001// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
002// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
003// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
005package edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command;
007import static edu.wpi.first.util.ErrorMessages.requireNonNullParam;
009import edu.wpi.first.math.controller.HolonomicDriveController;
010import edu.wpi.first.math.controller.PIDController;
011import edu.wpi.first.math.controller.ProfiledPIDController;
012import edu.wpi.first.math.controller.SimpleMotorFeedforward;
013import edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Pose2d;
014import edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Rotation2d;
015import edu.wpi.first.math.kinematics.ChassisSpeeds;
016import edu.wpi.first.math.kinematics.MecanumDriveKinematics;
017import edu.wpi.first.math.kinematics.MecanumDriveMotorVoltages;
018import edu.wpi.first.math.kinematics.MecanumDriveWheelSpeeds;
019import edu.wpi.first.math.trajectory.Trajectory;
020import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Timer;
021import java.util.function.Consumer;
022import java.util.function.Supplier;
025 * A command that uses two PID controllers ({@link PIDController}) and a ProfiledPIDController
026 * ({@link ProfiledPIDController}) to follow a trajectory {@link Trajectory} with a mecanum drive.
027 *
028 * <p>The command handles trajectory-following, Velocity PID calculations, and feedforwards
029 * internally. This is intended to be a more-or-less "complete solution" that can be used by teams
030 * without a great deal of controls expertise.
031 *
032 * <p>Advanced teams seeking more flexibility (for example, those who wish to use the onboard PID
033 * functionality of a "smart" motor controller) may use the secondary constructor that omits the PID
034 * and feedforward functionality, returning only the raw wheel speeds from the PID controllers.
035 *
036 * <p>The robot angle controller does not follow the angle given by the trajectory but rather goes
037 * to the angle given in the final state of the trajectory.
038 *
039 * <p>This class is provided by the NewCommands VendorDep
040 */
042public class MecanumControllerCommand extends Command {
043  private final Timer m_timer = new Timer();
044  private final boolean m_usePID;
045  private final Trajectory m_trajectory;
046  private final Supplier<Pose2d> m_pose;
047  private final SimpleMotorFeedforward m_feedforward;
048  private final MecanumDriveKinematics m_kinematics;
049  private final HolonomicDriveController m_controller;
050  private final Supplier<Rotation2d> m_desiredRotation;
051  private final double m_maxWheelVelocityMetersPerSecond;
052  private final PIDController m_frontLeftController;
053  private final PIDController m_rearLeftController;
054  private final PIDController m_frontRightController;
055  private final PIDController m_rearRightController;
056  private final Supplier<MecanumDriveWheelSpeeds> m_currentWheelSpeeds;
057  private final MecanumVoltagesConsumer m_outputDriveVoltages;
058  private final Consumer<MecanumDriveWheelSpeeds> m_outputWheelSpeeds;
059  private double m_prevFrontLeftSpeedSetpoint; // m/s
060  private double m_prevRearLeftSpeedSetpoint; // m/s
061  private double m_prevFrontRightSpeedSetpoint; // m/s
062  private double m_prevRearRightSpeedSetpoint; // m/s
064  /**
065   * Constructs a new MecanumControllerCommand that when executed will follow the provided
066   * trajectory. PID control and feedforward are handled internally. Outputs are scaled from -12 to
067   * 12 as a voltage output to the motor.
068   *
069   * <p>Note: The controllers will *not* set the outputVolts to zero upon completion of the path
070   * this is left to the user, since it is not appropriate for paths with nonstationary endstates.
071   *
072   * @param trajectory The trajectory to follow.
073   * @param pose A function that supplies the robot pose - use one of the odometry classes to
074   *     provide this.
075   * @param feedforward The feedforward to use for the drivetrain.
076   * @param kinematics The kinematics for the robot drivetrain.
077   * @param xController The Trajectory Tracker PID controller for the robot's x position.
078   * @param yController The Trajectory Tracker PID controller for the robot's y position.
079   * @param thetaController The Trajectory Tracker PID controller for angle for the robot.
080   * @param desiredRotation The angle that the robot should be facing. This is sampled at each time
081   *     step.
082   * @param maxWheelVelocityMetersPerSecond The maximum velocity of a drivetrain wheel.
083   * @param frontLeftController The front left wheel velocity PID.
084   * @param rearLeftController The rear left wheel velocity PID.
085   * @param frontRightController The front right wheel velocity PID.
086   * @param rearRightController The rear right wheel velocity PID.
087   * @param currentWheelSpeeds A MecanumDriveWheelSpeeds object containing the current wheel speeds.
088   * @param outputDriveVoltages A MecanumVoltagesConsumer that consumes voltages of mecanum motors.
089   * @param requirements The subsystems to require.
090   */
091  @SuppressWarnings("this-escape")
092  public MecanumControllerCommand(
093      Trajectory trajectory,
094      Supplier<Pose2d> pose,
095      SimpleMotorFeedforward feedforward,
096      MecanumDriveKinematics kinematics,
097      PIDController xController,
098      PIDController yController,
099      ProfiledPIDController thetaController,
100      Supplier<Rotation2d> desiredRotation,
101      double maxWheelVelocityMetersPerSecond,
102      PIDController frontLeftController,
103      PIDController rearLeftController,
104      PIDController frontRightController,
105      PIDController rearRightController,
106      Supplier<MecanumDriveWheelSpeeds> currentWheelSpeeds,
107      MecanumVoltagesConsumer outputDriveVoltages,
108      Subsystem... requirements) {
109    m_trajectory = requireNonNullParam(trajectory, "trajectory", "MecanumControllerCommand");
110    m_pose = requireNonNullParam(pose, "pose", "MecanumControllerCommand");
111    m_feedforward = requireNonNullParam(feedforward, "feedforward", "MecanumControllerCommand");
112    m_kinematics = requireNonNullParam(kinematics, "kinematics", "MecanumControllerCommand");
114    m_controller =
115        new HolonomicDriveController(
116            requireNonNullParam(xController, "xController", "MecanumControllerCommand"),
117            requireNonNullParam(yController, "yController", "MecanumControllerCommand"),
118            requireNonNullParam(thetaController, "thetaController", "MecanumControllerCommand"));
120    m_desiredRotation =
121        requireNonNullParam(desiredRotation, "desiredRotation", "MecanumControllerCommand");
123    m_maxWheelVelocityMetersPerSecond = maxWheelVelocityMetersPerSecond;
125    m_frontLeftController =
126        requireNonNullParam(frontLeftController, "frontLeftController", "MecanumControllerCommand");
127    m_rearLeftController =
128        requireNonNullParam(rearLeftController, "rearLeftController", "MecanumControllerCommand");
129    m_frontRightController =
130        requireNonNullParam(
131            frontRightController, "frontRightController", "MecanumControllerCommand");
132    m_rearRightController =
133        requireNonNullParam(rearRightController, "rearRightController", "MecanumControllerCommand");
135    m_currentWheelSpeeds =
136        requireNonNullParam(currentWheelSpeeds, "currentWheelSpeeds", "MecanumControllerCommand");
138    m_outputDriveVoltages =
139        requireNonNullParam(outputDriveVoltages, "outputDriveVoltages", "MecanumControllerCommand");
141    m_outputWheelSpeeds = null;
143    m_usePID = true;
145    addRequirements(requirements);
146  }
148  /**
149   * Constructs a new MecanumControllerCommand that when executed will follow the provided
150   * trajectory. PID control and feedforward are handled internally. Outputs are scaled from -12 to
151   * 12 as a voltage output to the motor.
152   *
153   * <p>Note: The controllers will *not* set the outputVolts to zero upon completion of the path
154   * this is left to the user, since it is not appropriate for paths with nonstationary endstates.
155   *
156   * @param trajectory The trajectory to follow.
157   * @param pose A function that supplies the robot pose - use one of the odometry classes to
158   *     provide this.
159   * @param feedforward The feedforward to use for the drivetrain.
160   * @param kinematics The kinematics for the robot drivetrain.
161   * @param xController The Trajectory Tracker PID controller for the robot's x position.
162   * @param yController The Trajectory Tracker PID controller for the robot's y position.
163   * @param thetaController The Trajectory Tracker PID controller for angle for the robot.
164   * @param desiredRotation The angle that the robot should be facing. This is sampled at each time
165   *     step.
166   * @param maxWheelVelocityMetersPerSecond The maximum velocity of a drivetrain wheel.
167   * @param frontLeftController The front left wheel velocity PID.
168   * @param rearLeftController The rear left wheel velocity PID.
169   * @param frontRightController The front right wheel velocity PID.
170   * @param rearRightController The rear right wheel velocity PID.
171   * @param currentWheelSpeeds A MecanumDriveWheelSpeeds object containing the current wheel speeds.
172   * @param outputDriveVoltages A MecanumDriveMotorVoltages object containing the output motor
173   *     voltages.
174   * @param requirements The subsystems to require.
175   */
176  @Deprecated(since = "2025", forRemoval = true)
177  public MecanumControllerCommand(
178      Trajectory trajectory,
179      Supplier<Pose2d> pose,
180      SimpleMotorFeedforward feedforward,
181      MecanumDriveKinematics kinematics,
182      PIDController xController,
183      PIDController yController,
184      ProfiledPIDController thetaController,
185      Supplier<Rotation2d> desiredRotation,
186      double maxWheelVelocityMetersPerSecond,
187      PIDController frontLeftController,
188      PIDController rearLeftController,
189      PIDController frontRightController,
190      PIDController rearRightController,
191      Supplier<MecanumDriveWheelSpeeds> currentWheelSpeeds,
192      Consumer<MecanumDriveMotorVoltages> outputDriveVoltages,
193      Subsystem... requirements) {
194    this(
195        trajectory,
196        pose,
197        feedforward,
198        kinematics,
199        xController,
200        yController,
201        thetaController,
202        desiredRotation,
203        maxWheelVelocityMetersPerSecond,
204        frontLeftController,
205        rearLeftController,
206        frontRightController,
207        rearRightController,
208        currentWheelSpeeds,
209        (frontLeft, frontRight, rearLeft, rearRight) ->
210            outputDriveVoltages.accept(
211                new MecanumDriveMotorVoltages(frontLeft, frontRight, rearLeft, rearRight)),
212        requirements);
213  }
215  /**
216   * Constructs a new MecanumControllerCommand that when executed will follow the provided
217   * trajectory. PID control and feedforward are handled internally. Outputs are scaled from -12 to
218   * 12 as a voltage output to the motor.
219   *
220   * <p>Note: The controllers will *not* set the outputVolts to zero upon completion of the path
221   * this is left to the user, since it is not appropriate for paths with nonstationary endstates.
222   *
223   * <p>Note 2: The final rotation of the robot will be set to the rotation of the final pose in the
224   * trajectory. The robot will not follow the rotations from the poses at each timestep. If
225   * alternate rotation behavior is desired, the other constructor with a supplier for rotation
226   * should be used.
227   *
228   * @param trajectory The trajectory to follow.
229   * @param pose A function that supplies the robot pose - use one of the odometry classes to
230   *     provide this.
231   * @param feedforward The feedforward to use for the drivetrain.
232   * @param kinematics The kinematics for the robot drivetrain.
233   * @param xController The Trajectory Tracker PID controller for the robot's x position.
234   * @param yController The Trajectory Tracker PID controller for the robot's y position.
235   * @param thetaController The Trajectory Tracker PID controller for angle for the robot.
236   * @param maxWheelVelocityMetersPerSecond The maximum velocity of a drivetrain wheel.
237   * @param frontLeftController The front left wheel velocity PID.
238   * @param rearLeftController The rear left wheel velocity PID.
239   * @param frontRightController The front right wheel velocity PID.
240   * @param rearRightController The rear right wheel velocity PID.
241   * @param currentWheelSpeeds A MecanumDriveWheelSpeeds object containing the current wheel speeds.
242   * @param outputDriveVoltages A MecanumVoltagesConsumer that consumes voltages of mecanum motors.
243   * @param requirements The subsystems to require.
244   */
245  public MecanumControllerCommand(
246      Trajectory trajectory,
247      Supplier<Pose2d> pose,
248      SimpleMotorFeedforward feedforward,
249      MecanumDriveKinematics kinematics,
250      PIDController xController,
251      PIDController yController,
252      ProfiledPIDController thetaController,
253      double maxWheelVelocityMetersPerSecond,
254      PIDController frontLeftController,
255      PIDController rearLeftController,
256      PIDController frontRightController,
257      PIDController rearRightController,
258      Supplier<MecanumDriveWheelSpeeds> currentWheelSpeeds,
259      MecanumVoltagesConsumer outputDriveVoltages,
260      Subsystem... requirements) {
261    this(
262        trajectory,
263        pose,
264        feedforward,
265        kinematics,
266        xController,
267        yController,
268        thetaController,
269        () ->
270            trajectory.getStates().get(trajectory.getStates().size() - 1).poseMeters.getRotation(),
271        maxWheelVelocityMetersPerSecond,
272        frontLeftController,
273        rearLeftController,
274        frontRightController,
275        rearRightController,
276        currentWheelSpeeds,
277        outputDriveVoltages,
278        requirements);
279  }
281  /**
282   * Constructs a new MecanumControllerCommand that when executed will follow the provided
283   * trajectory. PID control and feedforward are handled internally. Outputs are scaled from -12 to
284   * 12 as a voltage output to the motor.
285   *
286   * <p>Note: The controllers will *not* set the outputVolts to zero upon completion of the path
287   * this is left to the user, since it is not appropriate for paths with nonstationary endstates.
288   *
289   * <p>Note 2: The final rotation of the robot will be set to the rotation of the final pose in the
290   * trajectory. The robot will not follow the rotations from the poses at each timestep. If
291   * alternate rotation behavior is desired, the other constructor with a supplier for rotation
292   * should be used.
293   *
294   * @param trajectory The trajectory to follow.
295   * @param pose A function that supplies the robot pose - use one of the odometry classes to
296   *     provide this.
297   * @param feedforward The feedforward to use for the drivetrain.
298   * @param kinematics The kinematics for the robot drivetrain.
299   * @param xController The Trajectory Tracker PID controller for the robot's x position.
300   * @param yController The Trajectory Tracker PID controller for the robot's y position.
301   * @param thetaController The Trajectory Tracker PID controller for angle for the robot.
302   * @param maxWheelVelocityMetersPerSecond The maximum velocity of a drivetrain wheel.
303   * @param frontLeftController The front left wheel velocity PID.
304   * @param rearLeftController The rear left wheel velocity PID.
305   * @param frontRightController The front right wheel velocity PID.
306   * @param rearRightController The rear right wheel velocity PID.
307   * @param currentWheelSpeeds A MecanumDriveWheelSpeeds object containing the current wheel speeds.
308   * @param outputDriveVoltages A MecanumDriveMotorVoltages object containing the output motor
309   *     voltages.
310   * @param requirements The subsystems to require.
311   */
312  @Deprecated(since = "2025", forRemoval = true)
313  public MecanumControllerCommand(
314      Trajectory trajectory,
315      Supplier<Pose2d> pose,
316      SimpleMotorFeedforward feedforward,
317      MecanumDriveKinematics kinematics,
318      PIDController xController,
319      PIDController yController,
320      ProfiledPIDController thetaController,
321      double maxWheelVelocityMetersPerSecond,
322      PIDController frontLeftController,
323      PIDController rearLeftController,
324      PIDController frontRightController,
325      PIDController rearRightController,
326      Supplier<MecanumDriveWheelSpeeds> currentWheelSpeeds,
327      Consumer<MecanumDriveMotorVoltages> outputDriveVoltages,
328      Subsystem... requirements) {
329    this(
330        trajectory,
331        pose,
332        feedforward,
333        kinematics,
334        xController,
335        yController,
336        thetaController,
337        maxWheelVelocityMetersPerSecond,
338        frontLeftController,
339        rearLeftController,
340        frontRightController,
341        rearRightController,
342        currentWheelSpeeds,
343        (frontLeft, frontRight, rearLeft, rearRight) ->
344            outputDriveVoltages.accept(
345                new MecanumDriveMotorVoltages(frontLeft, frontRight, rearLeft, rearRight)),
346        requirements);
347  }
349  /**
350   * Constructs a new MecanumControllerCommand that when executed will follow the provided
351   * trajectory. The user should implement a velocity PID on the desired output wheel velocities.
352   *
353   * <p>Note: The controllers will *not* set the outputVolts to zero upon completion of the path -
354   * this is left to the user, since it is not appropriate for paths with nonstationary end-states.
355   *
356   * @param trajectory The trajectory to follow.
357   * @param pose A function that supplies the robot pose - use one of the odometry classes to
358   *     provide this.
359   * @param kinematics The kinematics for the robot drivetrain.
360   * @param xController The Trajectory Tracker PID controller for the robot's x position.
361   * @param yController The Trajectory Tracker PID controller for the robot's y position.
362   * @param thetaController The Trajectory Tracker PID controller for angle for the robot.
363   * @param desiredRotation The angle that the robot should be facing. This is sampled at each time
364   *     step.
365   * @param maxWheelVelocityMetersPerSecond The maximum velocity of a drivetrain wheel.
366   * @param outputWheelSpeeds A MecanumDriveWheelSpeeds object containing the output wheel speeds.
367   * @param requirements The subsystems to require.
368   */
369  @SuppressWarnings("this-escape")
370  public MecanumControllerCommand(
371      Trajectory trajectory,
372      Supplier<Pose2d> pose,
373      MecanumDriveKinematics kinematics,
374      PIDController xController,
375      PIDController yController,
376      ProfiledPIDController thetaController,
377      Supplier<Rotation2d> desiredRotation,
378      double maxWheelVelocityMetersPerSecond,
379      Consumer<MecanumDriveWheelSpeeds> outputWheelSpeeds,
380      Subsystem... requirements) {
381    m_trajectory = requireNonNullParam(trajectory, "trajectory", "MecanumControllerCommand");
382    m_pose = requireNonNullParam(pose, "pose", "MecanumControllerCommand");
383    m_feedforward = new SimpleMotorFeedforward(0, 0, 0);
384    m_kinematics = requireNonNullParam(kinematics, "kinematics", "MecanumControllerCommand");
386    m_controller =
387        new HolonomicDriveController(
388            requireNonNullParam(xController, "xController", "MecanumControllerCommand"),
389            requireNonNullParam(yController, "yController", "MecanumControllerCommand"),
390            requireNonNullParam(thetaController, "thetaController", "MecanumControllerCommand"));
392    m_desiredRotation =
393        requireNonNullParam(desiredRotation, "desiredRotation", "MecanumControllerCommand");
395    m_maxWheelVelocityMetersPerSecond = maxWheelVelocityMetersPerSecond;
397    m_frontLeftController = null;
398    m_rearLeftController = null;
399    m_frontRightController = null;
400    m_rearRightController = null;
402    m_currentWheelSpeeds = null;
404    m_outputWheelSpeeds =
405        requireNonNullParam(outputWheelSpeeds, "outputWheelSpeeds", "MecanumControllerCommand");
407    m_outputDriveVoltages = null;
409    m_usePID = false;
411    addRequirements(requirements);
412  }
414  /**
415   * Constructs a new MecanumControllerCommand that when executed will follow the provided
416   * trajectory. The user should implement a velocity PID on the desired output wheel velocities.
417   *
418   * <p>Note: The controllers will *not* set the outputVolts to zero upon completion of the path -
419   * this is left to the user, since it is not appropriate for paths with nonstationary end-states.
420   *
421   * <p>Note 2: The final rotation of the robot will be set to the rotation of the final pose in the
422   * trajectory. The robot will not follow the rotations from the poses at each timestep. If
423   * alternate rotation behavior is desired, the other constructor with a supplier for rotation
424   * should be used.
425   *
426   * @param trajectory The trajectory to follow.
427   * @param pose A function that supplies the robot pose - use one of the odometry classes to
428   *     provide this.
429   * @param kinematics The kinematics for the robot drivetrain.
430   * @param xController The Trajectory Tracker PID controller for the robot's x position.
431   * @param yController The Trajectory Tracker PID controller for the robot's y position.
432   * @param thetaController The Trajectory Tracker PID controller for angle for the robot.
433   * @param maxWheelVelocityMetersPerSecond The maximum velocity of a drivetrain wheel.
434   * @param outputWheelSpeeds A MecanumDriveWheelSpeeds object containing the output wheel speeds.
435   * @param requirements The subsystems to require.
436   */
437  public MecanumControllerCommand(
438      Trajectory trajectory,
439      Supplier<Pose2d> pose,
440      MecanumDriveKinematics kinematics,
441      PIDController xController,
442      PIDController yController,
443      ProfiledPIDController thetaController,
444      double maxWheelVelocityMetersPerSecond,
445      Consumer<MecanumDriveWheelSpeeds> outputWheelSpeeds,
446      Subsystem... requirements) {
447    this(
448        trajectory,
449        pose,
450        kinematics,
451        xController,
452        yController,
453        thetaController,
454        () ->
455            trajectory.getStates().get(trajectory.getStates().size() - 1).poseMeters.getRotation(),
456        maxWheelVelocityMetersPerSecond,
457        outputWheelSpeeds,
458        requirements);
459  }
461  @Override
462  public void initialize() {
463    var initialState = m_trajectory.sample(0);
465    var initialXVelocity =
466        initialState.velocityMetersPerSecond * initialState.poseMeters.getRotation().getCos();
467    var initialYVelocity =
468        initialState.velocityMetersPerSecond * initialState.poseMeters.getRotation().getSin();
470    MecanumDriveWheelSpeeds prevSpeeds =
471        m_kinematics.toWheelSpeeds(new ChassisSpeeds(initialXVelocity, initialYVelocity, 0.0));
473    m_prevFrontLeftSpeedSetpoint = prevSpeeds.frontLeftMetersPerSecond;
474    m_prevRearLeftSpeedSetpoint = prevSpeeds.rearLeftMetersPerSecond;
475    m_prevFrontRightSpeedSetpoint = prevSpeeds.frontRightMetersPerSecond;
476    m_prevRearRightSpeedSetpoint = prevSpeeds.rearRightMetersPerSecond;
478    m_timer.restart();
479  }
481  @Override
482  public void execute() {
483    double curTime = m_timer.get();
485    var desiredState = m_trajectory.sample(curTime);
487    var targetChassisSpeeds =
488        m_controller.calculate(m_pose.get(), desiredState, m_desiredRotation.get());
489    var targetWheelSpeeds = m_kinematics.toWheelSpeeds(targetChassisSpeeds);
491    targetWheelSpeeds.desaturate(m_maxWheelVelocityMetersPerSecond);
493    double frontLeftSpeedSetpoint = targetWheelSpeeds.frontLeftMetersPerSecond;
494    double rearLeftSpeedSetpoint = targetWheelSpeeds.rearLeftMetersPerSecond;
495    double frontRightSpeedSetpoint = targetWheelSpeeds.frontRightMetersPerSecond;
496    double rearRightSpeedSetpoint = targetWheelSpeeds.rearRightMetersPerSecond;
498    double frontLeftOutput;
499    double rearLeftOutput;
500    double frontRightOutput;
501    double rearRightOutput;
503    if (m_usePID) {
504      final double frontLeftFeedforward =
505          m_feedforward.calculateWithVelocities(
506              m_prevFrontLeftSpeedSetpoint, frontLeftSpeedSetpoint);
508      final double rearLeftFeedforward =
509          m_feedforward.calculateWithVelocities(m_prevRearLeftSpeedSetpoint, rearLeftSpeedSetpoint);
511      final double frontRightFeedforward =
512          m_feedforward.calculateWithVelocities(
513              m_prevFrontRightSpeedSetpoint, frontRightSpeedSetpoint);
515      final double rearRightFeedforward =
516          m_feedforward.calculateWithVelocities(
517              m_prevRearRightSpeedSetpoint, rearRightSpeedSetpoint);
519      frontLeftOutput =
520          frontLeftFeedforward
521              + m_frontLeftController.calculate(
522                  m_currentWheelSpeeds.get().frontLeftMetersPerSecond, frontLeftSpeedSetpoint);
524      rearLeftOutput =
525          rearLeftFeedforward
526              + m_rearLeftController.calculate(
527                  m_currentWheelSpeeds.get().rearLeftMetersPerSecond, rearLeftSpeedSetpoint);
529      frontRightOutput =
530          frontRightFeedforward
531              + m_frontRightController.calculate(
532                  m_currentWheelSpeeds.get().frontRightMetersPerSecond, frontRightSpeedSetpoint);
534      rearRightOutput =
535          rearRightFeedforward
536              + m_rearRightController.calculate(
537                  m_currentWheelSpeeds.get().rearRightMetersPerSecond, rearRightSpeedSetpoint);
539      m_outputDriveVoltages.accept(
540          frontLeftOutput, frontRightOutput, rearLeftOutput, rearRightOutput);
542    } else {
543      m_outputWheelSpeeds.accept(
544          new MecanumDriveWheelSpeeds(
545              frontLeftSpeedSetpoint,
546              frontRightSpeedSetpoint,
547              rearLeftSpeedSetpoint,
548              rearRightSpeedSetpoint));
549    }
550  }
552  @Override
553  public void end(boolean interrupted) {
554    m_timer.stop();
555  }
557  @Override
558  public boolean isFinished() {
559    return m_timer.hasElapsed(m_trajectory.getTotalTimeSeconds());
560  }
562  /** A consumer to represent an operation on the voltages of a mecanum drive. */
563  @FunctionalInterface
564  public interface MecanumVoltagesConsumer {
565    /**
566     * Accepts the voltages to perform some operation with them.
567     *
568     * @param frontLeftVoltage The voltage of the front left motor.
569     * @param frontRightVoltage The voltage of the front right motor.
570     * @param rearLeftVoltage The voltage of the rear left motor.
571     * @param rearRightVoltage The voltage of the rear left motor.
572     */
573    void accept(
574        double frontLeftVoltage,
575        double frontRightVoltage,
576        double rearLeftVoltage,
577        double rearRightVoltage);
578  }