay
Displays a relay with toggle buttons for each supported mode (off, on, forward, reverse).
@ kAccelerometer
Displays an accelerometer with a number bar displaying the magnitude of the acceleration and text dis...
@ kPIDController
Displays a PID controller with an editor for the PIDF constants and a toggle switch for enabling and ...
@ kDifferentialDrive
Displays a differential drive with a widget that displays the speed of each side of the drivebase and...
@ kMotorController
Displays a MotorController.
@ kField
Displays a field2d object.
@ kEncoder
Displays an Encoder displaying its speed, total traveled distance, and its distance per tick.
@ kGyro
Displays a gyro with a dial from 0 to 360 degrees.
@ k3AxisAccelerometer
Displays a 3-axis accelerometer with a number bar for each axis' acceleration.
@ kCommand
Displays a command with a toggle button.
@ kBooleanBox
Displays a boolean value as a large colored box.
@ kToggleSwitch
Displays a boolean with a fixed-size toggle switch.
@ kPowerDistribution
Displays a PowerDistribution.
@ kVoltageView
Displays an analog input or a raw number with a number bar.
@ kNumberSlider
Displays a number with a controllable slider.
@ kNumberBar
Displays a number with a view-only bar.
@ kMecanumDrive
Displays a mecanum drive with a widget that displays the speed of each wheel, and vectors for the dir...
@ kSplitButtonChooser
Displays a SendableChooserwith a toggle button for each available option.
@ kCameraStream
Displays a camera stream.
@ kDial
Displays a number with a view-only dial.
@ kComboBoxChooser
Displays a SendableChooser with a dropdown combo box with a list of options.