Interface TrajectoryConstraint

All Known Implementing Classes:
CentripetalAccelerationConstraint, DifferentialDriveKinematicsConstraint, DifferentialDriveVoltageConstraint, EllipticalRegionConstraint, MaxVelocityConstraint, MecanumDriveKinematicsConstraint, RectangularRegionConstraint, SwerveDriveKinematicsConstraint

public interface TrajectoryConstraint
An interface for defining user-defined velocity and acceleration constraints while generating trajectories.
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static class 
    Represents a minimum and maximum acceleration.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    getMaxVelocityMetersPerSecond(Pose2d poseMeters, double curvatureRadPerMeter, double velocityMetersPerSecond)
    Returns the max velocity given the current pose and curvature.
    getMinMaxAccelerationMetersPerSecondSq(Pose2d poseMeters, double curvatureRadPerMeter, double velocityMetersPerSecond)
    Returns the minimum and maximum allowable acceleration for the trajectory given pose, curvature, and speed.
  • Method Details

    • getMaxVelocityMetersPerSecond

      double getMaxVelocityMetersPerSecond(Pose2d poseMeters, double curvatureRadPerMeter, double velocityMetersPerSecond)
      Returns the max velocity given the current pose and curvature.
      poseMeters - The pose at the current point in the trajectory.
      curvatureRadPerMeter - The curvature at the current point in the trajectory.
      velocityMetersPerSecond - The velocity at the current point in the trajectory before constraints are applied.
      The absolute maximum velocity.
    • getMinMaxAccelerationMetersPerSecondSq

      TrajectoryConstraint.MinMax getMinMaxAccelerationMetersPerSecondSq(Pose2d poseMeters, double curvatureRadPerMeter, double velocityMetersPerSecond)
      Returns the minimum and maximum allowable acceleration for the trajectory given pose, curvature, and speed.
      poseMeters - The pose at the current point in the trajectory.
      curvatureRadPerMeter - The curvature at the current point in the trajectory.
      velocityMetersPerSecond - The speed at the current point in the trajectory.
      The min and max acceleration bounds.