001// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
002// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
003// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
005package edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.button;
007import static edu.wpi.first.util.ErrorMessages.requireNonNullParam;
009import edu.wpi.first.math.filter.Debouncer;
010import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.event.EventLoop;
011import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.Command;
012import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.CommandScheduler;
013import java.util.function.BooleanSupplier;
016 * This class provides an easy way to link commands to conditions.
017 *
018 * <p>It is very easy to link a button to a command. For instance, you could link the trigger button
019 * of a joystick to a "score" command.
020 *
021 * <p>Triggers can easily be composed for advanced functionality using the {@link
022 * #and(BooleanSupplier)}, {@link #or(BooleanSupplier)}, {@link #negate()} operators.
023 *
024 * <p>This class is provided by the NewCommands VendorDep
025 */
026public class Trigger implements BooleanSupplier {
027  /** Functional interface for the body of a trigger binding. */
028  @FunctionalInterface
029  private interface BindingBody {
030    /**
031     * Executes the body of the binding.
032     *
033     * @param previous The previous state of the condition.
034     * @param current The current state of the condition.
035     */
036    void run(boolean previous, boolean current);
037  }
039  private final BooleanSupplier m_condition;
040  private final EventLoop m_loop;
042  /**
043   * Creates a new trigger based on the given condition.
044   *
045   * @param loop The loop instance that polls this trigger.
046   * @param condition the condition represented by this trigger
047   */
048  public Trigger(EventLoop loop, BooleanSupplier condition) {
049    m_loop = requireNonNullParam(loop, "loop", "Trigger");
050    m_condition = requireNonNullParam(condition, "condition", "Trigger");
051  }
053  /**
054   * Creates a new trigger based on the given condition.
055   *
056   * <p>Polled by the default scheduler button loop.
057   *
058   * @param condition the condition represented by this trigger
059   */
060  public Trigger(BooleanSupplier condition) {
061    this(CommandScheduler.getInstance().getDefaultButtonLoop(), condition);
062  }
064  /**
065   * Adds a binding to the EventLoop.
066   *
067   * @param body The body of the binding to add.
068   */
069  private void addBinding(BindingBody body) {
070    m_loop.bind(
071        new Runnable() {
072          private boolean m_previous = m_condition.getAsBoolean();
074          @Override
075          public void run() {
076            boolean current = m_condition.getAsBoolean();
078            body.run(m_previous, current);
080            m_previous = current;
081          }
082        });
083  }
085  /**
086   * Starts the command when the condition changes.
087   *
088   * @param command the command to start
089   * @return this trigger, so calls can be chained
090   */
091  public Trigger onChange(Command command) {
092    requireNonNullParam(command, "command", "onChange");
093    addBinding(
094        (previous, current) -> {
095          if (previous != current) {
096            command.schedule();
097          }
098        });
099    return this;
100  }
102  /**
103   * Starts the given command whenever the condition changes from `false` to `true`.
104   *
105   * @param command the command to start
106   * @return this trigger, so calls can be chained
107   */
108  public Trigger onTrue(Command command) {
109    requireNonNullParam(command, "command", "onTrue");
110    addBinding(
111        (previous, current) -> {
112          if (!previous && current) {
113            command.schedule();
114          }
115        });
116    return this;
117  }
119  /**
120   * Starts the given command whenever the condition changes from `true` to `false`.
121   *
122   * @param command the command to start
123   * @return this trigger, so calls can be chained
124   */
125  public Trigger onFalse(Command command) {
126    requireNonNullParam(command, "command", "onFalse");
127    addBinding(
128        (previous, current) -> {
129          if (previous && !current) {
130            command.schedule();
131          }
132        });
133    return this;
134  }
136  /**
137   * Starts the given command when the condition changes to `true` and cancels it when the condition
138   * changes to `false`.
139   *
140   * <p>Doesn't re-start the command if it ends while the condition is still `true`. If the command
141   * should restart, see {@link edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.RepeatCommand}.
142   *
143   * @param command the command to start
144   * @return this trigger, so calls can be chained
145   */
146  public Trigger whileTrue(Command command) {
147    requireNonNullParam(command, "command", "whileTrue");
148    addBinding(
149        (previous, current) -> {
150          if (!previous && current) {
151            command.schedule();
152          } else if (previous && !current) {
153            command.cancel();
154          }
155        });
156    return this;
157  }
159  /**
160   * Starts the given command when the condition changes to `false` and cancels it when the
161   * condition changes to `true`.
162   *
163   * <p>Doesn't re-start the command if it ends while the condition is still `false`. If the command
164   * should restart, see {@link edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.RepeatCommand}.
165   *
166   * @param command the command to start
167   * @return this trigger, so calls can be chained
168   */
169  public Trigger whileFalse(Command command) {
170    requireNonNullParam(command, "command", "whileFalse");
171    addBinding(
172        (previous, current) -> {
173          if (previous && !current) {
174            command.schedule();
175          } else if (!previous && current) {
176            command.cancel();
177          }
178        });
179    return this;
180  }
182  /**
183   * Toggles a command when the condition changes from `false` to `true`.
184   *
185   * @param command the command to toggle
186   * @return this trigger, so calls can be chained
187   */
188  public Trigger toggleOnTrue(Command command) {
189    requireNonNullParam(command, "command", "toggleOnTrue");
190    addBinding(
191        (previous, current) -> {
192          if (!previous && current) {
193            if (command.isScheduled()) {
194              command.cancel();
195            } else {
196              command.schedule();
197            }
198          }
199        });
200    return this;
201  }
203  /**
204   * Toggles a command when the condition changes from `true` to `false`.
205   *
206   * @param command the command to toggle
207   * @return this trigger, so calls can be chained
208   */
209  public Trigger toggleOnFalse(Command command) {
210    requireNonNullParam(command, "command", "toggleOnFalse");
211    addBinding(
212        (previous, current) -> {
213          if (previous && !current) {
214            if (command.isScheduled()) {
215              command.cancel();
216            } else {
217              command.schedule();
218            }
219          }
220        });
221    return this;
222  }
224  @Override
225  public boolean getAsBoolean() {
226    return m_condition.getAsBoolean();
227  }
229  /**
230   * Composes two triggers with logical AND.
231   *
232   * @param trigger the condition to compose with
233   * @return A trigger which is active when both component triggers are active.
234   */
235  public Trigger and(BooleanSupplier trigger) {
236    return new Trigger(m_loop, () -> m_condition.getAsBoolean() && trigger.getAsBoolean());
237  }
239  /**
240   * Composes two triggers with logical OR.
241   *
242   * @param trigger the condition to compose with
243   * @return A trigger which is active when either component trigger is active.
244   */
245  public Trigger or(BooleanSupplier trigger) {
246    return new Trigger(m_loop, () -> m_condition.getAsBoolean() || trigger.getAsBoolean());
247  }
249  /**
250   * Creates a new trigger that is active when this trigger is inactive, i.e. that acts as the
251   * negation of this trigger.
252   *
253   * @return the negated trigger
254   */
255  public Trigger negate() {
256    return new Trigger(m_loop, () -> !m_condition.getAsBoolean());
257  }
259  /**
260   * Creates a new debounced trigger from this trigger - it will become active when this trigger has
261   * been active for longer than the specified period.
262   *
263   * @param seconds The debounce period.
264   * @return The debounced trigger (rising edges debounced only)
265   */
266  public Trigger debounce(double seconds) {
267    return debounce(seconds, Debouncer.DebounceType.kRising);
268  }
270  /**
271   * Creates a new debounced trigger from this trigger - it will become active when this trigger has
272   * been active for longer than the specified period.
273   *
274   * @param seconds The debounce period.
275   * @param type The debounce type.
276   * @return The debounced trigger.
277   */
278  public Trigger debounce(double seconds, Debouncer.DebounceType type) {
279    return new Trigger(
280        m_loop,
281        new BooleanSupplier() {
282          final Debouncer m_debouncer = new Debouncer(seconds, type);
284          @Override
285          public boolean getAsBoolean() {
286            return m_debouncer.calculate(m_condition.getAsBoolean());
287          }
288        });
289  }