Interface NTSendableBuilder

All Superinterfaces:
AutoCloseable, SendableBuilder
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface NTSendableBuilder extends SendableBuilder
Helper class for building Sendable dashboard representations for NetworkTables.
  • Method Details

    • setUpdateTable

      Set the function that should be called to update the network table for things other than properties. Note this function is not passed the network table object; instead it should use the entry handles returned by getEntry().
      func - function
    • getTopic

      Add a property without getters or setters. This can be used to get entry handles for the function called by setUpdateTable().
      key - property name
      Network table topic
    • getTable

      Get the network table.
      The network table
    • getBackendKind

      Description copied from interface: SendableBuilder
      Gets the kind of backend being used.
      Specified by:
      getBackendKind in interface SendableBuilder
      Backend kind